Another Bad sign for the Trumpconomy

When things head south the economic toolbox available to the government will be empty. Why Trump thought he could get historic growth when we are at full employment is beyond me.
The president is much smarter than you.
  • The ISM U.S. manufacturing purchasing managers’ index came in at 47.8% in September, the lowest since June 2009.
The greatest economy we've ever had.

The worst part is that when the recession hits Trump's $1 T deficit will soar to like $2T.

Also Trump has already earmarked massive ~$1.3+ T deficits for the next 5 years.

Trump is not the end all, be all, lol.

The only questions are, IS IT BETTER? And is it BETTER THAN THE REST OF THE WORLD?

You answer that, then make a case, we will listen. You avoid the questions, and you are to partisan to even ask!
GDP growth has increased by a third.
No, I'm exactly right. Obama's final 9 full quarters averaged 2% and Trump's first full 9 quarters averaged 2.7%, which is a third better.
Over Obama's last two years, the debt to GDP grew from 101.52% to 104.41


Under Trump, the debt to GDP has actually not grown at all, in fact, it's even come down a smidge, to 102.49


The Federal Government is deficit spending today, based on the agreement between Trump and the Democrat House.
The House controls the purse strings in our system.
He did his big spending while Pelosi controlled Congress, Boehner oversaw some improvement and Ryan was pretty much worthless, though Pelosi certainly isn't proving to be an improvement.
Just the facts, nothing but the facts.

Your exact words:
In inflation adjusted dollars, Trump's increased the Federal debt about 10% more than over the same period at the end of Obama's presidency, but, he has also increased GDP by a third more. so, still better.

Now you've changed your story to say that the GDP rate of increase is 33%. OK fine
An increase in growth rates by 33% isn't a poke in the eye!
... then you have to look at the rate of increase of the deficit......
Annual Deficit Obama's last year ~$600B,
Hold on Sparky, let's double check that.

The Federal Debt was $19,477.8 at the end of 2015
The Federal Debt was $20,380.8 at the end of 2016

During Obama's final year the indebtedness of the United States increased by $903 Billion - 50% higher than your claim.

... Deficits now $1+T. SOOOOOOOOOOO the deficits have increased at a rate of 80-100% (it will be 100% in a year). Sorry bud facts, you just don't have em, nice try though...
Over Trump's first two years the Federal debt increased to $22,075.2, an increase over two years of $1,694.4B an average annual increase of $847.2B/year, an improvement over Obama, even in nominal dollars.
...I repeat. The annual budget deficit under Trump has skyrocketed it has increased at a rate of almost 100% (~$600B to ~$1+T, it'll be 1.2T in 2020)...
"Skyrocket" you keep using that word, I do not think it means what you think it means. From Obama's final $903B to Trumps average $847.2B is a decrease, even in nominal dollars.

... , while we still haven't achieved annual 3% growth, with only a meager 30% rate of GDP increase...
33% is meager? We were told that Obama's 2% was just fine and reflected the new normal. Trump's given us 2.7%

At 2% growth the US economy doubles every 35 years.
At 2.7% it doubles every 25.9 years.
... (meager when compared to deficits) FACTS...
Trump's Debt as a percentage of GDP is actually down a bit over his first two years, whereas with Obama it was still in it's dangerous troublesome climb:

Over Obama's last two years, the debt to GDP grew from 101.52% to 104.41


Under Trump, the debt to GDP has actually not grown at all, in fact, it's even come down a smidge, to 102.49


...So When Obama has massive deficits w GOP house, they are all Obama's deficits, BUTTTTTTTTTT when Trump has massive deficits from his massive spending increases and his massive tax cut.... They are still Pelosi's fault!!!!! (BTW Obama's massive deficits were predominantly due to the great recession, but I still give him blame for them because they are his budgets. I'm not biased like you.)

What a fantasy land you live in. Basically your political bias prevents you from logical thought. You have 2 different sets of rules for D and R and this Pelosi Boehner thing proves that.
You misrepresent my reply to you. It is simply a Constitutional Fact that in our system the House of Representatives Controls the Purse Strings. That point is immune to refutation. It's clearly spelled out in the Contract between the American People and the Government they chose to form.

Pelosi 1 was a budget disaster - I told you that.
Boehner was an improvement.
Ryan was worthless
Pelosi 2 is no improvement over Ryan.

Stick with facts and truth and your confusion will lift and you'll be much happier!

You actually think that the deficit has gone down under Trump?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
As a percentage of GDP, of course. It's undeniable.

Trump's Debt as a percentage of GDP is actually down a bit over his first two years, whereas with Obama it was still in it's dangerous troublesome climb:

Over Obama's last two years, the debt to GDP grew from 101.52% to 104.41


Under Trump, the debt to GDP has actually not grown at all, in fact, it's even come down a smidge, to 104.29


... Are you fckin nuts??????????????? Are you serious???????????????...
You are shocked to learn that 104.29% is less than 104.41%? yeah his little bump of 2%- 2.7%...
It's a third faster growth.
... the massive deficits he has produced...
He's stopped the rise in debt to GDP that was occurring as Obama finished his second term and has even brought that number down a little.
... Again Obama stimulus $800B...
Old news, nearly a decade ago.
You need to stop smoking crack. Deficits have increased way more than gdp.
Actually debt as a percentage of GDP has gone down under Trump.

It did climb a bunch under Obama though, I'll give you that.
Manufacturing is overrated.

For better or worse, we're in a service and information economy.

Yes, you are, but all of the wages are going to the shareholders, but not the service workers. The wages of the service workers should NEVER be supplemented with taxpayer funded programs, while their corporate bosses are making record profits and paying record dividends to the shareholders.

As a small business owner, I was taught that you pay your workers first, and yourself last. American business owners don't pay their workers at all. They make middle class tax payers do that.
Manufacturing is overrated.

For better or worse, we're in a service and information economy.

Yes, you are, but all of the wages are going to the shareholders, but not the service workers. The wages of the service workers should NEVER be supplemented with taxpayer funded programs, while their corporate bosses are making record profits and paying record dividends to the shareholders.

