Another active shooter

Identifying potential shooter is not actually the problem. It's how you do so..and what do you do when you think you have a live one. By what law can you detain someone that fits a profile? Disarm them? Surveil them? How far do you go to 'get it right' when getting it wrong has such severe consequences? What of the innocent? We all are..before we act, right?

Does any American want to hear some possible answers to the gun problem, unless they have suffered a personal loss that causes them to show concern?

I think we're agreed somewhat on how to identify potential mass shooters, to some degree at least. You've taken that to a different level that shouldn't be just ignored.

Of the 5 identifying characteristics of a potentail killer that I've named, they're not the only ones the police could consider. They are only 5 possibilities for the police to start paying attention and that's ot an infringement on any gun owners' rights.

The peaceful and lawabiding gun owner will almost certainly practice shooting of a nature that would enhance his ability to accomplish that which he intends to do with his guns. It's not likely that he will hide his activity and so there's no reason why the police can't pay his home a visit in order to determine whether he intends on staying peaceful.

There will be at least some indications available to the police that could and should allow an arrest.

Do any Americans really want to understand?

It could be your wife and children that the good guy next door kills with his gun. You've already made yourself into a more likely target than other Americans who are 'completely' sympathetic to unrestrained guns and their uses.

And me too fwiw, even though I'm on much safer ground.
As long as this stuff keeps happening, the gun control people are eventually gonna get their way. But when "common sense" gun control fails to eliminate the problem, the next solution will be even more radical than the last. And so on and so on until all of us are living under a boot. For the greater good, of course.

If more were to pass the common sense gun laws, it would happen a lot less. In this case, the gun laws in place would not have stopped this murderer. Until he pulled the trigger, he complied with the State Laws.
Progs and their agendas played a major role in this. For years we have seen this in greater numbers. We are increasingly feminized as a nation and more people are broken or damaged by upside down policy enforcements. Many males are now eunuchs and the worst thing is many are involved in the feminization of our nation. And it can cross political lines to an extent. The last shooting in Atlanta had the feminized Progs attacking a Sheriff instead of the addressing the problem as usual. And the only answer is gun control for the problems they have created or made worse.

The problem is the "Good Guy with a Gun" mode. In a civil situation, a Good Guy with a Gun is about as dangerous as a Bad Guy with a Gun. Just require your "Good Guy with a Gun" to get the training and have them hide their weapons on their person. CCW Licensed Gun Owners are NOT part of the Problem. They are part of the solution. But your "Good Guy with a Gun" is part of the problem. And the general public doesn't feel safe with you prancing around with your gun hanging out.
I think open carry, in most situations, only alerts the bad guys..and put a weapon potentially up for grabs.
Idaho is permit-less CCW--for $50 you can get the permit if you need the reciprocity while traveling--just take a class.
Part of the responsibility of gun ownership is educating yourself.
It is still our responsibility to keep guns away from Crazies, Criminals and kids.

I think the media bears some responsibility for filling "crazy" people's heads with paranoia and resentment. Looks like the shooter might have targeted white people because of imagined islamophobia.
The media gives us what we want...for money. if you want a different media..learn to want different things.

It's funny though..if had shot some of the people here..he'd have been right~
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This was a Muslim terrorist attack in Bolder.

Why should Americans be denied the Constitutional right to keep and bear arms because of Muslim terrorism?

Isn't that what the terrorist want?

Why is Joe Dufus caving in to Muslim terrorism?
I note with amusement the advancing of your agenda and narrative~

Guy shooting....No law enforcement...Good argument for the 2nd amendment.

Only morons think the answer to mass shootings is more guns. It is like saying the answer to arson is more matches.

Only a real moron would just let himself get shot dead because he didn't have the tools or the balls to protect himself.


  1. A fire set intentionally to arrest the progress of an approaching fire by creating a burned area in its path, thus depriving the fire of fuel.

The myth of the good guy with a gun is just that: a myth.

According to you. But we all know you're full of shit.

"Guns prevent an estimated 2.5 million crimes a year, or 6,849 every day. Most often, the gun is never fired...

