Anonymous Wisconsin Heroes Demonstrated How to Collapse the Democrat Ballot Gathering Apparatus


Diamond Member
Mar 19, 2015
This, coupled with the banning of drop boxes, saved Senator Johnson's seat.

The guy who nearly won would have been the most far-left nut job in the history of the United States Senate and they already have a good number of far-left nut jobs in that body.


The raw material of the ballot-gathering strategy is the phantom voter or address. Every ballot needs to tie to someone – even if only a name on a list.

Live, votable ballots accumulate at addresses where the indicated voter does not reside. Those ballots gathered, are the inventory of electoral victory. He who gathers them can vote them.

The ballot-gathering system was frictionless until 2020. Thousands of phantom addresses inhabited every state’s voter list.

Clever Leftists built a national system, ERIC, now used by about 30 states, to make sure voter rolls protected phantoms. Using in-your-face messaging, ERIC claimed it was a resource to keep voter rolls clean.

No friction, no challenge.

After 2020, everything changed.

The once frictionless ballot gathering apparatus was challenged in every state as voter integrity teams, citizens at kitchen tables, picked apart voter rolls. They quickly found tens of thousands of dead or moved voters. There were innumerable addresses where no voter could possibly live.


Again, from the Conservative Treehouse:

“Wisconsin tried essentially the same thing as PA and MI, except there was already residual election roll cleanup (hurts the ballot team) and strong election day turn our (helps vote team). November 2022

A Wisconsin voter integrity team found, after reviewing scores of counties and localities, the number of ballots and votes cast lined up.

Democrats know how many votes they need and cast them during the forever campaign time in the name of phantoms. Their ballot inventory comes from real ballots sent to fake addresses, then collected by someone – never a Republican – and voted.

When evaluating any system, one asks: is there an inherent contradiction? Is there something in the system, that when pushed to scale will make it fail or blow up or both?

Quiet, anonymous Wisconsin heroes, working in a small office, virtually unfunded – proved how to collapse the Democrat ballot gathering apparatus.

For the ballot-gathering strategy to work, Democrats need tens of thousands of phantom addresses and voters. A few is not enough
. Without thousands of loose ballots tied to phantoms, the edifice comes crashing down.

They also need Republicans to do nothing.

The Wisconsin team proved, in this election, adding even a small amount of friction – removing thousands of phantom names and identifying several hundred thousand incorrect addresses, has a massive impact on the ballot-gathering system.

Our Wisconsin election heroes applied Fractal Programming technology, funded by Mike Lindell, at scale to find and challenge phantoms. The process is explained at

They went to scores of county registrars and challenged thousands of phantoms – proof in hand. Quietly, below the radar, they showed registrars, whose job it is, that Bill Jones was not a real person. They helped clean up addresses that were wrong – either typos or fake.

Any one of those addresses was a landing pad for a loose ballot,

On election day, the Wisconsin Democrats did not have enough phantoms or mail-in ballots to go around. A Republican senator might have been saved by these actions.

The good news of the now permanent ballot gathering strategy is that the Democrats need to keep voter rolls fat with the dead, people living in U.P.S. boxes and RV Parks. They need to physically gather all those floating ballots and vote them.

Republicans have a different, less steep hill to climb – keep voter rolls as clean as possible. Identify in advance where ballots will be mailed to addresses where nobody lives – and shut those ballots down.

For the Republicans, any friction injected into the ballot-gathering system has disproportionate benefits – so they have asymmetric advantages.

“Votes require people, ballots require systems. Republican officials, Republican politicians and the Republican voters need to switch the emphasis from people (votes and poll watchers) to systems in these states.”

Conservative Treehouse November 2022

Using Fractal Programming, the Wisconsin team showed the impact of introducing friction into the ballot-gathering system. Even a little friction and everything breaks down. That is leverage, and that leverage is with the good guys.

The Fractal team is working in about 20 states with a rollout to all states for 2024. Right now, Fractal analysis is provided by Mike Lindell and the Fractal team. It needs to go national – injecting gravel into the Democrat ballot-gathering apparatus.

“Organized voter ballot distribution, voter ballot delivery and ballot pickup systems need to be in place by the spring of 2023. There should be no other priority for any Republican Party or politician in any state where ballot collection, mail-in ballots, ballot drop boxes, or ballot harvesting is permitted by law.

Stop campaigning for votes and immediately switch the entire political operation to electioneering for ballots.”


Still need to push for audits.

VA 7 is one that needs audit

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