As a small business owner, I was taught that you pay your workers first, and yourself last. American business owners don't pay their workers at all. They make middle class tax payers do that.

American business owners don't pay their workers at all.



Apps Test | U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA)

Unless $11.4 trillion is your idea of no pay at all?
You said: he has also increased GDP by a third more. so, still better.
GDP growth has increased by a third.
...GDP has not increased by 33% so you are wrong...
No, I'm exactly right. Obama's final 9 full quarters averaged 2% and Trump's first full 9 quarters averaged 2.7%, which is a third better.
The deficit has grown substantially more than GDP...
Over Obama's last two years, the debt to GDP grew from 101.52% to 104.41


Under Trump, the debt to GDP has actually not grown at all, in fact, it's even come down a smidge, to 102.49


... Pelosi had nothing to do with that...
The Federal Government is deficit spending today, based on the agreement between Trump and the Democrat House.
....Typical wacko lies, trying to blame Pelosi for Trump's spending bills...
The House controls the purse strings in our system.
...So Obama's massive deficits are Boehner and the GOPs fault??..
He did his big spending while Pelosi controlled Congress, Boehner oversaw some improvement and Ryan was pretty much worthless, though Pelosi certainly isn't proving to be an improvement.
...Like I said your post is fake news.
Just the facts, nothing but the facts.

Your exact words:
In inflation adjusted dollars, Trump's increased the Federal debt about 10% more than over the same period at the end of Obama's presidency, but, he has also increased GDP by a third more. so, still better.

Now you've changed your story to say that the GDP rate of increase is 33%. OK fine
An increase in growth rates by 33% isn't a poke in the eye!
... then you have to look at the rate of increase of the deficit......
Annual Deficit Obama's last year ~$600B,
Hold on Sparky, let's double check that.

The Federal Debt was $19,477.8 at the end of 2015
The Federal Debt was $20,380.8 at the end of 2016

During Obama's final year the indebtedness of the United States increased by $903 Billion - 50% higher than your claim.

... Deficits now $1+T. SOOOOOOOOOOO the deficits have increased at a rate of 80-100% (it will be 100% in a year). Sorry bud facts, you just don't have em, nice try though...
Over Trump's first two years the Federal debt increased to $22,075.2, an increase over two years of $1,694.4B an average annual increase of $847.2B/year, an improvement over Obama, even in nominal dollars.
...I repeat. The annual budget deficit under Trump has skyrocketed it has increased at a rate of almost 100% (~$600B to ~$1+T, it'll be 1.2T in 2020)...
"Skyrocket" you keep using that word, I do not think it means what you think it means. From Obama's final $903B to Trumps average $847.2B is a decrease, even in nominal dollars.

... , while we still haven't achieved annual 3% growth, with only a meager 30% rate of GDP increase...
33% is meager? We were told that Obama's 2% was just fine and reflected the new normal. Trump's given us 2.7%

At 2% growth the US economy doubles every 35 years.
At 2.7% it doubles every 25.9 years.
... (meager when compared to deficits) FACTS...
Trump's Debt as a percentage of GDP is actually down a bit over his first two years, whereas with Obama it was still in it's dangerous troublesome climb:

Over Obama's last two years, the debt to GDP grew from 101.52% to 104.41


Under Trump, the debt to GDP has actually not grown at all, in fact, it's even come down a smidge, to 102.49


...So When Obama has massive deficits w GOP house, they are all Obama's deficits, BUTTTTTTTTTT when Trump has massive deficits from his massive spending increases and his massive tax cut.... They are still Pelosi's fault!!!!! (BTW Obama's massive deficits were predominantly due to the great recession, but I still give him blame for them because they are his budgets. I'm not biased like you.)

What a fantasy land you live in. Basically your political bias prevents you from logical thought. You have 2 different sets of rules for D and R and this Pelosi Boehner thing proves that.
You misrepresent my reply to you. It is simply a Constitutional Fact that in our system the House of Representatives Controls the Purse Strings. That point is immune to refutation. It's clearly spelled out in the Contract between the American People and the Government they chose to form.

Pelosi 1 was a budget disaster - I told you that.
Boehner was an improvement.
Ryan was worthless
Pelosi 2 is no improvement over Ryan.

Stick with facts and truth and your confusion will lift and you'll be much happier!

You actually think that the deficit has gone down under Trump?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
As a percentage of GDP, of course. It's undeniable.

Trump's Debt as a percentage of GDP is actually down a bit over his first two years, whereas with Obama it was still in it's dangerous troublesome climb:

Over Obama's last two years, the debt to GDP grew from 101.52% to 104.41


Under Trump, the debt to GDP has actually not grown at all, in fact, it's even come down a smidge, to 104.29


... Are you fckin nuts??????????????? Are you serious???????????????...
You are shocked to learn that 104.29% is less than 104.41%? yeah his little bump of 2%- 2.7%...
It's a third faster growth.
... the massive deficits he has produced...
He's stopped the rise in debt to GDP that was occurring as Obama finished his second term and has even brought that number down a little.
... Again Obama stimulus $800B...
Old news, nearly a decade ago.
AHAHAHAHA!! AHAHAHAHA!!!!! (me falling out of my chair)

SO first you said this:
In inflation adjusted dollars, Trump's increased the Federal debt about 10% more than over the same period at the end of Obama's presidency, but, he has also increased GDP by a third more. so, still better.

Total fake news. Then when that was debunked you changed your story to: Trump's deficits were smaller than Obama's???? You used fake math to try and claim that Trump's deficits were smaller than Obamas last annual deficit??? LIE, more fake news by you.

You posted 2 complete lies.

NOWWWW you changed your story again to Trump debt to GDP is less than Obama's? Another lie:
United States Gross Federal Debt to GDP | 2019 | Data | Chart | Calendar

The US Bureau of Public Debt has Trump's debt to GDP at 106.1 in 2018, a record high, and another lie by you.

YOU ARE FAKE NEWS> you changed your story 3 times, and lied each time.

Additionally debt to GDP is a bad and volatile measure and doesn't tell the full story of our annual deficits.

