Ann Romney: 'Going to be cuts made to a lot of programs people aren't going to like'

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Average age of Medicare recipient now is 79.
Was 69 25 years ago.

One of the great lies about the Medicare a SS programs that the liberals don’t want to acknowledge. Most people were never actually supposed to use the benefits that were outlined in these programs. They were supposed to die first.
We spend far more on corporate welfare than "entitlement" welfare. And does any of this go to help small businesses? Hell no. It goes to mega corporations raking in billions, all while buying our political process and writing / influencing the tax code. This is the FIRST thing that should go.

Think by Numbers » Government Spends More on Corporate Welfare Subsidies than Social Welfare Programs

We spend ZERO on corporate welfare.

Allowing others to KEEP THEIR HARD EARNED $$$$ is not welfare.

Welfare is government plunder at the point of a gun stealing from the producers to give to the growing and demanding MOOCHER CLASS.
Average age of Medicare recipient now is 79.
Was 69 25 years ago.

One of the great lies about the Medicare a SS programs that the liberals don’t want to acknowledge. Most people were never actually supposed to use the benefits that were outlined in these programs. They were supposed to die first.

About social security, that is true as when it was first initiated average life span of an American was 61 years old.

Social security was set up IN CASE you lived past the norm as insurance for that.
Social security WAS NEVER set up and passed as a retirement program.

Medicare was to buy votes from seniors as part of "the great society".
With good intentions and it does a lot of good but fraud is 25-30% and unfunded mandates for Medicare is 30 trillion for the next 35 years.
We spend ZERO on corporate welfare.

Allowing others to KEEP THEIR HARD EARNED $$$$ is not welfare.

Welfare is government plunder at the point of a gun stealing from the producers to give to the growing and demanding MOOCHER CLASS.

Complete horse shit and you know it. Why does any company making billions in PROFIT need tax breaks? Big oil admitted that they do not "need" tax breaks for R&D but whined... "but, but other businesses are getting breaks". Disgusting. Do small , sustainable farmers and growers get subsidized? NO. Do small businesses get tax subsidies and loopholes that allow them to pay ZERO in taxes? HELL NO. Did you know McDonalds gets small business subsidies for opening restaurant FRANCHISES? Yep - how wrong is that? They've all rigged it this way. It is the billionaires and corporations that are the "moocher class".

Did you not even look at my article?
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Lakhota what would you cut to balance the budget?

I would cut the defense budget in HALF.

I would allow Bush tax cuts to expire.

I wouldn't cut the defense budget by half, maybe 20%.
There are a lot of Americans supported by the money spent on defense. Gov't created jobs in the private sector.
If we can just get the two war funding to stop, which is already have an
affect as per Iraq. And a 20% funding cut on defense. Would be a good start.

Bush tax cuts Gotta go. Obama tax increase on the 1% and what needs to be done.
Obama tax increase on 1%. Sounds great.:confused:
We spend ZERO on corporate welfare.

Allowing others to KEEP THEIR HARD EARNED $$$$ is not welfare.

Welfare is government plunder at the point of a gun stealing from the producers to give to the growing and demanding MOOCHER CLASS.

Complete horse shit and you know it. Why does any company making billions in PROFIT need tax breaks? Big oil admitted that they do not "need" tax breaks for R&D but whined... "but, but other businesses are getting breaks". Disgusting. Do small , sustainable farmers and growers get subsidized? NO. Do small businesses get tax subsidies and loopholes that allow them to pay ZERO in taxes? HELL NO. Did you know McDonalds gets small business subsidies for opening restaurant FRANCHISES? Yep - how wrong is that? They've all rigged it this way. It is the billionaires and corporations that are the "moocher class".

Did you not even look at my article?

I don't know about this every time I have an increase in expenses to the business.
I raise the prices on all my services and goods. So by default we the taxpayers pay for it that's great.

By the way on my corporations I pay zero taxes. By designed corporations usefulness is to distribute money to other places ending up with no money or profits. But I do love the church's nonprofit tax exempt status if I could get one. But I'd truly love to see them go away, as church is truly do nothing of any substantial worth in the first place. It's just the legitimate business sucking ignorant gullible people. :eusa_angel:
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I don't know about this every time I have an increase in expenses to the business.
I raise the prices on all my services and goods. So by default we the taxpayers pay for it that's great.