Every year, 400,000 life-threatening violent crimes are prevented using firearms...

60 percent of convicted felons admitted that they avoided committing crimes when they knew the victim was armed. Forty percent of convicted felons admitted that they avoided committing crimes when they thought the victim might be armed...

Felons report that they avoid entering houses where people are at home because they fear being shot...

Fewer than 1 percent of firearms are used in the commission of a crime..."

Guns Prevent Thousands of Crimes Every Day, Research Shows | Lawrence W. Reed

You been hanging around with 2 boy again.

I don't "hang out" with anyone. I'm a walking, talking example of the 2nd Amendment, and am one of those proverbial "good guys with a gun" you hope might be around when some nutcase goes off on a shooting spree.

Do you have a Concealed Weapon Permit?

Had one since 2010 and have carried every day since then: Glock 19 Gen4, 15 in the magazine, one in the the chamber, two spare mags, pepper spray, tactical knife and flashlight.

Sometimes I'll wear level IV body armor under my shirt if I'm out of town and carrying a wad of cash. I also collect and repair firearms, handload for 10 different calibers, and shoot thousands of round a year. Have my own range in the back yard.

Be careful with those Glocks. You could shoot yourself in the foot.

All my carry weapons have safeties.

I never use a safety. Safeties fail. Follow gun handling rule No. 1, and you will never have a problem.

Being a range officer and firearms instruction I see human failure a lot more than safety failures.

Relying in a safety is the worst kind of human failure.

If you are one of these rare individuals that is so well trained that your finger is your safety then God bless you. You are truly a man among men and I am in awe. For the rest of us mere mortals I'll rely on the factory safety to help keep me from shooting off my pecker.

Been through Gunsight and Thunder Ranch more than a few times.

You must hang out with some real dumbasses.

I have been shooting guns since a kid in the 1950s. I am a Vietnam Veteran that actually used firearms for their intended purposed. I know that was no Thunder Ranch so I know it won't mean much to you . I have been involved in shooting for many decades. I taught a Sheriff's Department firearms training and how to use an AR in a tactical situations. I have been an active range officer for several decades seeing every kind of shooter imaginable. I have taught concealed weapon classes.

If you don't have the common sense to use a safety on a firearm then fine. It is your pecker that is liable to be shot off because of human stupidity.

Cool. I have taught SWAT teams how to precision shoot, and have built many precision rifles for them as well. I too have been shot at, fortunately the bad guys missed.
Okay....if this is the muslim guys first actual crime....

Background checks wouldn't have stopped him.

He could have easily used pistols or shotguns....

Hey, anti-gun extremists...what else you got?

He threatened to murder a DA a few years ago. Law enforcement was well aware of this piece of crap. And they let him go.
Okay....if this is the muslim guys first actual crime....

Background checks wouldn't have stopped him.

He could have easily used pistols or shotguns....

Hey, anti-gun extremists...what else you got?

He threatened to murder a DA a few years ago. Law enforcement was well aware of this piece of crap. And they let him go.

Because they didn't want to profile a Muslim?
Identifying potential shooter is not actually the problem. It's how you do so..and what do you do when you think you have a live one. By what law can you detain someone that fits a profile? Disarm them? Surveil them? How far do you go to 'get it right' when getting it wrong has such severe consequences? What of the innocent? We all are..before we act, right?

Does any American want to hear some possible answers to the gun problem, unless they have suffered a personal loss that causes them to show concern?

I think we're agreed somewhat on how to identify potential mass shooters, to some degree at least. You've taken that to a different level that shouldn't be just ignored.

Of the 5 identifying characteristics of a potentail killer that I've named, they're not the only ones the police could consider. They are only 5 possibilities for the police to start paying attention and that's ot an infringement on any gun owners' rights.

The peaceful and lawabiding gun owner will almost certainly practice shooting of a nature that would enhance his ability to accomplish that which he intends to do with his guns. It's not likely that he will hide his activity and so there's no reason why the police can't pay his home a visit in order to determine whether he intends on staying peaceful.

There will be at least some indications available to the police that could and should allow an arrest.

Do any Americans really want to understand?

