Another active shooter

Because it is. It's an AR-15 Clone. What this is going to do is to have the County reintroduce the bill that reads, instead of "Assault Rifle", it will read "Ar-15 and it's various Clones" and will be legal.
Why do you call it an ASSAULT rifle? It does not do that. It is an inanimate object. It assaults no one. You gun-grabbers are idiots. The government does not want you to own any gun that has even a slight chance of thwarting a hostile government takeover.
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This is something that seemed to die down during pun intended...but why as soon as we get another democrat president we begin to see mass shooters again? happened under Clinton Obama and the anti 2nd amendment RINO Bush...makes me wonder if all of those stories about CIA mind control are true....
Lets face it...dems want to take guns away and need us to want that too...what better way than to create more random shootings....
I was thinking that as those poor forced sex slave workers in Atlanta were murdered. Now this.

Anyone know the Chinese or Venezuelan anthem so I could start practicing? Then I'll know both when we chose.
Yeah..cause everything is political, right?

F'kin idiot ghouls.

Ghouls are what right-wingers have turned into with pathetic OPs like this.
All we hear about from filthy Dems is "Race,Race,Race. The Proud Boys MUST expand.
White male, born on May 5, 1983; He is 5'7" tall and 200 pounds. His criminal history includes drug paraphernalia and possession. He is also known to be violent towards police.

Party Affiliation: Unaffiliated
Registered to Vote In: Boulder County, Colorado
Registration Date: 05/23/2019
Voter Status: Inactive
Status Reason: Undeliverable Ballot

Also threatened to kill a Denver DA in 2015...

Man accused of threatening to kill Denver DA
Short fat ugly and never got laid .Libturd for sure.
Another Muslim Terrorist. Something lacking over the last 4 year. They are BAAAACK!

Guy shooting....No law enforcement...Good argument for the 2nd amendment.

Only morons think the answer to mass shootings is more guns. It is like saying the answer to arson is more matches.

So where was the "good guy" with a weapon to stop the shooter in Boulder?

Where was that "good guy" with a weapon in Atlanta last week?

Arming people isn't the answer. Making sure weapons don't get into the wrong hands is the answer.

Hey.....dipshit......the Grocery store was a gun free zone.......the cop who was there was in the store shopping......

Do you understand that when a location is "GUN FREE" that means no one has a you fucking understand that?

You do realize, 2Assguy that you just destroyed your argument. The cop was the "good guy" with a gun and still he could not stop the rampage. In other words, your argument is pure BS.

He was the only one, shit for was a gun free no one else was allowed to have the just made the case for more people in that store to have had guns, you idiot.........

Do your Chinese masters know you are posting about this instead of spreading lies about the Chinese Flu?

Wrong again. More guns would have done shit. The innocents would have still have died. Just like the cop they would have been take unawares.

Are you this stupid in real life or only when you post...

They sent in cops....with stop this guy........ Guns.......not social workers...

Getting shot through the leg stopped the shooter from hurting more people you idiot....

Research shows that when shooters are immediately engaged by armed people, they are killed, surrender, run idiot..

You should really study these things before you post....China is definitely not getting their monies worth with you....

If I were being paid by the Chinese I certainly wouldn't give a damn about American lives, but I do. If anyone seems to be a useful idiot of the Chinese and our adversaries it is YOU. You are the one arguing that Americans are so full of anger and hate that we need to be armed to the teeth to protect one another from one another.

If tightening gun laws will have less lunatics having access to guns and more lives saved, then we should do it.

You want us to live in an armed encampment where everyone is afraid of each other.

In the end, your world, 2assguy, is a miserable world.

ttRUMP'S army of nuts, are offically cop killers. But I

Guy shooting....No law enforcement...Good argument for the 2nd amendment.

Only morons think the answer to mass shootings is more guns. It is like saying the answer to arson is more matches.

Only a real moron would just let himself get shot dead because he didn't have the tools or the balls to protect himself.


  1. A fire set intentionally to arrest the progress of an approaching fire by creating a burned area in its path, thus depriving the fire of fuel.

The myth of the good guy with a gun is just that: a myth.

According to you. But we all know you're full of shit.

"Guns prevent an estimated 2.5 million crimes a year, or 6,849 every day. Most often, the gun is never fired...

Every year, 400,000 life-threatening violent crimes are prevented using firearms...

