Another active shooter

Because it is. It's an AR-15 Clone. What this is going to do is to have the County reintroduce the bill that reads, instead of "Assault Rifle", it will read "Ar-15 and it's various Clones" and will be legal.
Why do you call it an ASSAULT rifle? It does not do that. It is an inanimate object. It assaults no one. You gun-grabbers are idiots. The government does not want you to own any gun that has even a slight chance of thwarting a hostile government takeover.

I don't call it an Assault Rifle. It's not a military rifle therefore it can't be called an Assault Rifle even though it's a clone of a M-16 Carbine (M-4). It IS an AR-15 Clone though. And if they law reads that the "AR-15 and it's various clones are banned" then it's legal as per the Federal Courts.

Good luck. I hope you're the one who gets to go door to door in order to collect all of them.

There you go again. You didn't pay attention to the history of the Thompson Model 1920 and the 1934 NFA law. There was no door to door collections and in 10 years, the Thompson Model 1920 became a non issue. The problem with you gunnutters is that you are so ill informed by the history of firearms you are dangerous to everyone around you and yourself.

It doesn't require a knowledge of history to blow some fucker's head off when he comes through my door at 3 in the morning.
Of course..he might shoot first..and render your point...quite he takes your gun off your corpse and sells it for crack money~

More likely your little scatter-gun would be used as a club to beat you to death, after you expended your five measly rounds into the wall you just had painted last year.

Some pawn shop would probably give him 50 bucks for it.
Because it is. It's an AR-15 Clone. What this is going to do is to have the County reintroduce the bill that reads, instead of "Assault Rifle", it will read "Ar-15 and it's various Clones" and will be legal.
Why do you call it an ASSAULT rifle? It does not do that. It is an inanimate object. It assaults no one. You gun-grabbers are idiots. The government does not want you to own any gun that has even a slight chance of thwarting a hostile government takeover.

I don't call it an Assault Rifle. It's not a military rifle therefore it can't be called an Assault Rifle even though it's a clone of a M-16 Carbine (M-4). It IS an AR-15 Clone though. And if they law reads that the "AR-15 and it's various clones are banned" then it's legal as per the Federal Courts.

Good luck. I hope you're the one who gets to go door to door in order to collect all of them.

There you go again. You didn't pay attention to the history of the Thompson Model 1920 and the 1934 NFA law. There was no door to door collections and in 10 years, the Thompson Model 1920 became a non issue. The problem with you gunnutters is that you are so ill informed by the history of firearms you are dangerous to everyone around you and yourself.

It doesn't require a knowledge of history to blow some fucker's head off when he comes through my door at 3 in the morning.
Of course..he might shoot first..and render your point...quite he takes your gun off your corpse and sells it for crack money~

More likely your little scatter-gun would be used as a club to beat you to death, after you expended your five measly rounds into the wall you just had painted last year.

Some pawn shop would probably give him 50 bucks for it.
2 shooters/ Why would I fire 5 times?

Surely my Ithaca would fetch $100 at least?
Because it is. It's an AR-15 Clone. What this is going to do is to have the County reintroduce the bill that reads, instead of "Assault Rifle", it will read "Ar-15 and it's various Clones" and will be legal.
Why do you call it an ASSAULT rifle? It does not do that. It is an inanimate object. It assaults no one. You gun-grabbers are idiots. The government does not want you to own any gun that has even a slight chance of thwarting a hostile government takeover.

I don't call it an Assault Rifle. It's not a military rifle therefore it can't be called an Assault Rifle even though it's a clone of a M-16 Carbine (M-4). It IS an AR-15 Clone though. And if they law reads that the "AR-15 and it's various clones are banned" then it's legal as per the Federal Courts.

Good luck. I hope you're the one who gets to go door to door in order to collect all of them.

There you go again. You didn't pay attention to the history of the Thompson Model 1920 and the 1934 NFA law. There was no door to door collections and in 10 years, the Thompson Model 1920 became a non issue. The problem with you gunnutters is that you are so ill informed by the history of firearms you are dangerous to everyone around you and yourself.

It doesn't require a knowledge of history to blow some fucker's head off when he comes through my door at 3 in the morning.
Of course..he might shoot first..and render your point...quite he takes your gun off your corpse and sells it for crack money~

More likely your little scatter-gun would be used as a club to beat you to death, after you expended your five measly rounds into the wall you just had painted last year.

Some pawn shop would probably give him 50 bucks for it.
2 shooters/ Why would I fire 5 times?

Surely my Ithaca would fetch $100 at least?

Sure. I'll give you $100 for it, and just throw it in with the pile of shotguns I already have and don't really need.

I can get more for it by parting it out and selling the parts on Ebay.

