Another active shooter

Guy shooting....No law enforcement...Good argument for the 2nd amendment.

If the 2nd amendment was a wonderful thing other countries would want one. They don`t. If "guy shooting" didn`t have a gun how many would have been killed while grocery shopping?
Take your time with this.

After World War 1 the countries of Europe took guns away from their 1939 the socialists went on to murder 12 million innocent men, women and children.....more people murdered than murdered by American criminals using illegal guns...........

Russia, 25 million murdered
China 70 million murdered.....

They didn't have a 2nd AMendment either.........

Nobody gave away more guns than Adolph Hitler. He gave them snappy looking uniforms too. Sell your BS history someplace else.

Yeah, he gave them to fascist Party members. Less than 10 percent of the population. He took them away from everyone else.

Adolph Hitler was the most popular leader Germany ever had. He lowered the age that Germans needed to be for gun ownership. Gun grabber? :laughing0301:
The Myth of Gun Control Under Hitler | National Vanguard
Nazi gun control argument - Wikipedia

And this...

When the Nazis Came for the Guns

By the time the Nazi Party launched a concerted nationwide attack upon the Jews, there was nothing the Jews could do. The time for defending themselves had long since passed.
Helga's father certainly couldn't fight back. A year before, they had come for his guns. Since he had been a German officer in the Kaiser's army in the Great War, the Nazis assumed, erroneously, it turned out, that he had at least kept his sidearm. They relented on his traditional officer's sword, reasoning that it was no match for bullets anyway.

The Nazis had in their possession a national registry of gun-owners. When they came to power in 1933, they knew exactly who had what kind of gun and how many. And they didn't even have to compile the registry themselves. A few years earlier, the Interior Minister of the German Weimar government had started the gun ownership registry as a way of keeping tabs on extremist groups in Germany, such as the communists...and the Nazis.

The national registry was thorough, precise, and extensive. But not public. The Weimar interior minister was wary of it falling into the wrong hands, like those of the Nazi extremists he warned of.
Shortly afterward, with the Nazis finally coming to power, he and his staff either neglected to destroy the list or ran out of time. So in one of their first acts after Hitler was elected to govern Germany – yes, he really was elected by the German people – the Nazis quickly went about confiscating the guns through the German gun-owner registry.

The gun confiscation was highly selective. The Nazis allowed their loyal minions to keep their guns and even encouraged them to get more. Those Germans deemed suspect, or declared enemies of the state, had their guns confiscated.

After the Nazis disarmed the rival communists, they targeted the Jews. Within a year they had visited the homes and shops of every Jewish gun owner in Germany and taken away their guns.

The Nazis were nervous about any of their real or imagined domestic enemies shooting back at them. They were especially nervous about the Jews, paranoid to the point where even after they confiscated the guns of all the registered Jewish gun-owners, they still went after the Jewish war veterans. This is why they ended up at Helga's home in Wesel in 1937.
Thus, when the Kristallnacht rampage happened a year later, the Jews didn't shoot a single bullet in self-defense because they didn't have any guns to shoot with. The Nazis had made sure of it.
Of the 30,000 defenseless Jewish men rounded up that night, only a few survived to the end of the war. How many would have lived had they been armed when the Nazis came for them? We can never know. Yet we can a least surmise that it would have been more than a few, probably many more.

The Nazi security forces certainly had an endless supply of firearms and the power of the state behind them. But picture an armed German Jewish resistance network in 1938. Word gets around that the Nazis are coming for the Jews. They load their guns and concoct a last ditch-effort to fend them off, allowing more Jews to escape through an Underground Jewish Railroad type of network. They shoot a lot of Nazis in the process and buy enough time for the rest to make it the borders of those still at peace neighboring countries.

This is something that seemed to die down during pun intended...but why as soon as we get another democrat president we begin to see mass shooters again? happened under Clinton Obama and the anti 2nd amendment RINO Bush...makes me wonder if all of those stories about CIA mind control are true....
Lets face it...dems want to take guns away and need us to want that too...what better way than to create more random shootings....
The worst mass shooting in American history was under Trump's watch.