60 percent of convicted felons admitted that they avoided committing crimes when they knew the victim was armed. Forty percent of convicted felons admitted that they avoided committing crimes when they thought the victim might be armed...

Felons report that they avoid entering houses where people are at home because they fear being shot...

Fewer than 1 percent of firearms are used in the commission of a crime..."

Guns Prevent Thousands of Crimes Every Day, Research Shows | Lawrence W. Reed

You been hanging around with 2 boy again.

I don't "hang out" with anyone. I'm a walking, talking example of the 2nd Amendment, and am one of those proverbial "good guys with a gun" you hope might be around when some nutcase goes off on a shooting spree.

Do you have a Concealed Weapon Permit?

Had one since 2010 and have carried every day since then: Glock 19 Gen4, 15 in the magazine, one in the the chamber, two spare mags, pepper spray, tactical knife and flashlight.

Sometimes I'll wear level IV body armor under my shirt if I'm out of town and carrying a wad of cash. I also collect and repair firearms, handload for 10 different calibers, and shoot thousands of round a year. Have my own range in the back yard.

Be careful with those Glocks. You could shoot yourself in the foot.

All my carry weapons have safeties.

My safety is my index finger. The first weapon I carried was a Ruger P-89. It's hammer-fired, double-action, and has that goofy de-cocker type safety on it. The problem was that the safety lever could get snagged on clothing and when you pulled the trigger, nothing would happen.

Glocks are meant to be ready to go without having to fumblefuck with a safety lever, which is why they're favored by law-enforcement. You just have to follow the basic rule of firearms safety rule number 3: Keep you finger off the trigger until the sights are on the target.

And make sure the trigger doesn't get snagged on your clothing if you have to re-holster it. That's happened to more than several police officers.

I hear that all the time from my fellow gun nut buddies. In fact we debate this all the time.

If you are very well trained then you probably have the discipline to make your finger your safety Most people don't even come close to being that well trained. Even as much as I shoot I don't think I am trained well enough.

I personally feel more comfortable with a safety. It only takes a fraction of a second to disengage and it is a good safety barrier.

When I do my firearms training if it is a novice class I recommend them to get firearms with safeties.

It's probably a good idea to have a lever or button safety, if they're new at it and unfamiliar with firearms. My wife's Taurus G2C has one on the side.

I'm carrying the G19 in a leather Milt Sparks IWB holster and it keeps the trigger covered pretty well. Many people don't realize that a decent holster is one the best investments. Too many people end up going to Walmart and getting one of those crappy nylon or Kydex holsters, then end up shooting themselves in the dick. I tried seven different holsters before sticking with that that one.

milt sparks.jpg

Wow, I bet unarmed blacks, cops and innocent bystanders are afraid of you and the miss'es, eh? Cause that seems to be the only thing you redneck cop killers are targeting these days

Da fuq are you even talking about?

i I honestly don't know, I just woke up....LOLO

Drink some coffee and do some reading, you're way behind and looking stupid.

Way behind? Listen, talking to you nuts, I will always be ahead of you morons....I got a brain that actually works, duh, even on a few hours of sleep....I work from home...LOLOL
The FBI knew who this guy was before the attack.............

“The suspect’s identity was known to the F.B.I. because he was linked to another individual under investigation by the bureau, according to law enforcement officials.” (link)

Way behind? Listen, talking to you nuts, I will always be ahead of you morons....I got a brain that actually works, duh, even on a few hours of sleep....I work from home...LOLOL
Says someone who can't seem to figure out how to stop pulling a quote train.

Guy shooting....No law enforcement...Good argument for the 2nd amendment.

Only morons think the answer to mass shootings is more guns. It is like saying the answer to arson is more matches.

So where was the "good guy" with a weapon to stop the shooter in Boulder?

Where was that "good guy" with a weapon in Atlanta last week?

Arming people isn't the answer. Making sure weapons don't get into the wrong hands is the answer.

Hey.....dipshit......the Grocery store was a gun free zone.......the cop who was there was in the store shopping......

Do you understand that when a location is "GUN FREE" that means no one has a you fucking understand that?

You do realize, 2Assguy that you just destroyed your argument. The cop was the "good guy" with a gun and still he could not stop the rampage. In other words, your argument is pure BS.

He was the only one, shit for was a gun free no one else was allowed to have the just made the case for more people in that store to have had guns, you idiot.........

Do your Chinese masters know you are posting about this instead of spreading lies about the Chinese Flu?