This is something that seemed to die down during pun intended...but why as soon as we get another democrat president we begin to see mass shooters again? happened under Clinton Obama and the anti 2nd amendment RINO Bush...makes me wonder if all of those stories about CIA mind control are true....
Lets face it...dems want to take guns away and need us to want that too...what better way than to create more random shootings....

did you forget what it was like before the lockdowns?

Because it is. It's an AR-15 Clone. What this is going to do is to have the County reintroduce the bill that reads, instead of "Assault Rifle", it will read "Ar-15 and it's various Clones" and will be legal.
Why do you call it an ASSAULT rifle? It does not do that. It is an inanimate object. It assaults no one. You gun-grabbers are idiots. The government does not want you to own any gun that has even a slight chance of thwarting a hostile government takeover.

I don't call it an Assault Rifle. It's not a military rifle therefore it can't be called an Assault Rifle even though it's a clone of a M-16 Carbine (M-4). It IS an AR-15 Clone though. And if they law reads that the "AR-15 and it's various clones are banned" then it's legal as per the Federal Courts.

Good luck. I hope you're the one who gets to go door to door in order to collect all of them.

There you go again. You didn't pay attention to the history of the Thompson Model 1920 and the 1934 NFA law. There was no door to door collections and in 10 years, the Thompson Model 1920 became a non issue. The problem with you gunnutters is that you are so ill informed by the history of firearms you are dangerous to everyone around you and yourself.

It doesn't require a knowledge of history to blow some fucker's head off when he comes through my door at 3 in the morning.

Nor does it take history to blow anyone away in a Super Market either and that is what we are discussing. Pay attention.
Jeeeeez you preople, allow the Nazis some slack. It was wartime as opposed to *peace time in American where Americans are blowing each others brains out in the thousands!

* as close to peacetime as Ameica gets.
Guns were taken from Jews prior to war.
guns were taken from all Germans after WWI
We aren't the Germans, and better yet we defeated them with (wait for it), guns.

I know, I know, but they were military guns, and they were issued to the soldiers for a purpose... True, but you still had to have a citizenry capable of being trained, and having guns as civilians came in real handy as a starter when going in.
Are we talking all guns? No. We are talking about assault weapon bans & magazine limitations.
I know, I know, how's about let's go back to identifying bad people in this country once again, so yes of course when they raise their evil heads to do bad or they plan to do bad things in life, then let's get back to being pro-active against criminals instead of reactive after the fact ???? That would be a start in the right direction.

Leave the good folks alone or create some diverse allies that will help in the flight against criminals.
Why don't we ban folks with names like:

Ahmad Al Aliwi Alissa

Before doing away with the Bill of Rights?
Well.. because we would have to do away with the Bill of Rights ban people for their name, religion, race or ethnicity.
You're not the brightest bulb, are you?
Ok, question for you anti gun folks. You get your wish, they ban the ar15 and the highest capacity magazine for your pistol is 5 rounds.

Now, its 2:30 am and you hear your back door being kicked in, and you grab your pistol or your shotgun and you are confronted with 2 guys wearing masks both holding ar15s. What do you do?
Shoot them, duh! Dead men don't return fire.
If you go into a firefight with a pistol or a shotgun, against 2 people armed with ar15s, you may not fair that well. Remember, most people have never been in a situation where they have had to draw on someone. The majority of people will be VERY nervous, they will hesitate, second guess, and a lot just won't have the wherewithal to pull the trigger.

Those that do have the guts to pull the trigger, being nervous, will likely miss. If all they have is a pistol with 5 rounds, the encounter will likely end up with them dying. They might fare better with a shotgun, but the chances are they will hit 1, but the other will probably be able to return fire before the home owner can bear down on the other target.

At least with a pistol that has a 17 round magazine, they'll have more opportunity to defend themselves.

My point know what, forget it. My point will be wasted as it doesn't matter what anyone says, you guys will push forward, and will likely end the filibuster, and then gun regulation will run rampant, and the only people who will be hurt by it are the good guys.

So, go ahead, get it done. There are over 300 million guns in America. Anyone who wants a high capacity AR15, or other semi automatic weapon will easily be able to acquire one if they decide to do harm, and the good guy who decided to abide by the law will be the one who pays the price.
Because it is. It's an AR-15 Clone. What this is going to do is to have the County reintroduce the bill that reads, instead of "Assault Rifle", it will read "Ar-15 and it's various Clones" and will be legal.
Why do you call it an ASSAULT rifle? It does not do that. It is an inanimate object. It assaults no one. You gun-grabbers are idiots. The government does not want you to own any gun that has even a slight chance of thwarting a hostile government takeover.

I don't call it an Assault Rifle. It's not a military rifle therefore it can't be called an Assault Rifle even though it's a clone of a M-16 Carbine (M-4). It IS an AR-15 Clone though. And if they law reads that the "AR-15 and it's various clones are banned" then it's legal as per the Federal Courts.

