Another active shooter

Jeeeeez you preople, allow the Nazis some slack. It was wartime as opposed to *peace time in American where Americans are blowing each others brains out in the thousands!

* as close to peacetime as Ameica gets.
Guns were taken from Jews prior to war.
guns were taken from all Germans after WWI
We aren't the Germans, and better yet we defeated them with (wait for it), guns.

I know, I know, but they were military guns, and they were issued to the soldiers for a purpose... True, but you still had to have a citizenry capable of being trained, and having guns as civilians came in real handy as a starter when going in.
Are we talking all guns? No. We are talking about assault weapon bans & magazine limitations.

An AR-15 is not a military weapon, you dumb ass, and magzine bans are just can't justify magazine bans other than to say..."But we want to ban them..." That is all you have.

You guys want to limit magazines because you know that will make millions and millions of pistols illegal...since their standard magazine is 15-19 rounds.....a gun ban without voting to ban the guns....and lying to the American people about why you want the magazine ban.
Is that all you gunnuts can post. We all know what is being discussed but hey, you assfucks keep posting this crap.

And who knew they can't make a 10 round magazine.

Keep killing innocents & children so you can keep your toys.

What is your specific solution to mass murder?
How about we make it so they don't have access to such killing machines?

How specifically? How will you stop access to AR platform rifles from bad people?

Europe can't stop their criminals from getting fully automatic rifles and grenades.......and we have drug cartels on the border building machine shops to make they can sell them and use them across the border.
Jeeeeez you preople, allow the Nazis some slack. It was wartime as opposed to *peace time in American where Americans are blowing each others brains out in the thousands!

* as close to peacetime as Ameica gets.
Guns were taken from Jews prior to war.
guns were taken from all Germans after WWI
We aren't the Germans, and better yet we defeated them with (wait for it), guns.

I know, I know, but they were military guns, and they were issued to the soldiers for a purpose... True, but you still had to have a citizenry capable of being trained, and having guns as civilians came in real handy as a starter when going in.
Are we talking all guns? No. We are talking about assault weapon bans & magazine limitations.

An AR-15 is not a military weapon, you dumb ass, and magzine bans are just can't justify magazine bans other than to say..."But we want to ban them..." That is all you have.

You guys want to limit magazines because you know that will make millions and millions of pistols illegal...since their standard magazine is 15-19 rounds.....a gun ban without voting to ban the guns....and lying to the American people about why you want the magazine ban.
Is that all you gunnuts can post. We all know what is being discussed but hey, you assfucks keep posting this crap.

And who knew they can't make a 10 round magazine.

Keep killing innocents & children so you can keep your toys.

What is your specific solution to mass murder?
How about we make it so they don't have access to such killing machines?

People are killing machines. Guns are merely tools.

43% of murders in Europe are with knives.
Jeeeeez you preople, allow the Nazis some slack. It was wartime as opposed to *peace time in American where Americans are blowing each others brains out in the thousands!

* as close to peacetime as Ameica gets.
Guns were taken from Jews prior to war.
guns were taken from all Germans after WWI
We aren't the Germans, and better yet we defeated them with (wait for it), guns.

I know, I know, but they were military guns, and they were issued to the soldiers for a purpose... True, but you still had to have a citizenry capable of being trained, and having guns as civilians came in real handy as a starter when going in.
Are we talking all guns? No. We are talking about assault weapon bans & magazine limitations.

An AR-15 is not a military weapon, you dumb ass, and magzine bans are just can't justify magazine bans other than to say..."But we want to ban them..." That is all you have.

You guys want to limit magazines because you know that will make millions and millions of pistols illegal...since their standard magazine is 15-19 rounds.....a gun ban without voting to ban the guns....and lying to the American people about why you want the magazine ban.
Is that all you gunnuts can post. We all know what is being discussed but hey, you assfucks keep posting this crap.

And who knew they can't make a 10 round magazine.

Keep killing innocents & children so you can keep your toys.

What is your specific solution to mass murder?
How about we make it so they don't have access to such killing machines?

How specifically? How will you stop access to AR platform rifles from bad people?

Europe can't stop their criminals from getting fully automatic rifles and grenades.......and we have drug cartels on the border building machine shops to make they can sell them and use them across the border.

Of course. Libs dont care about this. They just want to disarm the US population so they can control it.
Because it is. It's an AR-15 Clone. What this is going to do is to have the County reintroduce the bill that reads, instead of "Assault Rifle", it will read "Ar-15 and it's various Clones" and will be legal.
Why do you call it an ASSAULT rifle? It does not do that. It is an inanimate object. It assaults no one. You gun-grabbers are idiots. The government does not want you to own any gun that has even a slight chance of thwarting a hostile government takeover.

I don't call it an Assault Rifle. It's not a military rifle therefore it can't be called an Assault Rifle even though it's a clone of a M-16 Carbine (M-4). It IS an AR-15 Clone though. And if they law reads that the "AR-15 and it's various clones are banned" then it's legal as per the Federal Courts.

Good luck. I hope you're the one who gets to go door to door in order to collect all of them.

There you go again. You didn't pay attention to the history of the Thompson Model 1920 and the 1934 NFA law. There was no door to door collections and in 10 years, the Thompson Model 1920 became a non issue. The problem with you gunnutters is that you are so ill informed by the history of firearms you are dangerous to everyone around you and yourself.

It doesn't require a knowledge of history to blow some fucker's head off when he comes through my door at 3 in the morning.

Nor does it take history to blow anyone away in a Super Market either and that is what we are discussing. Pay attention.