In 2010 Obama had record deficits, over $1.2 T, but a debt-to-GDP of only 91. In 2015 Obama had much smaller deficits of ~$440B, not a bad number, but a debt-to-GDP of 105. Clearly in 2010 We had substantially worse deficits than 2015, but the debt to GDP was substantially lower than 2015. Clearly Debt-to GDP is a bad measure and doesn't tell the full story.

Basically you got caught saying something stupid, you tried to lie and change your story instead of admitting fault, and now you have tried to come up with a new lie. All of which have blown up in your face.

Anyway you slice it Trump's deficits are terrible and have skyrocketed.
Debt to GDP at 106, higher than Obama, and our annual deficits have exceed $1T much higher than 2016 (Obama's last year when he had $680B).

All this massive debt increase from his spending bills and tax cut, AND STILL no 3% annual growth, a small bump of 0.7%- that seems to be fading now as GDP is predicted to go back down towards 2%. BUTTTTTT deficits are predicted to soar even higher as Trump's multi-year spending increases will keep adding to our debt in the years to come.

Obama inherited the great recession from Bush- Obama passed the stimulus, $800B over 10 years. Trump has increased deficits by ~$2T over 4 years, more than double the entire Obama stimulus with only a meager increase in growth that seems to be fading.

Still no 3% annual growth... But almost a 100% increase in annual deficits. TERRIBLE.

What are you going to change your story to next?
Last edited:
  • The ISM U.S. manufacturing purchasing managers’ index came in at 47.8% in September, the lowest since June 2009.
The greatest economy we've ever had.

The worst part is that when the recession hits Trump's $1 T deficit will soar to like $2T.

Also Trump has already earmarked massive ~$1.3+ T deficits for the next 5 years.

Trump is not the end all, be all, lol.

The only questions are, IS IT BETTER? And is it BETTER THAN THE REST OF THE WORLD?

You answer that, then make a case, we will listen. You avoid the questions, and you are to partisan to even ask!
You are completely missing the point.

Growth has only risen a meager ~0.7% still no 3% annual growth like we were promised.

BUTTT debt has skyrocketed. Obama's last year annual deficits were $680, now they are projected to be over $1T with $1.2 predicted for 2020. Almost a 100% increase. Terrible.

Trump borrowed an insane amount of money and pumped it into the economy to only receive a small pop in growth that now seems to be fading. But the deficits are still increasing even more...

This is not good policy. When the recession hits our deficits will be through the roof maybe at $2T annually. Terrible.
GDP growth has increased by a third.
No, I'm exactly right. Obama's final 9 full quarters averaged 2% and Trump's first full 9 quarters averaged 2.7%, which is a third better.
Over Obama's last two years, the debt to GDP grew from 101.52% to 104.41


Under Trump, the debt to GDP has actually not grown at all, in fact, it's even come down a smidge, to 102.49


The Federal Government is deficit spending today, based on the agreement between Trump and the Democrat House.
The House controls the purse strings in our system.
He did his big spending while Pelosi controlled Congress, Boehner oversaw some improvement and Ryan was pretty much worthless, though Pelosi certainly isn't proving to be an improvement.
Just the facts, nothing but the facts.

Your exact words:
In inflation adjusted dollars, Trump's increased the Federal debt about 10% more than over the same period at the end of Obama's presidency, but, he has also increased GDP by a third more. so, still better.

Now you've changed your story to say that the GDP rate of increase is 33%. OK fine
An increase in growth rates by 33% isn't a poke in the eye!
... then you have to look at the rate of increase of the deficit......
Annual Deficit Obama's last year ~$600B,
Hold on Sparky, let's double check that.

The Federal Debt was $19,477.8 at the end of 2015
The Federal Debt was $20,380.8 at the end of 2016

During Obama's final year the indebtedness of the United States increased by $903 Billion - 50% higher than your claim.

... Deficits now $1+T. SOOOOOOOOOOO the deficits have increased at a rate of 80-100% (it will be 100% in a year). Sorry bud facts, you just don't have em, nice try though...
Over Trump's first two years the Federal debt increased to $22,075.2, an increase over two years of $1,694.4B an average annual increase of $847.2B/year, an improvement over Obama, even in nominal dollars.
...I repeat. The annual budget deficit under Trump has skyrocketed it has increased at a rate of almost 100% (~$600B to ~$1+T, it'll be 1.2T in 2020)...
"Skyrocket" you keep using that word, I do not think it means what you think it means. From Obama's final $903B to Trumps average $847.2B is a decrease, even in nominal dollars.

... , while we still haven't achieved annual 3% growth, with only a meager 30% rate of GDP increase...
33% is meager? We were told that Obama's 2% was just fine and reflected the new normal. Trump's given us 2.7%

At 2% growth the US economy doubles every 35 years.
At 2.7% it doubles every 25.9 years.
... (meager when compared to deficits) FACTS...
Trump's Debt as a percentage of GDP is actually down a bit over his first two years, whereas with Obama it was still in it's dangerous troublesome climb:

Over Obama's last two years, the debt to GDP grew from 101.52% to 104.41


Under Trump, the debt to GDP has actually not grown at all, in fact, it's even come down a smidge, to 102.49


...So When Obama has massive deficits w GOP house, they are all Obama's deficits, BUTTTTTTTTTT when Trump has massive deficits from his massive spending increases and his massive tax cut.... They are still Pelosi's fault!!!!! (BTW Obama's massive deficits were predominantly due to the great recession, but I still give him blame for them because they are his budgets. I'm not biased like you.)

What a fantasy land you live in. Basically your political bias prevents you from logical thought. You have 2 different sets of rules for D and R and this Pelosi Boehner thing proves that.
You misrepresent my reply to you. It is simply a Constitutional Fact that in our system the House of Representatives Controls the Purse Strings. That point is immune to refutation. It's clearly spelled out in the Contract between the American People and the Government they chose to form.

Pelosi 1 was a budget disaster - I told you that.
Boehner was an improvement.
Ryan was worthless
Pelosi 2 is no improvement over Ryan.

Stick with facts and truth and your confusion will lift and you'll be much happier!

You actually think that the deficit has gone down under Trump?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
As a percentage of GDP, of course. It's undeniable.

