Another active shooter

I know, I know, how's about let's go back to identifying bad people in this country once again, so yes of course when they raise their evil heads to do bad or they plan to do bad things in life, then let's get back to being pro-active against criminals instead of reactive after the fact ???? That would be a start in the right direction.

Leave the good folks alone or create some diverse allies that will help in the flight against criminals.

That is prophetic thinking most likely. You're suggesting that America's libruls should be shot down before they can act as criminals.

Can they be identified positively as future criminals or is their appearance close enough so the gun owner will be right most of the time?

The Capitol riots came pretty close already.

You are amazingly full of shit. Every single mass shooter has been on law enforcement radar, and they were allowed to do their evil deeds.

You are just another idiot propagandist pushing the CACA agenda.
Remember, it's not many bullets you throw out the barrel, it's how many times you hit your bad guy in a incapacitating area.

True for the M16 but not quite accurate for the AR-15. More correctly-

Remember, it's not many bullets you throw out the barrel, it's how many times you hit the libruls' children in an incapacitating area.

Worth mentioning too is that children are a much smaller target.

Why is it that nobody has shown any interest in whether or not the 10 dead were libruls?

It's not important to we Canadians but it must be very important to Americans.

From a Canadian POV, there's far too much emphasis on blaming the shooter, or shooters in any of the other big shootups.

We're just going to have to wait until it gets to the courts to find out whether any or all of the ten dead were packing heat too?

All we know so far is that the shooter was well within his 2nd. amendment rights to carry his AR-15 in a grocery store.

He could have just taken out a frozen chicken for practice purposes and some librul called the police thinking he wasn't just an innocent NRA member and not a criminal.

What would any American be expected to do if the police started shooting at you and you had your AR with you?
You are amazingly full of shit. Every single mass shooter has been on law enforcement radar, and they were allowed to do their evil deeds.

You are just another idiot propagandist pushing the CACA agenda.

Not quite true but close. More accurately stated that all Americans are on the police's radar as potential mass shooters.

And in this case the police had no idea which American was taking out his/her fellow Americans until after the fact.

Americans have a 2A right to carry their AR's into grocery stores, churches, or wherever and are not criminals until they start pulling the triggers.

Can we use this topic for something useful, such as supplying full body armour for all Americans, including small light weight versions for the little tykes?
Active shooter incidents should be given an identifying number to avoid confusion. It wasn't made clear as to 'which' shooting this thread is all about.

I would suggest that the slaughter of the Chinese women could be numbered as 2021-1C to denote Chinese people.

And the grocery store could be 2021-IW to denote white people.

If it's important the numbering system could add something to indicate that there were dead police officers. Such as "2021-1W-P"
Remember, it's not many bullets you throw out the barrel, it's how many times you hit your bad guy in a incapacitating area.

True for the M16 but not quite accurate for the AR-15. More correctly-

Remember, it's not many bullets you throw out the barrel, it's how many times you hit the libruls' children in an incapacitating area.

Worth mentioning too is that children are a much smaller target.

Now,that makes a lot of sense. Firing on Patty Workers as you fly by. That's a great example of a sociopath.
Remember, it's not many bullets you throw out the barrel, it's how many times you hit your bad guy in a incapacitating area.

True for the M16 but not quite accurate for the AR-15. More correctly-

Remember, it's not many bullets you throw out the barrel, it's how many times you hit the libruls' children in an incapacitating area.

Worth mentioning too is that children are a much smaller target.

Now,that makes a lot of sense. Firing on Patty Workers as you fly by. That's a great example of a sociopath.

Did you really think that was a documentary?

It's was a movie, dumbass.
Now,that makes a lot of sense. Firing on Patty Workers as you fly by. That's a great example of a sociopath.

Sociopathy is considered to be a mental illness but can't be considered to be so if the associated behaviour becomes the norm.

That's just as true today in America as it was true in Nazi Germany's conquered countries during WW2. Not to include within Germany itself of course.
Now,that makes a lot of sense. Firing on Patty Workers as you fly by. That's a great example of a sociopath.

The Vietnam war played a very big part in normalizing violence and murder of human beings and that has carried down to future generations of Americans.

America's current domestic gun violence has a connection.

If a gun violence discussion is ever going to serve a purpose then perhaps the gun violence in America over the years could be related to America's wars in which the slaughter in foreign lands became the American thing to do and the patriotic behaviour that became appropriate.
Now,that makes a lot of sense. Firing on Patty Workers as you fly by. That's a great example of a sociopath.

The Vietnam war played a very big part in normalizing violence and murder of human beings and that has carried down to future generations of Americans.

America's current domestic gun violence has a connection.

If a gun violence discussion is ever going to serve a purpose then perhaps the gun violence in America over the years could be related to America's wars in which the slaughter in foreign lands became the American thing to do and the patriotic behaviour that became appropriate.

I lived through the Korean War, the Vietnam War, the Gulf War, and the War on Terrorism, and serving in the US Army from 71-74. I also handload for 10 different calibers and shoot multiple thousands of rounds per year.

I don't see faces when I shoot. All I see are nice clean tightly-grouped holes in pieces of paper, because that's all I want to see. It's not much different than golf.

Another day, another failure by the FBI, our “premiere” law enforcement agency.
The Boulder, Colorado killer was publicly identified on Tuesday after his supermarket killing spree.