No. What we are discussing is an act of Islamic terrorism committed by a radicalized Syrian refugee who wanted to kill Americans. And you Democrat's idiotic response in calling for more gun control to deny law-abiding Americans from owning firearms.

What you refuse to discuss is your party's failed immigration polices that are putting American citizens at the risk of being murdered, just like we saw today. You continue to ignore mental health issues, always blaming the crime on the gun. You don't even enforce the existing gun laws already on the books, many time letting the criminals walk away scott-free. You even ignore the fact that there are Islamic terrorists in this country who want to kill Americans, while you view conservative Americans as your real enemy.

One of the first things your idiot President did was to scrap President Trump's restrictions against entry to America from terrorist countries, most of which are Middle Eastern countries.

You ignorant fuckers just don't get it, do you? I sincerely doubt if you ever will.

No, that's what you want to steer it to. And Party Politics has nothing to do with the shooting. In fact, the Cops performed well, it's not a governments fault. It's not my fault. Hell, it's not even your fault. It's just a fruitcake that bought a gun to kill a bunch of people because he wanted to. No Hospital or Mental Health Care could have stopped it. There was no real warning. Just Bnagidy, Banidy Banidy, the deed is done.

if the assault rifle ban was still in effect, fewer would have died.

if better screening was in place, the mentally unstable shooter would not have been able to buy the gun.

if the magazine size was limited, fewer would have died.

I don't think so in this case. The features of the AR were never really realized. He was a crappy, inexperienced shooter. He was stopped before the speed and reloading factor of the AR became a factor. He could have done the same job with a 40 SW Semi Auto Handgun loaded with 15 rounds. He only had 15 556 rounds to work with so even a handgun with good killing power could have done the same job. And both weapons would have been legal.

In Colorado, the mag size IS limited to 15 and that is probably what save a lot of lives. He killed 11, wounded X number and ran out of ammo. And before he could swap out to another 15 round mag, got stopped cold. The Cops did their jobs fantastic. No good guy with a gun would have changed anything. Regardless of anything, those 11 would still be dead, those X number would still be wounded and he would still be under arrest. All of this went down in a matter of seconds.
Because it is. It's an AR-15 Clone. What this is going to do is to have the County reintroduce the bill that reads, instead of "Assault Rifle", it will read "Ar-15 and it's various Clones" and will be legal.
Why do you call it an ASSAULT rifle? It does not do that. It is an inanimate object. It assaults no one. You gun-grabbers are idiots. The government does not want you to own any gun that has even a slight chance of thwarting a hostile government takeover.

I don't call it an Assault Rifle. It's not a military rifle therefore it can't be called an Assault Rifle even though it's a clone of a M-16 Carbine (M-4). It IS an AR-15 Clone though. And if they law reads that the "AR-15 and it's various clones are banned" then it's legal as per the Federal Courts.

Good luck. I hope you're the one who gets to go door to door in order to collect all of them.

There you go again. You didn't pay attention to the history of the Thompson Model 1920 and the 1934 NFA law. There was no door to door collections and in 10 years, the Thompson Model 1920 became a non issue. The problem with you gunnutters is that you are so ill informed by the history of firearms you are dangerous to everyone around you and yourself.

It doesn't require a knowledge of history to blow some fucker's head off when he comes through my door at 3 in the morning.

Nor does it take history to blow anyone away in a Super Market either and that is what we are discussing. Pay attention.

No. What we are discussing is an act of Islamic terrorism committed by a radicalized Syrian refugee who wanted to kill Americans. And you Democrat's idiotic response in calling for more gun control to deny law-abiding Americans from owning firearms.

What you refuse to discuss is your party's failed immigration polices that are putting American citizens at the risk of being murdered, just like we saw today. You continue to ignore mental health issues, always blaming the crime on the gun. You don't even enforce the existing gun laws already on the books, many time letting the criminals walk away scott-free. You even ignore the fact that there are Islamic terrorists in this country who want to kill Americans, while you view conservative Americans as your real enemy.

One of the first things your idiot President did was to scrap President Trump's restrictions against entry to America from terrorist countries, most of which are Middle Eastern countries.

You ignorant fuckers just don't get it, do you? I sincerely doubt if you ever will.

No, that's what you want to steer it to. And Party Politics has nothing to do with the shooting. In fact, the Cops performed well, it's not a governments fault. It's not my fault. Hell, it's not even your fault. It's just a fruitcake that bought a gun to kill a bunch of people because he wanted to. No Hospital or Mental Health Care could have stopped it. There was no real warning. Just Bnagidy, Banidy Banidy, the deed is done.

if the assault rifle ban was still in effect, fewer would have died.

if better screening was in place, the mentally unstable shooter would not have been able to buy the gun.

if the magazine size was limited, fewer would have died.

You really are stupid.....

Boulder shooting with a rifle...10 killed.

Virginia Tech shooting with 2 pistols....32 killed, 23 injured

Luby's cafe shooting, 2 pistols....24 killed, 27 injured.

Kerch, Russia....5 shot, pump action shotgun....20 killed, 70 injured......100 yards away from the local police station.

It isn't the rifle, you dimwit......the only shooting where having a rifle mattered was in Las Vegas where the guy was shooting at over 200 yards....into a tightly packed crowd of over 22,000 people...had he been shooting at random people on a street he wouldn't even have hit the number he hit........

A rifle at the typical range of a mass public shooting will kill no more people than pistols or a pump action shotgun. The range is less than 30 yards in most idiot.

What makes the number killed higher?

1) The location of the attack is a gun free zone.

