Another act of deceit by this admin that will be forgotten in days.

Have we found those hundreds of children that the Federal government lost a couple years ago? ...
Can you imagine the howls of indignation from Trumpleton's if something Chelsea said caused contradictory language on a website to be scrubbed?

And that the comment was outrageously stupid and inaccurate. Made to cover up for her mom's incompetence.

Can you imagine her lying 50 times on her security clearance application?

And do the magats actually think Trump is free and clear of his crimes because he's President?

At least one state Attorney General is going to make that fact painfully aware to them, even if any federal prosecutors don't.

It will be interesting to see how the Trump crime family handles a new DOJ, and intelligence agency apparatus being used as a weapon against them, the way Trump used it against his political enemies.

I don't think Trump is going to fare as well.
Stories are forgotten because many of you cry wolf CONSTANTLY and the general public has become immune to your endless scandals.
For example, this.....................

By the time Donald Trump proclaimed himself a wartime president — and the coronavirus the enemy — the United States was already on course to see more of its people die than in the wars of Korea, Vietnam, Afghanistan and Iraq combined.

The country has adopted an array of wartime measures never employed collectively in U.S. history — banning incoming travelers from two continents, bringing commerce to a near-halt, enlisting industry to make emergency medical gear, and confining 230 million Americans to their homes in a desperate bid to survive an attack by an unseen adversary.

Despite these and other extreme steps, the United States will likely go down as the country that was supposedly best prepared to fight a pandemic but ended up catastrophically overmatched by the novel coronavirus, sustaining heavier casualties than any other nation.

It did not have to happen this way. Though not perfectly prepared, the United States had more expertise, resources, plans and epidemiological experience than dozens of countries that ultimately fared far better in fending off the virus.

The failure has echoes of the period leading up to 9/11: Warnings were sounded, including at the highest levels of government, but the president was deaf to them until the enemy had already struck.

..............isn't crying wolf. It's citing the disturbing facts.
Believe this gramps
April 1, 2020, 11:01 AM EDT
By Steve Benen
The New York Times reported overnight on a September 2019 study prepared by White House economists that warned of devastating public-health and economic consequences of a pandemic, but the report "went unheeded inside the administration."

[The 2019 study specifically urged] Americans not to conflate the risks of a typical flu and a pandemic. The existence of that warning undermines administration officials' contentions in recent weeks that no one could have seen the virus damaging the economy as it has. The study was requested by the National Security Council, according to two people familiar with the matter.

If it seems like there have been a lot of reports along these lines, it's not your imagination.

On March 16, Politico reported last week on a presentation prepared for Team Trump during the presidential transition process, which warned the incoming Republican administration about how the U.S. federal government would have to respond to a deadly viral outbreak. It didn't appear to have much of an effect.

On March 19, the New York Times reported on government exercises, including one conducted just last year, warning officials that the country was ill-prepared for a pandemic. As the article explained, an unreleased HHS report described a likely outcome that sounds awfully familiar: "Federal agencies jockeyed over who was in charge. State officials and hospitals struggled to figure out what kind of equipment was stockpiled or available. Cities and states went their own ways on school closings."

On March 20, the Washington Post reported, "U.S. intelligence agencies were issuing ominous, classified warnings in January and February about the global danger posed by the coronavirus while President Trump and lawmakers played down the threat and failed to take action that might have slowed the spread of the pathogen." The Post spoke to one U.S. official who reportedly had access to intelligence reporting and who told the newspaper, "Donald Trump may not have been expecting this, but a lot of other people in the government were -- they just couldn't get him to do anything about it. The system was blinking red."
After Kushner says 'it's our stockpile,' HHS website changed to echo his comments on federal crisis role

But the national stockpile actually is intended for states' use, which was clearly explained on the government's own website -- until the language was changed, without explanation, hours after Kushner provided his inaccurate description.

Until Friday morning, the website of the Department of Health and Human Services, which maintains the stockpile, read, "When state, local, tribal, and territorial responders request federal assistance to support their response efforts, the stockpile ensures that the right medicines and supplies get to those who need them most during an emergency."

But midday Friday, hours after Kushner directly contradicted the language on the HHS website, the text was changed without explanation. Retroactively matching what Kushner said, the website no longer says states can rely on the stockpile, but now says it exists to “supplement” them.

