Annals of Racial Hate


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2013
There was no White House commentary, and no mass marches or riots. And not all that much press attention. Because these horrors did not Advance The Narrative.

10 years later: Remembering Christian-Newsom. “Ten years ago, a small group kidnapped, beat, tortured, raped and killed Channon Christian and her boyfriend Christopher Newsom, eventually leaving the young couple’s bodies in an industrial section of North Knoxville. . . . Newsom was almost immediately raped, fatally shot in the head, and set afire along nearby railroad tracks between Ninth Avenue and Cherry Street. Christian was tortured and raped for several days before suffocating in a trash can with plastic bags over her head.
Yeah, I remember that sordid story.

The libs were saying that if you found that event to be particularly horrifying then you were a racist.

It's absolutely disturbing, if the races were reversed we would never hear the end of it.

Kidnapped and tortured for two days, for the sin of being white, possibly Trump voter... he is lucky to be alive. Racism is alive and well in America.
Heading: I'm so glad my country stopped importing them after the 90s. Our conservative government imported some ex child soldiers to keep the greenies happy.


Conclusion: Then both parties stopped importing Africans.

It's absolutely disturbing, if the races were reversed we would never hear the end of it.

Kidnapped and tortured for two days, for the sin of being white, possibly Trump voter... he is lucky to be alive. Racism is alive and well in America.

If it were a cat they tortured the left would be howling about it for weeks.

Heck, look at the dentist who legally shot the lion. Or the gorilla that was shot to save the boy who had fallen into the enclosure. The left are still howling about it.

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