In a Democrat stronghold and done by an ex federal agent.

Guy shooting....No law enforcement...Good argument for the 2nd amendment.

Only morons think the answer to mass shootings is more guns. It is like saying the answer to arson is more matches.

Only a real moron would just let himself get shot dead because he didn't have the tools or the balls to protect himself.


  1. A fire set intentionally to arrest the progress of an approaching fire by creating a burned area in its path, thus depriving the fire of fuel.

The myth of the good guy with a gun is just that: a myth.

According to you. But we all know you're full of shit.

"Guns prevent an estimated 2.5 million crimes a year, or 6,849 every day. Most often, the gun is never fired...

Every year, 400,000 life-threatening violent crimes are prevented using firearms...

60 percent of convicted felons admitted that they avoided committing crimes when they knew the victim was armed. Forty percent of convicted felons admitted that they avoided committing crimes when they thought the victim might be armed...

Felons report that they avoid entering houses where people are at home because they fear being shot...

Fewer than 1 percent of firearms are used in the commission of a crime..."

Guns Prevent Thousands of Crimes Every Day, Research Shows | Lawrence W. Reed

You been hanging around with 2 boy again.

I don't "hang out" with anyone. I'm a walking, talking example of the 2nd Amendment, and am one of those proverbial "good guys with a gun" you hope might be around when some nutcase goes off on a shooting spree.

Do you have a Concealed Weapon Permit?

Had one since 2010 and have carried every day since then: Glock 19 Gen4, 15 in the magazine, one in the the chamber, two spare mags, pepper spray, tactical knife and flashlight.

Sometimes I'll wear level IV body armor under my shirt if I'm out of town and carrying a wad of cash. I also collect and repair firearms, handload for 10 different calibers, and shoot thousands of round a year. Have my own range in the back yard.

Be careful with those Glocks. You could shoot yourself in the foot.

All my carry weapons have safeties.

I never use a safety. Safeties fail. Follow gun handling rule No. 1, and you will never have a problem.

Being a range officer and firearms instruction I see human failure a lot more than safety failures.

Relying in a safety is the worst kind of human failure.
The Moon Bats were all giddy with joy when they found out the shooter was White.

However, now that we know he is a piece of shit TDS afflicted Muslim the Moon Bats all be like "what shooting?".

They've already shifted the narrative from "white racism" to "gun control."

Never mind the fact that it was an ISIS-inspired radical Islamic attack, it's all about "gun control" now.

It's sick puppy with a gun. There is no politics involved. He's going for a fast trip to a mental hospital for the rest of his life. I, for one, would prefer death before spending the rest of my life in a maximum security hospital.

Guy shooting....No law enforcement...Good argument for the 2nd amendment.

Only morons think the answer to mass shootings is more guns. It is like saying the answer to arson is more matches.

So where was the "good guy" with a weapon to stop the shooter in Boulder?

Where was that "good guy" with a weapon in Atlanta last week?

Arming people isn't the answer. Making sure weapons don't get into the wrong hands is the answer.

In all cases of mass shootings, they are always stopped by someone with a gun. Always.
The Moon Bats were all giddy with joy when they found out the shooter was White.

However, now that we know he is a piece of shit TDS afflicted Muslim the Moon Bats all be like "what shooting?".

They've already shifted the narrative from "white racism" to "gun control."

Never mind the fact that it was an ISIS-inspired radical Islamic attack, it's all about "gun control" now.

It's sick puppy with a gun. There is no politics involved. He's going for a fast trip to a mental hospital for the rest of his life. I, for one, would prefer death before spending the rest of my life in a maximum security hospital. want to hide his name...don't you......? Now that his name is out there the story is over.....and add to that he hated Trump........this story is done.

Guy shooting....No law enforcement...Good argument for the 2nd amendment.

Only morons think the answer to mass shootings is more guns. It is like saying the answer to arson is more matches.

So where was the "good guy" with a weapon to stop the shooter in Boulder?

Where was that "good guy" with a weapon in Atlanta last week?