Once again the FBI fails to do it's job..
Let's take a moment to consider who the real terrorists are. Who runs cover for criminals and is more of a threat to the US than Jihadist groups, Boko Haram or the FBI?
The scary truth is that the FBI has been caught time and time again framing people, going after people for political reasons, lying in reports and to judges and setting up scenarios.
Remember that the 1993 WTC Bombers Built Their Device Under The Guidance Of An FBI "Informant" Who Said FBI Failed To Swap Real Device For Fake One Pursuant To Sting Operation Gone Bad.
The FBI Always Seem To Have Advance Knowledge Of Major Terror Attacks. Their "Informants" Always Seem To Be The Ones Leading The Plots.
Why is it that the FBI is always found in the process of "grooming" the next mass shooter...of course they know them all..they recruit them for these "false flag projects"...

I lived through the Korean War, the Vietnam War, the Gulf War, and the War on Terrorism, and serving in the US Army from 71-74. I also handload for 10 different calibers and shoot multiple thousands of rounds per year.

I don't see faces when I shoot. All I see are nice clean tightly-grouped holes in pieces of paper, because that's all I want to see. It's not much different than golf.

Your shooting is your way of releasing built up aggression. That's true even if you don't shoot at human silouette targets. You most likely do but can't admit to it.

The handloading is also part of that release of aggresion for you, in that it serves as a preliminary to the purpose. I know what it's all about because when I was a young man I did the same. Now I've matured and recovered.

Do you still shoot songbirds and small animals for fun? I did that too. I used shoot ducks and I fooled myself into thinking that I did it for the meat. LOL

Now I carve decorative duck decoys!
Reform of one's likes and dislikes can come with maturity. I think my decoy carving is a 'positive' reform that cam out of shooing guns and owning guns.
Why is it that nobody has shown any interest in whether or not the 10 dead were libruls?

It's not important to we Canadians but it must be very important to Americans.

From a Canadian POV, there's far too much emphasis on blaming the shooter, or shooters in any of the other big shootups.

We're just going to have to wait until it gets to the courts to find out whether any or all of the ten dead were packing heat too?

All we know so far is that the shooter was well within his 2nd. amendment rights to carry his AR-15 in a grocery store.

He could have just taken out a frozen chicken for practice purposes and some librul called the police thinking he wasn't just an innocent NRA member and not a criminal.

What would any American be expected to do if the police started shooting at you and you had your AR with you?
The Second Amendment does not grant him the right to carry a firearm wherever he wants. The store can ban them if they want to...the state or local government can have laws regarding open carrying etc.

Even if there was no law against open carrying, and the store had no ban, he still could not have just shot up a frozen chicken...1) because that would be destroying property that's not his 2) there is likely, very likely, laws about shooting a firearm in an occupied building
Jeeeeez you preople, allow the Nazis some slack. It was wartime as opposed to *peace time in American where Americans are blowing each others brains out in the thousands!

* as close to peacetime as Ameica gets.
Guns were taken from Jews prior to war.
guns were taken from all Germans after WWI
guns were taken from all Germans after WWI
What did the Germans start WW2 with, a thumb and forefinger?
I lived through the Korean War, the Vietnam War, the Gulf War, and the War on Terrorism, and serving in the US Army from 71-74. I also handload for 10 different calibers and shoot multiple thousands of rounds per year.

I don't see faces when I shoot. All I see are nice clean tightly-grouped holes in pieces of paper, because that's all I want to see. It's not much different than golf.

Your shooting is your way of releasing built up aggression. That's true even if you don't shoot at human silouette targets. You most likely do but can't admit to it.

The handloading is also part of that release of aggresion for you, in that it serves as a preliminary to the purpose. I know what it's all about because when I was a young man I did the same. Now I've matured and recovered.

Do you still shoot songbirds and small animals for fun? I did that too. I used shoot ducks and I fooled myself into thinking that I did it for the meat. LOL

Now I carve decorative duck decoys!
Reform of one's likes and dislikes can come with maturity. I think my decoy carving is a 'positive' reform that cam out of shooing guns and owning guns.
Killing a song bird is a sin...

Duck taste great...and some small animals, like rabbit and squirrel...sorry you decided you don't like the taste. Dove taste great as are missing well more for me

Yeah God Dammit when he heard those shots.

This is something that seemed to die down during pun intended...but why as soon as we get another democrat president we begin to see mass shooters again? happened under Clinton Obama and the anti 2nd amendment RINO Bush...makes me wonder if all of those stories about CIA mind control are true....
Lets face it...dems want to take guns away and need us to want that too...what better way than to create more random shootings....
I was thinking that as those poor forced sex slave workers in Atlanta were murdered. Now this.

Anyone know the Chinese or Venezuelan anthem so I could start practicing? Then I'll know both when we chose.
Yeah..cause everything is political, right?

F'kin idiot ghouls.
Jesus the shooter appears white....Yes....Yes.Yes it will be. If he was black this post would not be up. We would not know.

It would definitely have been up. You racist hang on everything blacks do. Just like your name tag says

LOLOL...................My handle is racist.....................LOLOLOL.Hang on Sloopy???

That has got to be the dumbest ass post ever posted to me.

Garbage in, garbage out.

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