Another baby killed with a gun

And this is about the 100 millionth thread liberals have tried to push saying the gun itself killed the baby. Guns don't kill people people kill people. What can a gun do by itself? Nothing. What can a human being do? Use that gun to take the life of another. Instead of taking the gun away from the man, take the man away from the gun. Simple.

What kind of an idiot allows a little girl to even touch a gun? Who are the parents of this child and where were they when this happened? They should be held responsible.
Most children are not killed by guns they are killed by planned parenthood.
Statistical fact.

Where is your outrage now?
Most children are not killed by guns they are killed by planned parenthood.
Statistical fact.

Where is your outrage now?

This is clean debate.
Respond with coherent thought or do not respond at all.
Most children are not killed by guns they are killed by planned parenthood.
Statistical fact.

Where is your outrage now?

This is clean debate.
Respond with coherent thought or do not respond at all.
(Again, it is evidenced that baby haters do not have the ability to respond coherently)
Most children are not killed by guns they are killed by planned parenthood.
Statistical fact.

Where is your outrage now?

This is clean debate.
Respond with coherent thought or do not respond at all.
(Again, it is evidenced that baby haters do not have the ability to respond coherently)

Most children are not killed by guns they are killed by planned parenthood.
Statistical fact.

Where is your outrage now?

This is clean debate.
Respond with coherent thought or do not respond at all.
(Again, it is evidenced that baby haters do not have the ability to respond coherently)

Yes, this is now definitive, baby haters cannot put together a single coherent thought.
And this is about the 100 millionth thread liberals have tried to push saying the gun itself killed the baby. Guns don't kill people people kill people. What can a gun do by itself? Nothing. What can a human being do? Use that gun to take the life of another. Instead of taking the gun away from the man, take the man away from the gun. Simple.

What kind of an idiot allows a little girl to even touch a gun? Who are the parents of this child and where were they when this happened? They should be held responsible.


just like idiots who let their kids die while they leave them in a car
To paraphrase a high profile democrat, "never let a tragedy go to waste if you can make a political issue out of it".

When one leaves a gun where a child can get at it, and the child kills themselves with it, the penalty should be negligent homocide. Instead, we see the nutters repeating, "Oh, it's just a tragic accident". No, it is not just a tragic accident, it is negligent homocide by someone that was never resposible enough to be allowed to own a gun in the first place. Were some of these people to serve time in the pen for the deaths of their children, there would be far less of these kinds of accidents.
another dupe thread by luddly

1. luddly is a liar, no one advocates guns for terrorists, illegals or criminals.

2. irresponsible parents? wtf? now luddly wants to have a check on whether you're a responsible parent. problem is, luddly wants to confiscate your guns because you MIGHT be irresponsible. using his logic, we should take away everyone's vehicle because most, if not all, people are irresponsible with their vehicle at some point in their life.

I think what we need are some laws concerning accountability for gun owners. If you leave your gun where a child or miscreant can easily get hold of it, you own the results. And should be held criminally liable for those results. The NRA has consistently fought any such laws. As have the gun nutters on this board. Were the mother to serve about 5 years in the pen for the death of her child, perhaps the next person might have second thoughts about leaving a gun out where their child can get at it.
Most children are not killed by guns they are killed by planned parenthood.
Statistical fact.

Where is your outrage now?

There won't be any outrage from leftard crowd - they like murdering children in utero, but will whine over an accident, since they don't care about the children, they just care about taking away our rights
Luddy the bearer of sunny news...

I don't think his life can be happy so why not spread his misery on everyone else

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