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Ann Coulter's New Book: Godless: The religion of Liberals

nt250 said:
That's another tactic. Claim all I do is rant about libs.

I'm a she, btw.

Apologies for the gender confusion. No offense intended. And if you'd take note, that isn't something I would observe about all conservatives and there are many on this board with whom I enjoy my discourse. But when someone starts an argument with "see...this is why I hate liberals", I figure that's a fair observation.
jillian said:
Apologies for the gender confusion. No offense intended. And if you'd take note, that isn't something I would observe about all conservatives and there are many on this board with whom I enjoy my discourse. But when someone starts an argument with "see...this is why I hate liberals", I figure that's a fair observation.

You need to factcheck that one Jillian. NT does more than just rant about liberals. If you don't like sweeping generalizations, don't make them ( or is this another one of those things that only liberals can get away with? )
jillian said:
Apologies for the gender confusion. No offense intended. And if you'd take note, that isn't something I would observe about all conservatives and there are many on this board with whom I enjoy my discourse. But when someone starts an argument with "see...this is why I hate liberals", I figure that's a fair observation.

I don't know about the "hate" thing, but when you walk and quack like a duck, stop trying to sell yourself as a cat. One thing that never ceases to amaze me are the liberals who deny being liberals. I mean, WTF is up with THAT?
dilloduck said:
You need to factcheck that one Jillian. NT does more than just rant about liberals. If you don't like sweeping generalizations, don't make them ( or is this another one of those things that only liberals can get away with? )

The problem here dillo is that you obviously just don't understand.:dev3:
jillian said:
Apologies for the gender confusion. No offense intended. And if you'd take note, that isn't something I would observe about all conservatives and there are many on this board with whom I enjoy my discourse. But when someone starts an argument with "see...this is why I hate liberals", I figure that's a fair observation.

No apologies required for the gender confusion. I'm new here. I followed this jerk from another board here and it looked like a pretty good place so I decided to register and see how long I lasted. I've been banned from a couple of boards.

When I first started posting on message boards I used a gender specific name. But I wanted to see if I was treated differently if people didn't know I was a woman right off the bat. They do. But I already knew that. I'm a woman who works in a technical field and I've had to hand the phone to a man more that once. It gets old.

I hate liberal tactics because if you've been on message boards for any length of time at all you should know that people who claim to be liberals are the worst when it comes to insulting others. The thing is that they don't even consider what they say to people insulting at all. If they don't use profanity, if what they think is what they know as "truth", it can't possibly be considered an insult.

We got off on the wrong foot. I'll try not to get pissed off again. Just try not to insult my intelligence by saying I'm not well read. But even if I do get pissed off, I get over it. I don't hold grudges. Mainly because I'm old and have a piss poor memory. I never remember who I'm supposed to be mad at.
nt250 said:
No apologies required for the gender confusion. I'm new here. I followed this jerk from another board here and it looked like a pretty good place so I decided to register and see how long I lasted. I've been banned from a couple of boards.

When I first started posting on message boards I used a gender specific name. But I wanted to see if I was treated differently if people didn't know I was a woman right off the bat. They do. But I already knew that. I'm a woman who works in a technical field and I've had to hand the phone to a man more that once. It gets old.

I hate liberal tactics because if you've been on message boards for any length of time at all you should know that people who claim to be liberals are the worst when it comes to insulting others. The thing is that they don't even consider what they say to people insulting at all. If they don't use profanity, if what they think is what they know as "truth", it can't possibly be considered an insult.

We got off on the wrong foot. I'll try not to get pissed off again. Just try not to insult my intelligence by saying I'm not well read. But even if I do get pissed off, I get over it. I don't hold grudges. Mainly because I'm old and have a piss poor memory. I never remember who I'm supposed to be mad at.

Apologies for the gender confusion too. I thought you were a bloke! I find conservatives worst at insulting, so I guess it depends on what side you are looking from.


Jillian is unbashedly liberal. I have never seen her deny it...
Dr Grump said:
Apologies for the gender confusion too. I thought you were a bloke! I find conservatives worst at insulting, so I guess it depends on what side you are looking from.


Jillian is unbashedly liberal. I have never seen her deny it...

Here's the thing about insults: you don't have to swear to insult someone. Conservatives insult people by coming right out and insulting them. Like Ann Coulter does. She certainly doesn't mince words. And most conservatives on message boards do the same. They don't mince words.

But Liberals? Jeez. The worst things that have ever been said to or about me on message boards have been said by liberals. I've been called everything from a racist, to a homophobe, to a drunk, to a c*nt, to a bad mother.

But the worst thing you can say about me? If you want to REALLY insult me? Tell me I'm not well read. Coming from a liberal who admits they REFUSE to read anything written by Ann Coulter? Or a liberal who refuses to read the SBVT site but still calls them liars? Please.