It could be your wife and children that the good guy next door kills with his gun. You've already made yourself into a more likely target than other Americans who are 'completely' sympathetic to unrestrained guns and their uses.

And me too fwiw, even though I'm on much safer ground.
Yet..99.8% of all camo-wearing, to shoot, Trump supportin' redneckin' pick up owning white boys are totally law abiding and have every right to enjoy their life.

You want to tun them into suspects--how is THAT fair?

Your logic chain gives us a police state with frontline law enforcement able to take a person's freedom via profiling and gut instinct. I'm not for it.
Many of my friends fit your profile and they'd give their life for you..really.

this is America. Hate the haters. Distrust the manipulative. don't buy into ANYONE'S hype.

Now they are on their Muslim shooter is an old patter and in a few days will be as settled as stone..for their ilk. Do remember that it really means nothing--the mouthing of the powerless.

We are a violent society..and that's just not going to change anytime soon.

This is a truth though..had anyone ever walked into a store here in Idaho and started killing people..he would be dead by the time the cops got there.

I might be the one who shot him..might have been the clerk..or the lady next to him in line,,,everyone knows about Idaho..and guess what...not a lot of mass shootings here..,or even any..that I can recall.

A small population, country solution..would it work in the city? Probably not.
In the case of the shooter in Colorado who passed a background check he was Muslim. That should have been dead give away, huh? We know of three other other mass murders by Muslims, don't we? One of them the biggest in the history of the country.

The biggest factor in gun violence is being Black in a Democrat controlled big city ghetto.

You can immediately be suspected as a lower intelligence individual because you're careless enough to betray your own ideals. But you won't understand how you've done that will you!

I've suggested that the police could use some identifying aspects of gun owners so that they could be proactive in disarming them. And of course that could never be considered to be compatible to the 2nd. amendment rights of all Americans.

Yet you have just named two examples that could lead police to do exactly that. You suggest that Muslims and blacks should face some curtailing of their 2nd. amendment rights.

As a consequence, it can be safely concluded that you have no ideals. You're effectively eliminating a huge number of Americans from claiming their 2nd. amendment rights! And you stoop to the lowest of reasons because of racism, bigotry, and hate.

I don't agree with your suggestions on which Americans should be disqualified from owning guns, but I certainly agree with you that the rights must be qualified.

However in fairness, if you're female then you would be very far down the list and almost not worth watching?

And in fact, you're told us enough about yourself to at least say that you might make a police watch list.
This was a Muslim terrorist attack in Bolder.

Why should Americans be denied the Constitutional right to keep and bear arms because of Muslim terrorism?

Isn't that what the terrorist want?

Why is Joe Dufus caving in to Muslim terrorism?
I note with amusement the advancing of your agenda and narrative~

I note in disgust the zeal of you Useful Idiots to do away with the Bill of Rights.
Good update..some interesting stuff here:

Investigators have not established a motive, but authorities believe he was the only shooter, Boulder County District Attorney Michael Dougherty said.
The suspect purchased the assault weapon just six days before the shooting, on March 16, according to the arrest affidavit released Tuesday. It was not immediately known where the gun was purchased.

The shooting came 10 days after a judge blocked a ban on assault rifles passed by the city of Boulder in 2018. That ordinance and another banning large-capacity magazines came after the 2018 mass shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida, that left 17 people dead.
A lawsuit challenging the bans was filed quickly, backed by the National Rifle Association. The judge struck down the ordinance under a Colorado law that blocks cities from making their own rules about guns.
A law enforcement official briefed on the shooting said the suspect's family told investigators they believed Alissa was suffering some type of mental illness, including delusions. Relatives described times when Alissa told them people were following or chasing him, which they said may have contributed to the violence, the official said. The official was not authorized to speak publicly and spoke to AP on condition of anonymity.
One caller said the suspect opened fire out the window of his vehicle. Others called to say they were hiding inside the store as the gunman fired on customers. Witnesses described the shooter as having a black AR-15-style gun and wearing blue jeans and maybe body armor.
By the time he was in custody, Alissa had been struck by a bullet that passed through his leg, the affidavit said. He had removed most of his clothing and was dressed only in shorts. Inside the store, he had left the gun, a tactical vest, a semiautomatic handgun and his bloodied clothing, the affidavit said.