2) The time it takes good guys with guns to shoot back at the attacker....
Because it is. It's an AR-15 Clone. What this is going to do is to have the County reintroduce the bill that reads, instead of "Assault Rifle", it will read "Ar-15 and it's various Clones" and will be legal.
Why do you call it an ASSAULT rifle? It does not do that. It is an inanimate object. It assaults no one. You gun-grabbers are idiots. The government does not want you to own any gun that has even a slight chance of thwarting a hostile government takeover.

I don't call it an Assault Rifle. It's not a military rifle therefore it can't be called an Assault Rifle even though it's a clone of a M-16 Carbine (M-4). It IS an AR-15 Clone though. And if they law reads that the "AR-15 and it's various clones are banned" then it's legal as per the Federal Courts.

Good luck. I hope you're the one who gets to go door to door in order to collect all of them.

There you go again. You didn't pay attention to the history of the Thompson Model 1920 and the 1934 NFA law. There was no door to door collections and in 10 years, the Thompson Model 1920 became a non issue. The problem with you gunnutters is that you are so ill informed by the history of firearms you are dangerous to everyone around you and yourself.

It doesn't require a knowledge of history to blow some fucker's head off when he comes through my door at 3 in the morning.

Nor does it take history to blow anyone away in a Super Market either and that is what we are discussing. Pay attention.

No. What we are discussing is an act of Islamic terrorism committed by a radicalized Syrian refugee who wanted to kill Americans. And you Democrat's idiotic response in calling for more gun control to deny law-abiding Americans from owning firearms.

What you refuse to discuss is your party's failed immigration polices that are putting American citizens at the risk of being murdered, just like we saw today. You continue to ignore mental health issues, always blaming the crime on the gun. You don't even enforce the existing gun laws already on the books, many time letting the criminals walk away scott-free. You even ignore the fact that there are Islamic terrorists in this country who want to kill Americans, while you view conservative Americans as your real enemy.

One of the first things your idiot President did was to scrap President Trump's restrictions against entry to America from terrorist countries, most of which are Middle Eastern countries.

You ignorant fuckers just don't get it, do you? I sincerely doubt if you ever will.

No, that's what you want to steer it to. And Party Politics has nothing to do with the shooting. In fact, the Cops performed well, it's not a governments fault. It's not my fault. Hell, it's not even your fault. It's just a fruitcake that bought a gun to kill a bunch of people because he wanted to. No Hospital or Mental Health Care could have stopped it. There was no real warning. Just Bnagidy, Banidy Banidy, the deed is done.

if the assault rifle ban was still in effect, fewer would have died.

if better screening was in place, the mentally unstable shooter would not have been able to buy the gun.

if the magazine size was limited, fewer would have died.

You really are stupid.....

Boulder shooting with a rifle...10 killed.

Virginia Tech shooting with 2 pistols....32 killed, 23 injured

Luby's cafe shooting, 2 pistols....24 killed, 27 injured.

Kerch, Russia....5 shot, pump action shotgun....20 killed, 70 injured......100 yards away from the local police station.

It isn't the rifle, you dimwit......the only shooting where having a rifle mattered was in Las Vegas where the guy was shooting at over 200 yards....into a tightly packed crowd of over 22,000 people...had he been shooting at random people on a street he wouldn't even have hit the number he hit........

A rifle at the typical range of a mass public shooting will kill no more people than pistols or a pump action shotgun. The range is less than 30 yards in most idiot.

What makes the number killed higher?

1) The location of the attack is a gun free zone.

2) The time it takes good guys with guns to shoot back at the attacker....

769 gun murders in Chicago in 2020. Libs dont like talking about it.
Because it is. It's an AR-15 Clone. What this is going to do is to have the County reintroduce the bill that reads, instead of "Assault Rifle", it will read "Ar-15 and it's various Clones" and will be legal.
Why do you call it an ASSAULT rifle? It does not do that. It is an inanimate object. It assaults no one. You gun-grabbers are idiots. The government does not want you to own any gun that has even a slight chance of thwarting a hostile government takeover.

I don't call it an Assault Rifle. It's not a military rifle therefore it can't be called an Assault Rifle even though it's a clone of a M-16 Carbine (M-4). It IS an AR-15 Clone though. And if they law reads that the "AR-15 and it's various clones are banned" then it's legal as per the Federal Courts.

Good luck. I hope you're the one who gets to go door to door in order to collect all of them.

There you go again. You didn't pay attention to the history of the Thompson Model 1920 and the 1934 NFA law. There was no door to door collections and in 10 years, the Thompson Model 1920 became a non issue. The problem with you gunnutters is that you are so ill informed by the history of firearms you are dangerous to everyone around you and yourself.

It doesn't require a knowledge of history to blow some fucker's head off when he comes through my door at 3 in the morning.

Nor does it take history to blow anyone away in a Super Market either and that is what we are discussing. Pay attention.

No. What we are discussing is an act of Islamic terrorism committed by a radicalized Syrian refugee who wanted to kill Americans. And you Democrat's idiotic response in calling for more gun control to deny law-abiding Americans from owning firearms.

What you refuse to discuss is your party's failed immigration polices that are putting American citizens at the risk of being murdered, just like we saw today. You continue to ignore mental health issues, always blaming the crime on the gun. You don't even enforce the existing gun laws already on the books, many time letting the criminals walk away scott-free. You even ignore the fact that there are Islamic terrorists in this country who want to kill Americans, while you view conservative Americans as your real enemy.

One of the first things your idiot President did was to scrap President Trump's restrictions against entry to America from terrorist countries, most of which are Middle Eastern countries.

You ignorant fuckers just don't get it, do you? I sincerely doubt if you ever will.

