Another $12B to Ukraine…what is with this constant supply of money and weapons to Ukraine?

Which wars?

All of them since the War of 1812.
That was the only defensive US war.
All the rest, like the Mexican wars, Spanish American war, WWI, WWII, the Korean war, Vietnam, Panama, Grenada, Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, Syria, etc., were all started deliberately by the US, based on lies.
Utterly false except the U.S. has the largest % of imprisoned people. But that is simply because more people commit crimes in the U.S.

It is well known that the causes of crime are poverty and injustice.
The income inequality and amount of poverty is much worse in the US than anywhere.
Other counties with low income levels are not really poor in the sense they still more agricultural and have food and shelter better than the US does. And they have better health care than the profit motive health care of the US.
Russia had Poland after WWII and voluntarily gave it up.
There is nothing Russia wants from anyone else except adherence to a reasonable defense treaty where these border countries do not allow NATO nukes to be aimed at Russia.
That is not at all too much to ask, and the Ukraine had agreed to it in treaty.
Violation of that treaty is an act of war.
The "bully" is the US, taking over Kyiv with bribes.
The US has no legal interests, and only has corrupt illegal ones, such as violating MAD so that the US can do an illegal first strike.

If it comes to nukes, Russia will survive, the US will not.
The US is extremely vulnerable, with all the populations concentrated on the 2 coasts, and all our cars, cellphones, computers, etc., would all die after even just 3 airburst EMPs.
Russia has always been strategically spread out and hardened.
Lol, keep thinking that retard. I guess that is how the retard Putin gets away with threatening nukes with his own population. You are fucking stupid enough to believe you are not destroyed too. Hilarious 😂 meanwhile we are not bowling to your ifiot threats retard. Lol, if what your retarded ass thought was true actually was true we would not have sent the latest 12 billion dollars in aid retard. Your retarded ass will burn too. Fucking retard. Lol, tell that retard Putin to start using them. Go out in the streets and demand it retard. I don't give two shots. I am old had a full life. We all die and I don't have to listen to retards like you anymore.
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Obviously you don't know anything. The U.S. has never even proposed basing nuclear weapons in Ukraine.

Neither NATO in general nor the U.S in particular has ever indicated they wanted to put nuclear weapons sin Ukraine.

Where did you get a stupid idea like that?

The US specifically withdrew from the intermediate missile range treaty in 2019 so that we could put intermediate range nuclear missiles on Russia's border.
We have constantly tried to do that, in Turkey, Poland, Lithuania, etc.
But clearly all the money and arms we have been funneling into the Ukraine since 2014 is entirely so that we could put nukes in the Ukraine.
There was no other reason to bribe Kyiv into violating treaties with Russia otherwise.
OMG, he qualified his own answer to prove he was wrong! Now, there is a start!

I pointed out that the Davey Crockett is only a 50 lb projectile and is a viable nuke, so then anything that can carry 50 lbs can be a nuclear delivery system.
All of them since the War of 1812.
That was the only defensive US war.
All the rest, like the Mexican wars, Spanish American war, WWI, WWII, the Korean war, Vietnam, Panama, Grenada, Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, Syria, etc., were all started deliberately by the US, based on lies.
I'm sorry, but I am ending this discussion. You have demonstrated an inability to understand the very basics of history, politics, and weapons. I pity you! The best thing you could do is go dig a hole, crawl in and pull the dirt in over you! Either that or go live with your 'Daddy" Vlad in Moscow. You two would get along greatly!

Goodbye you insolent, arrogant, dumbass!
What fucking colonies? You seriously have sprinted past stupid and gone straight to mentally ill!

The Monroe Doctrine was about enforcing colonialism on the whole western continents, including Mexico, Central America, South America, etc.
We also owned Korea, the Philippines, Grenada, Iraq, Afghanistan, Angola, etc.
The Philippines were smart enough to kick us out eventually.