Arming people isn't the answer. Making sure weapons don't get into the wrong hands is the answer.

In all cases of mass shootings, they are always stopped by someone with a gun. Always.

Yup. I love how the progs here are trying to claim this Syrian terrorist is one of us. This prick is an obummer import.

Guy shooting....No law enforcement...Good argument for the 2nd amendment.

Only morons think the answer to mass shootings is more guns. It is like saying the answer to arson is more matches.

Only a real moron would just let himself get shot dead because he didn't have the tools or the balls to protect himself.


  1. A fire set intentionally to arrest the progress of an approaching fire by creating a burned area in its path, thus depriving the fire of fuel.

The myth of the good guy with a gun is just that: a myth.

According to you. But we all know you're full of shit.

"Guns prevent an estimated 2.5 million crimes a year, or 6,849 every day. Most often, the gun is never fired...

Every year, 400,000 life-threatening violent crimes are prevented using firearms...

60 percent of convicted felons admitted that they avoided committing crimes when they knew the victim was armed. Forty percent of convicted felons admitted that they avoided committing crimes when they thought the victim might be armed...

Felons report that they avoid entering houses where people are at home because they fear being shot...

Fewer than 1 percent of firearms are used in the commission of a crime..."

Guns Prevent Thousands of Crimes Every Day, Research Shows | Lawrence W. Reed

You been hanging around with 2 boy again.

I don't "hang out" with anyone. I'm a walking, talking example of the 2nd Amendment, and am one of those proverbial "good guys with a gun" you hope might be around when some nutcase goes off on a shooting spree.

Do you have a Concealed Weapon Permit?

Had one since 2010 and have carried every day since then: Glock 19 Gen4, 15 in the magazine, one in the the chamber, two spare mags, pepper spray, tactical knife and flashlight.

Sometimes I'll wear level IV body armor under my shirt if I'm out of town and carrying a wad of cash. I also collect and repair firearms, handload for 10 different calibers, and shoot thousands of round a year. Have my own range in the back yard.

Be careful with those Glocks. You could shoot yourself in the foot.

All my carry weapons have safeties.

I never use a safety. Safeties fail. Follow gun handling rule No. 1, and you will never have a problem.

Being a range officer and firearms instruction I see human failure a lot more than safety failures.

Relying in a safety is the worst kind of human failure.

If you are one of these rare individuals that is so well trained that your finger is your safety then God bless you. You are truly a man among men and I am in awe. For the rest of us mere mortals I'll rely on the factory safety to help keep me from shooting off my pecker.

Guy shooting....No law enforcement...Good argument for the 2nd amendment.

Only morons think the answer to mass shootings is more guns. It is like saying the answer to arson is more matches.

Only a real moron would just let himself get shot dead because he didn't have the tools or the balls to protect himself.


  1. A fire set intentionally to arrest the progress of an approaching fire by creating a burned area in its path, thus depriving the fire of fuel.

The myth of the good guy with a gun is just that: a myth.

According to you. But we all know you're full of shit.

"Guns prevent an estimated 2.5 million crimes a year, or 6,849 every day. Most often, the gun is never fired...

Every year, 400,000 life-threatening violent crimes are prevented using firearms...

60 percent of convicted felons admitted that they avoided committing crimes when they knew the victim was armed. Forty percent of convicted felons admitted that they avoided committing crimes when they thought the victim might be armed...

Felons report that they avoid entering houses where people are at home because they fear being shot...

Fewer than 1 percent of firearms are used in the commission of a crime..."

Guns Prevent Thousands of Crimes Every Day, Research Shows | Lawrence W. Reed

You been hanging around with 2 boy again.

I don't "hang out" with anyone. I'm a walking, talking example of the 2nd Amendment, and am one of those proverbial "good guys with a gun" you hope might be around when some nutcase goes off on a shooting spree.

Do you have a Concealed Weapon Permit?

Had one since 2010 and have carried every day since then: Glock 19 Gen4, 15 in the magazine, one in the the chamber, two spare mags, pepper spray, tactical knife and flashlight.