No, that's what you want to steer it to. And Party Politics has nothing to do with the shooting. In fact, the Cops performed well, it's not a governments fault. It's not my fault. Hell, it's not even your fault. It's just a fruitcake that bought a gun to kill a bunch of people because he wanted to. No Hospital or Mental Health Care could have stopped it. There was no real warning. Just Bnagidy, Banidy Banidy, the deed is done.

if the assault rifle ban was still in effect, fewer would have died.

if better screening was in place, the mentally unstable shooter would not have been able to buy the gun.

if the magazine size was limited, fewer would have died.

I don't think so in this case. The features of the AR were never really realized. He was a crappy, inexperienced shooter. He was stopped before the speed and reloading factor of the AR became a factor. He could have done the same job with a 40 SW Semi Auto Handgun loaded with 15 rounds. He only had 15 556 rounds to work with so even a handgun with good killing power could have done the same job. And both weapons would have been legal.

In Colorado, the mag size IS limited to 15 and that is probably what save a lot of lives. He killed 11, wounded X number and ran out of ammo. And before he could swap out to another 15 round mag, got stopped cold. The Cops did their jobs fantastic. No good guy with a gun would have changed anything. Regardless of anything, those 11 would still be dead, those X number would still be wounded and he would still be under arrest. All of this went down in a matter of seconds.

In Colorado, the mag size IS limited to 15 and that is probably what save a lot of lives.

And that is just stupid bullshit........magazine size has nothing to do with the number killed.....

What saved lives is the police officer shooting back at him at the start of the attack.....

Boulder shooting with a rifle...10 killed.

Virginia Tech shooting with 2 pistols....32 killed, 23 injured

Luby's cafe shooting, 2 pistols....24 killed, 27 injured.

Kerch, Russia....5 shot, pump action shotgun....20 killed, 70 injured......100 yards away from the local police station.

It isn't the rifle, you dimwit......the only shooting where having a rifle mattered was in Las Vegas where the guy was shooting at over 200 yards....into a tightly packed crowd of over 22,000 people...had he been shooting at random people on a street he wouldn't even have hit the number he hit........

A rifle at the typical range of a mass public shooting will kill no more people than pistols or a pump action shotgun. The range is less than 30 yards in most idiot.

What makes the number killed higher?

1) The location of the attack is a gun free zone.

2) The time it takes good guys with guns to shoot back at the attacker....

No good guy with a gun would have changed anything.

This is also the following two links show...

Armed Citizens Are Successful 94% Of The Time At Active Shooter Events [FBI]

Of all the active shooter events there were 33 at which an armed citizen was present. Of those, Armed Citizens were successful at stopping the Active shooter 75.8% of the time (25 incidents) and were successful in reducing the loss of life in an additional 18.2% (6) of incidents. In only 2 of the 33 incidents (6.1%) was the Armed Citizen(s) not helpful in any way in stopping the active shooter or reducing the loss of life.

Thus the headline of our report that Armed Citizens Are Successful 94% Of The Time At Active Shooter Events.

In the 2 incidents at which the armed citizen “failed” to stop or slow the active shooter, one is the previously mentioned incident with hunters. The other is an incident in which the CCWer was shot in the back in a Las Vegas Walmart when he failed to identify that there were 2 Active Shooters involved in the attack. He neglected to identify the one that shot him in the back while he was trying to ambush the other perpetrator.

We also decided to look at the breakdown of events that took place in gun free zones and the relative death toll from events in gun free zones vs non-gun-free zones.

Of the 283 incidents in our data pool, we were unable to identify if the event took place in a gun-free zone in a large number (41%) of the events. Most of the events took place at a business, church, home, or other places at which as a rule of law it is not a gun free zone but potentially could have been declared one by the property owner. Without any information in the FBI study or any indication one way or the other from the news reports, we have indicated that event with a question mark.

If you look at all of the Active Shooter events (pie chart on the top) you see that for those which we have the information, almost twice as many took place in gun free zones than not; but realistically the vast majority of those for which we have no information (indicated as ?) are probably NOT gun free zones.

If you isolate just the events at which 8 or more people were killed the data paints a different picture (pie chart on the bottom). In these incidents, 77.8% took place in a gun-free zone suggesting that gun free zones lead to a higher death rate vs active shooter events in general


One of the final metrics we thought was important to consider is the potential tendency for armed citizens to injure or kill innocent people in their attempt to “save the day.” A common point in political discussions is to point out the lack of training of most armed citizens and the decrease in safety inherent in their presence during violent encounters.

As you can see below, however, at the 33 incidents at which Armed Citizens were present, there were zero situations at which the Armed Citizen injured or killed an innocent person. It never happened.

BREAKING: Man Opens Fire At Oklahoma Walmart, Confronted By Armed Citizen, Report Says

Two people were killed at a Walmart in Oklahoma by a man who opened fire in the parking lot on Monday before turning the weapon on himself after an armed citizen confronted him.

The assailant, who has not yet been identified, shot and killed a man and a woman in the parking lot and when he was “confronted by an armed citizen, he then turned the gun on himself,” The Daily Mail reported.

Hey.....anti-gun assholes who want universal background checks?

Colorado has universal background dumb asses....

Colorado is one of the few states in the Union that has the Democrats’ highly desired universal background check gun controls.

Gabby Giffords’ gun control group describes Colorado’s background check gun control as “universal background checks,” which means private sales require the same background check as a retail sale.

Moreover, firearm dealers “may charge a fee of up to $10 for conducting a background check” on a private sale.

Colorado adopted universal background checks in 2013, just months after the heinous attack on Sandy Hook Elementary School.