It's really comical. And it's maddening. A couple of years ago we had a discussion about the Nick Berg video on the message board I posted at. This one liberal refused to watch the video. But she kept replying to the thread as if she knew what she was talking about. She kept posting these left wing articles about how the video was faked and that meant the CIA did it. But she didn't care that she didn't know what she, or these people, were talking about. She actually criticized those of us who DID watch it.

That's typical of liberals. They care more about the source of something than they do the content. But it's always a one way street with them. They dismiss anything that comes from a source that is even a little right of center, but they'll post every left wing nut job article they can find.
nt250 said:
Here's the thing about insults: you don't have to swear to insult someone. Conservatives insult people by coming right out and insulting them. Like Ann Coulter does. She certainly doesn't mince words. And most conservatives on message boards do the same. They don't mince words.

But Liberals? Jeez. The worst things that have ever been said to or about me on message boards have been said by liberals. I've been called everything from a racist, to a homophobe, to a drunk, to a c*nt, to a bad mother.

But the worst thing you can say about me? If you want to REALLY insult me? Tell me I'm not well read. Coming from a liberal who admits they REFUSE to read anything written by Ann Coulter? Or a liberal who refuses to read the SBVT site but still calls them liars? Please.

It's really comical. And it's maddening. A couple of years ago we had a discussion about the Nick Berg video on the message board I posted at. This one liberal refused to watch the video. But she kept replying to the thread as if she knew what she was talking about. She kept posting these left wing articles about how the video was faked and that meant the CIA did it. But she didn't care that she didn't know what she, or these people, were talking about. She actually criticized those of us who DID watch it.

That's typical of liberals. They care more about the source of something than they do the content. But it's always a one way street with them. They dismiss anything that comes from a source that is even a little right of center, but they'll post every left wing nut job article they can find.

Well I feel sorry for the left in that regard because most of those conspiracy theorists are labelled lefties, and even if they are, they are at the fringe. The thing about the Swift boat guys is that even if they are crying at those speeches, does that lend any more weight to their opinion of Kerry? Were they crying because of what Kerry said or because they were remembering fallen comrades? Were they crying because Kerry was lying or because they were remembering terrible times that they went through. Kerry's biggest mistake was making his war record an issue. It came back to bite him in his butt big time...
nt250 said:
No apologies required for the gender confusion. I'm new here. I followed this jerk from another board here and it looked like a pretty good place so I decided to register and see how long I lasted. I've been banned from a couple of boards.

When I first started posting on message boards I used a gender specific name. But I wanted to see if I was treated differently if people didn't know I was a woman right off the bat. They do. But I already knew that. I'm a woman who works in a technical field and I've had to hand the phone to a man more that once. It gets old.

I hate liberal tactics because if you've been on message boards for any length of time at all you should know that people who claim to be liberals are the worst when it comes to insulting others. The thing is that they don't even consider what they say to people insulting at all. If they don't use profanity, if what they think is what they know as "truth", it can't possibly be considered an insult.

We got off on the wrong foot. I'll try not to get pissed off again. Just try not to insult my intelligence by saying I'm not well read. But even if I do get pissed off, I get over it. I don't hold grudges. Mainly because I'm old and have a piss poor memory. I never remember who I'm supposed to be mad at.

I'm in a male dominated field, too. So I totally understand. I've been treated differently for being a female, too. Interestingly enough, I find this has most often been done by other women and men over a certain age. Guys who are about my age and younger are cooler in that regard.

I don't hold grudges either, and I have no problem moving on and starting over. :salute:

And I think you're clearly well read and didn't mean to imply otherwise. I just think sometimes, there are more reliable sources than others.

I look forward to our future discussions.
jillian said:
I'm in a male dominated field, too. So I totally understand. I've been treated differently for being a female, too. Interestingly enough, I find this has most often been done by other women and men over a certain age.

That is very, very, true. I've gotten it from some men, and interestingly enough, they're usually short and balding. Seriously. Every man that has ever given me a hard time at work has been short and balding. I think it's an insecurity thing.

But women are much worse. They are by far the worst offenders of not trusting other women do know what they're talking about.

Women are awful to each other. I've worked with all men, and I've worked in offices that had a mix of men and women. I've never worked in a mixed envoirment yet that didn't have at least two women who wouldn't talk to each other. Usually, whole factions spring up where this group of women hate that group of women.

Men are just as guilty of being petty gossips as women, but they're not nearly as nasty.
jillian said:
I'm in a male dominated field, too. So I totally understand. I've been treated differently for being a female, too. Interestingly enough, I find this has most often been done by other women and men over a certain age. Guys who are about my age and younger are cooler in that regard.

I don't hold grudges either, and I have no problem moving on and starting over. :salute:

And I think you're clearly well read and didn't mean to imply otherwise. I just think sometimes, there are more reliable sources than others.

I look forward to our future discussions.

I get treated differently for being male--weird. :teeth:
dilloduck said:
I get treated differently for being male--weird. :teeth:

Yeah, but you deserve it.

That was a joke.

