Another active shooter

Not even equal to an average Chicago weekend in Da Hood.

The lawlessness in Chicago needs to stay in Chicago (contained). If the dumb ace Democrat's think that those who live in Chicago are expendable like that, then we need to get the Democrats out of power in that city forever. Had enough yet Chicagoans ??? How about all you out there in the Democrat run slums ? Had enough yet ??? Hell no you ain't had enough yet, because you are brainwashed beyond repair.

They're not 'brainwashed', they love the crime and gangbanging and violence, it's who they are. They' lern they can extort money by rioting and sniveling bout 'racism', and the black middle class loves the bennies they get from holding their 'Bruthaahs' as hostages, keeping them stupid and violent. They have zero incentive to improve their schools, reduce out of wedlock teenage pregnancies, dope slinging hoodlums on every corner, and they most especially encourage hate crimes against other people, like whites and Asians and latinos. No one int the left's leadership will do a thing to interfere with any of that, it's what they rely on for votes from their base.
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NO ONE is claiming to taking away all the guns, except RW's
Does it require a signed confession of intent from the left?

You people are blindly stumbling toward mass confiscation even if many libs like you dont realize it yet
RWNJ conspiracy theories thanks to the NRA, every time a democrat is in office, so the gullible will buy more guns, been happening for decades.
Too bad gun owners are not as gullible as lefties who dont even know their own minds

gun grabbers praise any country that has totally banned firearms and its the obvious goal of the left in America

Guy shooting....No law enforcement...Good argument for the 2nd amendment.

Yes, indeed and the Left is on its heels with this issue. The festivities we witnessed last year caused a few million people to become FIRST TIME gun buyers. The only way they pass these 2 new GC abominations is if they first ditch the filibuster. They really better ponder that long and hard.
NO ONE is claiming to taking away all the guns, except RW's
Does it require a signed confession of intent from the left?

You people are blindly stumbling toward mass confiscation even if many libs like you dont realize it yet
RWNJ conspiracy theories thanks to the NRA, every time a democrat is in office, so the gullible will buy more guns, been happening for decades.
Too bad gun owners are not as gullible as lefties who dont even know their own minds

gun grabbers praise any country that has totally banned firearms and its the obvious goal of the left in America
Imagine their surprise when they finally realize they can't destroy 2A with simply stealing an election. Oh no... THAT plan is going to require them to work and risk and those aren't 2 actions they know much about.
NO ONE is claiming to taking away all the guns, except RW's
Does it require a signed confession of intent from the left?

You people are blindly stumbling toward mass confiscation even if many libs like you dont realize it yet
RWNJ conspiracy theories thanks to the NRA, every time a democrat is in office, so the gullible will buy more guns, been happening for decades.
Too bad gun owners are not as gullible as lefties who dont even know their own minds

gun grabbers praise any country that has totally banned firearms and its the obvious goal of the left in America

Yep, for decades that's what the NRA and RWNJ's claim every time a democrat is in office "total confiscation" of guns.

"Too bad gun owners are not as gullible as lefties who dont even know their own minds"?

That gets the morons to buy more weapons, they are convinced will be banned.

If they get banned why are RWNJ's buying more of them?

'Stable geniuses", like their dear leader?
NO ONE is claiming to taking away all the guns, except RW's
Does it require a signed confession of intent from the left?

You people are blindly stumbling toward mass confiscation even if many libs like you dont realize it yet
RWNJ conspiracy theories thanks to the NRA, every time a democrat is in office, so the gullible will buy more guns, been happening for decades.
Too bad gun owners are not as gullible as lefties who dont even know their own minds

gun grabbers praise any country that has totally banned firearms and its the obvious goal of the left in America
Imagine their surprise when they finally realize they can't destroy 2A with simply stealing an election. Oh no... THAT plan is going to require them to work and risk and those aren't 2 actions they know much about.

Imagine RWNJ's surprise when some one tells them what it takes to ratify or destroy an amendment.
Yep, for decades that's what the NRA and RWNJ's claim every time a democrat is in office "total confiscation" of guns.

"Too bad gun owners are not as gullible as lefties who dont even know their own minds"?

That gets the morons to buy more weapons, they are convinced will be banned.