Good luck. I hope you're the one who gets to go door to door in order to collect all of them.

There you go again. You didn't pay attention to the history of the Thompson Model 1920 and the 1934 NFA law. There was no door to door collections and in 10 years, the Thompson Model 1920 became a non issue. The problem with you gunnutters is that you are so ill informed by the history of firearms you are dangerous to everyone around you and yourself.

It doesn't require a knowledge of history to blow some fucker's head off when he comes through my door at 3 in the morning.
Of course..he might shoot first..and render your point...quite he takes your gun off your corpse and sells it for crack money~

More likely your little scatter-gun would be used as a club to beat you to death, after you expended your five measly rounds into the wall you just had painted last year.

Some pawn shop would probably give him 50 bucks for it.
2 shooters/ Why would I fire 5 times?

Surely my Ithaca would fetch $100 at least?
Because it is. It's an AR-15 Clone. What this is going to do is to have the County reintroduce the bill that reads, instead of "Assault Rifle", it will read "Ar-15 and it's various Clones" and will be legal.
Why do you call it an ASSAULT rifle? It does not do that. It is an inanimate object. It assaults no one. You gun-grabbers are idiots. The government does not want you to own any gun that has even a slight chance of thwarting a hostile government takeover.

I don't call it an Assault Rifle. It's not a military rifle therefore it can't be called an Assault Rifle even though it's a clone of a M-16 Carbine (M-4). It IS an AR-15 Clone though. And if they law reads that the "AR-15 and it's various clones are banned" then it's legal as per the Federal Courts.

Good luck. I hope you're the one who gets to go door to door in order to collect all of them.

There you go again. You didn't pay attention to the history of the Thompson Model 1920 and the 1934 NFA law. There was no door to door collections and in 10 years, the Thompson Model 1920 became a non issue. The problem with you gunnutters is that you are so ill informed by the history of firearms you are dangerous to everyone around you and yourself.

It doesn't require a knowledge of history to blow some fucker's head off when he comes through my door at 3 in the morning.

Nor does it take history to blow anyone away in a Super Market either and that is what we are discussing. Pay attention.

No. What we are discussing is an act of Islamic terrorism committed by a radicalized Syrian refugee who wanted to kill Americans. And you Democrat's idiotic response in calling for more gun control to deny law-abiding Americans from owning firearms.

What you refuse to discuss is your party's failed immigration polices that are putting American citizens at the risk of being murdered, just like we saw today. You continue to ignore mental health issues, always blaming the crime on the gun. You don't even enforce the existing gun laws already on the books, many time letting the criminals walk away scott-free. You even ignore the fact that there are Islamic terrorists in this country who want to kill Americans, while you view conservative Americans as your real enemy.

One of the first things your idiot President did was to scrap President Trump's restrictions against entry to America from terrorist countries, most of which are Middle Eastern countries.

You ignorant fuckers just don't get it, do you? I sincerely doubt if you ever will.
Because it is. It's an AR-15 Clone. What this is going to do is to have the County reintroduce the bill that reads, instead of "Assault Rifle", it will read "Ar-15 and it's various Clones" and will be legal.
Why do you call it an ASSAULT rifle? It does not do that. It is an inanimate object. It assaults no one. You gun-grabbers are idiots. The government does not want you to own any gun that has even a slight chance of thwarting a hostile government takeover.

I don't call it an Assault Rifle. It's not a military rifle therefore it can't be called an Assault Rifle even though it's a clone of a M-16 Carbine (M-4). It IS an AR-15 Clone though. And if they law reads that the "AR-15 and it's various clones are banned" then it's legal as per the Federal Courts.

Good luck. I hope you're the one who gets to go door to door in order to collect all of them.

There you go again. You didn't pay attention to the history of the Thompson Model 1920 and the 1934 NFA law. There was no door to door collections and in 10 years, the Thompson Model 1920 became a non issue. The problem with you gunnutters is that you are so ill informed by the history of firearms you are dangerous to everyone around you and yourself.

It doesn't require a knowledge of history to blow some fucker's head off when he comes through my door at 3 in the morning.

Nor does it take history to blow anyone away in a Super Market either and that is what we are discussing. Pay attention.

It's a shame he chose a progressive neighborhood where the people don't like guns, or carry their own for protection from the likes of him.

Of course that is WHY he chose that area.
Because it is. It's an AR-15 Clone. What this is going to do is to have the County reintroduce the bill that reads, instead of "Assault Rifle", it will read "Ar-15 and it's various Clones" and will be legal.
Why do you call it an ASSAULT rifle? It does not do that. It is an inanimate object. It assaults no one. You gun-grabbers are idiots. The government does not want you to own any gun that has even a slight chance of thwarting a hostile government takeover.

