Another American Murdered By An Illegal

The families of this cop need to sue the fucking daylights out of Schumer, pelosi and the entire Democrat party.

THEY are directly responsible for these murders with their Open Border, Sanctuary city policies.

It's time Congressional criminals be held responsible for the crimes.

Who disagrees?
Because we ALL know the FBI never lies, never alters facts or skews things for partisan reasons :rolleyes:

But, but more US citizens murder more US citizens than illegals do...That is the marginalization of a liberal when it comes to allowing illegals to kill. Instead of saying, "lets close the border and handle our own problems first", the dumbass liberal(I know redundant statement) brings out the talking points and denies, denies, denies, that illegals shouldn't be here. And yes, there is our own murder problem, but seems that it is in the liberal cities of black neighborhoods like St. Louis, Detroit, Chicago and Baltimore. I wish every day, that the illegals would get one of the liberals who posts on this site, would serve his/her/its ass right when Karma comes to town.

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...and, if ICE had been doing their job, and were at the courthouse to take him into custody, this would not have happened. And ICE is a federal agency. And who is responsible for federal agencies? Why, that would be Trump!

Watchdog group wants L.A. County Sheriff's Department to stop giving ICE access to jails

New Phoenix Sheriff Stops Detaining Suspects for ICE | The Crime Report

Judge: Colorado sheriff must stop holding inmates for ICE if they post bond - The Colorado Independent

Until the Judiciary stops making up bullshit rules there will be tragedies like this for the unforeseen future...
Police hunting gunman who shot dead a California officer find a truck | Daily Mail Online

Police are hunting a man who is in the US illegally and is accused of killing a California police officer on Wednesday.

Newman Police Department Corporal Ronil Singh, 33, was making a traffic stop early in the morning when he called 'shots fired' over his radio, according to the Stanislaus County Sheriff's Department.

Singh had pulled over a gray pickup truck in Newman, a small town 100 miles south of San Francisco, after noticing it had no license plate as part of a DUI investigation, Stanislaus County Sheriff Adam Christianson said on Thursday.

Signh fired back to defend himself, Christianson said.

This is okay with dumbass Pelosi and Schumer! They refuse to fund the fucking wall!
willow there is like 4-6 million illegals in S.California.....this has happened once in a while out there over the past 30 or so years....
It should never ever happen. You know why? They are stupidly acting against federal law! The person who died was an legal alien! Ask yourself why it is okay for California to have 4-6 illegal aliens living there?
willow i have lived out there for 50 years....i know why they dont give a shit......
Am I supposed to guess?
there are a lot of people of Hispanic decent there.....lots of the local politicians are Hispanic....back in the 70's no one ever thought about one thought about it,Mexicans have always been since things have gotten out of hand and its affecting a lot of things,now people are bitching about it....and if anyone says something the activist call them a racist,and since no one wants to be called a racist,nothing gets done about it....S.Cal is the way it is,its to far gone to change....
A wall would have stopped an illegal who had no problem obtaining a firearm illegally in California, and then shoot a policeman in cold blood. You betcha!

Always some jackass who can't grasp the concept of making it more difficult to get here saves lives, and stops crime.

Libtardos don't want a wall because they won't change immigration laws and they have to catch and release. More border patrol and "drones" won't stop them. Bunch of jackasses hiding behind their lies of "border security".
So make it more difficult for them to get there but do not make it more difficult to get guns ?
Mate, you are a fucking cretin.

Hey, taintpussy, mind your own damn business, limey. The Muslims are killing you pathetic girly men with kitchen knives. When are you going to make it harder to get knives?
Agreed. The United States is gone with the wind. Nothing can change that now. Too late.

One irony, however, notice this was in California...near SanFranshitsco..DEEP, HARD CORE BLUE.
As always, the Left is a victim of itself.
Very good chance this cop voted for Hillary or Obama and hated Trump.

Leftist sure do love dyin and sufferin it seems.
Well, they're gonna get it in spades up their rears.
Oh well.
A wall would have stopped an illegal who had no problem obtaining a firearm illegally in California, and then shoot a policeman in cold blood. You betcha!

We'll probably never know you anti-American scum.
But, walls work and would cut down on the incidence of crimes of this nature.
Seriously, I wish you a tragic filled New Years, scumbucket!
Police hunting gunman who shot dead a California officer find a truck | Daily Mail Online

Police are hunting a man who is in the US illegally and is accused of killing a California police officer on Wednesday.