Edited to add:

I would have used an emoticon but I can't figure them out.
nt250 said:
That is very, very, true. I've gotten it from some men, and interestingly enough, they're usually short and balding. Seriously. Every man that has ever given me a hard time at work has been short and balding. I think it's an insecurity thing.

But women are much worse. They are by far the worst offenders of not trusting other women do know what they're talking about.

Women are awful to each other. I've worked with all men, and I've worked in offices that had a mix of men and women. I've never worked in a mixed envoirment yet that didn't have at least two women who wouldn't talk to each other. Usually, whole factions spring up where this group of women hate that group of women.

Men are just as guilty of being petty gossips as women, but they're not nearly as nasty.

lol... YES!!! Exactly!! The guys who are bizarre about it definitely usually suffer from insecurity.

I think men are better at "playing well with others". They're used to competing against their friends and then going out for a beer after. Women, on the other hand, backbite and sabotage each other. They sometimes also try to out-macho the guys instead of using their strengths to prevail.

The worst I was ever treated was by a group of secretaries at my old office. Our receptionist was the daughter of a woman who worked for another attorney in the suite and she got all bent out of shape because I said I expected to not wait for her to finish her telephone conversations with friends before I got my messages, which she would never have done to the men in the suite.

So...all the other secretaries in the suite, except for one, decided they were going to "show" me. I was very glad when I moved my office and haven't had those problems again. But part of the problem was I was also the only female attorney in the suite. Happy happy joy joy. :teeth:
jillian said:
lol... YES!!! Exactly!! The guys who are bizarre about it definitely usually suffer from insecurity.

I think men are better at "playing well with others". They're used to competing against their friends and then going out for a beer after. Women, on the other hand, backbite and sabotage each other. They sometimes also try to out-macho the guys instead of using their strengths to prevail.

The worst I was ever treated was by a group of secretaries at my old office. Our receptionist was the daughter of a woman who worked for another attorney in the suite and she got all bent out of shape because I said I expected to not wait for her to finish her telephone conversations with friends before I got my messages, which she would never have done to the men in the suite.

So...all the other secretaries in the suite, except for one, decided they were going to "show" me. I was very glad when I moved my office and haven't had those problems again. But part of the problem was I was also the only female attorney in the suite. Happy happy joy joy. :teeth:

It sucks when women gang up on you. :teeth:
jillian said:
Actually, on things like social security and certain other issues that I can't think of right now, factcheck disappointed me, too. That's because it has no ax to grind.

But, as sitarro pointed out, FactCheck clearly DOES have an ax to grind...

jillian said:
If the sources are self-serving or just repeat the self-serving information given it by someone else, then they aren't meaningful.

...and the question now becomes, "What exactly DOES constitute a trustworthy, unbiased site; indeed - can such an animal be said to exist?" I don't think that question can ever be answered to everyone's satisfaction; it's not in the human make-up.
jillian said:
So...all the other secretaries in the suite, except for one, decided they were going to "show" me. I was very glad when I moved my office and haven't had those problems again. But part of the problem was I was also the only female attorney in the suite. Happy happy joy joy. :teeth:

Let me guess? You're a pretty girl, right?

I'm 47 so anybody under 40 is a girl to me.

I have seen it so many times. It's always the pretty, smart ones they go after. We had a woman transfer into our group a few years ago and she's gorgeous. She's got Debra Messing's hair. I would kill for hair like that. Very smart girl. Man, she was a hate magnate right away. They didn't even bother to get to know her before they decided to hate her.

But she's tough. We've both since been transferred to other jobs, but we call each other every once and awhile and whine to each other.

I never had the pretty problem. On a good day I can pass for not hideous.

Ooops, I think I just figured out the emoticons.:wine:
nt250 said:
Let me guess? You're a pretty girl, right?

I'm 47 so anybody under 40 is a girl to me.

I have seen it so many times. It's always the pretty, smart ones they go after. We had a woman transfer into our group a few years ago and she's gorgeous. She's got Debra Messing's hair. I would kill for hair like that. Very smart girl. Man, she was a hate magnate right away. They didn't even bother to get to know her before they decided to hate her.

But she's tough. We've both since been transferred to other jobs, but we call each other every once and awhile and whine to each other.

I never had the pretty problem. On a good day I can pass for not hideous.

Ooops, I think I just figured out the emoticons.:wine:

lol...I'm not quite sure how to answer that question. I'm ok :)

And I have the big 4-0 in a couple of weeks. I love Debra Messing's hair. Once tried to get my hair that color...it was NOT a good experiment.

Women can just be bitches. Nature of the beast.
musicman said:
But, as sitarro pointed out, FactCheck clearly DOES have an ax to grind...

...and the question now becomes, "What exactly DOES constitute a trustworthy, unbiased site; indeed - can such an animal be said to exist?" I don't think that question can ever be answered to everyone's satisfaction; it's not in the human make-up.

Actually, what Sitarro posted was someone's consternation that factcheck didn't jump on the swiftie bandwagon, near as I can tell.

And no. Nothing is perfect. But some things are better than others. There's always someone who's going to get cranky. ;)

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