Ann Romney: 'Going to be cuts made to a lot of programs people aren't going to like'

We need to cut every program except for the military by 1/3 and not spend any more money than what is taken in on taxes. For God sakes, stop borrowing money from China.

Yup. Everything should be on the table. Everything.

I'm sure the DOD has loads of programs that can be cut without interfering with what it takes to keep our troops safe.

The Govt is crammed full of duplicate, wateful and just plain stupid programs.

Might be nice if the 49% who pay no Fed taxes pitched in as well.

We are broke folks and borrowing more money from China ain't the answer. Spending cuts is.

Anyone seen that commercial where a Chinese professor is telling his students that the US workers are working for China??
Why is there no sacrifice for the Romney's, and those like the Romney's, economically,

in these grand plans for national 'sacrifice' that Mitt Romney is proposing, and Ann Romney is dutifully endorsing?

What is the rationale for exempting the Rich from sacrifice at a time when a (sort of) national effort, requiring sacrifice, is considered necessary?

let us know when Michelle stops buying $400 shoes
Yes, he did - and it REALLY pissed me off. I can afford my smokes, but that's not the point. Tobacco taxes are used for just about everything - EXCEPT smokers' healthcare.

True story. Buuuut, poor people and smart people (but that turns out to be redundant, as necessity becomes the mother of invention) get around that one without driving to the reservations.

Cigar cut tobacco isn't charged the same rate of tax, and its merely a longer cut of rolls the same. There are the little plastic rollers that don't cost the earth, but we broke down and bought an electric machine. A large bag of pipe cut tobacco and including the cost of tubes works out to be about .75 cents a pack.

Thanks for the info.

Wait Lakhota, so when the government won all those lawsuits and said all these great smoking programs were going to be funded by the lawsuits and taxes, you're saying they're not? are you shocked, SHOCKED by this? This is how liberals did you not see this one comming?
We are informed that if automatic cuts take place those cuts will be across the board decreasing spending by $ 1 TRILLION over the next 10 years.

The Defense Department cuts will be $500 billion, at least $55 billion of which would go into effect immediately
Read more here: Sequestration sparks military spending cut concerns in Washington state -

quite frankly I'll be happy when/if we pull out of alot of places and have less military involvement
True story. Buuuut, poor people and smart people (but that turns out to be redundant, as necessity becomes the mother of invention) get around that one without driving to the reservations.

Cigar cut tobacco isn't charged the same rate of tax, and its merely a longer cut of rolls the same. There are the little plastic rollers that don't cost the earth, but we broke down and bought an electric machine. A large bag of pipe cut tobacco and including the cost of tubes works out to be about .75 cents a pack.

Thanks for the info.

Wait Lakhota, so when the government won all those lawsuits and said all these great smoking programs were going to be funded by the lawsuits and taxes, you're saying they're not? are you shocked, SHOCKED by this? This is how liberals did you not see this one comming?

It was up to the states to apply the money to non smoking programs. I think Vermont did. For the most part, few if any of the rest did. A bipartisan failure.
Faced with these 2 choices:

1. Obama imposes cost cutting reforms on Medicare and uses some of the savings towards expanding Medicaid, the program providing healthcare for poor and low income Americans, or,

2. Mitt Romney cuts Medicaid, the program providing healthcare for poor and low income Americans, and uses some of the savings to give himself a huge tax cut,

which one do you find - from an economic and a moral perspective - more defensible?

And the choices really are that clearly defined.

It is like a bad dream come true, Ann Romney explaining the policies that will be put in place, should her husband win the election in November. There’s going to be cuts, in programs and people won’t like it.

Why on earth would the wife of a so-called experienced businessman, who claims he has a reputation for creating jobs when in reality he outsourced them to China, be speaking to American families and digging in the knife?

Why would Ann Romney love rubbing salt in the wounds of many bankrupt Americans, many homeless Americans, the jobless, the disabled and the elderly in an almost boastful fashion say this to “you people”?

More: Ann Romney There’s Going to Be Cuts -People Aren’t Going to Like | Politicol Commentary News

Can Lady Romney be a little more specific about the programs she will cut, or are us mere commoners unworthy of that knowledge?

I'm guessing it will be things like reproductive health aid for poor women and food stamps and health care for poor children - aid to the more wretched elements of society that we simply could do without - and not removal of tax loopholes for the uber-rich Duchies and Dukes like Bain and Lord Romney - without whom which we would all die fighting each other over food.
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Except it's not realy a business. That dressage horse is not bringing in any money.