Because it is. It's an AR-15 Clone. What this is going to do is to have the County reintroduce the bill that reads, instead of "Assault Rifle", it will read "Ar-15 and it's various Clones" and will be legal.
Why do you call it an ASSAULT rifle? It does not do that. It is an inanimate object. It assaults no one. You gun-grabbers are idiots. The government does not want you to own any gun that has even a slight chance of thwarting a hostile government takeover.

I don't call it an Assault Rifle. It's not a military rifle therefore it can't be called an Assault Rifle even though it's a clone of a M-16 Carbine (M-4). It IS an AR-15 Clone though. And if they law reads that the "AR-15 and it's various clones are banned" then it's legal as per the Federal Courts.

Good luck. I hope you're the one who gets to go door to door in order to collect all of them.

There you go again. You didn't pay attention to the history of the Thompson Model 1920 and the 1934 NFA law. There was no door to door collections and in 10 years, the Thompson Model 1920 became a non issue. The problem with you gunnutters is that you are so ill informed by the history of firearms you are dangerous to everyone around you and yourself.

It doesn't require a knowledge of history to blow some fucker's head off when he comes through my door at 3 in the morning.

Nor does it take history to blow anyone away in a Super Market either and that is what we are discussing. Pay attention.

No. What we are discussing is an act of Islamic terrorism committed by a radicalized Syrian refugee who wanted to kill Americans. And you Democrat's idiotic response in calling for more gun control to deny law-abiding Americans from owning firearms.

What you refuse to discuss is your party's failed immigration polices that are putting American citizens at the risk of being murdered, just like we saw today. You continue to ignore mental health issues, always blaming the crime on the gun. You don't even enforce the existing gun laws already on the books, many time letting the criminals walk away scott-free. You even ignore the fact that there are Islamic terrorists in this country who want to kill Americans, while you view conservative Americans as your real enemy.

One of the first things your idiot President did was to scrap President Trump's restrictions against entry to America from terrorist countries, most of which are Middle Eastern countries.

You ignorant fuckers just don't get it, do you? I sincerely doubt if you ever will.

No, that's what you want to steer it to. And Party Politics has nothing to do with the shooting. In fact, the Cops performed well, it's not a governments fault. It's not my fault. Hell, it's not even your fault. It's just a fruitcake that bought a gun to kill a bunch of people because he wanted to. No Hospital or Mental Health Care could have stopped it. There was no real warning. Just Bnagidy, Banidy Banidy, the deed is done.

if the assault rifle ban was still in effect, fewer would have died.

if better screening was in place, the mentally unstable shooter would not have been able to buy the gun.

if the magazine size was limited, fewer would have died.

I don't think so in this case. The features of the AR were never really realized. He was a crappy, inexperienced shooter. He was stopped before the speed and reloading factor of the AR became a factor. He could have done the same job with a 40 SW Semi Auto Handgun loaded with 15 rounds. He only had 15 556 rounds to work with so even a handgun with good killing power could have done the same job. And both weapons would have been legal.

In Colorado, the mag size IS limited to 15 and that is probably what save a lot of lives. He killed 11, wounded X number and ran out of ammo. And before he could swap out to another 15 round mag, got stopped cold. The Cops did their jobs fantastic. No good guy with a gun would have changed anything. Regardless of anything, those 11 would still be dead, those X number would still be wounded and he would still be under arrest. All of this went down in a matter of seconds.

This is simply not true. How do you know that a person carrying saw this guy shoot the first victim, would not then have killed the shooter?

You say a good guy with a gun would not have stopped this, I say any gun laws would not have stopped this.


Murder is it doesnt happen, right? Cocaine is illegal so no one does it.
The shooter's race or ethnicity seems front and center when they aren’t white.

Otherwise, it’s just a mentally ill young man having a bad day.

Narratives drive our responses to awful crimes committed against innocent people, pay attention to these responses and who is targeted.
Because it is. It's an AR-15 Clone. What this is going to do is to have the County reintroduce the bill that reads, instead of "Assault Rifle", it will read "Ar-15 and it's various Clones" and will be legal.
Why do you call it an ASSAULT rifle? It does not do that. It is an inanimate object. It assaults no one. You gun-grabbers are idiots. The government does not want you to own any gun that has even a slight chance of thwarting a hostile government takeover.

I don't call it an Assault Rifle. It's not a military rifle therefore it can't be called an Assault Rifle even though it's a clone of a M-16 Carbine (M-4). It IS an AR-15 Clone though. And if they law reads that the "AR-15 and it's various clones are banned" then it's legal as per the Federal Courts.

Good luck. I hope you're the one who gets to go door to door in order to collect all of them.

There you go again. You didn't pay attention to the history of the Thompson Model 1920 and the 1934 NFA law. There was no door to door collections and in 10 years, the Thompson Model 1920 became a non issue. The problem with you gunnutters is that you are so ill informed by the history of firearms you are dangerous to everyone around you and yourself.

It doesn't require a knowledge of history to blow some fucker's head off when he comes through my door at 3 in the morning.

Nor does it take history to blow anyone away in a Super Market either and that is what we are discussing. Pay attention.
So the term ‘assault’ only refers to use. I guarantee you an ar15 is not a military assault weapon.

The AR-15 is just as deadly as the M-16 or the M-4 in a combat situation. You keep comparing the AR-15 to the M-16A2 and A1. But our Military uses the A4 which does not have a full auto setting. It has a 3 shot burst setting along with a single shot. And that 3 shot burst setting is worthless generally. Meaning, for combat operations, there will ZERO difference between an AR-15 and a M-16/M-4. In fact, some of the more expensive builds of the AR, the AR will blow the M series away in operation.