Wrong again. More guns would have done shit. The innocents would have still have died. Just like the cop they would have been take unawares.

Are you this stupid in real life or only when you post...

They sent in cops....with stop this guy........ Guns.......not social workers...

Getting shot through the leg stopped the shooter from hurting more people you idiot....

Research shows that when shooters are immediately engaged by armed people, they are killed, surrender, run idiot..

You should really study these things before you post....China is definitely not getting their monies worth with you....

If I were being paid by the Chinese I certainly wouldn't give a damn about American lives, but I do. If anyone seems to be a useful idiot of the Chinese and our adversaries it is YOU. You are the one arguing that Americans are so full of anger and hate that we need to be armed to the teeth to protect one another from one another.

If tightening gun laws will have less lunatics having access to guns and more lives saved, then we should do it.

You want us to live in an armed encampment where everyone is afraid of each other.

In the end, your world, 2assguy, is a miserable world.

ttRUMP'S army of nuts, are offically cop killers. But I

Guy shooting....No law enforcement...Good argument for the 2nd amendment.

Only morons think the answer to mass shootings is more guns. It is like saying the answer to arson is more matches.

Only a real moron would just let himself get shot dead because he didn't have the tools or the balls to protect himself.


  1. A fire set intentionally to arrest the progress of an approaching fire by creating a burned area in its path, thus depriving the fire of fuel.

The myth of the good guy with a gun is just that: a myth.

According to you. But we all know you're full of shit.

"Guns prevent an estimated 2.5 million crimes a year, or 6,849 every day. Most often, the gun is never fired...

Every year, 400,000 life-threatening violent crimes are prevented using firearms...

60 percent of convicted felons admitted that they avoided committing crimes when they knew the victim was armed. Forty percent of convicted felons admitted that they avoided committing crimes when they thought the victim might be armed...

Felons report that they avoid entering houses where people are at home because they fear being shot...

Fewer than 1 percent of firearms are used in the commission of a crime..."

Guns Prevent Thousands of Crimes Every Day, Research Shows | Lawrence W. Reed

You been hanging around with 2 boy again.

I don't "hang out" with anyone. I'm a walking, talking example of the 2nd Amendment, and am one of those proverbial "good guys with a gun" you hope might be around when some nutcase goes off on a shooting spree.

Do you have a Concealed Weapon Permit?

Had one since 2010 and have carried every day since then: Glock 19 Gen4, 15 in the magazine, one in the the chamber, two spare mags, pepper spray, tactical knife and flashlight.

Sometimes I'll wear level IV body armor under my shirt if I'm out of town and carrying a wad of cash. I also collect and repair firearms, handload for 10 different calibers, and shoot thousands of round a year. Have my own range in the back yard.

Be careful with those Glocks. You could shoot yourself in the foot.

All my carry weapons have safeties.

My safety is my index finger. The first weapon I carried was a Ruger P-89. It's hammer-fired, double-action, and has that goofy de-cocker type safety on it. The problem was that the safety lever could get snagged on clothing and when you pulled the trigger, nothing would happen.

Glocks are meant to be ready to go without having to fumblefuck with a safety lever, which is why they're favored by law-enforcement. You just have to follow the basic rule of firearms safety rule number 3: Keep you finger off the trigger until the sights are on the target.

And make sure the trigger doesn't get snagged on your clothing if you have to re-holster it. That's happened to more than several police officers.

I hear that all the time from my fellow gun nut buddies. In fact we debate this all the time.

If you are very well trained then you probably have the discipline to make your finger your safety Most people don't even come close to being that well trained. Even as much as I shoot I don't think I am trained well enough.

I personally feel more comfortable with a safety. It only takes a fraction of a second to disengage and it is a good safety barrier.

When I do my firearms training if it is a novice class I recommend them to get firearms with safeties.

It's probably a good idea to have a lever or button safety, if they're new at it and unfamiliar with firearms. My wife's Taurus G2C has one on the side.

I'm carrying the G19 in a leather Milt Sparks IWB holster and it keeps the trigger covered pretty well. Many people don't realize that a decent holster is one the best investments. Too many people end up going to Walmart and getting one of those crappy nylon or Kydex holsters, then end up shooting themselves in the dick. I tried seven different holsters before sticking with that that one.

milt sparks.jpg

Wow, I bet unarmed blacks, cops and innocent bystanders are afraid of you and the miss'es, eh? Cause that seems to be the only thing you redneck cop killers are targeting these days

Da fuq are you even talking about?

i I honestly don't know, I just woke up....LOLO

Drink some coffee and do some reading, you're way behind and looking stupid.

