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Feb 10, 2013

Anonymous Takes The Hoods Off The KKK After Threats Of ‘Lethal Force’ On Ferguson Protesters

November 15, 2014
With tension already on the rise while waiting for the Grand Jury decision to be handed down in the case of Ferguson police officer Darren Wilson, the KKK has promised to use “lethal force” against protesters.

That didn’t go down well with Anonymous, so the loosely-knit Internet collective has responded in the best way possible, taking the hoods off of Klan members. The irony here is palpable. Anonymous members are masked while ripping the hoods off of Klan members who promise violence against protesters who are exercising their right to free speech.

KKK sites are being DDOSed, faces are exposed and the Klan’s 1-800 number is being trolled.
funny he doesn't video all the looting and rioting by the BLACKS who are being bused into that town. the Black Panthers, etc.

I would consider them the black KKK. They put a damn bounty on the police officers head, have been beating the shit out of white people who stands up for the police officer

But they don't care about that, only the whities, the crackers KKK....

the blacks gets a pass
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funny he doesn't video all the looting and rioting by the BLACKS who are being bused into that town. the Black Panthers, etc.

I would consider them the black KKK

But they don't care about that, only the whities, the crackers, the blacks gets a pass

Who would have figured you to be a racist twit?
funny he doesn't video all the looting and rioting by the BLACKS who are being bused into that town. the Black Panthers, etc.

I would consider them the black KKK

But they don't care about that, only the whities, the crackers, the blacks gets a pass

Who would have figured you to be a racist twit?
He's not. But you appear to be.

Stephanie is a "he?"
No, you're right. I wasn't looking at the posters name, only the content. As far as I know, Stephanie is a woman. Yet, still not a racist.
funny he doesn't video all the looting and rioting by the BLACKS who are being bused into that town. the Black Panthers, etc.

I would consider them the black KKK

But they don't care about that, only the whities, the crackers, the blacks gets a pass

Who would have figured you to be a racist twit?
He's not. But you appear to be.

Stephanie is a "he?"
No, you're right. I wasn't looking at the posters name, only the content. As far as I know, Stephanie is a woman. Yet, still not a racist.

Having problems reading with that hood on?

the blacks gets a pass

Sure they do.
funny he doesn't video all the looting and rioting by the BLACKS who are being bused into that town. the Black Panthers, etc.

I would consider them the black KKK

But they don't care about that, only the whities, the crackers, the blacks gets a pass

Who would have figured you to be a racist twit?
He's not. But you appear to be.

Stephanie is a "he?"
No, you're right. I wasn't looking at the posters name, only the content. As far as I know, Stephanie is a woman. Yet, still not a racist.

Having problems reading with that hood on?

the blacks gets a pass

Sure they do.

You're the racist, you post on the KKK and Nothing on the BLACK Panthers.

I compare them both as being bad for us and our country. You are one ugly human being too
Who would have figured you to be a racist twit?
He's not. But you appear to be.

Stephanie is a "he?"
No, you're right. I wasn't looking at the posters name, only the content. As far as I know, Stephanie is a woman. Yet, still not a racist.

Having problems reading with that hood on?

the blacks gets a pass

Sure they do.

You're the racist, you post on the KKK and Nothing on the BLACK Panthers.

I compare them both as being bad for us and our country. You are one ugly human being too

Did you want to say something about the Black Panthers? And you are talking about the "new" Black Panthers, not the old, right?

I don't know what your beef is with the BP, so it's kinda hard for me to address your issue.
Were is that frikken anonymous NOW

Wow! #Ferguson Protesters Promise Civil Disobedience – “White Folks” Will Have to Deal With It
Posted by Jim Hoft on Friday, November 14, 2014, 4:21 PM

The Don’t Shoot Coalition, a hodge podge of radical far left grievance groups, answered questions yesterday put forth by concerned St. Louis residents.
The entire St. Louis region is on pins and needles waiting for the court to release their decision on the Mike Brown case. In August protesters looted and vandalized over 100 local businesses.

The Ferguson protests and riots cost local taxpayers $5.7 million… so far.

Wednesday the coalition answered a few questions. They did not back down on their promise to disrupt the city after the court’s decision… Even if Officer Darren Wilson is indicted.
The Post-Dispatch reported:

The group also told local residents they would have to deal with the violent protests… “Many people – especially white folks – feel they can ignore the problem. Ferguson has shifted the boundary line.”
Read the rest here.
In the group’s press release they blame police for the escalation of violence.

ALL of it here:
Wow Ferguson Protesters Promise Civil Disobedience 8211 8220 White Folks 8221 Will Have to Deal With It The Gateway Pundit
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Truth the comeback is usually "got your white sheet in the mail yet?" or "can you see through that white sheet" or "you are just a racist" or "why aren't you at stormfront?" bullshit.

Dats a fact jack.
Truth the comeback is usually "got your white sheet in the mail yet?" or "can you see through that white sheet" or "you are just a racist" bullshit.