Sometimes I'll wear level IV body armor under my shirt if I'm out of town and carrying a wad of cash. I also collect and repair firearms, handload for 10 different calibers, and shoot thousands of round a year. Have my own range in the back yard.

Be careful with those Glocks. You could shoot yourself in the foot.

All my carry weapons have safeties.

I never use a safety. Safeties fail. Follow gun handling rule No. 1, and you will never have a problem.

Being a range officer and firearms instruction I see human failure a lot more than safety failures.

Relying in a safety is the worst kind of human failure.

If you are one of these rare individuals that is so well trained that your finger is your safety then God bless you. You are truly a man among men and I am in awe. For the rest of us mere mortals I'll rely on the factory safety to help keep me from shooting off my pecker.

Been through Gunsight and Thunder Ranch more than a few times.

You must hang out with some real dumbasses.
Joe Dufus is calling for all Americans to be denied their Constitutional right to keep and bear arms because this Trump hating sicko Muslim terrorist shot up a grocery store.

Why not just deport all the Muslims? At least the ones that the worthless Negro allowed to flood in. Wouldn't that be the better thing to do?

Guy shooting....No law enforcement...Good argument for the 2nd amendment.

Only morons think the answer to mass shootings is more guns. It is like saying the answer to arson is more matches.

So where was the "good guy" with a weapon to stop the shooter in Boulder?

Where was that "good guy" with a weapon in Atlanta last week?

Arming people isn't the answer. Making sure weapons don't get into the wrong hands is the answer.

In all cases of mass shootings, they are always stopped by someone with a gun. Always.

Yup. I love how the progs here are trying to claim this Syrian terrorist is one of us. This prick is an obummer import.

Another Trump hating Muslim terrorist who sounds like every Leftist on USMB.
Another Trump hating Muslim terrorist who sounds like every Leftist on USMB.

It's just another mass shooting in Colorado, no need to blame the left or the right.

The NRA Song

Guns are neat, Guns are sweet
Guns the tool, what makes you cool.
Guns are fine, Guns are mine
Guns are things, that Jesus brings!
Guns for loonies, Guns for cons
Guns for Moonies, Guns for moms!
Guns are fun for everyone,
buy them up by the ton.
Guns for me, Guns for you,
Guns for nuts and children too!
Guns at home, Guns at work,
Guns at play, Guns berserk!
Tons and tons of great big Guns,
Are tons and tons of great big fun!
I’ve got Guns up my nose
‘tween my ears and by my toes.
I’m no fool, I’m so cool,
I take Guns to my school.
I take Guns to my car,
to the store and to the bar.
I got Guns in a drawer,
in my pocket and on the floor.
I got Guns on the wall,
behind the toilet and in the hall.
I got guns in my bed,
one is growing from my head!
Get a Gun and get it fast,
Gun-Gun shoot-shoot is a blast!​

Guy shooting....No law enforcement...Good argument for the 2nd amendment.

If the 2nd amendment was a wonderful thing other countries would want one. They don`t. If "guy shooting" didn`t have a gun how many would have been killed while grocery shopping?
Take your time with this.

After World War 1 the countries of Europe took guns away from their 1939 the socialists went on to murder 12 million innocent men, women and children.....more people murdered than murdered by American criminals using illegal guns...........

Russia, 25 million murdered
China 70 million murdered.....

They didn't have a 2nd AMendment either.........

Nobody gave away more guns than Adolph Hitler. He gave them snappy looking uniforms too. Sell your BS history someplace else.

Yeah, he gave them to fascist Party members. Less than 10 percent of the population. He took them away from everyone else.

Adolph Hitler was the most popular leader Germany ever had. He lowered the age that Germans needed to be for gun ownership. Gun grabber? :laughing0301:
The Myth of Gun Control Under Hitler | National Vanguard
Nazi gun control argument - Wikipedia

Hey.....don't you guys ever get tired of pushing that lie?

Hitler took guns away from the groups he planned on murdering, you doofus.....Jews and political enemies had their guns confiscated. He allowed his brown shirts easy access to guns so they could burn and loot stores without having to worry about the Jews and political enemies from stopping them....