Since we have not been invaded since 1812, all those US troops all over the world should make anyone very suspicious.
That was the only defensive US war.
All the rest, like the Mexican wars, Spanish American war, WWI, WWII, the Korean war, Vietnam, Panama, Grenada, Iraq, Afghanistan
I guess they didn't teach history much in whatever Russian schools you went to. Japan attacked the US and Hitler declared war on the US. We went into Afghanistan because of 9/11...ya know...where Bin Laden was hiding.
I'm sorry, but I am ending this discussion. You have demonstrated an inability to understand the very basics of history, politics, and weapons. I pity you!
He's a Russian troll so...
A firecracker!


The Davey Crockett would kill all within a 1000' diameter.
Both recoilless guns proved to have good accuracy in testing, most training shots landing within ten feet (3.0 m) of the point of aim, and CEP under 50 metres (160 ft), with a 100% instant casualty radius in excess of 160 metres (520 ft). The shell's greatest effect would have been its extreme prompt neutron radiation which would have killed most of the enemy troops inside that circle within minutes. Its blast would do very little if any damage to the enemy's tracked vehicles. Troops further away would have died within hours, days and less than two weeks depending on their range from the point of burst and the thickness of their protection.

But the nuclear Tomahawk has about 30 times the capacity.

: W80 warhead (with blast yield of 5-150 kT) (retired)[8]
Conventional: 1,000 pounds (450 kg) high explosive or submunition dispenser with BLU-97/B Combined Effects Bomb or PBXN

The Davey Crockett would kill all within a 1000' diameter.
Both recoilless guns proved to have good accuracy in testing, most training shots landing within ten feet (3.0 m) of the point of aim, and CEP under 50 metres (160 ft), with a 100% instant casualty radius in excess of 160 metres (520 ft). The shell's greatest effect would have been its extreme prompt neutron radiation which would have killed most of the enemy troops inside that circle within minutes. Its blast would do very little if any damage to the enemy's tracked vehicles. Troops further away would have died within hours, days and less than two weeks depending on their range from the point of burst and the thickness of their protection.

But the nuclear Tomahawk has about 30 times the capacity.

: W80 warhead (with blast yield of 5-150 kT) (retired)[8]
Conventional: 1,000 pounds (450 kg) high explosive or submunition dispenser with BLU-97/B Combined Effects Bomb or PBXN
Fuck off Russian troll.

The Davey Crockett was removed almost as soon as deployed because it would kill the crew that launched it.

Kinda like a paraplegic trying to use a hand grenade
I guess they didn't teach history much in whatever Russian schools you went to. Japan attacked the US and Hitler declared war on the US. We went into Afghanistan because of 9/11...ya know...where Bin Laden was hiding.

He's a Russian troll so...

The US illegal embargoed food, oil, steel, etc. to Japan, which clearly are acts of war.
It was the US that started the war with Japan, and Pearl Habor was NOT an "invasion".

The US started WWII, not Hitler, with the illegal and immoral requirements we put into the Treaty of Versailles.
Remember that the Allies started WWI, not the Germans.
It was the Allies who assassinated Archduke Ferdinand and his wife, and France invaded Bavaria.
The Allies also got Germany to surrender in WWI, by illegal starvation of civilian commerce.
We never beat them in battle.
We used war crimes instead.

And no, it is a lie to claim that we invaded Afghanistan over bin Laden.
First of all we attack Kabul when we though bin Laden was on the other side of the country, in Tora Bora.
Second is that Afghanistan offered to extradite bin Laden many times.
Third is that bin Laden was likely in Pakistan all the time, and could even be a US agent.
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Fuck off Russian troll.

The Davey Crockett was removed almost as soon as deployed because it would kill the crew that launched it.