After the shooting, detectives went to Alissa's home and found his sister-in-law, who told them that he had been playing around with a weapon she thought looked like a "machine gun," about two days earlier, the document said.
In the case of the shooter in Colorado who passed a background check he was Muslim. That should have been dead give away, huh? We know of three other other mass murders by Muslims, don't we? One of them the biggest in the history of the country.

The biggest factor in gun violence is being Black in a Democrat controlled big city ghetto.

You can immediately be suspected as a lower intelligence individual because you're careless enough to betray your own ideals. But you won't understand how you've done that will you!

I've suggested that the police could use some identifying aspects of gun owners so that they could be proactive in disarming them. And of course that could never be considered to be compatible to the 2nd. amendment rights of all Americans.

Yet you have just named two examples that could lead police to do exactly that. You suggest that Muslims and blacks should face some curtailing of their 2nd. amendment rights.

As a consequence, it can be safely concluded that you have no ideals. You're effectively eliminating a huge number of Americans from claiming their 2nd. amendment rights! And you stoop to the lowest of reasons because of racism, bigotry, and hate.

I don't agree with your suggestions on which Americans should be disqualified from owning guns, but I certainly agree with you that the rights must be qualified.

However in fairness, if you're female then you would be very far down the list and almost not worth watching?

And in fact, you're told us enough about yourself to at least say that you might make a police watch list.

The problem that we have is that you can never trust Liberals do do anything reasonable so you can't compromise with the shitheads.

For instance, it is not reasonable gun control to ban what they call "assault weapons" because those weapons are very seldom used in crime. The vast majority of gun crimes in this country are committed in the inner city ghettos by minority street thugs, gang bangers and druggies with cheap, often already illegal, hand guns.

It is not reasonable to have background checks for three reasons:

1. They don't work. For instance, this Muslim asshole passed a background check and he still committed a crime.

2. There are many ways to acquire a gun without going through a background check so they are worthless.

3. (Most important) Background checks are a major infringement on our Constitutional rights. If you have to get government permission to enjoy a right that specifically says it can't be infringed then it is really not a right, is it?
This was a Muslim terrorist attack in Bolder.

Why should Americans be denied the Constitutional right to keep and bear arms because of Muslim terrorism?

Isn't that what the terrorist want?

Why is Joe Dufus caving in to Muslim terrorism?
I note with amusement the advancing of your agenda and narrative~

I note in disgust the zeal of you Useful Idiots to do away with the Bill of Rights.
Not I..but you and your ilk shit on the Bill of Rights every day!

You really are pathetic.
The time to stop the German socialists was when they were burning and looting stores and murdering Jews in the street........which is why the socialists took away their guns.....

There are many misconceptions on how the Jews reacted to the Nazis and how the Nazis reacted to the Jews, both before and during WW2.

None of it having anything to do with the Nazis disarming Jews!

In fact, Jewish people took up arms and fought the Germans as often as other ethnic or religious groups or factions.

Bearing in mind that the catholic church's alienation toward Nazism made it less likely that catholics in some countries fought the Nazis in as large numbers.

If an American or Canadian wants to be a student of WW2 history then he/she will have to demonstrate they are interested in the truth.

We know that truthful history in any war doesn't come exclusively from the victor.

Jews took up arms against the Germans in WARSAW. And the Germans utterly destroyed the city. It appears you know nothing about the Jewish experience in GERMANY, which was universally one of mass murder victimhood.
Yet..99.8% of all camo-wearing, to shoot, Trump supportin' redneckin' pick up owning white boys are totally law abiding and have every right to enjoy their life.

You want to tun them into suspects--how is THAT fair?

Sure, and the 99.8% will suffer nothing from being watched. They should all be informed that they are being watched and only the .2% will have anything to be conderned about.

Forget it, we're going nowhere.