Then he murdered 12 million unarmed men, women and dumb shit..."french gun confiscation 1935 fact check"

More important, as a historical matter, the passage of gun registration laws in Germany during the first part of the twentieth century is a complicated matter. Following Germany's defeat in World War I, the Weimar Republic passed very strict gun control laws essentially banning all gun ownership, in an attempt both to stabilize the country and to comply with the Versailles Treaty of 1919.

But even before the Treaty was signed, the German parliament of the Weimar Republic enacted legislation prohibiting gun possession

First, in 1938, the Nazi regime reenacted strict gun control laws and regulations that required licensing and reporting for the acquisition, transfer, or carrying of handguns, and for dealing and manufacturing in firearms and ammunition.89 In this respect, the Nazis had in place stringent gun regulation, including strict reporting requirements.

Second, the Nazi gun laws of 1938 specifically banned Jewish persons from obtaining a license to manufacture firearms or ammunition.

In this respect, the Nazi gun laws were more restrictive than those under the Weimar Republic.

Fourth, approximately eight months after enacting the 1938 Nazi gun laws, Hitler imposed regulations prohibiting Jewish persons from possessing any dangerous weapons, including firearms. The Nazi regime implemented this prohibition by confiscating weapons, including guns, from Jewish persons, and subsequently engaged in genocide of the Jewish population.

Oh....and why we don't want licenses for gun owners...the Germans did it.....

Thus, the 1928 Law put into effect a strict licensing scheme that covered all aspects of firearms-from the manufacture to the sale, including repair and even the reloading of ammunition."°

Finally, with regard to disarming the Jewish population, there is no dispute that the Nazis did disarm Jewish persons aggressively-of all firearms, as well as "truncheons or stabbing weapons. ' , 129 The Minister of the Interior, Frick, enacted Regulations Against Jew's Possession of Weapons on November 11, 1938, which effectively deprived all Jewish persons of the right to possess firearms or other weapons. It was a regulation prohibiting Jewish persons from having any dangerous weapon-not just guns.

Moreover, prior to that, the German police and Nazis used the 1938 firearms law as an excuse to disarm Jewish persons. In Breslau, for instance, as Halbrook reports, the city police chief decreed the seizure of all firearms from Jewish persons on the ground that "the Jewish population 'cannot be regarded as trustworthy"' -using the language from the 1928 and 1938 firearms laws.131

Your Fordham link has a lot of quotes from Wayne Lapierre :icon_rolleyes:
A handful of Jews that had pistols were no threat to Germany`s Panzer divisions.
Disarmament of the German Jews - Wikipedia

Guy shooting....No law enforcement...Good argument for the 2nd amendment.

Only morons think the answer to mass shootings is more guns. It is like saying the answer to arson is more matches.

Only a real moron would just let himself get shot dead because he didn't have the tools or the balls to protect himself.


  1. A fire set intentionally to arrest the progress of an approaching fire by creating a burned area in its path, thus depriving the fire of fuel.

The myth of the good guy with a gun is just that: a myth.

According to you. But we all know you're full of shit.

"Guns prevent an estimated 2.5 million crimes a year, or 6,849 every day. Most often, the gun is never fired...

Every year, 400,000 life-threatening violent crimes are prevented using firearms...

60 percent of convicted felons admitted that they avoided committing crimes when they knew the victim was armed. Forty percent of convicted felons admitted that they avoided committing crimes when they thought the victim might be armed...

Felons report that they avoid entering houses where people are at home because they fear being shot...

Fewer than 1 percent of firearms are used in the commission of a crime..."

Guns Prevent Thousands of Crimes Every Day, Research Shows | Lawrence W. Reed

You been hanging around with 2 boy again.

I don't "hang out" with anyone. I'm a walking, talking example of the 2nd Amendment, and am one of those proverbial "good guys with a gun" you hope might be around when some nutcase goes off on a shooting spree.

Do you have a Concealed Weapon Permit?

Had one since 2010 and have carried every day since then: Glock 19 Gen4, 15 in the magazine, one in the the chamber, two spare mags, pepper spray, tactical knife and flashlight.