Trump's Debt as a percentage of GDP is actually down a bit over his first two years, whereas with Obama it was still in it's dangerous troublesome climb:

Over Obama's last two years, the debt to GDP grew from 101.52% to 104.41


Under Trump, the debt to GDP has actually not grown at all, in fact, it's even come down a smidge, to 104.29


... Are you fckin nuts??????????????? Are you serious???????????????...
You are shocked to learn that 104.29% is less than 104.41%? yeah his little bump of 2%- 2.7%...
It's a third faster growth.
... the massive deficits he has produced...
He's stopped the rise in debt to GDP that was occurring as Obama finished his second term and has even brought that number down a little.
... Again Obama stimulus $800B...
Old news, nearly a decade ago.
AHAHAHAHA!! AHAHAHAHA!!!!! (me falling out of my chair)

SO first you said this:
In inflation adjusted dollars, Trump's increased the Federal debt about 10% more than over the same period at the end of Obama's presidency, but, he has also increased GDP by a third more. so, still better.

Total fake news. Then when that was debunked you changed your story to: Trump's deficits were smaller than Obama's???? You used fake math to try and claim that Trump's deficits were smaller than Obamas last annual deficit??? LIE, more fake news by you.

You posted 2 complete lies.

NOWWWW you changed your story again to Trump debt to GDP is less than Obama's? Another lie:
United States Gross Federal Debt to GDP | 2019 | Data | Chart | Calendar

The US Bureau of Public Debt has Trump's debt to GDP at 106.1 in 2018, a record high, and another lie by you.

YOU ARE FAKE NEWS> you changed your story 3 times, and lied each time.

Additionally debt to GDP is a bad and volatile measure
Actually it's the correct measure as it's DEBT that requires DEBT SERVICE and that debt is serviced by the US Economy. Obama was growing the Debt faster than the economy, Trump has halted that, and even reversed it a smidge.
... In 2010 Obama had record deficits...
Old news, nearly a decade ago, nobody gives a damn. Our problems and solutions are now, not a decade ago.
...Anyway you slice it Trump's deficits are terrible and have skyrocketed...
Debt as a percentage of GDP has not only stopped rising, but even gone down a little, a SOLID start, but much more needs to be done.

In our system, The HOUSE OF Representatives controls the purse strings, and while Ryan was pathetic, Pelosi may even be a bit worse. We may need to make some changes in the upcoming election. 3% annual growth, a small bump of 0.7%-...
Trump's GDP growth is a third better, and that beats a poke in the eye!
... Obama inherited the great recession from Bush...
Ancient history, no one with a brain gives a damn, we cn't go back and change that, we have plenty to focus on right in front of us.
... But almost a 100% increase in annual deficits....
Actually Debt as a percentage GDP has improved, just a bit, under Trump.

Trump's Debt as a percentage of GDP is actually down a bit over his first two years, whereas with Obama it was still in it's dangerous troublesome climb:

Over Obama's last two years, the debt to GDP grew from 101.52% to 104.41


Under Trump, the debt to GDP has actually not grown at all, in fact, it's even come down a smidge, to 104.29


Head up and good cheer, you think Trump's first term was something, his second is going to be just AMAZING! Especially if he can keep avoiding fresh military actions while keeping unemployment low, wages rising and America Working Prosperously!
GDP growth has increased by a third.
No, I'm exactly right. Obama's final 9 full quarters averaged 2% and Trump's first full 9 quarters averaged 2.7%, which is a third better.
Over Obama's last two years, the debt to GDP grew from 101.52% to 104.41


Under Trump, the debt to GDP has actually not grown at all, in fact, it's even come down a smidge, to 102.49


The Federal Government is deficit spending today, based on the agreement between Trump and the Democrat House.
The House controls the purse strings in our system.
He did his big spending while Pelosi controlled Congress, Boehner oversaw some improvement and Ryan was pretty much worthless, though Pelosi certainly isn't proving to be an improvement.
Just the facts, nothing but the facts.

Your exact words:
In inflation adjusted dollars, Trump's increased the Federal debt about 10% more than over the same period at the end of Obama's presidency, but, he has also increased GDP by a third more. so, still better.

Now you've changed your story to say that the GDP rate of increase is 33%. OK fine
An increase in growth rates by 33% isn't a poke in the eye!
... then you have to look at the rate of increase of the deficit......
Annual Deficit Obama's last year ~$600B,
Hold on Sparky, let's double check that.

The Federal Debt was $19,477.8 at the end of 2015
The Federal Debt was $20,380.8 at the end of 2016

During Obama's final year the indebtedness of the United States increased by $903 Billion - 50% higher than your claim.

... Deficits now $1+T. SOOOOOOOOOOO the deficits have increased at a rate of 80-100% (it will be 100% in a year). Sorry bud facts, you just don't have em, nice try though...
Over Trump's first two years the Federal debt increased to $22,075.2, an increase over two years of $1,694.4B an average annual increase of $847.2B/year, an improvement over Obama, even in nominal dollars.
...I repeat. The annual budget deficit under Trump has skyrocketed it has increased at a rate of almost 100% (~$600B to ~$1+T, it'll be 1.2T in 2020)...
"Skyrocket" you keep using that word, I do not think it means what you think it means. From Obama's final $903B to Trumps average $847.2B is a decrease, even in nominal dollars.

... , while we still haven't achieved annual 3% growth, with only a meager 30% rate of GDP increase...
33% is meager? We were told that Obama's 2% was just fine and reflected the new normal. Trump's given us 2.7%

At 2% growth the US economy doubles every 35 years.
At 2.7% it doubles every 25.9 years.
... (meager when compared to deficits) FACTS...
Trump's Debt as a percentage of GDP is actually down a bit over his first two years, whereas with Obama it was still in it's dangerous troublesome climb:

Over Obama's last two years, the debt to GDP grew from 101.52% to 104.41


Under Trump, the debt to GDP has actually not grown at all, in fact, it's even come down a smidge, to 102.49


...So When Obama has massive deficits w GOP house, they are all Obama's deficits, BUTTTTTTTTTT when Trump has massive deficits from his massive spending increases and his massive tax cut.... They are still Pelosi's fault!!!!! (BTW Obama's massive deficits were predominantly due to the great recession, but I still give him blame for them because they are his budgets. I'm not biased like you.)

