Another $12B to Ukraine…what is with this constant supply of money and weapons to Ukraine?

He replaced the deal we had with Iran with no deal, for no good reason. Why would war be any different?
Trump’s reasons:
“He reinstated all US sanctions on Iran that November as part of a "maximum pressure" campaign to compel the country to negotiate a replacement that would also curb its ballistic missile programme and its involvement in regional conflicts.
But Iran refused and saw its economy plunge into recession and the value of its currency fall to record lows, which in turn caused inflation to soar to the highest level in decades.”

Around the same time, Trump was given evidence by former Israeli PM Netanyahu regarding surveillance evidence of Iran’s non-compliance to Obama’s (and EU’s) deal.

Bottom line: can Iranian leaders be trusted to comply without inspections? With inspections limited to “declared sites”, what about undeclared sites? Do we now have the technology to conduct surveillance underground activity in Iran? Do the Iranian people benefit when sanctions are removed and Iran makes huge profits from international oil sales? I’ll answer that one because that’s important for the human rights crowd- Oil revenues go directly back into the coffers of the Iranian authoritarian government. Reportedly (additional BBC source) though, Iran claims that oil revenues eventually trickle down to the people lol sure they do. Check out Iranian household history averages over the past 20 years to see if you believe the Iranian government’s public statements. Another bottom line: The people of Iran suffer from their government’s nuclear ambitions, the regime does not appear to lose sleep over it.
First of all, the US has never had any real success with kinetic anti missile systems.
The kinetic Patriot has less than a 50% chance of hitting, and less than a 10% chance of destruction.
Since incoming nukes would be MIRV, there is no way to defend against them without using nuclear warheads in the ABMs.

Second is that it is incredibly irrational for the US to try to defend Poland from Iranian missiles.
They can not defend "Europe" since Europe start a lot further south than Poland.
And there is no one else in the Mideast who could possibly be a threat other than Iran.
And the US has no business installing or at all involved with the defense of Europe.
Total and complete idiocy.

I had a kinetic kill with a surface-to-air missile in 1986 at a range that is classified. I launched it with my own little right index finger!

You obviously have never heard of a Great Circle Route. It is why to fly from Atlanta to Europe, you have to fly over the extreme north Atlantic instead of straight across which would seem much shorter, but it is not!

Why are you forgetting that I did this type of work for a living? The only expertise I see you have is the inability to read the links you find using Google.
Again, stop telling me what I think when you obviously are clueless. Your choice of words “you people” tells me all I need to know. Likely, it’s time to take that blood pressure medicine again because it looks like you’re getting yourself all worked up. Ya know, that’s a choice… you should stick to participating in calmer activities like curling.
So are you for trump or not? Another mystery "independent" I'm
Tomahawk cruise missiles are often installed on ship, so obviously can easily be launched from land as well.
A logical way would be for the jet engine to start to run on an electrical, solid fuel, or other means of compression.
The Navey obviously has figured out how to do it.

Each missile is stored and launched from a pressurized canister that protects it during transportation and storage, and also serves as a launch tube.[43] These canisters were racked in Armored Box Launchers (ABL), which were installed on the four reactivated Iowa-class battleships USS Iowa, USS New Jersey, USS Missouri, and USS Wisconsin. The ABLs were also installed on eight Spruance-class destroyers, the four Virginia-class cruisers, and the nuclear cruiser USS Long Beach. These canisters are also in vertical launching systems (VLS) in other surface ships, capsule launch systems (CLS) in the later Los Angeles-class submarine and Virginia-class submarines, and in submarines' torpedo tubes. All ABL equipped ships have been decommissioned.

For submarine-launched missiles (called UGM-109s), after being ejected by gas pressure (vertically via the VLS) or by water impulse (horizontally via the torpedo tube), a solid-fuel booster is ignited to propel the missile and guide it out of the water.[44]

After achieving flight, the missile's wings are unfolded for lift, the airscoop is exposed and the turbofan engine is employed for cruise flight. Over water, the Tomahawk uses inertial guidance or GPS to follow a preset course; once over land, the missile's guidance system is aided by terrain contour matching (TERCOM). Terminal guidance is provided by the Digital Scene Matching Area Correlation (DSMAC) system or GPS, producing a claimed circular error probable of about 10 meters.

The Tomahawk Weapon System consists of the missile, Theater Mission Planning Center (TMPC)/Afloat Planning System, and either the Tomahawk Weapon Control System (on surface ships) or Combat Control System (for submarines).
None of those ships or systems exist any longer, as you glossed over because of your inability to read.

Ground-launched and ship launched cruise missiles use a solid rocket booster. The Tomahawk is very similar in that respect to the Harpoon anti-ship cruise missiles I was responsible for on my guided missile cruiser. They were arranged in canisters of two on top of two on platforms that once housed anti-aircraft guns. A solid booster ignited causing the missile to clear the canister and gain altitude and speed so the jet engine could start to provide propulsion.

All of the Harpoon canister systems are long gone also.
Trump’s reasons:
“He reinstated all US sanctions on Iran that November as part of a "maximum pressure" campaign to compel the country to negotiate a replacement that would also curb its ballistic missile programme and its involvement in regional conflicts.
But Iran refused and saw its economy plunge into recession and the value of its currency fall to record lows, which in turn caused inflation to soar to the highest level in decades.”

Around the same time, Trump was given evidence by former Israeli PM Netanyahu regarding surveillance evidence of Iran’s non-compliance to Obama’s (and EU’s) deal.