Way behind? Listen, talking to you nuts, I will always be ahead of you morons....I got a brain that actually works, duh, even on a few hours of sleep....I work from home...LOLOL

Go back to work then. We wouldn't want you to strain your brain trying to keep up with this thread.
Because it is. It's an AR-15 Clone. What this is going to do is to have the County reintroduce the bill that reads, instead of "Assault Rifle", it will read "Ar-15 and it's various Clones" and will be legal.
Why do you call it an ASSAULT rifle? It does not do that. It is an inanimate object. It assaults no one. You gun-grabbers are idiots. The government does not want you to own any gun that has even a slight chance of thwarting a hostile government takeover.

I don't call it an Assault Rifle. It's not a military rifle therefore it can't be called an Assault Rifle even though it's a clone of a M-16 Carbine (M-4). It IS an AR-15 Clone though. And if they law reads that the "AR-15 and it's various clones are banned" then it's legal as per the Federal Courts.
Wow, so you have a friend who's a Chem E. Big deal. That has absolutely NOTHING to do with the subject.

Weren't you telling me about the Jewish people who were murdered in Germany?
Yeah, you were, but I told you that it would be a better story if you looked to Poland.

We can get to Poland after you follow through with the story in Germany. How about an estimate of how many Jewish people were killed on Kristallnacht? US estimates put it at less than a hundred, but they don't say how much less. America kills that many from 30,000 feet even when the bomb misses the target! My own estimate would be 10 killed on Kristallnacht but I'm always open to some proof of it being a higher number.

If it sounds to you that I'm comparing the Nazis killing of Jewish people "in Germany" as insignificant compared to in "Poland", then that's what I'm doing.

My friend wasn't just a chemical engineer, he actually knew what he was talking about because he lived through it within easy walking distance of A-B.

The Jewish losses in Germany were approximately 90%. There were 505,000 Jews still living in germany when the pogroms began. Virtually none survived. Then, after the war began, the Germans rounded up all they could throughout Europe, or had the Einsatztruppen hunt them down. But the fact remains, the 505,000 Jews were first disarmed, and then sent to the camps. Dachau early, and then further east as the final solution began to take hold.
Because it is. It's an AR-15 Clone. What this is going to do is to have the County reintroduce the bill that reads, instead of "Assault Rifle", it will read "Ar-15 and it's various Clones" and will be legal.
Why do you call it an ASSAULT rifle? It does not do that. It is an inanimate object. It assaults no one. You gun-grabbers are idiots. The government does not want you to own any gun that has even a slight chance of thwarting a hostile government takeover.

I don't call it an Assault Rifle. It's not a military rifle therefore it can't be called an Assault Rifle even though it's a clone of a M-16 Carbine (M-4). It IS an AR-15 Clone though. And if they law reads that the "AR-15 and it's various clones are banned" then it's legal as per the Federal Courts.

Good luck. I hope you're the one who gets to go door to door in order to collect all of them.
Ok, question for you anti gun folks. You get your wish, they ban the ar15 and the highest capacity magazine for your pistol is 5 rounds.

Now, its 2:30 am and you hear your back door being kicked in, and you grab your pistol or your shotgun and you are confronted with 2 guys wearing masks both holding ar15s. What do you do?
Ok, question for you anti gun folks. You get your wish, they ban the ar15 and the highest capacity magazine for your pistol is 5 rounds.

Now, its 2:30 am and you hear your back door being kicked in, and you grab your pistol or your shotgun and you are confronted with 2 guys wearing masks both holding ar15s. What do you do?
Shoot them, duh! Dead men don't return fire.
Ok, question for you anti gun folks. You get your wish, they ban the ar15 and the highest capacity magazine for your pistol is 5 rounds.

Now, its 2:30 am and you hear your back door being kicked in, and you grab your pistol or your shotgun and you are confronted with 2 guys wearing masks both holding ar15s. What do you do?

That's easy: Confiscate them.

Ok, question for you anti gun folks. You get your wish, they ban the ar15 and the highest capacity magazine for your pistol is 5 rounds.

Now, its 2:30 am and you hear your back door being kicked in, and you grab your pistol or your shotgun and you are confronted with 2 guys wearing masks both holding ar15s. What do you do?
Shoot them, duh! Dead men don't return fire.

