Another Alt Right Hero Goes Full Putin Troll

Another illiterate shows how stupid she is. This thread isn’t about Ukrainians dumbass. It’s about racist shits like you who approve of vandalizing businesses because their owners are of Russian descent. Laughing about that shows how big a piece of shit you are fatso.
Where is your con-cern for the Ukrainians? Not seeing any.
We see what drives you. You're not even trying to hide it. The alt-right considers Putin to be the great white savior, so they feel compelled to run cover for him. Yeah, you can try to lie about that, but it only fools your fellow alt-right human shitstains, and even they'll just pretend to believe you.

You're running cover for a fascist mass murderer by way of a phony quivalence song and dance. "WAAAAA! WAAAA! Someone somewhere called a Russian a name, so focus on that, and just ignore whatever atrocities our christofascist hero is perpetrating!".

How's your defense of war crimes playing out in mainstream America? Not so well? I guess that's why you only dare push it in your online SafeSpaces.
Well said. :thup:
yeah and it’s full of racism…you started it…your entire thread is based on it

had she been a old white guy and expressed concern over the violence against russian americans you’d say nothing

but because she black, and a women you somehow take issue

unless of course you are just a bigot and think it’s cool to attack people just because they are from russia

both could be true
Still waiting for you to show us any leftist post going on about her race. You talk a lot but show no proof.
And yet you can't find a post that makes an issue of her skin color.

Funny that

In case you haven't noticed/...I take issue with all the Russian stooges.

Tuckems is about as white as it gets
your first post…the entire thread…how much more clear do i have to be? your racism and bigotry are in front page display
A winnah! Post #54 was written by a Leftie and refers to Candace Owen's race.

But is in reply to one of the Righties bringing up race.

1srelluc said:
Looks like you had a black person escape from your plantation
There's some fine patronizing racism coming from the right, saying that all blacks are stupid enough to be controlled by Democrats.

Last I checked, calling a whole race stupid is textbook racism. Naturally, it's a favorite tactic of the right. Then they wonder why blacks don't vote for them.

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