But do read my reply to 'Flash' in order to see how she/he stepped right in the dog shit.
Even her, an extremist on the gun issue, was quick and witless enough to betray her own deepest and highly regarded ideology on the freedom claimed by her 2nd. amendment. She's effectively advocated the disarming of a huge swath of Americans, perhaps as many as 25%!!

She has no real ideals and neither do her gunowning peers, I am suggesting. All that is missing from the other extremists is enough ignorance and stupidity to bray the truth in public. (even though we know that the ass loves it's own bray best)

What a fkng slamdunk on that one at least! LOL

They are in favour of QUALIFYING 2nd. amendment rights but they're just not quite to being able to name the qualifications yet.

If she wants to make it the n-------s and the A----s, how about throwing in the AR-15 owners dressed up in camo costumes too?

Guy shooting....No law enforcement...Good argument for the 2nd amendment.

Only morons think the answer to mass shootings is more guns. It is like saying the answer to arson is more matches.

Only a real moron would just let himself get shot dead because he didn't have the tools or the balls to protect himself.


  1. A fire set intentionally to arrest the progress of an approaching fire by creating a burned area in its path, thus depriving the fire of fuel.

The myth of the good guy with a gun is just that: a myth.

Do you ever get tired of being proven to be an ignorant imbecile?

wow..Look what little fucktard was triggered.

Jus another typical comment from Nostro, the biggest dumbshit on this board.

You have to post from some libertarian blog.

LOL.. How about from a real news source, Nobrain.

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Jews took up arms against the Germans in WARSAW. And the Germans utterly destroyed the city. It appears you know nothing about the Jewish experience in GERMANY, which was universally one of mass murder victimhood.

It seems like you're either entirely confused about the point I was making, or you're just a spammer?

I'm aware of the mass murder accusations of course, because everyobody is.
The 'victimhood' mention does however require some explanation, if only for me?

And most likely everybody else too?

Of much more significance than your suggestion of mass murder of Jews in Gemany, would be to suggest the issue of mass murder of Jews in Poland.

What do I know? I have a good friend who is a highly intelligent individual and who was a leading chemical engineer in Canada, (now retired) who lived almost next door to A-B. He told me some of the stories that I know!
The problem that we have is that you can never trust Liberals do do anything reasonable so you can't compromise with the shitheads.

Because of your brain already being too full, we've been able to reach agreement that 2nd. amendment rights must be qualified and curtailed for some Americans!

That's a huge step forward even though we haven't yet reached an agreement on 'who' should lose their 2nd. amendment rights.

Let's discuss it later when your brain isn't so full.

Guy shooting....No law enforcement...Good argument for the 2nd amendment.

If the 2nd amendment was a wonderful thing other countries would want one. They don`t. If "guy shooting" didn`t have a gun how many would have been killed while grocery shopping?
Take your time with this.

After World War 1 the countries of Europe took guns away from their 1939 the socialists went on to murder 12 million innocent men, women and children.....more people murdered than murdered by American criminals using illegal guns...........

Russia, 25 million murdered
China 70 million murdered.....

They didn't have a 2nd AMendment either.........

Nobody gave away more guns than Adolph Hitler. He gave them snappy looking uniforms too. Sell your BS history someplace else.

Yeah, he gave them to fascist Party members. Less than 10 percent of the population. He took them away from everyone else.

Adolph Hitler was the most popular leader Germany ever had. He lowered the age that Germans needed to be for gun ownership. Gun grabber? :laughing0301:
The Myth of Gun Control Under Hitler | National Vanguard
Nazi gun control argument - Wikipedia

So how many of those weapons German civilians owned were military-style weapons, semi-automatic or full-auto? Virtually none of them until the end of the war, when Germany was arming the civilian population. Most all of them were firearms intended for hunting or in some cases, small pistols for self-defense.

And of course certain segments of society, namely the Jews or political oppositionists, were prohibited from possessing any weapons. That was already set into motion by the Weimar Republic, that had already instituted across the board firearms registration.

If you really want to know about Hitler's gun-control, you won't read about it in some glib anti-gun piece like the one you posted. Read this one instead...

How the Nazis Used Gun Control | National Review

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