Another $12B to Ukraine…what is with this constant supply of money and weapons to Ukraine?

Russia has more rights than the US.
Like the right of free health care, education, food, housing, etc.

There is lots of political freedom in Russia, like Pussy Riot, gay and transgender groups, etc.

It is the US that has the largest % of imprisoned people in the world, and the most rigged elections.
Whether or not the voting is rigged, clearly good candidates never make it to the ballot.

Utterly false except the U.S. has the largest % of imprisoned people. But that is simply because more people commit crimes in the U.S.
It is very simple ethics and legal principles.
If the US can have nukes, and not only used them but has been incredibly abusive, invading, murdering, etc., then no only can anyone, but everyone then needs them.
I would prefer to personally dictate who gets them and who does not, but that would be unethical and illegal.
Ethically and legally, if the US has them and has been abusive, then every one needs them.
So you are comparing the US to leading exporters of terrorism, perpetrators of terrorism, heinous human rights violations, and vile attrocities in order to try to make a ignorant point.

If the US could go back in time and strike Al Qaeda in another country prior to 9/11, preventing 9/11, it sounds like you are making the argument that we would not have had the right to do so, and should not have, because we are just as evil, that we shod have done nothing and let 3,000 Americans die (kinda because you think we deserve it)...
Deescalation and peace? Lol what the fuck are you talking about? How, exactly, would that even be done?

Russia’s war of aggression cannot go unchecked. Putin has to be reminded of the enormous consequences should he ever decide to attack a NATO country.

Also, from a purely, humanitarian perspective, Ukraine’s citizens deserve the aid. If YOU ColonelAngus lived in Ukraine, you would be begging for the US’s help. You know it’s true.

The Ukraine committed deliberate acts of war, being encourages by US bribes and weapons.
Those criminal acts of war by Kyiv have to be punished.
Russia has never aggressively attacked anyone.
It is the US that does that, like in China, Korea, Vietnam, Cuba, Panama, Grenada, Nicaragua, Honduras, Iraq, Afghanistan, Egypt, Libya, Syria, etc.
The Ukraine committed deliberate acts of war, being encourages by US bribes and weapons.
Those criminal acts of war by Kyiv have to be punished.
Russia has never aggressively attacked anyone.
It is the US that does that, like in China, Korea, Vietnam, Cuba, Panama, Grenada, Nicaragua, Honduras, Iraq, Afghanistan, Egypt, Libya, Syria, etc.

None of that is true.
Why would NATO take on Ukraine and immediately start WW3?

What does Russia/Ukraine have to do with the US?

The US deliberately took over Kyiv by bribes in 2014, so that we could place nukes so close to Russian retaliatory bases, that we could attack with a first strike that would prevent any retaliation.

Did you not know that?
Speak for yourself, right wing semi fascist dope. Stop listening to Russian propaganda and extreme idiot GOP propaganda. It's hard to tell the difference. This is about stopping fascist ******** like Putin and trump for that matter. You GOP base idiots would not understand lol....Poor America.

There is nothing at all fascist about Putin not wanting NATO nukes in the Ukraine, right on his border.
The US deliberately took over Kyiv by bribes in 2014, so that we could place nukes so close to Russian retaliatory bases, that we could attack with a first strike that would prevent any retaliation.

Did you not know that?

Therefore the US should fund the war for Ukraine?

What the FUUUUUUUUCK are you talking about?
Same reasons as every other modern country has. Turn off the Russian propaganda stupid

The fact the US is coercing the whole world, is does not make it more right, but more evil.
Even the Pope and Abe the ex-president of Japan have agreed that the Ukraine trying to join NATO was an unforgivable act of war.
Therefore the US should fund the war for Ukraine?

What the FUUUUUUUUCK are you talking about?

No, the US should stop funding the war we started in the Ukraine.
Zelensky would never have tried to join NATO unless we had bribed and encouraged him.
Zelensky committed deliberate acts of war.
Already answered you drooling imbecile

Having a reactor is irrelevant you need a specific type they did not have ut.

We had far more resources and money you stupid moron

BTW we had that ability because of the more effective and morally superior system of capitalism while they existed as a communist slave state

Capitalism is the profit motive, which historically results in imperialism, monarchies, colonialism, slavery, etc.
Communism is instead based on the rights of the people to cooperate in communal and collective enterprise, which is the opposite of slavery.
The US deliberately took over Kyiv by bribes in 2014, so that we could place nukes so close to Russian retaliatory bases, that we could attack with a first strike that would prevent any retaliation.

Did you not know that?

Obviously you don't know anything. The U.S. has never even proposed basing nuclear weapons in Ukraine.
There is nothing at all fascist about Putin not wanting NATO nukes in the Ukraine, right on his border.
Neither NATO in general nor the U.S in particular has ever indicated they wanted to put nuclear weapons sin Ukraine.

Where did you get a stupid idea like that?
Too bad you guys didn't study history and

Anyone can see in seconds that the US is historically completely corrupt.
Manifest Destiny, genocide of the natives, the Monroe Doctrine, colonial imperialism of Mexico, Central and South America, etc.
So you believe the election was stolen? You're already a brainwashed functional moron if you support Trump . the giveaway to the greedy idiot rich and conspiracies.... Change the channel and try reality. Wanna bet lol on the election? You listen to crap propaganda, not news, Fox and God knows what on the internet...You know nothing.

War was what Netanyahu and trump wanted. Just garbage. Thank God trump lost and then Netanyahu was thrown out period too close....go Bills.

I didn't change anything.... Just trying to figure out your position on the two biggest questions there are in the world these days... trump and election fraud, in other words total garbage propaganda the worst this country has ever seen and the scariest thing in our history. Get used to the new media and realize Murdoch (and Trump) is an incredible proven scumbag who will say anything to make a buck, and Russian and Chinese and Iran propaganda is mixed in with your GOP propaganda on social media etcetera etcetera etcetera...
Hey shit for brains! Murdoch doesn't run Fox News and has nt in years! Catch a fucking clue, comrade!
Anyone can see in seconds that the US is historically completely corrupt.
Manifest Destiny, genocide of the natives, the Monroe Doctrine, colonial imperialism of Mexico, Central and South America, etc.

Pure idiocy on your part.
Obviously you don't know anything. The U.S. has never even proposed basing nuclear weapons in Ukraine.

Neither NATO in general nor the U.S in particular has ever indicated they wanted to put nuclear weapons sin Ukraine.

Where did you get a stupid idea like that?

Why do you think the US pulled out of the intermediate range nuclear missile treaty in 2019?
It was always in order to place nukes on Russia's border, invalidating MAD.
The US tried it in Poland and Lithuania, but these countries backed out.
So in 2014, the US took over the government of the Ukraine, and has been intent in putting nukes in the Ukraine ever since.
Why else would Zelensky have publicly stated his desire to join NATO, when it is clearly a treaty violation and act of war?
Why else would the US give hundreds of billions in weapons to Zelensky?
Anyone can see in seconds that the US is historically completely corrupt.
Manifest Destiny, genocide of the natives, the Monroe Doctrine, colonial imperialism of Mexico, Central and South America, etc.
Please take the nearest exit, you unamerican piece of shit!
Let Russia and Ukraine fund their own shit.

Is Ukraine going to send money to me?
How do you know that?

Because Putin has more land and resources than he knows what to do with inside of Russia already.
Russia has zero history of colonial imperialism, like the US has, because it is not profit motivated.
So anyone claiming Russia is at all a threat to Europe, is just lying.

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