Bottom line: can Iranian leaders be trusted to comply without inspections? With inspections limited to “declared sites”, what about undeclared sites? Do we now have the technology to conduct surveillance underground activity in Iran? Do the Iranian people benefit when sanctions are removed and Iran makes huge profits from international oil sales? I’ll answer that one because that’s important for the human rights crowd- Oil revenues go directly back into the coffers of the Iranian authoritarian government. Reportedly (additional BBC source) though, Iran claims that oil revenues eventually trickle down to the people lol sure they do. Check out Iranian household history averages over the past 20 years to see if you believe the Iranian government’s public statements. Another bottom line: The people of Iran suffer from their government’s nuclear ambitions, the regime does not appear to lose sleep over it.
Another great trump success I'm sure... lol. Just had to destroy a perfectly good treaty because Obama was the one who produced it.. So Iran has made great strides since.... Great job!
Ok, I went back to read the articles, and they were incredibly vague.
Since they already had nuclear reactors why should it take more than a few years to accumulate enough enriched fissile material for a nuclear weapon?
The US only took a few years to come up with our Fat Man and Little Boy.
Nor can we assume China did not help speed them up.
And until Bush started attacking innocent countries, North Korea may have been willing to hide their nuclear ambitions forever. It was only AFTER Bush illegally attacked Iraq that North Korea felt obligated to ensure everyone knew they had a nuclear deterrent.
Clinton offered the NKs light-water reactors to keep them from building nukes. The deal fell through because the NKs refused to abide by the agreement.
Trump’s reasons:
“He reinstated all US sanctions on Iran that November as part of a "maximum pressure" campaign to compel the country to negotiate a replacement that would also curb its ballistic missile programme and its involvement in regional conflicts.
But Iran refused and saw its economy plunge into recession and the value of its currency fall to record lows, which in turn caused inflation to soar to the highest level in decades.”

Around the same time, Trump was given evidence by former Israeli PM Netanyahu regarding surveillance evidence of Iran’s non-compliance to Obama’s (and EU’s) deal.

Bottom line: can Iranian leaders be trusted to comply without inspections? With inspections limited to “declared sites”, what about undeclared sites? Do we now have the technology to conduct surveillance underground activity in Iran? Do the Iranian people benefit when sanctions are removed and Iran makes huge profits from international oil sales? I’ll answer that one because that’s important for the human rights crowd- Oil revenues go directly back into the coffers of the Iranian authoritarian government. Reportedly (additional BBC source) though, Iran claims that oil revenues eventually trickle down to the people lol sure they do. Check out Iranian household history averages over the past 20 years to see if you believe the Iranian government’s public statements. Another bottom line: The people of Iran suffer from their government’s nuclear ambitions, the regime does not appear to lose sleep over it.
Yes yes yes, too bad about lying scumbags Netanyahu and trump, would have been a great little war lol AARRGGHHHHH.....
So are you for trump or not? Another mystery "independent" I'm
I was skeptical prior to the 2016 election, however as a never Hillary and remain and never Hillary voter for life I basically threw my vote away. After Trump won, his successive accomplishments on paper soon turned my skepticism into a supporter.

Chew on this FrankNBeans: It always cracks me up when I read on this board (nowhere else which is telling) that independents are all fake independents. How many of the approximate estimate of 40% independents (that stat is easily verifiable and outnumbers Republicans and Democrats percentages) are fake independents? LOL

Your opinion doesn’t matter because you choose to change my words, post BS, and a party hack. I will add this for readers who keep informed- there will be a third-party candidate win the national election but likely not 2024. I can also add that the chances of a democrat candidate winning due to Biden's mishandling of all important issues: 10%. Not great Dems.
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Yes yes yes, too bad about lying scumbags Netanyahu and trump, would have been a great little war lol AARRGGHHHHH.....
Your post would have a lot more weight had there been a war; you are delusional and caught up in your own partisan talking points that have zero to do with reality.
Your post would have a lot more weight had there been a war; you are delusional and caught up in your own partisan talking points that have zero to do with reality.
And you cannot say whether you support trump and election fraud charges... Lol
I was skeptical prior to the 2016 election, however as a never Hillary and remain and never Hillary voter for life I basically threw my vote away. After Trump won, his successive accomplishments on paper soon turned my skepticism into a supporter.

Chew on this FrankNBeans: It always cracks me up when I read on this board (nowhere else which is telling) that independents are all fake independents. How many of the approximate estimate of 40% independents (that stat is easily verifiable and outnumbers Republicans and Democrats percentages) are fake independents? LOL

Your opinion doesn’t matter because you choose to change my words, post BS, and a party hack. I will add this for readers who keep informed- there will be a third-party candidate win the national election but likely not 2024. I can also add that the chances of a democrat candidate winning due to Biden's mishandling of all important issues: 10%. Not great Dems.
So you believe the election was stolen? You're already a brainwashed functional moron if you support Trump . the giveaway to the greedy idiot rich and conspiracies.... Change the channel and try reality. Wanna bet lol on the election? You listen to crap propaganda, not news, Fox and God knows what on the internet...You know nothing.

War was what Netanyahu and trump wanted. Just garbage. Thank God trump lost and then Netanyahu was thrown out period too close....go Bills.

I didn't change anything.... Just trying to figure out your position on the two biggest questions there are in the world these days... trump and election fraud, in other words total garbage propaganda the worst this country has ever seen and the scariest thing in our history. Get used to the new media and realize Murdoch (and Trump) is an incredible proven scumbag who will say anything to make a buck, and Russian and Chinese and Iran propaganda is mixed in with your GOP propaganda on social media etcetera etcetera etcetera...
Once you have fissile material, then all it takes is enrichment, which means centrifuges.
Wrong moron.

It takes massive expense and resources which is why few natioons have them and why North Korea took as long as it did to produce nukes.

Anyone can build a reactor building a reactor to produce weapons grade material takes years and massive amounts of money

ou are a fucking idiot with no clue

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