You'd probably have retrieve your gun from the closet, fumble around for the keys to take the trigger lock off, load the magazine, insert the magazine, chamber a round, and take the safety off first, wouldn't you?

Because it is. It's an AR-15 Clone. What this is going to do is to have the County reintroduce the bill that reads, instead of "Assault Rifle", it will read "Ar-15 and it's various Clones" and will be legal.
Why do you call it an ASSAULT rifle? It does not do that. It is an inanimate object. It assaults no one. You gun-grabbers are idiots. The government does not want you to own any gun that has even a slight chance of thwarting a hostile government takeover.

I don't call it an Assault Rifle. It's not a military rifle therefore it can't be called an Assault Rifle even though it's a clone of a M-16 Carbine (M-4). It IS an AR-15 Clone though. And if they law reads that the "AR-15 and it's various clones are banned" then it's legal as per the Federal Courts.

Good luck. I hope you're the one who gets to go door to door in order to collect all of them.

There you go again. You didn't pay attention to the history of the Thompson Model 1920 and the 1934 NFA law. There was no door to door collections and in 10 years, the Thompson Model 1920 became a non issue. The problem with you gunnutters is that you are so ill informed by the history of firearms you are dangerous to everyone around you and yourself.
Because it is. It's an AR-15 Clone. What this is going to do is to have the County reintroduce the bill that reads, instead of "Assault Rifle", it will read "Ar-15 and it's various Clones" and will be legal.
Why do you call it an ASSAULT rifle? It does not do that. It is an inanimate object. It assaults no one. You gun-grabbers are idiots. The government does not want you to own any gun that has even a slight chance of thwarting a hostile government takeover.

I don't call it an Assault Rifle. It's not a military rifle therefore it can't be called an Assault Rifle even though it's a clone of a M-16 Carbine (M-4). It IS an AR-15 Clone though. And if they law reads that the "AR-15 and it's various clones are banned" then it's legal as per the Federal Courts.

Good luck. I hope you're the one who gets to go door to door in order to collect all of them.

There you go again. You didn't pay attention to the history of the Thompson Model 1920 and the 1934 NFA law. There was no door to door collections and in 10 years, the Thompson Model 1920 became a non issue. The problem with you gunnutters is that you are so ill informed by the history of firearms you are dangerous to everyone around you and yourself.

It doesn't require a knowledge of history to blow some fucker's head off when he comes through my door at 3 in the morning.
Ok, question for you anti gun folks. You get your wish, they ban the ar15 and the highest capacity magazine for your pistol is 5 rounds.

Now, its 2:30 am and you hear your back door being kicked in, and you grab your pistol or your shotgun and you are confronted with 2 guys wearing masks both holding ar15s. What do you do?
Shoot them, duh! Dead men don't return fire.

You'd probably have retrieve your gun from the closet, fumble around for the keys to take the trigger lock off, load the magazine, insert the magazine, chamber a round, and take the safety off first, wouldn't you?

ROTFLMAO! I'd not count on it--although the dogs would probably give ample warning.
I have no my guns are trigger lock...I favor a shotgun for home defense.
I just don't conform to most of your infantile stereotypes..but don't let that stop ya~
Because it is. It's an AR-15 Clone. What this is going to do is to have the County reintroduce the bill that reads, instead of "Assault Rifle", it will read "Ar-15 and it's various Clones" and will be legal.
Why do you call it an ASSAULT rifle? It does not do that. It is an inanimate object. It assaults no one. You gun-grabbers are idiots. The government does not want you to own any gun that has even a slight chance of thwarting a hostile government takeover.

I don't call it an Assault Rifle. It's not a military rifle therefore it can't be called an Assault Rifle even though it's a clone of a M-16 Carbine (M-4). It IS an AR-15 Clone though. And if they law reads that the "AR-15 and it's various clones are banned" then it's legal as per the Federal Courts.

Good luck. I hope you're the one who gets to go door to door in order to collect all of them.

There you go again. You didn't pay attention to the history of the Thompson Model 1920 and the 1934 NFA law. There was no door to door collections and in 10 years, the Thompson Model 1920 became a non issue. The problem with you gunnutters is that you are so ill informed by the history of firearms you are dangerous to everyone around you and yourself.

It doesn't require a knowledge of history to blow some fucker's head off when he comes through my door at 3 in the morning.
Of course..he might shoot first..and render your point...quite he takes your gun off your corpse and sells it for crack money~

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