Another athlete dies from heart attack while competing…43-year old tennis player, Ryan Vannah, in the middle of a match.

Those werent a bunch of young athletes in their prime.

Some were.

The guy in this story is a 43 year old recreational tennis player with a history of high blood pressure.

Does that sound like a "young athletes in his prime"?

Do you remember reading about Russian tennis player Violetta Degtiareva falling over dead while playing tennis?
I am not sure a story about COVID causing a rise in heart attacks helps your claims
Maybe because what democrats are calling COVID heart attacks are actually caused by the vaccine. We already know they cause blood clots, right? But here you are to proclaim that there is no way that the vaccine would cause heart attacks. :cuckoo:
Maybe because what democrats are calling COVID heart attacks are actually caused by the vaccine.

So, the people in your link are Dems? Do you have something to support that? Or do you just assume that every scientist and doctor is a Dem?

But here you are to proclaim that there is no way that the vaccine would cause heart attacks. :cuckoo:

I did not say that at all. If you are just going to lie about my position why even bother to post.
To say there are problems with study construction, well this is not really a study, but when it sites social media as a source, well there is a problem with the articles conclusions.

We also note that many posts in Facebook, Instagram, twitter, forums and news stories are being removed. So now we are receiving some messages saying there is no proof of the event or of vaccination status. That is partly because this information is being hidden.

More people are writing to tell us that in many cases, we didn’t mention a person’s vaccination status. There is a good reason for that. None of the clubs want to reveal this information. None of their sponsors want to reveal it. The players have been told not to reveal it. Most of their relatives will not mention it. None of the media are asking this question. So what should we do? Stop this now? No, we will collect as much information as we can, while it is still available, because eventually, more information will come out, and we will be here to put it together. Will it mean anything? We don’t know. What we do know is that there is a concerted world-wide effort to make this information go away, so that fact alone tells us it must be collected, investigated and saved so other researchers can look at it to see if there are any useful patterns.

What was the athlete deaths numbers between 2004 and 2021?

Why does this study leave out those 17 years worth of data?

Did you even think to wonder why they skipped all those years?

Maybe because what democrats are calling COVID heart attacks are actually caused by the vaccine. We already know they cause blood clots, right? But here you are to proclaim that there is no way that the vaccine would cause heart attacks. :cuckoo:

In the year before the pandemic, there were 143,787 heart attack deaths; within the first year of the pandemic, this number had increased by 14% to 164,096.

The excess in acute myocardial infarction-associated mortality has persisted throughout the pandemic, even during the most recent period marked by a surge of the presumed less-virulent Omicron variant.

So at the start of Covid heart attacks increased. This was pre-vaccine. As the pandemic progressed and the vaccine was distributed the rate persisted.

That is saying the higher rate is Covid related, not vaccine related.
Why are the COVID CULT so set on debunking the fact that there are people dying and getting sick from vax damage?

Why were you so quick to classify the flu as COVID, but MYOCARDITIS IS MOT VAX DAMAGE!

Why not entertain the possiblity that an untested experimental gene therapy may cause heart complications? Why? Why the insistence that vax damage does not exist?
Why are the COVID CULT so set on debunking the fact that there are people dying and getting sick from vax damage?

Why were you so quick to classify the flu as COVID, but MYOCARDITIS IS MOT VAX DAMAGE!

Why not entertain the possiblity that an untested experimental gene therapy may cause heart complications? Why? Why the insistence that vax damage does not exist?
Why is it when some conspiracy theorist tries to advance an idea with no scientific basis they always claim they are just asking the question, just entertain the possibility. That wild haired guy that was on In search of ancient aliens used to say that all the time, for the same reason.
Why are the COVID CULT so set on debunking the fact that there are people dying and getting sick from vax damage?

There might be. You are not taken serious because you believe calling people Covid Cult subsitutes for actual evidence. I never supported forcing people to get the vaccine. I want no part of getting something stuck in my arm every few months.

That doesn't mean I think just making things up is a valid response to things.

Why were you so quick to classify the flu as COVID, but MYOCARDITIS IS MOT VAX DAMAGE!

Why not entertain the possiblity that an untested experimental gene therapy may cause heart complications? Why? Why the insistence that vax damage does not exist?

Possibility? I understand that. We have seen problems with drugs in the past that isn't documented until years after they are administered.

But because I won't run around like a chicken with my head cut off, arguing largely partisan political arguments, I am part of a Covid Cult according to you.
Thread summary:

Antivaxxers really do think that the plural of "anecdote" is "data".

But then, if they weren't complete pissheads, they wouldn't be antivaxxers.
COVID CULT, justify it in your mind however you need to.

You took an untested experimental gene therapy.

Congrats. You are a lab rat. Now lets see what happens.

To insist vax damage does not exist is a coping mechanism. It fucking exists.
COVID CULT, justify it in your mind however you need to.

You took an untested experimental gene therapy.

Congrats. You are a lab rat. Now lets see what happens.

To insist vax damage does not exist is a coping mechanism. It fucking exists.

Again, I'm not sure who is arguing that.
COVID CULT, justify it in your mind however you need to.

You took an untested experimental gene therapy.

Congrats. You are a lab rat. Now lets see what happens.

To insist vax damage does not exist is a coping mechanism. It fucking exists.

You do far more damage to your cause than help.

Claiming that Sudden Adult Death Syndrome did not exist till 2021 just makes you look like a brainless moron.

Using some 43 year old recreational tennis player with a history of high blood pressure as your proof just makes you look like an even bigger moron

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