Did they think people wouldn't notice???????

This is what nepotism looks like. A comment made by Big Fat Don's moronic son-in-law that was so stupid they changed the language on the HHS website to try to cover it up.

If this had happened during a Clinton presidency right wing nuts would be talking about it for months. But with this admin it will get lost in the shuffle of all the other deceitful, incompetent things they do every day.

TDS thread number 1,205

Competing with deaths in New York.
Have we found those hundreds of children that the Federal government lost a couple years ago? ...

Do you mean the POWs captured by our Wartime President when the Child Army invaded America? A few may have escaped, but most are still caged.
Why is it the Gub'mit's job at all?

Where are all the 'free marketers' that used to post here?????

Yeah everyone blew it EXCEPT the leader of the free world who's FIRST duty is to protect Americans?
Did you get to the part where it says FAILED TO TAKE ACTION??

Are you talking about Cuomo.

If so, I agree.

Deblazio really blew it.

The world has 840,000 active cases.

130,000 of those are in the New York City/Newark area.
Yeah everyone blew it ACCEPT the leader of the free world who's FIRST duty is to protect Americans?

Didn't say he didn't make mistakes.

Can you make up other shit to argue against.

But right now, New York/New Jersey have about 15% of all cases globally.

They didn't listen (as has been shown) and their people didn't listen (they still don't isolate that well).

New Orleans continues with Mardi Gras and it's Trumps fault people in LA are getting sick.

Yes, you are just another TDS leveled moron.
Why is it the Gub'mit's job at all?

Where are all the 'free marketers' that used to post here?????


The free marketers became tariff-warriors in the easy-to-win trade wars. Some of them were surprised to learn they had actually been protectionists all along, but didn't know until Trump told them.
Yeah everyone blew it EXCEPT the leader of the free world who's FIRST duty is to protect Americans?

What ?

No TDS laden rebuttle ?

C''ve got more than that in your talking points.

Or do you disagree that New Orleans should not have held Mardi Gras ?
Believe this gramps
April 1, 2020, 11:01 AM EDT
By Steve Benen
The New York Times reported overnight on a September 2019 study prepared by White House economists that warned of devastating public-health and economic consequences of a pandemic, but the report "went unheeded inside the administration."

[The 2019 study specifically urged] Americans not to conflate the risks of a typical flu and a pandemic. The existence of that warning undermines administration officials' contentions in recent weeks that no one could have seen the virus damaging the economy as it has. The study was requested by the National Security Council, according to two people familiar with the matter.

If it seems like there have been a lot of reports along these lines, it's not your imagination.

On March 16, Politico reported last week on a presentation prepared for Team Trump during the presidential transition process, which warned the incoming Republican administration about how the U.S. federal government would have to respond to a deadly viral outbreak. It didn't appear to have much of an effect.

On March 19, the New York Times reported on government exercises, including one conducted just last year, warning officials that the country was ill-prepared for a pandemic. As the article explained, an unreleased HHS report described a likely outcome that sounds awfully familiar: "Federal agencies jockeyed over who was in charge. State officials and hospitals struggled to figure out what kind of equipment was stockpiled or available. Cities and states went their own ways on school closings."

On March 20, the Washington Post reported, "U.S. intelligence agencies were issuing ominous, classified warnings in January and February about the global danger posed by the coronavirus while President Trump and lawmakers played down the threat and failed to take action that might have slowed the spread of the pathogen." The Post spoke to one U.S. official who reportedly had access to intelligence reporting and who told the newspaper, "Donald Trump may not have been expecting this, but a lot of other people in the government were -- they just couldn't get him to do anything about it. The system was blinking red."
The Trump administration received its first formal notification of the outbreak of the coronavirus in China on Jan. 3. Within days, U.S. spy agencies were signaling the seriousness of the threat to Trump by including a warning about the coronavirus — the first of many — in the President’s Daily Brief.

And yet, it took 70 days from that initial notification for Trump to treat the coronavirus not as a distant threat or harmless flu strain well under control, but as a lethal force that had outflanked America’s defenses and was poised to kill tens of thousands of citizens. That more-than-two-month stretch now stands as critical time that was squandered.
Good job Cast the trump manure on others.....Good knowing he's your leader Did your king fire the IG too?? One sick POS

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