Another $12B to Ukraine…what is with this constant supply of money and weapons to Ukraine?

Hey, cult fucks.

How about you assholes donate your take home pay to Ukraine?
Why do you think the US pulled out of the intermediate range nuclear missile treaty in 2019?
It was always in order to place nukes on Russia's border, invalidating MAD.
The US tried it in Poland and Lithuania, but these countries backed out.
So in 2014, the US took over the government of the Ukraine, and has been intent in putting nukes in the Ukraine ever since.
Why else would Zelensky have publicly stated his desire to join NATO, when it is clearly a treaty violation and act of war?
Why else would the US give hundreds of billions in weapons to Zelensky?
You still cannot name the weapon's system that has a nuclear capability! You are an incredibly qualified moron!

Out Trident missiles can hit Russia while sitting off our own coast. Why do we need nukes on the Russian border, dipshit?
We do not bend to authoritarian or communist regimes. We will not be held hostage to nukes. Sorry saying I will burn the world does not get ya what you want. You burn with us. Russia can F off.

Russia is the one being illegally attacked with acts of war by the US and Ukraine, not the other way around.
The US is trying to put nukes on Russia's border, and that is a treaty violation.
Because Putin has more land and resources than he knows what to do with inside of Russia already.
Russia has zero history of colonial imperialism, like the US has, because it is not profit motivated.
So anyone claiming Russia is at all a threat to Europe, is just lying.
What fucking colonies? You seriously have sprinted past stupid and gone straight to mentally ill!
There is one TV station in the modern world that agrees with you, the rest of the world still believes in journalism and finding the truth. Murdoch also led the racist tabloid attacks against Meghan markle in the UK and other crap in Australia and is absolutely persona non grata everywhere in the world but here. Poor America.
Here's your demented President. You're the fool.
Russia is the one being illegally attacked with acts of war by the US and Ukraine, not the other way around.
The US is trying to put nukes on Russia's border, and that is a treaty violation.
How are we attacking Russia? Don't say economic sanctions, you lying pile of dog shit!

Russia invaded Ukraine. Surely you saw that on TV last February, right?
Kinetic kill will never work.
While Iron Dome claims it works, the reality it is less than 50% successful, and those are against slow ballistic mortar rounds.
Not only would incoming nukes be guided, but MIRV, which makes kinetic kill impossible.

And no I also have degrees in things like physics, engineering, etc., as well as a very wide personal interest background.
In contrast, you seem to have been very limited by military indoctrination.
All physics experts are of the opinion that kinetic kill is just silly.
Bullshit! You show zero understanding of the concepts.

I told you before. I had a kinetic kill on a target in 1986! How do you explain that?
Putin is withdrawing to the 1954 borders, where the Donetsk, Crimea, etc., are part of Russia.
He's not withdrawing. He is getting his ass beaten and will eventually be run out of the country!

In 1954, Ukraine was part of the USSR, so borders meant NOTHING, dumbass!

How can you be so historically stupid?
Russia is the one being illegally attacked with acts of war by the US and Ukraine, not the other way around.
The US is trying to put nukes on Russia's border, and that is a treaty violation.
Lol, go blow yourself. Ya, attack sovereign nations expect blow back. You are the ones that invaded. Run your mouths about nukes all ya want we have them too. Use them and ya burn. Today Ukraine tomorrow Poland. Nope we stop ya here . Smack a bully in the mouth right away. We ain't backing down. Get use to it bitch.
BS. Try and get past the military thinking here, there should not be any wars going on, but Putin if he had it easy in Ukraine like he would have with trump, he might have gone ahead and taken Lithuania Estonia and Latvia.. He seriously needs to be assassinated by a Russian....

Putin has zero interest in the Ukraine, Lithuania, Estonia, etc.
Russia has more territory and resources already than they know what to do with.
Putin is just interested in not letting anyone attack Russia again, like they did in WWII, costing about 38 million lives.
Putin does not want the Ukraine, Lithuania, Estonia, etc., but wants them to be an enemy free buffer.
That is not at all unreasonable.
You still cannot name the weapon's system that has a nuclear capability! You are an incredibly qualified moron!