If they get banned why are RWNJ's buying more of them?
you use a lot of insulting language when you refer to gun owners.

but at the same gome you tell us that you‘re our friend and mean gun owners no harm?

Its obvious to me that you are the unstable nut case that be easily influenced by leftwing politicians who want to take all the guns away
Yep, for decades that's what the NRA and RWNJ's claim every time a democrat is in office "total confiscation" of guns.

"Too bad gun owners are not as gullible as lefties who dont even know their own minds"?

That gets the morons to buy more weapons, they are convinced will be banned.

If they get banned why are RWNJ's buying more of them?
you use a lot of insulting language when you refer to gun owners.

but at the same gome you tell us that you‘re our friend and mean gun owners no harm?

Its obvious to me that you are the unstable nut case that be easily influenced by leftwing politicians who want to take all the guns away
That's only because they are RWNJ's.
The only conclusion, that they're convinced people want or could ban all weapons, then buy more.
I've had guns for decades, never worry about NRA or RW politician claims.
They have spouted the same BS for decades, nothing ever happens.
You sound like the nutcase, "take away all the guns".
Of course they are.
Imagine RWNJ's surprise when some one tells them what it takes to ratify or destroy an amendment.
All it takes is five unelected demigods in black robes

and with roberts the left is in danger of achieving that goal

You must have taken the advanced constitutional "law" school correspondence course from Trump U.
The supreme court can do no such thing.
The only conclusion, that they're convinced people want or could ban all weapons, then buy more.
I suspect that the majority of the new gun owners are libs like the two lawyers in St Louis, who are freaked out by leftwing mob violence on the streets of their city
You must have taken the advanced constitutional "law" school correspondence course from Trump U.
The supreme court can do no such thing.
the Constitution means whatever 5 members of the SC say it means
The only conclusion, that they're convinced people want or could ban all weapons, then buy more.
I suspect that the majority of the new gun owners are libs like the two lawyers in St Louis, who are freaked out by leftwing mob violence on the streets of their city

No, the guy was holding, a military type assault weapon, he needed all 30 rounds to hit his mailbox.
Had to be a RW, evidently they can't shoot.
These mass shooters looks like they have some type of autism. They have a blank look on their faces as if they are not here. And there are certain foods and medications or vaccines that is linked to autism.
I wonder if he was vaccinated recently with this COVID vaccine

Imagine RWNJ's surprise when some one tells them what it takes to ratify or destroy an amendment.
All it takes is five unelected demigods in black robes

and with roberts the left is in danger of achieving that goal

Yes. The country is run by judicial fiat and executive orders now, not the Constitution or any rule of law. Time to accept that fact and move on, either to a return to law or throw it all out. The left wants the latter.
Why don't we ban folks with names like:

Ahmad Al Aliwi Alissa

Before doing away with the Bill of Rights?
Well.. because we would have to do away with the Bill of Rights ban people for their name, religion, race or ethnicity.
You're not the brightest bulb, are you?

You dumbass. Muslims are assholes. Trump knew this and that is why he prevented the little shits from coming here. There is nothing in the Constitution that says we can identify Muslim terrorists and kick their asses out and keep them from coming in.

Why should real Americans have their Constitutional right to keep and bear arms taking away because some Muslim terrorist (that the worthless Negro let come here) shot up a grocery store?

Of course the worthless Negro was a filthy Muslim so no wonder the dickhead let the sonofabitches come into our country. Shame!

That world class dumbass Joe Dufus ran on a platform to bring in hundreds of thousands of Muslim refugees and real idiots voted for him and then let him get away with stealing the election. That was really dumb, wasn't it?
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Guy shooting....No law enforcement...Good argument for the 2nd amendment.

Only morons think the answer to mass shootings is more guns. It is like saying the answer to arson is more matches.

Only a real moron would just let himself get shot dead because he didn't have the tools or the balls to protect himself.


  1. A fire set intentionally to arrest the progress of an approaching fire by creating a burned area in its path, thus depriving the fire of fuel.

The myth of the good guy with a gun is just that: a myth.

Do you ever get tired of being proven to be an ignorant imbecile?

wow..Look what little fucktard was triggered.

Jus another typical comment from Nostro, the biggest dumbshit on this board.

You have to post from some libertarian blog.

LOL.. How about from a real news source, Nobrain.