He also hopped the M-4 up a bit to go against the Guicci AR-15 with all the bells and whistles. The AR wins almost every test. Remember, it's not many bullets you throw out the barrel, it's how many times you hit your bad guy in a incapacitating area. Even if you were to think it was the number of rounds thrown down range, the AR still wins and wins on the accuracy.

Regardless of what your thoughts are, if you are a supporter of the AR, you should watch this. There are some really good bits of information that you can used to modify your existing AR.

But the fact remains, the AR is at least equal to the M-16/M-4 in a Combat Situation using the ARs available today and the Military current military issued M-16/M-4.

A shotgun is just as deadly as an AR-15 rifle in a mass public shooting.

Pistols are just as deadly an AR-15 rifles in a mass public shooting.

Boulder shooting, rifle....10 killed.

Kerch Russia....20 killed, 5 shot, pump action shotgun.

Virginia Tech...2 pistols....32 killed.

Luby's Cafe....2 pistols...24 killed.

Navy Yard shooting, pump action shotgun...7 round capacity....12 killed....

so nothing you posted is even remotely true or don't know what you are talking about..

The only advantage a rifle has is long distance shooting, which only impacted one mass public shooting, the Las Vegas shooting......the attacker was shooting over several hundred yards...but that only mattered because he was firing into a tightly packed crowd of over 22,000 people. Had he been firing at anything else, the rifle would not have been effective...cause the people would have run away or found cover...

You don't know what you are talking about....
Jeeeeez you preople, allow the Nazis some slack. It was wartime as opposed to *peace time in American where Americans are blowing each others brains out in the thousands!

* as close to peacetime as Ameica gets.
Guns were taken from Jews prior to war.
guns were taken from all Germans after WWI
We aren't the Germans, and better yet we defeated them with (wait for it), guns.

I know, I know, but they were military guns, and they were issued to the soldiers for a purpose... True, but you still had to have a citizenry capable of being trained, and having guns as civilians came in real handy as a starter when going in.
Are we talking all guns? No. We are talking about assault weapon bans & magazine limitations.

An AR-15 is not a military weapon, you dumb ass, and magzine bans are just can't justify magazine bans other than to say..."But we want to ban them..." That is all you have.

You guys want to limit magazines because you know that will make millions and millions of pistols illegal...since their standard magazine is 15-19 rounds.....a gun ban without voting to ban the guns....and lying to the American people about why you want the magazine ban.
Is that all you gunnuts can post. We all know what is being discussed but hey, you assfucks keep posting this crap.

And who knew they can't make a 10 round magazine.

Keep killing innocents & children so you can keep your toys.

What is your specific solution to mass murder?
How about we make it so they don't have access to such killing machines?
Then change the Constitution
Because it is. It's an AR-15 Clone. What this is going to do is to have the County reintroduce the bill that reads, instead of "Assault Rifle", it will read "Ar-15 and it's various Clones" and will be legal.
Why do you call it an ASSAULT rifle? It does not do that. It is an inanimate object. It assaults no one. You gun-grabbers are idiots. The government does not want you to own any gun that has even a slight chance of thwarting a hostile government takeover.

I don't call it an Assault Rifle. It's not a military rifle therefore it can't be called an Assault Rifle even though it's a clone of a M-16 Carbine (M-4). It IS an AR-15 Clone though. And if they law reads that the "AR-15 and it's various clones are banned" then it's legal as per the Federal Courts.

Good luck. I hope you're the one who gets to go door to door in order to collect all of them.

There you go again. You didn't pay attention to the history of the Thompson Model 1920 and the 1934 NFA law. There was no door to door collections and in 10 years, the Thompson Model 1920 became a non issue. The problem with you gunnutters is that you are so ill informed by the history of firearms you are dangerous to everyone around you and yourself.

It doesn't require a knowledge of history to blow some fucker's head off when he comes through my door at 3 in the morning.

Nor does it take history to blow anyone away in a Super Market either and that is what we are discussing. Pay attention.

No. What we are discussing is an act of Islamic terrorism committed by a radicalized Syrian refugee who wanted to kill Americans. And you Democrat's idiotic response in calling for more gun control to deny law-abiding Americans from owning firearms.

What you refuse to discuss is your party's failed immigration polices that are putting American citizens at the risk of being murdered, just like we saw today. You continue to ignore mental health issues, always blaming the crime on the gun. You don't even enforce the existing gun laws already on the books, many time letting the criminals walk away scott-free. You even ignore the fact that there are Islamic terrorists in this country who want to kill Americans, while you view conservative Americans as your real enemy.

One of the first things your idiot President did was to scrap President Trump's restrictions against entry to America from terrorist countries, most of which are Middle Eastern countries.

You ignorant fuckers just don't get it, do you? I sincerely doubt if you ever will.

No, that's what you want to steer it to. And Party Politics has nothing to do with the shooting. In fact, the Cops performed well, it's not a governments fault. It's not my fault. Hell, it's not even your fault. It's just a fruitcake that bought a gun to kill a bunch of people because he wanted to. No Hospital or Mental Health Care could have stopped it. There was no real warning. Just Bnagidy, Banidy Banidy, the deed is done.

He bought the gun on March 16th.

Probably bought it with his stimulus check.
Because it is. It's an AR-15 Clone. What this is going to do is to have the County reintroduce the bill that reads, instead of "Assault Rifle", it will read "Ar-15 and it's various Clones" and will be legal.
Why do you call it an ASSAULT rifle? It does not do that. It is an inanimate object. It assaults no one. You gun-grabbers are idiots. The government does not want you to own any gun that has even a slight chance of thwarting a hostile government takeover.