Sometimes I'll wear level IV body armor under my shirt if I'm out of town and carrying a wad of cash. I also collect and repair firearms, handload for 10 different calibers, and shoot thousands of round a year. Have my own range in the back yard.

Be careful with those Glocks. You could shoot yourself in the foot.

All my carry weapons have safeties.

I never use a safety. Safeties fail. Follow gun handling rule No. 1, and you will never have a problem.

Being a range officer and firearms instruction I see human failure a lot more than safety failures.

Relying in a safety is the worst kind of human failure.

If you are one of these rare individuals that is so well trained that your finger is your safety then God bless you. You are truly a man among men and I am in awe. For the rest of us mere mortals I'll rely on the factory safety to help keep me from shooting off my pecker.

Been through Gunsight and Thunder Ranch more than a few times.

You must hang out with some real dumbasses.

I have been shooting guns since a kid in the 1950s. I am a Vietnam Veteran that actually used firearms for their intended purposed. I know that was no Thunder Ranch so I know it won't mean much to you . I have been involved in shooting for many decades. I taught a Sheriff's Department firearms training and how to use an AR in a tactical situations. I have been an active range officer for several decades seeing every kind of shooter imaginable. I have taught concealed weapon classes.

If you don't have the common sense to use a safety on a firearm then fine. It is your pecker that is liable to be shot off because of human stupidity.

Guy shooting....No law enforcement...Good argument for the 2nd amendment.

If the 2nd amendment was a wonderful thing other countries would want one. They don`t. If "guy shooting" didn`t have a gun how many would have been killed while grocery shopping?
Take your time with this.

After World War 1 the countries of Europe took guns away from their 1939 the socialists went on to murder 12 million innocent men, women and children.....more people murdered than murdered by American criminals using illegal guns...........

Russia, 25 million murdered
China 70 million murdered.....

They didn't have a 2nd AMendment either.........

Nobody gave away more guns than Adolph Hitler. He gave them snappy looking uniforms too. Sell your BS history someplace else.

Yeah, he gave them to fascist Party members. Less than 10 percent of the population. He took them away from everyone else.

Adolph Hitler was the most popular leader Germany ever had. He lowered the age that Germans needed to be for gun ownership. Gun grabber? :laughing0301:
The Myth of Gun Control Under Hitler | National Vanguard
Nazi gun control argument - Wikipedia

Hey.....don't you guys ever get tired of pushing that lie?

Hitler took guns away from the groups he planned on murdering, you doofus.....Jews and political enemies had their guns confiscated. He allowed his brown shirts easy access to guns so they could burn and loot stores without having to worry about the Jews and political enemies from stopping them....

Then he murdered 12 million unarmed men, women and dumb shit..."french gun confiscation 1935 fact check"

More important, as a historical matter, the passage of gun registration laws in Germany during the first part of the twentieth century is a complicated matter. Following Germany's defeat in World War I, the Weimar Republic passed very strict gun control laws essentially banning all gun ownership, in an attempt both to stabilize the country and to comply with the Versailles Treaty of 1919.

But even before the Treaty was signed, the German parliament of the Weimar Republic enacted legislation prohibiting gun possession

First, in 1938, the Nazi regime reenacted strict gun control laws and regulations that required licensing and reporting for the acquisition, transfer, or carrying of handguns, and for dealing and manufacturing in firearms and ammunition.89 In this respect, the Nazis had in place stringent gun regulation, including strict reporting requirements.

Second, the Nazi gun laws of 1938 specifically banned Jewish persons from obtaining a license to manufacture firearms or ammunition.

In this respect, the Nazi gun laws were more restrictive than those under the Weimar Republic.

Fourth, approximately eight months after enacting the 1938 Nazi gun laws, Hitler imposed regulations prohibiting Jewish persons from possessing any dangerous weapons, including firearms. The Nazi regime implemented this prohibition by confiscating weapons, including guns, from Jewish persons, and subsequently engaged in genocide of the Jewish population.

Oh....and why we don't want licenses for gun owners...the Germans did it.....