Dats a fact jack.

They really are empty people in my book.
Truth the comeback is usually "got your white sheet in the mail yet?" or "can you see through that white sheet" or "you are just a racist" bullshit.

Dats a fact jack.

They really are empty people in my book.
Blinded. Eventually, they will get Fed. Up. like I did. Then they too can be accused of being a racist just because they Had. Enough.
'[A]ccording to [KKK] group head Frank Ancona, the Ferguson protestors are “the best recruiters since Obama.”'

Joining the Klan because the president is black, that's a special kind of ignorance, fear, hate, and stupidity.
well, guess what color this woman Lisa Fithian SKIN IS? Where is the frikken anonymous NOW

Architect Behind Violent 1999 WTO Riots Is Holding Mass Training Sessions in #Ferguson
Posted by Jim Hoft on Friday, November 14, 2014, 12:30 PM

Lisa Fithian was a key organizer of the violent demonstrations that caused the shutdown of the 1999 WTO meetings in Seattle, Washington.
Fithian is an anti-capitalist revolutionary.

Police use gas to push back World Trade Organization protesters in downtown Seattle on Nov. 30, 1999. The protests delayed the opening of the third WTO conference in Seattle. (Indymedia)
Lisa Fithian later became a top street organizer of the violent Occupy Wall Street movement.

Occupy Oakland goons rioting in 2011.
While you were going to work, paying your bills, taking the kids to their ballgame… Lisa Fithian was training activists.
This is an eye-popping video by the EAGFoundation.
The video shows anti-capitalist radical Lisa Fithian training Chicago union teachers on how to stage their arrests for the camera in 2011:
This week Lisa Fithian was holding training sessions in the St. Louis area.
She’s getting activists ready to riot after the Mike Brown verdict is announced. At least 600 “activists” have already been trained.

ALL of it here:
Architect Behind Violent 1999 WTO Riots Is Holding Mass Training Sessions in Ferguson The Gateway Pundit
Were is that frikken anonymous NOW

Wow! #Ferguson Protesters Promise Civil Disobedience – “White Folks” Will Have to Deal With It
Posted by Jim Hoft on Friday, November 14, 2014, 4:21 PM

The Don’t Shoot Coalition, a hodge podge of radical far left grievance groups, answered questions yesterday put forth by concerned St. Louis residents.
The entire St. Louis region is on pins and needles waiting for the court to release their decision on the Mike Brown case. In August protesters looted and vandalized over 100 local businesses.

The Ferguson protests and riots cost local taxpayers $5.7 million… so far.

Wednesday the coalition answered a few questions. They did not back down on their promise to disrupt the city after the court’s decision… Even if Officer Darren Wilson is indicted.
The Post-Dispatch reported:

The group also told local residents they would have to deal with the violent protests… “Many people – especially white folks – feel they can ignore the problem. Ferguson has shifted the boundary line.”
Read the rest here.
In the group’s press release they blame police for the escalation of violence.

ALL of it here:
Wow Ferguson Protesters Promise Civil Disobedience 8211 8220 White Folks 8221 Will Have to Deal With It The Gateway Pundit

Right wing extremist bullshit.

Most of the looters were not even from Ferguson,
well, guess what color this woman Lisa Fithian SKIN IS? Where is the frikken anonymous NOW

Architect Behind Violent 1999 WTO Riots Is Holding Mass Training Sessions in #Ferguson
Posted by Jim Hoft on Friday, November 14, 2014, 12:30 PM

Lisa Fithian was a key organizer of the violent demonstrations that caused the shutdown of the 1999 WTO meetings in Seattle, Washington.
Fithian is an anti-capitalist revolutionary.

Police use gas to push back World Trade Organization protesters in downtown Seattle on Nov. 30, 1999. The protests delayed the opening of the third WTO conference in Seattle. (Indymedia)
Lisa Fithian later became a top street organizer of the violent Occupy Wall Street movement.

Occupy Oakland goons rioting in 2011.
While you were going to work, paying your bills, taking the kids to their ballgame… Lisa Fithian was training activists.
This is an eye-popping video by the EAGFoundation.
The video shows anti-capitalist radical Lisa Fithian training Chicago union teachers on how to stage their arrests for the camera in 2011:
This week Lisa Fithian was holding training sessions in the St. Louis area.
She’s getting activists ready to riot after the Mike Brown verdict is announced. At least 600 “activists” have already been trained.

ALL of it here:
Architect Behind Violent 1999 WTO Riots Is Holding Mass Training Sessions in Ferguson The Gateway Pundit

Hey, check out these rioters after sporting events....


HAHAHA. If anonymous truly exposed the KKK, we'd find out nearly all members are govt informants. All anti-govt organizations were infiltrated by the govt long ago. This "lethal force" talk from the KKK is obozo trying to make it sound like blacks are being oppressed and need more special treatment. THINK

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