Out Trident missiles can hit Russia while sitting off our own coast. Why do we need nukes on the Russian border, dipshit?

All weapons systems have nuclear capability.
The Davey Crockett recoilless rifle proves that.
The fact the firing range was less than the blast death range is not material to our discussion.

Projectile, Atomic, Supercaliber 279mm XM388 for the Davy Crockett contained a W54 Mod 2 nuclear warhead. It was a very compact pure fission device weighing 50.9 pounds (23.1 kg) and when packaged in the M388 round weighed 76 pounds (34 kg). The weapon had an official yield of 20 tonnes of TNT (84 GJ) and contained 26 pounds (12 kg) of high explosives.[15][2]
Putin has zero interest in the Ukraine, Lithuania, Estonia, etc.
Russia has more territory and resources already than they know what to do with.
Putin is just interested in not letting anyone attack Russia again, like they did in WWII, costing about 38 million lives.
Putin does not want the Ukraine, Lithuania, Estonia, etc., but wants them to be an enemy free buffer.
That is not at all unreasonable.

Yes, it is unreasonable.
Please take the nearest exit, you unamerican piece of shit!

It is the US government that is "unamerican" deliberately constantly starting wars of aggression, in violation of the principles of local autonomy and individual liberties that this country pretends to be based on.
All weapons systems have nuclear capability.
The Davey Crockett recoilless rifle proves that.
The fact the firing range was less than the blast death range is not material to our discussion.

Projectile, Atomic, Supercaliber 279mm XM388 for the Davy Crockett contained a W54 Mod 2 nuclear warhead. It was a very compact pure fission device weighing 50.9 pounds (23.1 kg) and when packaged in the M388 round weighed 76 pounds (34 kg). The weapon had an official yield of 20 tonnes of TNT (84 GJ) and contained 26 pounds (12 kg) of high explosives.[15][2]

Would you please PM me your address? That way I can notify the guys in the white coats to bring you a new jacket that has arms that tie in the back.

You are reaching a level of stupid never seen before on this forum!
You still cannot name the weapon's system that has a nuclear capability! You are an incredibly qualified moron!

Out Trident missiles can hit Russia while sitting off our own coast. Why do we need nukes on the Russian border, dipshit?

I already listed Tomahawk missiles as being suspiciously purchased by the US gov, right after we backed out of the intermediate treaty.

We do not "need" any nukes at all, but we WANT nukes right on Russia's border, because if we can hit their launch sites before they can launch, then we broke MAD and can do a first strike successfully.
If we launch Trident missiles from off our own coasts, that is over an hour before they hit, giving plenty of time to launch retaliation before they get hit by our launch.
The closer we launch from their retaliation sites, the more likely we prevent retaliation.
Would you please PM me your address? That way I can notify the guys in the white coats to bring you a new jacket that has arms that tie in the back.

You are reaching a level of stupid never seen before on this forum!

The delivery system has nothing at all to do with whether the warhead is nuclear or not, except that nuclear has a minimum weight requirement.
Lol, go blow yourself. Ya, attack sovereign nations expect blow back. You are the ones that invaded. Run your mouths about nukes all ya want we have them too. Use them and ya burn. Today Ukraine tomorrow Poland. Nope we stop ya here . Smack a bully in the mouth right away. We ain't backing down. Get use to it bitch.

Russia had Poland after WWII and voluntarily gave it up.
There is nothing Russia wants from anyone else except adherence to a reasonable defense treaty where these border countries do not allow NATO nukes to be aimed at Russia.
That is not at all too much to ask, and the Ukraine had agreed to it in treaty.
Violation of that treaty is an act of war.
The "bully" is the US, taking over Kyiv with bribes.
The US has no legal interests, and only has corrupt illegal ones, such as violating MAD so that the US can do an illegal first strike.

If it comes to nukes, Russia will survive, the US will not.
The US is extremely vulnerable, with all the populations concentrated on the 2 coasts, and all our cars, cellphones, computers, etc., would all die after even just 3 airburst EMPs.
Russia has always been strategically spread out and hardened.

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