Thus, the 1928 Law put into effect a strict licensing scheme that covered all aspects of firearms-from the manufacture to the sale, including repair and even the reloading of ammunition."°

Finally, with regard to disarming the Jewish population, there is no dispute that the Nazis did disarm Jewish persons aggressively-of all firearms, as well as "truncheons or stabbing weapons. ' , 129 The Minister of the Interior, Frick, enacted Regulations Against Jew's Possession of Weapons on November 11, 1938, which effectively deprived all Jewish persons of the right to possess firearms or other weapons. It was a regulation prohibiting Jewish persons from having any dangerous weapon-not just guns.

Moreover, prior to that, the German police and Nazis used the 1938 firearms law as an excuse to disarm Jewish persons. In Breslau, for instance, as Halbrook reports, the city police chief decreed the seizure of all firearms from Jewish persons on the ground that "the Jewish population 'cannot be regarded as trustworthy"' -using the language from the 1928 and 1938 firearms laws.131

Your Fordham link has a lot of quotes from Wayne Lapierre :icon_rolleyes:
A handful of Jews that had pistols were no threat to Germany`s Panzer divisions.
Disarmament of the German Jews - Wikipedia

Moron........The socialists disarmed Jews and political can't hide that, so you bleet...."NRA, NRA...."

The time to stop the German socialists was when they were burning and looting stores and murdering Jews in the street........which is why the socialists took away their guns.....
Okay....if this is the muslim guys first actual crime....

Background checks wouldn't have stopped him.

He could have easily used pistols or shotguns....

Hey, anti-gun extremists...what else you got?
Shooter has a Middle Eastern don't even know if he's Islamic or not---and it's like Christmas in spring..too funny!

You could be right. Maybe he was just a left-winger and a Trump-hater...


Him and 87m other people!

If you're one of those "87 million" others, should be be concerned about you as well?
Nah...I'm not a mass shooter kind of guy....more of a specific sort of shooter~
You should be concerned about the kids you picked on in school..if you were a bully...or concerned about someone who was bullied snapping. You might be concerned about wannabe revolutionaries--or basement dwelling incels. You are smart enough to read the common profile of the mass shooter--you make the call.

So you're offering a mass murderer and a terrorist an alibi by assigning him the status of "victim", because someone was once mean to him?

Comprehension not your strong point?

Those are common characteristics of many mass shooters..that's called data son. I offered no alibi/ i give not a shit about any of that once a trigger gets pulled. But knowing data..and interpreting it correctly..can lead to less triggers being pulled.
You would know this if you were as smart as you represent yourself to be~
Last edited:

This is something that seemed to die down during pun intended...but why as soon as we get another democrat president we begin to see mass shooters again? happened under Clinton Obama and the anti 2nd amendment RINO Bush...makes me wonder if all of those stories about CIA mind control are true....
Lets face it...dems want to take guns away and need us to want that too...what better way than to create more random shootings....
I was thinking that as those poor forced sex slave workers in Atlanta were murdered. Now this.

Anyone know the Chinese or Venezuelan anthem so I could start practicing? Then I'll know both when we chose.
Yeah..cause everything is political, right?

F'kin idiot ghouls.
Incredible. But not surprising.
So glad I watch shit holes from way way way afar. Elections have consequences especially in shit holes

Jezus what kind of life could you live in a shit hole or its burbs??? Colorado is a pot infested shit hole now.
Boulder, Colorado is a “shithole?” Are you really that stupid? Where do you live? Bumfuck, Alabama?
I'm betting South Carolina...or Athol Id.

He does not seem to know that Boulder is a wealthy liberal enclave...although when he finds will just give him a bit more joy, I bet.

Most of Colorado is cowboy country....

Or maybe his name isAhmad Al Aliwi Alissa and he is piece of shit racist asshole.
How odd..I'm racist--and yet you get a boner when you find out the shooter has a Middle Eastern name and might be a Muslim?
You are just an empty husk..parroting whatever is the dog whistle of the moment..without a shred of original thought or nuance.
In short..a willing tool~

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