I don't call it an Assault Rifle. It's not a military rifle therefore it can't be called an Assault Rifle even though it's a clone of a M-16 Carbine (M-4). It IS an AR-15 Clone though. And if they law reads that the "AR-15 and it's various clones are banned" then it's legal as per the Federal Courts.

Good luck. I hope you're the one who gets to go door to door in order to collect all of them.

There you go again. You didn't pay attention to the history of the Thompson Model 1920 and the 1934 NFA law. There was no door to door collections and in 10 years, the Thompson Model 1920 became a non issue. The problem with you gunnutters is that you are so ill informed by the history of firearms you are dangerous to everyone around you and yourself.

It doesn't require a knowledge of history to blow some fucker's head off when he comes through my door at 3 in the morning.

Nor does it take history to blow anyone away in a Super Market either and that is what we are discussing. Pay attention.
So the term ‘assault’ only refers to use. I guarantee you an ar15 is not a military assault weapon.

The AR-15 is just as deadly as the M-16 or the M-4 in a combat situation. You keep comparing the AR-15 to the M-16A2 and A1. But our Military uses the A4 which does not have a full auto setting. It has a 3 shot burst setting along with a single shot. And that 3 shot burst setting is worthless generally. Meaning, for combat operations, there will ZERO difference between an AR-15 and a M-16/M-4. In fact, some of the more expensive builds of the AR, the AR will blow the M series away in operation.

He also hopped the M-4 up a bit to go against the Guicci AR-15 with all the bells and whistles. The AR wins almost every test. Remember, it's not many bullets you throw out the barrel, it's how many times you hit your bad guy in a incapacitating area. Even if you were to think it was the number of rounds thrown down range, the AR still wins and wins on the accuracy.

Regardless of what your thoughts are, if you are a supporter of the AR, you should watch this. There are some really good bits of information that you can used to modify your existing AR.

But the fact remains, the AR is at least equal to the M-16/M-4 in a Combat Situation using the ARs available today and the Military current military issued M-16/M-4.

A shotgun is just as deadly as an AR-15 rifle in a mass public shooting.

Pistols are just as deadly an AR-15 rifles in a mass public shooting.

Boulder shooting, rifle....10 killed.

Kerch Russia....20 killed, 5 shot, pump action shotgun.

Virginia Tech...2 pistols....32 killed.

Luby's Cafe....2 pistols...24 killed.

Navy Yard shooting, pump action shotgun...7 round capacity....12 killed....

so nothing you posted is even remotely true or don't know what you are talking about..

The only advantage a rifle has is long distance shooting, which only impacted one mass public shooting, the Las Vegas shooting......the attacker was shooting over several hundred yards...but that only mattered because he was firing into a tightly packed crowd of over 22,000 people. Had he been firing at anything else, the rifle would not have been effective...cause the people would have run away or found cover...

You don't know what you are talking about....

One of the pistols the Virginia tech murderer used was a Walther .22 pistol with a 10-round magazine. He was also adjudicated to be mentally-ill previously to purchasing the weapons.
Because it is. It's an AR-15 Clone. What this is going to do is to have the County reintroduce the bill that reads, instead of "Assault Rifle", it will read "Ar-15 and it's various Clones" and will be legal.
Why do you call it an ASSAULT rifle? It does not do that. It is an inanimate object. It assaults no one. You gun-grabbers are idiots. The government does not want you to own any gun that has even a slight chance of thwarting a hostile government takeover.

I don't call it an Assault Rifle. It's not a military rifle therefore it can't be called an Assault Rifle even though it's a clone of a M-16 Carbine (M-4). It IS an AR-15 Clone though. And if they law reads that the "AR-15 and it's various clones are banned" then it's legal as per the Federal Courts.

Good luck. I hope you're the one who gets to go door to door in order to collect all of them.

There you go again. You didn't pay attention to the history of the Thompson Model 1920 and the 1934 NFA law. There was no door to door collections and in 10 years, the Thompson Model 1920 became a non issue. The problem with you gunnutters is that you are so ill informed by the history of firearms you are dangerous to everyone around you and yourself.

It doesn't require a knowledge of history to blow some fucker's head off when he comes through my door at 3 in the morning.

Nor does it take history to blow anyone away in a Super Market either and that is what we are discussing. Pay attention.
So the term ‘assault’ only refers to use. I guarantee you an ar15 is not a military assault weapon.

The AR-15 is just as deadly as the M-16 or the M-4 in a combat situation. You keep comparing the AR-15 to the M-16A2 and A1. But our Military uses the A4 which does not have a full auto setting. It has a 3 shot burst setting along with a single shot. And that 3 shot burst setting is worthless generally. Meaning, for combat operations, there will ZERO difference between an AR-15 and a M-16/M-4. In fact, some of the more expensive builds of the AR, the AR will blow the M series away in operation.

He also hopped the M-4 up a bit to go against the Guicci AR-15 with all the bells and whistles. The AR wins almost every test. Remember, it's not many bullets you throw out the barrel, it's how many times you hit your bad guy in a incapacitating area. Even if you were to think it was the number of rounds thrown down range, the AR still wins and wins on the accuracy.

Regardless of what your thoughts are, if you are a supporter of the AR, you should watch this. There are some really good bits of information that you can used to modify your existing AR.

But the fact remains, the AR is at least equal to the M-16/M-4 in a Combat Situation using the ARs available today and the Military current military issued M-16/M-4.

A shotgun is just as deadly as an AR-15 rifle in a mass public shooting.

Pistols are just as deadly an AR-15 rifles in a mass public shooting.

Boulder shooting, rifle....10 killed.

Kerch Russia....20 killed, 5 shot, pump action shotgun.

Virginia Tech...2 pistols....32 killed.