By the way on my corporations I pay zero taxes. By designed corporations usefulness is to distribute money to other places ending up with no money or profits. But I do love the church's nonprofit tax exempt status if I could get one. But I'd truly love to see them go away, as church is truly do nothing of any substantial worth in the first place. It's just the legitimate business sucking ignorant gullible people.

These corporations use more resources, more energy, pollute, poison our waters, blow up our mountains, and in some cases they destroy communities. They SHOULD pay a hefty tax obligation. How many downtowns does a big box store have to destroy (all while getting tax breaks for creating minimum wage jobs) before we "get it"? People starting small businesses, small & niche farmer's and entrepreneurs are the ones who deserve any help available, not big oil and Monsanto-backed big agra. Did you know they're trying to find a way to make farmer's markets and backyard gardening illegal? Not the government... the private sector. Wake up!
I don't know about this every time I have an increase in expenses to the business.
I raise the prices on all my services and goods. So by default we the taxpayers pay for it that's great.

By the way on my corporations I pay zero taxes. By designed corporations usefulness is to distribute money to other places ending up with no money or profits. But I do love the church's nonprofit tax exempt status if I could get one. But I'd truly love to see them go away, as church is truly do nothing of any substantial worth in the first place. It's just the legitimate business sucking ignorant gullible people.

These corporations use more resources, more energy, pollute, poison our waters, blow up our mountains, and in some cases they destroy communities. They SHOULD pay a hefty tax obligation. How many downtowns does a big box store have to destroy (all while getting tax breaks for creating minimum wage jobs) before we "get it"? People starting small businesses, small & niche farmer's and entrepreneurs are the ones who deserve any help available, not big oil and Monsanto-backed big agra. Did you know they're trying to find a way to make farmer's markets and backyard gardening illegal? Not the government... the private sector. Wake up!

I agree small businesses should benefit the most from tax breaks on some formulated scale. But that scale and for how long you get the breaks would be a question. As for the oil companies take them all away. And on the stock market get rid of the futures on a oil.
We all know the fix is in for the oil companies, on how they worked this game. The Arabs are happy to sell us a barrel oil, it only costs them $1. 75 a barrel to produce and slope the future on the stock market. That only have to make the jihad bogeyman go bananas so they make a profit. They are the biggest buyers a futures. That's where the real money is that. I think this is one place you can get an overwhelming republican and democrat cooperation. I've never run and a one person at the gas station us of the one that pay more for this stuff. And yes I know the oil companies own both parties. Representing the 1% both sides in style.:tongue:
We spend ZERO on corporate welfare.

Allowing others to KEEP THEIR HARD EARNED $$$$ is not welfare.

Welfare is government plunder at the point of a gun stealing from the producers to give to the growing and demanding MOOCHER CLASS.

Complete horse shit and you know it. Why does any company making billions in PROFIT need tax breaks? Big oil admitted that they do not "need" tax breaks for R&D but whined... "but, but other businesses are getting breaks". Disgusting. Do small , sustainable farmers and growers get subsidized? NO. Do small businesses get tax subsidies and loopholes that allow them to pay ZERO in taxes? HELL NO. Did you know McDonalds gets small business subsidies for opening restaurant FRANCHISES? Yep - how wrong is that? They've all rigged it this way. It is the billionaires and corporations that are the "moocher class".

Did you not even look at my article?

You claimed it was "welfare"
Get rid of the tax code which Democrats love. That is the problem, THE TAX CODE.
Tax breaks, deductions and subsidies ARE NOT WELFARE.
Welfare is receiving money from others that is not yours.
Someone that pays zero net taxes IS NOT ON WELFARE.
So you favor getting rid of the tax code also?
Good man!
I don't know about this every time I have an increase in expenses to the business.
I raise the prices on all my services and goods. So by default we the taxpayers pay for it that's great.

By the way on my corporations I pay zero taxes. By designed corporations usefulness is to distribute money to other places ending up with no money or profits. But I do love the church's nonprofit tax exempt status if I could get one. But I'd truly love to see them go away, as church is truly do nothing of any substantial worth in the first place. It's just the legitimate business sucking ignorant gullible people.

