Another $12B to Ukraine…what is with this constant supply of money and weapons to Ukraine?

.And until Bush started attacking innocent countries, North Korea may have been willing to hide their nuclear ambitions forever. It was only AFTER Bush illegally attacked Iraq that North Korea felt obligated to ensure everyone knew they had a nuclear deterrent.
So you were good with North Korea having advanced its nuclear capability and creation of nukes under Carter and Clinton just as long as they KEPT IT HIDDEN FROM THE REST OF THE WORLD.

The minute they actually tested the nuclear weapons they created under previous presidents you then blame the President in office, not the ones who actually helped them get the nukes / did not do anything to stop them before they created their nuclear weapons...


So whoever is in office when Iran tests its 1st nuclear weapon (or dirty bomb) the entire blame will be placed upon whoever is President at the time (unless its a Democrat)...

-- NK created its own nukes A DECADE BEFORE TRUMP EVER BECAME PRESIDENT; yet, Trump-hating snowflakes on this board STILL tried to rewrite history to blame NK having nukes on Trump.

(And you consider Afghanistan and Iraq to have been 'INNOCENT Countries'?)

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A few months back....

Amazing how you guys now say that we should just let Russia do what it wants....
The US has an addiction to war and proxy wars

It's time we the citizens perform an intervention
Trump, by coincidence, pulled Americans out of Somalia.
- Biden sent us back in.
This guy would make a far better potus than the more recent doofuses. At 98 he’s sharper and more aware than dumb old old Joe or the orange dipshit.
This guy would make a far better potus than the more recent doofuses. At 98 he’s sharper and more aware than dumb old old Joe or the orange dipshit.

Carter absolutely sucked as a President....and is relieved Joe came along to take the title of 'Worst President Ever' from him.

Carter found his calling as a 'world Ambassador' after he left office.
Almost $9 trillion dollars added to the debt by Trump, and we never heard a word from his Sheep. Now all of a sudden it worries you. Go chew on a pillow.
Under raisin head Biden you will soon be chewing on tree bark for dinner
it never stops.....the Vegetable in Chief and his thugs just care about this corrupt POS Zelensky on the other side of the world, this stolen Administration would not give a shit about Americans in need! SHAME!:mad-61:

View attachment 704280

Putin is the one who is corrupt. You are the corrupt Putin lover. It is Republicans who don't care about Americans in need. They have consistently blocked attempts to help people in need.
You dumb ass, you think Ukraine is your friend, it is the most corrupt nation
in Europe bed wetter.

Russia is the most corrupt nation. They are attacking Europe Putin lover. You are a treasonous traitor.
'Most corrupt nation in Europe'?!

Sounds like the perfect friend / ally for Democrats.


Putin does not allow free speech, elections are rigged and no one has any rights. Of course he hates transgenders and gays. No wonder you Republicans love him.
Dude, STOP - you are embarrassing yourself.

Again, the 1st test of a nuclear weapon by North Korea was in 2006!

Despite your being provided with NUMEROUS links to articles, wiki, reports, etc... confirming this you snowflakes are STILL are trying to REWRITE HISTORY in order to satisfy your deranged, TDS-suffering, Trump-obsessed need to blame TRUMP for North Korea having nukes!

View attachment 704311

Carter and Clinton are to thank for NK being able to develop and create nukes and use for completely ignoring NK while they acquired nukes to focus on the ME.

The insane claim made was Trump was responsible for NK getting nuclear weapons, doing nothing to stop them.


Don't go away mad - just STFU and go away.
Wth? Did you even read my words? This post was in response to mine? Nothing in my post is even mentioned to what you’ve written here.
Wth? Did you even read my words? This post was in response to mine? Nothing in my post is even mentioned to what you’ve written here.
Sorry, 'friendly fire' / hit the wrong 'reply ' button. My sincere apologies!
so you are not for trump. Good that is a relief. I don't really like threats much. Yes you people do hate for no reason that stands up in reality. Pretty damn scary you are....
Again, stop telling me what I think when you obviously are clueless. Your choice of words “you people” tells me all I need to know. Likely, it’s time to take that blood pressure medicine again because it looks like you’re getting yourself all worked up. Ya know, that’s a choice… you should stick to participating in calmer activities like curling.
Again, stop telling me what I think...
It's what liberals / Democrats do - tell you what to do, what to think, how much of your own money you can have, etc...

You're not allowed to do or have any of those on your own.
Its cheaper for the west to confront putin in Ukraine thaan to fight him in western europe.
This is a straightforward good v evil stand off.

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