It's really more of a hobby.

right and unless they make a buck or two breeding what about Moons statement about a 188,000 dollar write off?.....i looked it up and Bloomberg business said the Romneys have not been able to write off anything YET except 50 is what they said.....

In 2010, the only complete year of tax returns that the Romneys have released publicly, the couple was able to deduct only $50 of more than $77,000 in losses related to the horse business. When they can turn the losses into future deductions depends in part on whether and when their horse business becomes profitable.

so Moon care to explain what you said?.....
That was already pointed out to him in the first thread created on this subject but of course he is going to leave out the facts.

Bigots will be bigots….

The insanity is that we got people out there trying to make ends meet, and these assholes are spending 188K on fucking dancing horses...
Why, because she is telling the truth? There ARE going to be cuts in programs that people will not like, PERIOD. It does not matter who wins. Our financial future cannot exist on this current path by the rosiest estimates. I guess that you don’t actually want to hear the truth though. You would rather listen to Obama tell you that everything will be just fine if we can simply get those evil rich people to pay for everything.

Sorry, some of us are not idiots and actually want to hear the TRUTH.

Lokata has the you owe me and I'm going to get mine mentality

also Lakunta doesnt answer certain questions asked of him.....says a lot about his character...
right and unless they make a buck or two breeding what about Moons statement about a 188,000 dollar write off?.....i looked it up and Bloomberg business said the Romneys have not been able to write off anything YET except 50 is what they said.....

In 2010, the only complete year of tax returns that the Romneys have released publicly, the couple was able to deduct only $50 of more than $77,000 in losses related to the horse business. When they can turn the losses into future deductions depends in part on whether and when their horse business becomes profitable.

so Moon care to explain what you said?.....
That was already pointed out to him in the first thread created on this subject but of course he is going to leave out the facts.

Bigots will be bigots….

The insanity is that we got people out there trying to make ends meet, and these assholes are spending 188K on fucking dancing horses...

how is that different Joe than all those other rich fuckers in Congress who spend big money on Boats,vacation homes etc.etc........
Social Security has been tuned and tweaked several times since its creation. It just needs some more tuning and tweaking - not VOUCHERS. Vouchercare is not what American want.

bullshit.....the word is RAIDED......
Welfare, as of 2000, is 1.7% of the ENTIRE FEDERAL BUDGET, asswipe.

You can't continue to try to balance the whole household budget by ever cheaper brands of kitty litter and toilet paper. Sooner or later the champagne and caviar has to go.

booze and cigs are something people on welfare always seem to be able to afford

lol, which if nothing else proves that poor people pay federal taxes.:lol:

Because they have no discipline or responsibility.
Booze and cigs come first to them, to hell with the kids.
Force the government to plunder from the producers to give to them.
And one wonders why the moocher class is growing.
Why is there no sacrifice for the Romney's, and those like the Romney's, economically,

in these grand plans for national 'sacrifice' that Mitt Romney is proposing, and Ann Romney is dutifully endorsing?

What is the rationale for exempting the Rich from sacrifice at a time when a (sort of) national effort, requiring sacrifice, is considered necessary?

let us know when Michelle stops buying $400 shoes

The President's plan would raise his and Michelle's taxes. They're willing to share in the sacrifice.

Why aren't the Romney's? Why does Mitt propose a plan of national belt tightening where only he and his Rich peers not only don't have to tighten their belts,

but they come out money ahead?
'Going to be cuts made to a lot of programs people aren't going to like'

Like this is not the truth,you have a out of control president who pissses away money at will,time pull in the reins,truth always hurts......and you think in your wildest dreams we can continue on the path we are on ?:eusa_whistle:
But they won't touch Ann 188,000 dollar tax write off for her Olympic ballarina horse.
But they will cut out the mortgage deduction for millions of tax payers.

business expense...if you owned the Horse you would be doing the same dam thing....

A legitimate business has to have a reasonable expectation of being able to make money.

A legitimate business has to have a reasonable expectation OF WHAT GOVERNMENT POLICY WILL BE on taxes.
And with Obama I do not have that. I have "we will do this and that for another year and see"
So why would I want to start my 4th business when I have no clue what one of my major expenses will be?
You could tax everyone that makes over 250K a year 100% and it will not run the country for 7 months. That is fact.
Spending is the problem. Unfunded mandates for Medicare alone are 35 trillion for the next 30 years.
Do you really believe taxes being raised solves that?
Everytime we raise taxes government raises spending to match it.
We doubled the size of food stamps and unemployment insurance in 4 years and Obama believes that is a success story.

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