Luby's Cafe....2 pistols...24 killed.

Navy Yard shooting, pump action shotgun...7 round capacity....12 killed....

so nothing you posted is even remotely true or don't know what you are talking about..

The only advantage a rifle has is long distance shooting, which only impacted one mass public shooting, the Las Vegas shooting......the attacker was shooting over several hundred yards...but that only mattered because he was firing into a tightly packed crowd of over 22,000 people. Had he been firing at anything else, the rifle would not have been effective...cause the people would have run away or found cover...

You don't know what you are talking about....

One of the pistols the Virginia tech murderer used was a Walther .22 pistol with a 10-round magazine. He was also adjudicated to be mentally-ill previously to purchasing the weapons.

Good catch.......I am going to use that when Vrenn and the other anti-gun useful idiots post....
This is not about the dead to liberals. It is about control.

They ignore black on black violence in the cities. They dont give a shit about the dead. They want power.
Because it is. It's an AR-15 Clone. What this is going to do is to have the County reintroduce the bill that reads, instead of "Assault Rifle", it will read "Ar-15 and it's various Clones" and will be legal.
Why do you call it an ASSAULT rifle? It does not do that. It is an inanimate object. It assaults no one. You gun-grabbers are idiots. The government does not want you to own any gun that has even a slight chance of thwarting a hostile government takeover.

I don't call it an Assault Rifle. It's not a military rifle therefore it can't be called an Assault Rifle even though it's a clone of a M-16 Carbine (M-4). It IS an AR-15 Clone though. And if they law reads that the "AR-15 and it's various clones are banned" then it's legal as per the Federal Courts.

Good luck. I hope you're the one who gets to go door to door in order to collect all of them.

There you go again. You didn't pay attention to the history of the Thompson Model 1920 and the 1934 NFA law. There was no door to door collections and in 10 years, the Thompson Model 1920 became a non issue. The problem with you gunnutters is that you are so ill informed by the history of firearms you are dangerous to everyone around you and yourself.

It doesn't require a knowledge of history to blow some fucker's head off when he comes through my door at 3 in the morning.

Nor does it take history to blow anyone away in a Super Market either and that is what we are discussing. Pay attention.

No. What we are discussing is an act of Islamic terrorism committed by a radicalized Syrian refugee who wanted to kill Americans. And you Democrat's idiotic response in calling for more gun control to deny law-abiding Americans from owning firearms.

What you refuse to discuss is your party's failed immigration polices that are putting American citizens at the risk of being murdered, just like we saw today. You continue to ignore mental health issues, always blaming the crime on the gun. You don't even enforce the existing gun laws already on the books, many time letting the criminals walk away scott-free. You even ignore the fact that there are Islamic terrorists in this country who want to kill Americans, while you view conservative Americans as your real enemy.

One of the first things your idiot President did was to scrap President Trump's restrictions against entry to America from terrorist countries, most of which are Middle Eastern countries.

You ignorant fuckers just don't get it, do you? I sincerely doubt if you ever will.

No, that's what you want to steer it to. And Party Politics has nothing to do with the shooting. In fact, the Cops performed well, it's not a governments fault. It's not my fault. Hell, it's not even your fault. It's just a fruitcake that bought a gun to kill a bunch of people because he wanted to. No Hospital or Mental Health Care could have stopped it. There was no real warning. Just Bnagidy, Banidy Banidy, the deed is done.

if the assault rifle ban was still in effect, fewer would have died.

if better screening was in place, the mentally unstable shooter would not have been able to buy the gun.

if the magazine size was limited, fewer would have died.

I don't think so in this case. The features of the AR were never really realized. He was a crappy, inexperienced shooter. He was stopped before the speed and reloading factor of the AR became a factor. He could have done the same job with a 40 SW Semi Auto Handgun loaded with 15 rounds. He only had 15 556 rounds to work with so even a handgun with good killing power could have done the same job. And both weapons would have been legal.

In Colorado, the mag size IS limited to 15 and that is probably what save a lot of lives. He killed 11, wounded X number and ran out of ammo. And before he could swap out to another 15 round mag, got stopped cold. The Cops did their jobs fantastic. No good guy with a gun would have changed anything. Regardless of anything, those 11 would still be dead, those X number would still be wounded and he would still be under arrest. All of this went down in a matter of seconds.

He methodically shot people. Mag capacity made zero difference.
Good, when we catch actual criminals lets prevent the democrat party from letting them out over and over again....that stops 95% of all gun crime and gun murder.....

Good, American attitudes haven't changed. Prisons will be overflowing with black people, gun sales will continue to increase, police will continue to murder black people, and we can still have the free entertainment that's so much better than Hollywood make-believe.

Check out Norway for contrast, they've gone and done all the wrong things and the libruls force people to pay for entertainment there.
Remember, it's not many bullets you throw out the barrel, it's how many times you hit your bad guy in a incapacitating area.

True for the M16 but not quite accurate for the AR-15. More correctly-

Remember, it's not many bullets you throw out the barrel, it's how many times you hit the libruls' children in an incapacitating area.

Worth mentioning too is that children are a much smaller target.
I know, I know, how's about let's go back to identifying bad people in this country once again, so yes of course when they raise their evil heads to do bad or they plan to do bad things in life, then let's get back to being pro-active against criminals instead of reactive after the fact ???? That would be a start in the right direction.

Leave the good folks alone or create some diverse allies that will help in the flight against criminals.

That is prophetic thinking most likely. You're suggesting that America's libruls should be shot down before they can act as criminals.

Can they be identified positively as future criminals or is their appearance close enough so the gun owner will be right most of the time?

The Capitol riots came pretty close already.

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