What a fantasy land you live in. Basically your political bias prevents you from logical thought. You have 2 different sets of rules for D and R and this Pelosi Boehner thing proves that.
You misrepresent my reply to you. It is simply a Constitutional Fact that in our system the House of Representatives Controls the Purse Strings. That point is immune to refutation. It's clearly spelled out in the Contract between the American People and the Government they chose to form.

Pelosi 1 was a budget disaster - I told you that.
Boehner was an improvement.
Ryan was worthless
Pelosi 2 is no improvement over Ryan.

Stick with facts and truth and your confusion will lift and you'll be much happier!

You actually think that the deficit has gone down under Trump?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
As a percentage of GDP, of course. It's undeniable.

Trump's Debt as a percentage of GDP is actually down a bit over his first two years, whereas with Obama it was still in it's dangerous troublesome climb:

Over Obama's last two years, the debt to GDP grew from 101.52% to 104.41


Under Trump, the debt to GDP has actually not grown at all, in fact, it's even come down a smidge, to 104.29


... Are you fckin nuts??????????????? Are you serious???????????????...
You are shocked to learn that 104.29% is less than 104.41%? yeah his little bump of 2%- 2.7%...
It's a third faster growth.
... the massive deficits he has produced...
He's stopped the rise in debt to GDP that was occurring as Obama finished his second term and has even brought that number down a little.
... Again Obama stimulus $800B...
Old news, nearly a decade ago.
AHAHAHAHA!! AHAHAHAHA!!!!! (me falling out of my chair)

SO first you said this:
In inflation adjusted dollars, Trump's increased the Federal debt about 10% more than over the same period at the end of Obama's presidency, but, he has also increased GDP by a third more. so, still better.

Total fake news. Then when that was debunked you changed your story to: Trump's deficits were smaller than Obama's???? You used fake math to try and claim that Trump's deficits were smaller than Obamas last annual deficit??? LIE, more fake news by you.

You posted 2 complete lies.

NOWWWW you changed your story again to Trump debt to GDP is less than Obama's? Another lie:
United States Gross Federal Debt to GDP | 2019 | Data | Chart | Calendar

The US Bureau of Public Debt has Trump's debt to GDP at 106.1 in 2018, a record high, and another lie by you.

YOU ARE FAKE NEWS> you changed your story 3 times, and lied each time.

Additionally debt to GDP is a bad and volatile measure and doesn't tell the full story of our annual deficits.

In 2010 Obama had record deficits, over $1.2 T, but a debt-to-GDP of only 91. In 2015 Obama had much smaller deficits of ~$440B, not a bad number, but a debt-to-GDP of 105. Clearly in 2010 We had substantially worse deficits than 2015, but the debt to GDP was substantially lower than 2015. Clearly Debt-to GDP is a bad measure and doesn't tell the full story.

Basically you got caught saying something stupid, you tried to lie and change your story instead of admitting fault, and now you have tried to come up with a new lie. All of which have blown up in your face.

Anyway you slice it Trump's deficits are terrible and have skyrocketed.
Debt to GDP at 106, higher than Obama, and our annual deficits have exceed $1T much higher than 2016 (Obama's last year when he had $680B).

All this massive debt increase from his spending bills and tax cut, AND STILL no 3% annual growth, a small bump of 0.7%- that seems to be fading now as GDP is predicted to go back down towards 2%. BUTTTTTT deficits are predicted to soar even higher as Trump's multi-year spending increases will keep adding to our debt in the years to come.

Obama inherited the great recession from Bush- Obama passed the stimulus, $800B over 10 years. Trump has increased deficits by ~$2T over 4 years, more than double the entire Obama stimulus with only a meager increase in growth that seems to be fading.

Still no 3% annual growth... But almost a 100% increase in annual deficits. TERRIBLE.

What are you going to change your story to next?

Obama inherited the great recession from Bush- Obama passed the stimulus, $800B over 10 years.

And then spending dropped $800B the year after he passed the stimulus?

Trump has increased deficits by ~$2T over 4 years, more than double the entire Obama stimulus

Obama's only spending was stimulus?
Your exact words:
In inflation adjusted dollars, Trump's increased the Federal debt about 10% more than over the same period at the end of Obama's presidency, but, he has also increased GDP by a third more. so, still better.

Now you've changed your story to say that the GDP rate of increase is 33%. OK fine
An increase in growth rates by 33% isn't a poke in the eye!
... then you have to look at the rate of increase of the deficit......
Annual Deficit Obama's last year ~$600B,
Hold on Sparky, let's double check that.

The Federal Debt was $19,477.8 at the end of 2015
The Federal Debt was $20,380.8 at the end of 2016

During Obama's final year the indebtedness of the United States increased by $903 Billion - 50% higher than your claim.

... Deficits now $1+T. SOOOOOOOOOOO the deficits have increased at a rate of 80-100% (it will be 100% in a year). Sorry bud facts, you just don't have em, nice try though...
Over Trump's first two years the Federal debt increased to $22,075.2, an increase over two years of $1,694.4B an average annual increase of $847.2B/year, an improvement over Obama, even in nominal dollars.
...I repeat. The annual budget deficit under Trump has skyrocketed it has increased at a rate of almost 100% (~$600B to ~$1+T, it'll be 1.2T in 2020)...
"Skyrocket" you keep using that word, I do not think it means what you think it means. From Obama's final $903B to Trumps average $847.2B is a decrease, even in nominal dollars.

... , while we still haven't achieved annual 3% growth, with only a meager 30% rate of GDP increase...
33% is meager? We were told that Obama's 2% was just fine and reflected the new normal. Trump's given us 2.7%

At 2% growth the US economy doubles every 35 years.
At 2.7% it doubles every 25.9 years.
... (meager when compared to deficits) FACTS...
Trump's Debt as a percentage of GDP is actually down a bit over his first two years, whereas with Obama it was still in it's dangerous troublesome climb:

Over Obama's last two years, the debt to GDP grew from 101.52% to 104.41


Under Trump, the debt to GDP has actually not grown at all, in fact, it's even come down a smidge, to 102.49


...So When Obama has massive deficits w GOP house, they are all Obama's deficits, BUTTTTTTTTTT when Trump has massive deficits from his massive spending increases and his massive tax cut.... They are still Pelosi's fault!!!!! (BTW Obama's massive deficits were predominantly due to the great recession, but I still give him blame for them because they are his budgets. I'm not biased like you.)