Facts always piss of single digit IQ libtards like you.

Hey dumbfuck, did even read your own link. The author of the opinion piece you cite, says he got his facts “on-line“. Granted you are among the more dense posters in this board, so the idea that he cites “facts“ is only someone with your dim-witted would take seriously. Even the theauthor admired his sources are biased. You truly are an ass monkey,

You dismiss my link because he used the innerwebs........yet you used the innerwebs for your link. :cuckoo:

You are a dumbass who is too stupid to know when he is being a colossal dumbass.

I note you can’t refute any of the data I posted.

This coming from the guy who is too stupid to admit when he is wrong. John Lott, who your blogger widely quotes and praises, is a well known nut job hired by the Trump AdmInistration.

Lott is also a proven liar and fabricator.

Not that it matters to you because you are two peas in the same rancid pod.

“Beyond posing as a female graduate student to praise his own work and push back against critics for three years, Lott has a horrible record of accuracy. For example, in his 1998 book More Guns, Less Crime: Understanding Crime and Gun Control Laws, Lott pushed the myth that increasing gun ownership -- and especially increasing concealed weapons permits -- results in fewer incidents of violent crime. The book was widely criticized, and the Stanford Law Review said Lott made his central claim “without credible statistical support.” In fact, Lott’s premise has proved to be patently false; states with right-to-carry concealed handgun laws have higher rates of violent crime than states with no such laws.”

Try again, Dumb ass.

Kicking your ass, Nostro, has become very boring.

You whine and cry about a source, then use mediamatters????????????????????????????????????

You are too stupid to see how stupid you look.


Guy shooting....No law enforcement...Good argument for the 2nd amendment.

Only morons think the answer to mass shootings is more guns. It is like saying the answer to arson is more matches.

Only a real moron would just let himself get shot dead because he didn't have the tools or the balls to protect himself.


  1. A fire set intentionally to arrest the progress of an approaching fire by creating a burned area in its path, thus depriving the fire of fuel.

The myth of the good guy with a gun is just that: a myth.

Do you ever get tired of being proven to be an ignorant imbecile?

wow..Look what little fucktard was triggered.

Jus another typical comment from Nostro, the biggest dumbshit on this board.

You have to post from some libertarian blog.

LOL.. How about from a real news source, Nobrain.

Facts always piss of single digit IQ libtards like you.

Hey dumbfuck, did even read your own link. The author of the opinion piece you cite, says he got his facts “on-line“. Granted you are among the more dense posters in this board, so the idea that he cites “facts“ is only someone with your dim-witted would take seriously. Even the theauthor admired his sources are biased. You truly are an ass monkey,

You dismiss my link because he used the innerwebs........yet you used the innerwebs for your link. :cuckoo:

You are a dumbass who is too stupid to know when he is being a colossal dumbass.

I note you can’t refute any of the data I posted.

This coming from the guy who is too stupid to admit when he is wrong. John Lott, who your blogger widely quotes and praises, is a well known nut job hired by the Trump AdmInistration.

Lott is also a proven liar and fabricator.

Not that it matters to you because you are two peas in the same rancid pod.

“Beyond posing as a female graduate student to praise his own work and push back against critics for three years, Lott has a horrible record of accuracy. For example, in his 1998 book More Guns, Less Crime: Understanding Crime and Gun Control Laws, Lott pushed the myth that increasing gun ownership -- and especially increasing concealed weapons permits -- results in fewer incidents of violent crime. The book was widely criticized, and the Stanford Law Review said Lott made his central claim “without credible statistical support.” In fact, Lott’s premise has proved to be patently false; states with right-to-carry concealed handgun laws have higher rates of violent crime than states with no such laws.”

Try again, Dumb ass.

Kicking your ass, Nostro, has become very boring.

Once again Fuckwit, your lefty source zeroes in on concealed weapons permits. And your moronic, lefty source claims "increasing concealed weapons permits doesn't result in fewer incidents of violent crimes", which is a ludicrous statement. Violent crime can skyrocket and CC permits can go up at the same time AND prevent crimes. They are mutually exclusive.

If a CC holder prevents ONE crime that has resulted in fewer incidents of violent crime, Dumbass. That doesn't mean overall violent crime must go down for that to be true.

I know all of this will fly right over your flat, empty head.

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