I don't call it an Assault Rifle. It's not a military rifle therefore it can't be called an Assault Rifle even though it's a clone of a M-16 Carbine (M-4). It IS an AR-15 Clone though. And if they law reads that the "AR-15 and it's various clones are banned" then it's legal as per the Federal Courts.

Good luck. I hope you're the one who gets to go door to door in order to collect all of them.

There you go again. You didn't pay attention to the history of the Thompson Model 1920 and the 1934 NFA law. There was no door to door collections and in 10 years, the Thompson Model 1920 became a non issue. The problem with you gunnutters is that you are so ill informed by the history of firearms you are dangerous to everyone around you and yourself.

It doesn't require a knowledge of history to blow some fucker's head off when he comes through my door at 3 in the morning.

Nor does it take history to blow anyone away in a Super Market either and that is what we are discussing. Pay attention.
So the term ‘assault’ only refers to use. I guarantee you an ar15 is not a military assault weapon.
Because it is. It's an AR-15 Clone. What this is going to do is to have the County reintroduce the bill that reads, instead of "Assault Rifle", it will read "Ar-15 and it's various Clones" and will be legal.
Why do you call it an ASSAULT rifle? It does not do that. It is an inanimate object. It assaults no one. You gun-grabbers are idiots. The government does not want you to own any gun that has even a slight chance of thwarting a hostile government takeover.

I don't call it an Assault Rifle. It's not a military rifle therefore it can't be called an Assault Rifle even though it's a clone of a M-16 Carbine (M-4). It IS an AR-15 Clone though. And if they law reads that the "AR-15 and it's various clones are banned" then it's legal as per the Federal Courts.

Good luck. I hope you're the one who gets to go door to door in order to collect all of them.

There you go again. You didn't pay attention to the history of the Thompson Model 1920 and the 1934 NFA law. There was no door to door collections and in 10 years, the Thompson Model 1920 became a non issue. The problem with you gunnutters is that you are so ill informed by the history of firearms you are dangerous to everyone around you and yourself.

It doesn't require a knowledge of history to blow some fucker's head off when he comes through my door at 3 in the morning.

Nor does it take history to blow anyone away in a Super Market either and that is what we are discussing. Pay attention.
So the term ‘assault’ only refers to use. I guarantee you an ar15 is not a military assault weapon.

It's a "modern sporting rifle."

Soldiers who tried to carry out an assault with those would die pretty quickly.
In a majority of states, new voters are able to obtain a rifle quicker than they're able to cast their first ballot. It seems to me we have our priorities entirely backwards when it comes to this ... when we make it easier to buy a gun than we do to cast a ballot
In a majority of states, new voters are able to obtain a rifle quicker than they're able to cast their first ballot. It seems to me we have our priorities entirely backwards when it comes to this ... when we make it easier to buy a gun than we do to cast a ballot
All a citizen has to do is register to vote to cast a ballot. It costs nothing. Hell in some States you don't even need to show ID!!! A rifle costs money and requires ID, a background check and in many States, a waiting period. You are so full of shit it's disgusting.
NO ONE is claiming to taking away all the guns, except RW's
Does it require a signed confession of intent from the left?

You people are blindly stumbling toward mass confiscation even if many libs like you dont realize it yet
RWNJ conspiracy theories thanks to the NRA, every time a democrat is in office, so the gullible will buy more guns, been happening for decades.
There are more guns in shit holes than anywhere.

If we remove guns from shit holes only, that would solve 80% of the problem.

Liberals with guns are the problem.

Exactly the opposite, of course
You know why there are more mass shootings? Liberal ideas have forced adults to give kids timeouts and spare the rod. Kids that fight in school get arrested these days and there is no outlet for pent up aggression. Everyone has "mental health issues" instead of getting their asses kicked once in a while. Add to it the lack of deterrent by our softie criminal justice system. If people like this shooter got a swift and public execution, these kinds crimes would subside. Look at the numbers of death sentences in this country since 1977 and look again at the graph posted about the numbers of mass shootings. Liberals need to learn to reap what they sow.

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February 28 2017

President Donald Trump quietly signed a bill into law Tuesday rolling back an Obama-era regulation that made it harder for people with mental illnesses to purchase a gun.

The rule, which was finalized in December, added people receiving Social Security checks for mental illnesses and people deemed unfit to handle their own financial affairs to the national background check database.

President Barack Obama recommended the now-nullified regulation in a 2013 memo following the mass shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary School, which left 20 first graders and six others dead. The measure sought to block some people with severe mental health problems from buying guns. › news › us-news

RW's had to repeal the law, otherwise none of them would be able to buy a gun.

Can you prove that people who have been judged to be unfit to handle their financial affairs are actually a danger to themselves or others? Because that's what Trump rolled back.
That's what they themselves claimed, in order to receive SS benefits, they would have to have a doctor testify in court for that to happen.
Can't write check or pay their bills without help but let them have an AK?


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