What a fantasy land you live in. Basically your political bias prevents you from logical thought. You have 2 different sets of rules for D and R and this Pelosi Boehner thing proves that.
You misrepresent my reply to you. It is simply a Constitutional Fact that in our system the House of Representatives Controls the Purse Strings. That point is immune to refutation. It's clearly spelled out in the Contract between the American People and the Government they chose to form.

Pelosi 1 was a budget disaster - I told you that.
Boehner was an improvement.
Ryan was worthless
Pelosi 2 is no improvement over Ryan.

Stick with facts and truth and your confusion will lift and you'll be much happier!

You actually think that the deficit has gone down under Trump?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
As a percentage of GDP, of course. It's undeniable.

Trump's Debt as a percentage of GDP is actually down a bit over his first two years, whereas with Obama it was still in it's dangerous troublesome climb:

Over Obama's last two years, the debt to GDP grew from 101.52% to 104.41


Under Trump, the debt to GDP has actually not grown at all, in fact, it's even come down a smidge, to 104.29


... Are you fckin nuts??????????????? Are you serious???????????????...
You are shocked to learn that 104.29% is less than 104.41%? yeah his little bump of 2%- 2.7%...
It's a third faster growth.
... the massive deficits he has produced...
He's stopped the rise in debt to GDP that was occurring as Obama finished his second term and has even brought that number down a little.
... Again Obama stimulus $800B...
Old news, nearly a decade ago.
AHAHAHAHA!! AHAHAHAHA!!!!! (me falling out of my chair)

SO first you said this:
In inflation adjusted dollars, Trump's increased the Federal debt about 10% more than over the same period at the end of Obama's presidency, but, he has also increased GDP by a third more. so, still better.

Total fake news. Then when that was debunked you changed your story to: Trump's deficits were smaller than Obama's???? You used fake math to try and claim that Trump's deficits were smaller than Obamas last annual deficit??? LIE, more fake news by you.

You posted 2 complete lies.

NOWWWW you changed your story again to Trump debt to GDP is less than Obama's? Another lie:
United States Gross Federal Debt to GDP | 2019 | Data | Chart | Calendar

The US Bureau of Public Debt has Trump's debt to GDP at 106.1 in 2018, a record high, and another lie by you.

YOU ARE FAKE NEWS> you changed your story 3 times, and lied each time.

Additionally debt to GDP is a bad and volatile measure
Actually it's the correct measure as it's DEBT that requires DEBT SERVICE and that debt is serviced by the US Economy. Obama was growing the Debt faster than the economy, Trump has halted that, and even reversed it a smidge.
... In 2010 Obama had record deficits...
Old news, nearly a decade ago, nobody gives a damn. Our problems and solutions are now, not a decade ago.
...Anyway you slice it Trump's deficits are terrible and have skyrocketed...
Debt as a percentage of GDP has not only stopped rising, but even gone down a little, a SOLID start, but much more needs to be done.

In our system, The HOUSE OF Representatives controls the purse strings, and while Ryan was pathetic, Pelosi may even be a bit worse. We may need to make some changes in the upcoming election. 3% annual growth, a small bump of 0.7%-...
Trump's GDP growth is a third better, and that beats a poke in the eye!
... Obama inherited the great recession from Bush...
Ancient history, no one with a brain gives a damn, we cn't go back and change that, we have plenty to focus on right in front of us.
... But almost a 100% increase in annual deficits....
Actually Debt as a percentage GDP has improved, just a bit, under Trump.

Trump's Debt as a percentage of GDP is actually down a bit over his first two years, whereas with Obama it was still in it's dangerous troublesome climb:

Over Obama's last two years, the debt to GDP grew from 101.52% to 104.41


Under Trump, the debt to GDP has actually not grown at all, in fact, it's even come down a smidge, to 104.29


Head up and good cheer, you think Trump's first term was something, his second is going to be just AMAZING! Especially if he can keep avoiding fresh military actions while keeping unemployment low, wages rising and America Working Prosperously!



Trump debt to GDP 2018: 106.1 Source: US Bureau of Public Debt.

Trump has set the record. You just got caught lying again. You have nothing!!!! Deficits have skyrocketed under Trump and GDP has barely increased. 0.7% is nothing, when you look at the rise in deficits. Debt to GDP ratio at highs!!! Annual deficits under Trump will increase by 100% in 2020, with growth predicted to be only 2% or less in 2020. You lose. Get some real facts.

The Obama stimulus was $800B over 10 years, used to stimulate the economy after the worst recession ever. Trump has increased deficits by $2T in 4 years, more than double the entire Obama stimulus package. Trump has spent wildly and STILL no 3% annual growth.

What are you going to change your story to now, as you have already changed your story 3 times...
An increase in growth rates by 33% isn't a poke in the eye!
Hold on Sparky, let's double check that.

The Federal Debt was $19,477.8 at the end of 2015
The Federal Debt was $20,380.8 at the end of 2016

During Obama's final year the indebtedness of the United States increased by $903 Billion - 50% higher than your claim.

Over Trump's first two years the Federal debt increased to $22,075.2, an increase over two years of $1,694.4B an average annual increase of $847.2B/year, an improvement over Obama, even in nominal dollars.
"Skyrocket" you keep using that word, I do not think it means what you think it means. From Obama's final $903B to Trumps average $847.2B is a decrease, even in nominal dollars.

33% is meager? We were told that Obama's 2% was just fine and reflected the new normal. Trump's given us 2.7%

At 2% growth the US economy doubles every 35 years.
At 2.7% it doubles every 25.9 years.
Trump's Debt as a percentage of GDP is actually down a bit over his first two years, whereas with Obama it was still in it's dangerous troublesome climb:

Over Obama's last two years, the debt to GDP grew from 101.52% to 104.41


Under Trump, the debt to GDP has actually not grown at all, in fact, it's even come down a smidge, to 102.49


You misrepresent my reply to you. It is simply a Constitutional Fact that in our system the House of Representatives Controls the Purse Strings. That point is immune to refutation. It's clearly spelled out in the Contract between the American People and the Government they chose to form.