Newman Police Department Corporal Ronil Singh, 33, was making a traffic stop early in the morning when he called 'shots fired' over his radio, according to the Stanislaus County Sheriff's Department.

Singh had pulled over a gray pickup truck in Newman, a small town 100 miles south of San Francisco, after noticing it had no license plate as part of a DUI investigation, Stanislaus County Sheriff Adam Christianson said on Thursday.

Signh fired back to defend himself, Christianson said.

This is okay with dumbass Pelosi and Schumer! They refuse to fund the fucking wall!
Well those of you who said it was a Illegal you were 100 percent right. Who would of thought that some poor under fed Illegal would ever do such a thing in his New Nation who welcomed him.
Agreed. The United States is gone with the wind. Nothing can change that now. Too late.

One irony, however, notice this was in California...near SanFranshitsco..DEEP, HARD CORE BLUE.
As always, the Left is a victim of itself.
Very good chance this cop voted for Hillary or Obama and hated Trump.

Leftist sure do love dyin and sufferin it seems.
Well, they're gonna get it in spades up their rears.
Oh well.

He had a nice little family with an infant son who will never know his father.
Democraps bathe in blood.
We should make a list of things ....Orwellian style.....of predictions for 10 years, 20 years and 30 years
Things that seem impossible now.

1). The USA become a Hispanic nation and the Hispanic Congress votes to make the US pay Mexico for the land "stolen" during the Mex/Amer war. Any American citizen with lineage back 100 years or more has to pay 1/3 their salary to Mexico and entirely for all public services for the new population. . All the land taken by the US from Mexico in the 1800's goes back to Mexico plus 6 other states. California, NewMexico, Arizona, Utah, Washington state, Idaho, Arkansas, Texas and a few more states are officially declared Mexican territory.

2). Americans with only Caucasian or Negro lineage are only allowed in designated areas and must have travel visas to leave home.

3). The US GDP falls to 900 Billion. Lower than Mexico's GDP. Nearly all major US firms have long since moved to Canada Brazil.

4). The US Constitution is globally designated a Doctrine of hatred and Blueprint of Bigotry and racism.

5). The US military is reduced to 8,000 members. The US's most advanced fighter plane still operational is the Cessna 172 SkyHawk.

6). China and Russia have begun to move forces to Cuba for a massive invasion. The US asks Brazil & Canda for protection.
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A wall would have stopped an illegal who had no problem obtaining a firearm illegally in California, and then shoot a policeman in cold blood. You betcha!

We'll probably never know you anti-American scum.
But, walls work and would cut down on the incidence of crimes of this nature.
Seriously, I wish you a tragic filled New Years, scumbucket!

Walls work? Let's ask the Chinese about that. They built a wall to keep the Mongols out. Oh, wait, the Mongols bribed their way through it, conquered China and ruled it for 450 years. Well, at least it worked for the Romans. They built Hadrian's wall to keep out the Scots. Oh yeah. The Romans were then driven clean out of Britain. But, then again, those guys didn't know how to build a wall like Trump does! That is, unless some Mexican should think of driving a U-Haul moving van up next to it, putting a ladder on top, and tossing a knotted rope over the edge, while charging illegals $100 per head to climb over it! But, no Mexican could possibly defeat a $10 -$15 billion dollar wall with a U-haul, ladder, and a rope, can they?
Police hunting gunman who shot dead a California officer find a truck | Daily Mail Online

Police are hunting a man who is in the US illegally and is accused of killing a California police officer on Wednesday.

Newman Police Department Corporal Ronil Singh, 33, was making a traffic stop early in the morning when he called 'shots fired' over his radio, according to the Stanislaus County Sheriff's Department.

Singh had pulled over a gray pickup truck in Newman, a small town 100 miles south of San Francisco, after noticing it had no license plate as part of a DUI investigation, Stanislaus County Sheriff Adam Christianson said on Thursday.

Signh fired back to defend himself, Christianson said.

This is okay with dumbass Pelosi and Schumer! They refuse to fund the fucking wall!
The double standard, The main stream media/progressives were crying their fucking eyes out over two little fucking piece of shit illegal aliens dying and when someone has a legal right to be here is killed by some motherfucking piece of shit illegal alien they say nothing fucking cowardly pieces of shit
We should make a list of things ....Orwellian style.....of predictions for 10 years, 20 years and 30 years
Things that seem impossible now.