These corporations use more resources, more energy, pollute, poison our waters, blow up our mountains, and in some cases they destroy communities. They SHOULD pay a hefty tax obligation. How many downtowns does a big box store have to destroy (all while getting tax breaks for creating minimum wage jobs) before we "get it"? People starting small businesses, small & niche farmer's and entrepreneurs are the ones who deserve any help available, not big oil and Monsanto-backed big agra. Did you know they're trying to find a way to make farmer's markets and backyard gardening illegal? Not the government... the private sector. Wake up!

You mean those PEOPLE buy more resources, buy more energy and create more jobs because PEOPLE demanded they do so.

Corporations DO NOTHING unless you and I DEMAND IT.
Go spank your own whiny bitchy uninformed ass.
How come Democrats ALWAYS OPPOSE every suggested obsolete military base closing THE MILITARY wants to close? They oppose shutting down obsolete weapons systems manufacturing plants also THE MILITARY wants to close.
All Democrats want to do is LAY OFF SOLDIERS which only a dumb ass would do. Soldiers HAVE NO UNION and do not vote as a block in a state to support obsolete bases and plants.
And it costs more $$$ to retrain new soldiers when we need them so laying them off is ass backerds.
A legitimate business has to have a reasonable expectation OF WHAT GOVERNMENT POLICY WILL BE on taxes.
And with Obama I do not have that. I have "we will do this and that for another year and see"
So why would I want to start my 4th business when I have no clue what one of my major expenses will be?
You could tax everyone that makes over 250K a year 100% and it will not run the country for 7 months. That is fact.
Spending is the problem. Unfunded mandates for Medicare alone are 35 trillion for the next 30 years.
Do you really believe taxes being raised solves that?
Everytime we raise taxes government raises spending to match it.
We doubled the size of food stamps and unemployment insurance in 4 years and Obama believes that is a success story.

Some folks are born silver spoon in hand,
Lord, don't they help themselves, oh.
But when the taxman comes to the door,
Lord, the house looks like a rummage sale, yes,
How come Democrats ALWAYS OPPOSE every suggested obsolete military base closing THE MILITARY wants to close? They oppose shutting down obsolete weapons systems manufacturing plants also THE MILITARY wants to close.
All Democrats want to do is LAY OFF SOLDIERS which only a dumb ass would do. Soldiers HAVE NO UNION and do not vote as a block in a state to support obsolete bases and plants.
And it costs more $$$ to retrain new soldiers when we need them so laying them off is ass backerds.

NIce try. Both parties oppose closing bases in their districts or closing down weapons systems built in their states.

MOre to the point, most people in the military are only there for one enistment.
Ann Romney: 'Going to be cuts made to a lot of programs people aren't going to like'

Let's start by cutting out the tax deduction for dressage horses. There's an easy 75,000 bucks!
But they won't touch Ann 188,000 dollar tax write off for her Olympic ballarina horse.
But they will cut out the mortgage deduction for millions of tax payers.

business expense...if you owned the Horse you would be doing the same dam thing....

A legitimate business has to have a reasonable expectation of being able to make money.
i posted something about this already....if they make money it will be in breeding them....but Moon has not answered were he got that 177,000 dollar tax right off he said Mitt got for the Horses......the article said he go 50 bucks......big difference....
Ann Romney: 'Going to be cuts made to a lot of programs people aren't going to like'

Let's start by cutting out the tax deduction for dressage horses. There's an easy 75,000 bucks!

What was Romney’s write off for the horse?

Do you even know or are you incapable of actual thought…
business expense...if you owned the Horse you would be doing the same dam thing....

A legitimate business has to have a reasonable expectation of being able to make money.
i posted something about this already....if they make money it will be in breeding them....but Moon has not answered were he got that 177,000 dollar tax right off he said Mitt got for the Horses......the article said he go 50 bucks......big difference....

Dammit. You gave him the answer :D
i posted something about this already....if they make money it will be in breeding them....but Moon has not answered were he got that 177,000 dollar tax right off he said Mitt got for the Horses......the article said he go 50 bucks......big difference....

Dammit. You gave him the answer :D


All that smug superiority wasted on nothing…:mad:

Oh well. I guess I have to go somewhere else to take care of that :scared1:

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