Pelosi 1 was a budget disaster - I told you that.
Boehner was an improvement.
Ryan was worthless
Pelosi 2 is no improvement over Ryan.

Stick with facts and truth and your confusion will lift and you'll be much happier!

You actually think that the deficit has gone down under Trump?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
As a percentage of GDP, of course. It's undeniable.

Trump's Debt as a percentage of GDP is actually down a bit over his first two years, whereas with Obama it was still in it's dangerous troublesome climb:

Over Obama's last two years, the debt to GDP grew from 101.52% to 104.41


Under Trump, the debt to GDP has actually not grown at all, in fact, it's even come down a smidge, to 104.29


... Are you fckin nuts??????????????? Are you serious???????????????...
You are shocked to learn that 104.29% is less than 104.41%? yeah his little bump of 2%- 2.7%...
It's a third faster growth.
... the massive deficits he has produced...
He's stopped the rise in debt to GDP that was occurring as Obama finished his second term and has even brought that number down a little.
... Again Obama stimulus $800B...
Old news, nearly a decade ago.
AHAHAHAHA!! AHAHAHAHA!!!!! (me falling out of my chair)

SO first you said this:
In inflation adjusted dollars, Trump's increased the Federal debt about 10% more than over the same period at the end of Obama's presidency, but, he has also increased GDP by a third more. so, still better.

Total fake news. Then when that was debunked you changed your story to: Trump's deficits were smaller than Obama's???? You used fake math to try and claim that Trump's deficits were smaller than Obamas last annual deficit??? LIE, more fake news by you.

You posted 2 complete lies.

NOWWWW you changed your story again to Trump debt to GDP is less than Obama's? Another lie:
United States Gross Federal Debt to GDP | 2019 | Data | Chart | Calendar

The US Bureau of Public Debt has Trump's debt to GDP at 106.1 in 2018, a record high, and another lie by you.

YOU ARE FAKE NEWS> you changed your story 3 times, and lied each time.

Additionally debt to GDP is a bad and volatile measure
Actually it's the correct measure as it's DEBT that requires DEBT SERVICE and that debt is serviced by the US Economy. Obama was growing the Debt faster than the economy, Trump has halted that, and even reversed it a smidge.
... In 2010 Obama had record deficits...
Old news, nearly a decade ago, nobody gives a damn. Our problems and solutions are now, not a decade ago.
...Anyway you slice it Trump's deficits are terrible and have skyrocketed...
Debt as a percentage of GDP has not only stopped rising, but even gone down a little, a SOLID start, but much more needs to be done.

In our system, The HOUSE OF Representatives controls the purse strings, and while Ryan was pathetic, Pelosi may even be a bit worse. We may need to make some changes in the upcoming election. 3% annual growth, a small bump of 0.7%-...
Trump's GDP growth is a third better, and that beats a poke in the eye!
... Obama inherited the great recession from Bush...
Ancient history, no one with a brain gives a damn, we cn't go back and change that, we have plenty to focus on right in front of us.
... But almost a 100% increase in annual deficits....
Actually Debt as a percentage GDP has improved, just a bit, under Trump.

Trump's Debt as a percentage of GDP is actually down a bit over his first two years, whereas with Obama it was still in it's dangerous troublesome climb:

Over Obama's last two years, the debt to GDP grew from 101.52% to 104.41


Under Trump, the debt to GDP has actually not grown at all, in fact, it's even come down a smidge, to 104.29


Head up and good cheer, you think Trump's first term was something, his second is going to be just AMAZING! Especially if he can keep avoiding fresh military actions while keeping unemployment low, wages rising and America Working Prosperously!


View attachment 284319

Trump debt to GDP 2018: 106.1
Public debt is a subset of gross debt. Why use a sub-set rather than the entire set?

Further, your information is old. Trump's current public debt to GDP is 103.20, down almost 3 points from your old out dated numbers, that real progress!

Obama's final quarter was 105.18% and Trump has improved that by nearly 2 points over his first 10 quarters, or nearly 2 points the RIGHT way.

Obama over his final 10 quarters, deteriorated on this measure from 101.15% to 105.18% 4 points the WRONG Way.


...The Obama stimulus
Old news, nobody cares about that any more.
... the worst recession ever....
More old news. It was over June 30, 2009. That was over a decade ago.
... Trump has increased deficits
Actually he has lowered the debt as a percentage of GDP, and that's they key, he has to grow the economy faster than the debt.

They said it couldn't be done, yet, Trump has faced down everyone AND improved the Debt Position of the United States, while lifting the standards of the American Workers. Go Trump! You think his first term is amazing, wait until you see his second term!

Obama's final 10 quarters: Obama over his final 10 quarters, deteriorated on this measure from 101.15% to 105.18% 4 points the WRONG Way.

Trump's first 10 quarters: 105.2% down to 103.2% - Two points the RIGHT Way,


When you are going the WRONG way, time is your enemy.

When you are going the RIGHT way, time is your friend.

Trump has turned time from an enemy to a friend for the United States of America. And that has been while he has been fighting against this corrupt attempted Coup that will have failed by the time he is re-elected. And after defeating impeachment, and then the US Electorate repudiating the House by re-electing him, it will be politically impossible for the House to impeach him second time, making him unique among all US Presidents, having defeated the House's ridiculous impeachment and then being re-elected by the US Electorate.

As amazing as his first term has been, you won't even believe how astounding his second term will be.

It's always morning in America!
Obama's final 10 quarters: Obama over his final 10 quarters, deteriorated on this measure from 101.15% to 105.18% 4 points the WRONG Way.

Trump's first 10 quarters: 105.2% down to 103.2% - Two points the RIGHT Way,


When you are going the WRONG way, time is your enemy.

When you are going the RIGHT way, time is your friend.

