Another baby killed with a gun

another dupe thread by luddly

1. luddly is a liar, no one advocates guns for terrorists, illegals or criminals.

2. irresponsible parents? wtf? now luddly wants to have a check on whether you're a responsible parent. problem is, luddly wants to confiscate your guns because you MIGHT be irresponsible. using his logic, we should take away everyone's vehicle because most, if not all, people are irresponsible with their vehicle at some point in their life.

I think what we need are some laws concerning accountability for gun owners. If you leave your gun where a child or miscreant can easily get hold of it, you own the results. And should be held criminally liable for those results. The NRA has consistently fought any such laws. As have the gun nutters on this board. Were the mother to serve about 5 years in the pen for the death of her child, perhaps the next person might have second thoughts about leaving a gun out where their child can get at it.

there are no laws about leaving your child in a car, however, if you do so and it results in death then you are prosecuted. the same should happen here.
Ella Marie Tucker Identified As 3-Year-Old Girl Who Died From Gunshot At Yellowstone National Park

Park officials say Ella's mother called for help on Saturday to report her daughter had shot herself with a handgun. Park rangers who responded to Grant Village Campground on the western shore of Yellowstone Lake were unable to resuscitate her.

How long are we going to allow a small group of rabid gun nutters hold this country hostage to their insane deman that every terrorist, illegal, criminal and IRRESPONSIBLE PARENT be able to buy any friggin gun they get a hankering for?

How high does the sack of dead babies have to get?

a few thousand more killed by abortion. are we keeping score now?
Ella Marie Tucker Identified As 3-Year-Old Girl Who Died From Gunshot At Yellowstone National Park

Park officials say Ella's mother called for help on Saturday to report her daughter had shot herself with a handgun. Park rangers who responded to Grant Village Campground on the western shore of Yellowstone Lake were unable to resuscitate her.

How long are we going to allow a small group of rabid gun nutters hold this country hostage to their insane deman that every terrorist, illegal, criminal and IRRESPONSIBLE PARENT be able to buy any friggin gun they get a hankering for?

How high does the sack of dead babies have to get?

a few thousand more killed by abortion. are we keeping score now?

are you kidding, those are OUT OF SIGHT (or down the drain), OUT OF MIND for the gun control nutters...they don't call them babies so they can stand themselves for backing the LEGAL KILLING OF 56 million babies and more EVERY DAY..
Ella Marie Tucker Identified As 3-Year-Old Girl Who Died From Gunshot At Yellowstone National Park

Park officials say Ella's mother called for help on Saturday to report her daughter had shot herself with a handgun. Park rangers who responded to Grant Village Campground on the western shore of Yellowstone Lake were unable to resuscitate her.

How long are we going to allow a small group of rabid gun nutters hold this country hostage to their insane deman that every terrorist, illegal, criminal and IRRESPONSIBLE PARENT be able to buy any friggin gun they get a hankering for?

How high does the sack of dead babies have to get?

Gun ownership is constitutional........just like killing babies thru abortion and allowing irresponsible liberals to vote.
Ella Marie Tucker Identified As 3-Year-Old Girl Who Died From Gunshot At Yellowstone National Park

Park officials say Ella's mother called for help on Saturday to report her daughter had shot herself with a handgun. Park rangers who responded to Grant Village Campground on the western shore of Yellowstone Lake were unable to resuscitate her.

How long are we going to allow a small group of rabid gun nutters hold this country hostage to their insane deman that every terrorist, illegal, criminal and IRRESPONSIBLE PARENT be able to buy any friggin gun they get a hankering for?

How high does the sack of dead babies have to get?

this post is a perfect example of why the anti gun nuts are failing. they believe this issue is all about a small group of gun nuts who want to run around and shoot things up. well you couldn't be more wrong. first, there are 300,000,000 guns out there. the vast majority of them owned by repsonsible gun owners. in fact only .000036 of them ever kill anyone. Guns are not the issues, responsible gun owners are not the issue. having said that, this whole thing is not a gun issue it is a rights issue. and people are not willing to give up their rights. if the gay issue was only a bunch of gay individuals screaming about gay sex, well the agenda would surely fail. but it is successful because it is more then that. it includes the support of millions of people who are not gay, but are pro rights. you don't need to be gay to support gay rights, you don't need to own a gun to support gun rights. stop believing your own spin.

and remember, your side has a much larger stack of dead babies on their agenda
As usual, the hypocrite turn out to SAY they care about babies when, in fact, they're against actually taking care that they stay safe.


fuck you luddly. everyone, including myself, said in the ORIGINAL THREAD that the parents were fucked up and the kid should never have been allowed access to the gun, everyone. people are ridiculing you because your thread is a dishonest flame thread. you don't give a shit about the baby, all you care about is dishonestly pushing anti gun nuttiness.

your premise is wholly dishonest. you want to punish potential irresponsible people based on the acts of a few.

you lied in your OP. you are a hero to the left.

that is it right there....Dudley can give a fuck about the just gives him another chance to post yet ANOTHER anti-gun thread ....
Too bad you weren't there to jump in between the baby and the bullet. :mad: I wish you had been.

Ah crap, that was not necessary...

For her, yes, it was necessary.

Nasty and sick thing to say but it does not deter me from my opinion that parents should be held legally responsible when their own irresponsibility causes the death of their child.

If it had been a fetus, I suspect "Sunshine" would have agreed with me. But, it was only a child and there are lots more where that one came from, right Sunshine?

you are not fooling anyone can give a rats ass about the are just glad that this incident gave you yet another chance..... to post more of your anti-gun bullshit.....
The lies notwithstanding, I have never been in favor of banning guns.


I know of no one who is against laws that make it "damn difficult for terrorists, illegals and criminals to buy guns." The fact of the matter is, there are laws in place to do just that. But again, you have people who ignore those laws. No matter how many laws, there will always be criminals doing their best to work around them.

I disagree. I've read people here saying they don't want laws controlling who can buy in a back yard sale or over the internet and that's where the illegals sales are.

Yes, of course, there will always be people who drive drunk, too fast, while texting but does that mean we should stop punishing them?

I have never been in favor of banning guns.

yea we can tell by your "anti-gun" posts how you are not....fucking phony....

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