1). The USA become a Hispanic nation and the Hispanic Congress votes to make the US pay Mexico for the land "stolen" during the Mex/Amer war. Any American citizen with lineage back 100 years or more has to pay 1/3 their salary to Mexico and entirely for all public services for the new population. . All the land taken by the US from Mexico in the 1800's goes back to Mexico plus 6 other states. California, NewMexico, Arizona, Utah, Washington state, Idaho, Arkansas, Texas and a few more states are officially declared Mexican territory.

2). Americans with only Caucasian or Negro lineage are only allowed in designated areas and must have travel visas to leave home.

3). The US GDP falls to 900 Billion. Lower than Mexico's GDP. Nearly all major US firms have long since moved to Canada Brazil.

4). The US Constitution is globally designated a Doctrine of hatred and Blueprint of Bigotry and racism.

5). The US military is reduced to 8,000 members. The US's most advanced fighter plane still operational is the Cessna 172 SkyHawk.

6). China and Russia have begun to move forces to Cuba for a massive invasion. The US asks Brazil & Canda for protection.

That is, unless some Mexican should think of driving a U-Haul moving van up next to it, putting a ladder on top, and tossing a knotted rope over the edge, while charging illegals $100 per head to climb over it! But, no Mexican could possibly defeat a $10 -$15 billion dollar wall with a U-haul, ladder, and a rope, can they?
You do understand that we have border guards as well don't you?

Why do you have locks on your front door? Why do you lock yourself and your family in at night?

Do you think some black guy or Mexican is too stupid to understand that your window is no match for a rock?

The purpose of YOU having walls to your house, and doors, and locks is to GREATLY REDUCE the chances of someone breaking in. Why do you
Insist on pretending to be so ignorant? You only look foolish.
CA Sheriff Blames Sanctuary Law for Illegal Immigrant's 'Reign of Terror'

Twice-deported criminal goes on violence spree.

A California sheriff blasted the Golden State's new sanctuary law, blaming a lack of cooperation with ICE for an illegal immigrant's "reign of terror" earlier this week.

Tulare County Sheriff Mike Boudreaux spoke to Laura Ingraham Thursday night after Gustavo Garcia-Ruiz shot a person and exchanged fire with police officers following a wild chase.

Garcia-Ruiz had been released from jail after serving time on controlled substance possession charges, despite an ICE detainer on him. Boudreaux said the state sanctuary law bans law enforcement from contacting ICE or honoring detainers against illegal immigrants.

"We are no longer able to recognize ICE detainers," he said. "We're not allowed to talk to our counterparts."

...and, if ICE had been doing their job, and were at the courthouse to take him into custody, this would not have happened. And ICE is a federal agency. And who is responsible for federal agencies? Why, that would be Trump!

And if cock-sucking Dimocrats didn't work so hard to give sanctuary to illegals:
"We are no longer able to recognize ICE detainers," he said. "We're not allowed to talk to our counterparts."

If you guys didn't place one stumbling block after another in the way, ICE might be able to do their fucking job !
Agreed. The United States is gone with the wind. Nothing can change that now. Too late.

One irony, however, notice this was in California...near SanFranshitsco..DEEP, HARD CORE BLUE.
As always, the Left is a victim of itself.
Very good chance this cop voted for Hillary or Obama and hated Trump.

Leftist sure do love dyin and sufferin it seems.
Well, they're gonna get it in spades up their rears.
Oh well.

He had a nice little family with an infant son who will never know his father.
Democraps bathe in blood.

American citizen murdered by an illegal.
Liberal response: *Yawn* yeah well shit happens.

Migrant kids get sick and die in border custody.
Because we care so much about the kids...sniff sniff. :crybaby:
Agreed. The United States is gone with the wind. Nothing can change that now. Too late.

One irony, however, notice this was in California...near SanFranshitsco..DEEP, HARD CORE BLUE.
As always, the Left is a victim of itself.
Very good chance this cop voted for Hillary or Obama and hated Trump.

Leftist sure do love dyin and sufferin it seems.
Well, they're gonna get it in spades up their rears.
Oh well.

He had a nice little family with an infant son who will never know his father.
Democraps bathe in blood.

American citizen murdered by an illegal.
Liberal response: *Yawn* yeah well shit happens.

Migrant kids get sick and die in border custody.
Because we care so much about the kids...sniff sniff. :crybaby:

That is the current state of our Republic.

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