Another Bad sign for the Trumpconomy

WOW, you seem pretty desperate to try and convince yourself that the deficit has not skyrocketed, increasing 100% annually since Trump took over....
Fake News. The debt hasn't doubled! In fact, as a percentage of GDP, public debt is down since Trump took over, halting the massive rise the occurred under the two dumbest back to back Presidents Bush and Obama.
... You can't even admit that the deficit has skyrocketed ...
Well, the facts are clear. The Debt position of the US has improved under Trump, after deteriorating badly under Dumb and Dumber over the previous 16 years.

Obama's final 10 quarters: Obama over his final 10 quarters, deteriorated on this measure from 101.15% to 105.18% 4 points the WRONG Way.

Trump's first 10 quarters: 105.2% down to 103.2% - Two points the RIGHT Way,


When you are going the WRONG way, time is your enemy.

When you are going the RIGHT way, time is your friend.

Trump has turned time from an enemy to a friend for the United States of America.and you have changed your story 3 times in this thread so far. Remember when you tried to claim that the deficit didn't go up under Trump?? In 2006 I'm sure you thought the economy was so great, how'd that turn out for you?
... Debt to GDP is a poor measure of an economy...
GDP is an excellent measure of the economy and the one used throughout both history and the world. Debt as a percentage is the most sensible of comparisons as it is the economy that will service the debt and the larger the economy is, in comparison to the debt, the easier that debt is to serive.
...Manufacturing data is at a 2009 low...
Fake News Silliness.

June 2009 inflation adjusted Industrial output was at 86.03 and it's at 106.02 today
... GDP is projected...
When it comes to Trump, like polls the "projections" are always low. Wait for the hard data, he always beats expectations like a rented mule.
you lost all you money in 2006, you didn't want to accept reality.
Easy with the glue, I made money in 2006. Making money this year too. Stock Market is up 15% already and we still have a quarter to go. I always hope that your guys that are always screaming doom and gloom over the Trump economy aren't actually dumb enough pull your money out and miss out on these fabulous gains.

Fingers crossed that you are all talk and that you kept your money in a participated in all this Trump Prosperity!
You do realize that a few months ago your stupid debt-to GDP ratio was 105+, higher than Obama...
There has never been a higher number recorded than Obama's exit number of 105.19%
...SO what's so great about that?...
It's improving. is not dropping it is sitting in a range...
You mean why is flat better than rising debt? Are you serious?

Obama's record - rising


Trump's record - flat to falling


Flat to falling is an improvement over rising.
...Annual deficits have increased almost 100% under Trump from $680 (obama's last year)...
Hold on Sparky, let's double check that.

Average Federal Debt in 2015 was $19,075
Average Federal Debt in 2016 was $20,394

That's an increase of $1,319B more than double your claim.


... to $1.2T in 2020...
It's 2019. We don't have had data for 2020
... You are cherry picking the data...
"Cherry Picking" is misusing a subset to represent the entire set. I'm using the entire set, the exact opposite of your claim.
... ignoring the large amount of bad and weakening economic data....
I'm comparing Trump's presidency so far, with the equivalent period of the same length as Obama's. Trump consistently outperforms Obama on measure after measure.
ISM manufacturing just put in its weakest reading since 2009...
Real Manufacturing Output is 20% higher than it's low point in 2009

... and has been steadily weakening...
Well, it rose about a 1 point over Obama's final 2.5 years.

And up 5 points over Trump's first two and a half years.

... 2019 GDP is on pace for just 2%....
The First half is 2.6% - We don't have numbers for the 3rd quarter, but the Blue Chip Consensus is 2.0% If that's correct, that puts us on a 2.4% pace.
... You are the classic person that lost all their money in the Bush crash, as you clearly unable to see weakness in the economic data.
I lost nothing in the Bush crash.
"I lost nothing in the Bush crash"

You're lying again, you have changed your story 3 times already and aren't smart enough to accept that the US economic data is weakening and the deficit is skyrocketing. It is pretty easy to see that the deficit is skyrocketing just by looking at the CBO data, but you can't seem to do that?????

SO now you have changed your story to Debt to GDP is flat. So Trump has increased deficits by $2T and that's the best he can do??? And GDP is projected to come in at ~2% this year, so all that debt for minimal economic gain... Great job. GDP is predicted to drop below 2% in 2020, and deficits are already earmarked to be $1.2+ Trillion. Great job. On top of that, most of the other economic data is weakening. We have about 12 months before we crash again, just in time for the election.

This thread has nothing to do with Obama, it is about Trump's failing economic data and skyrocketing deficits. Trump's economy is the Obama economy with the added $2T in deficits.
You seem pretty immune to hard data. So enjoy your projections. The nice thing about Trump is he always surprises to the Upside.
Oh look retail sales data just came in an hour ago and had a huge miss, It dropped -0.3% when it was expected to gain 0.3.

Do you even know what hard data is? Seems like you have no clue.

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