Kinda like a paraplegic trying to use a hand grenade

You clearly did not read.
The point of the Davey Crockett was to get a weight of the smallest possible nuke, and we were not at all interested in the recoilless rifle launch system.
We were discussing Tomahawk missiles or other cruise missiles as the launch vehicle.
Since the Tomahawk had all its nukes removed from ships, we had to go on theory.
The current new crop of Tomahawk missiles we just bought are secret.
Lol, keep thinking that retard. I guess that is how the retard Putin gets away with threatening nukes with his own population. You are fucking stupid enough to believe you are not destroyed too. Hilarious 😂 meanwhile we are not bowling to your ifiot threats retard. Lol, if what your retarded ass thought was true actually was true we would not have sent the latest 12 billion dollars in aid retard. Your retarded ass will burn too. Fucking retard. Lol, tell that retard Putin to start using them. Go out in the streets and demand it retard. I don't give two shots. I am old had a full life. We all die and I don't have to listen to retards like you anymore.

If Russia were to allow the US to put NATO nukes on Russia's border, then that would ensure the total nuclear destruction of Russia.
It is only by preventing NATO nukes on Russia's border, that MAD prevents the US from launching an immoral first strike.
The only possible strategy of survival requires the invasion of the Ukraine, since the Ukraine committed acts of war by trying to join NATO.
If Russia were to allow the US to put NATO nukes on Russia's border, then that would ensure the total nuclear destruction of Russia.
It is only by preventing NATO nukes on Russia's border, that MAD prevents the US from launching an immoral first strike.
The only possible strategy of survival requires the invasion of the Ukraine, since the Ukraine committed acts of war by trying to join NATO.
Lol, keep thinking that retard. We already have nukes at your border. I don't give two shits what you think. You are a retard. We have not backed down and will not back down. The money flows to Ukraine and will continue to flow no matter how much your retarded batch ass complains on here.
If Russia were to allow the US to put NATO nukes on Russia's border, then that would ensure the total nuclear destruction of Russia.
It is only by preventing NATO nukes on Russia's border, that MAD prevents the US from launching an immoral first strike.
The only possible strategy of survival requires the invasion of the Ukraine, since the Ukraine committed acts of war by trying to join NATO.
A. No one is threatening to put nukes on Russia's border

B. We can already hit most of Russia with various types of nukes

C. Your comments about Ukraine expose not only your insanity but the fact that you ARE a Russian troll

Tell your boss to quit. Take the money he stole from your people and find a safe place to die of old age in peace.
I shocked that a communist such as yourself would express yourself in such a manner! :laughing0301:

I am a socialist, a French socialist like every other socialist in the world demands democrac
No, the US should stop funding the war we started in the Ukraine.
Zelensky would never have tried to join NATO unless we had bribed and encouraged him.
Zelensky committed deliberate acts of war.

y first period communism is always a dictatorship and you are a stupid ******* if you believe that, dunce,
Putin has zero interest in the Ukraine, Lithuania, Estonia, etc.
Russia has more territory and resources already than they know what to do with.
Putin is just interested in not letting anyone attack Russia again, like they did in WWII, costing about 38 million lives.
Putin does not want the Ukraine, Lithuania, Estonia, etc., but wants them to be an enemy free buffer.
That is not at all unreasonable.
Try reality and the 21st century, my dear Russian friend... He thinks the fall of the Soviet Union was the worst thing that ever happened and he wants to go back to those boundaries. But he's nuts lol. We are in the post history. The only PhD I course I took lol- no more gd wars.... I think they should offer him membership in the EU, all he has to do is pass the usual regulations. Like democracy and civil rights and Jury trials lol
It is the US government that is "unamerican" deliberately constantly starting wars of aggression, in violation of the principles of local autonomy and individual liberties that this country pretends to be based on.
gd Republicans... And Putin started the war in Ukraine. The stupid POS. Always the right wing fascists.....
I am a socialist, a French socialist like every other socialist in the world demands democrac

y first period communism is always a dictatorship and you are a stupid ******* if you believe that, dunce,

Try reality and the 21st century, my dear Russian friend... He thinks the fall of the Soviet Union was the worst thing that ever happened and he wants to go back to those boundaries. But he's nuts lol. We are in the post history. The only PhD I course I took lol- no more gd wars.... I think they should offer him membership in the EU, all he has to do is pass the usual regulations. Like democracy and civil rights and Jury trials lol
The nation that won't allow in any more Muslims?
I hear everyone on Earth wants to live in France.

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