Trump has turned time from an enemy to a friend for the United States of America. And that has been while he has been fighting against this corrupt attempted Coup that will have failed by the time he is re-elected. And after defeating impeachment, and then the US Electorate repudiating the House by re-electing him, it will be politically impossible for the House to impeach him second time, making him unique among all US Presidents, having defeated the House's ridiculous impeachment and then being re-elected by the US Electorate.

As amazing as his first term has been, you won't even believe how astounding his second term will be.

It's always morning in America!


Trump is falling short on taming the deficit—here's why 'it could get ugly'

According to the newest estimate from the Congressional Budget Office (CBO), the U.S. budget deficit hit $984 billion in fiscal year 2019. That amounts to a whopping 4.7% of U.S. gross domestic product — the highest level since 2012.
Obama's final 10 quarters: Obama over his final 10 quarters, deteriorated on this measure from 101.15% to 105.18% 4 points the WRONG Way.

Trump's first 10 quarters: 105.2% down to 103.2% - Two points the RIGHT Way,


When you are going the WRONG way, time is your enemy.

When you are going the RIGHT way, time is your friend.

Trump has turned time from an enemy to a friend for the United States of America. And that has been while he has been fighting against this corrupt attempted Coup that will have failed by the time he is re-elected. And after defeating impeachment, and then the US Electorate repudiating the House by re-electing him, it will be politically impossible for the House to impeach him second time, making him unique among all US Presidents, having defeated the House's ridiculous impeachment and then being re-elected by the US Electorate.

As amazing as his first term has been, you won't even believe how astounding his second term will be.

It's always morning in America!
WOW, you seem pretty desperate to try and convince yourself that the deficit has not skyrocketed, increasing 100% annually since Trump took over. You can't even admit that the deficit has skyrocketed and you have changed your story 3 times in this thread so far. Remember when you tried to claim that the deficit didn't go up under Trump?? In 2006 I'm sure you thought the economy was so great, how'd that turn out for you?

Debt to GDP is a poor measure of an economy and it is highly volatile. Just a few months ago it was at 105 higher than Obama, so what is so good about that?

Trump has increased the annual deficit by 100%, Manufacturing data is at a 2009 low. Services data just came in at a low. GDP is projected to drop to 2% or less in 2020, and deficits are projected to be $1.2+ T in 2020. You think that is good? Oh and BTW we still haven't achieved 3% annual growth, so all the deficit spending for a meager and short lived little bump in the economy.

Let's look at this article that Gator just posted:

Trump is falling short on taming the deficit—here's why 'it could get ugly'

According to the newest estimate from the Congressional Budget Office (CBO), the U.S. budget deficit hit $984 billion in fiscal year 2019. That amounts to a whopping 4.7% of U.S. gross domestic product — the highest level since 2012.

The facts and economic data just don't look good for you at all. Trump has given us record deficits for a non-recession and they are only getting bigger while GDP is getting lower. This is why you lost all you money in 2006, you didn't want to accept reality.
Obama's final 10 quarters: Obama over his final 10 quarters, deteriorated on this measure from 101.15% to 105.18% 4 points the WRONG Way.

Trump's first 10 quarters: 105.2% down to 103.2% - Two points the RIGHT Way,


When you are going the WRONG way, time is your enemy.

When you are going the RIGHT way, time is your friend.

Trump has turned time from an enemy to a friend for the United States of America. And that has been while he has been fighting against this corrupt attempted Coup that will have failed by the time he is re-elected. And after defeating impeachment, and then the US Electorate repudiating the House by re-electing him, it will be politically impossible for the House to impeach him second time, making him unique among all US Presidents, having defeated the House's ridiculous impeachment and then being re-elected by the US Electorate.

As amazing as his first term has been, you won't even believe how astounding his second term will be.

It's always morning in America!
WOW, you seem pretty desperate to try and convince yourself that the deficit has not skyrocketed, increasing 100% annually since Trump took over....
Fake News. The debt hasn't doubled! In fact, as a percentage of GDP, public debt is down since Trump took over, halting the massive rise the occurred under the two dumbest back to back Presidents Bush and Obama.
... You can't even admit that the deficit has skyrocketed ...
Well, the facts are clear. The Debt position of the US has improved under Trump, after deteriorating badly under Dumb and Dumber over the previous 16 years.

Obama's final 10 quarters: Obama over his final 10 quarters, deteriorated on this measure from 101.15% to 105.18% 4 points the WRONG Way.

Trump's first 10 quarters: 105.2% down to 103.2% - Two points the RIGHT Way,


When you are going the WRONG way, time is your enemy.

When you are going the RIGHT way, time is your friend.

Trump has turned time from an enemy to a friend for the United States of America.and you have changed your story 3 times in this thread so far. Remember when you tried to claim that the deficit didn't go up under Trump?? In 2006 I'm sure you thought the economy was so great, how'd that turn out for you?
... Debt to GDP is a poor measure of an economy...
GDP is an excellent measure of the economy and the one used throughout both history and the world. Debt as a percentage is the most sensible of comparisons as it is the economy that will service the debt and the larger the economy is, in comparison to the debt, the easier that debt is to serive.
...Manufacturing data is at a 2009 low...
Fake News Silliness.

June 2009 inflation adjusted Industrial output was at 86.03 and it's at 106.02 today
... GDP is projected...
When it comes to Trump, like polls the "projections" are always low. Wait for the hard data, he always beats expectations like a rented mule.
you lost all you money in 2006, you didn't want to accept reality.
Easy with the glue, I made money in 2006. Making money this year too. Stock Market is up 15% already and we still have a quarter to go. I always hope that your guys that are always screaming doom and gloom over the Trump economy aren't actually dumb enough pull your money out and miss out on these fabulous gains.

Fingers crossed that you are all talk and that you kept your money in a participated in all this Trump Prosperity!
Obama over his final 10 quarters, deteriorated on this measure from 101.15% to 105.18% 4 points the WRONG Way.

Trump's first 10 quarters: 105.2% down to 103.2% - Two points the RIGHT Way,


When you are going the WRONG way, time is your enemy.

When you are going the RIGHT way, time is your friend.

Trump has turned time from an enemy to a friend for the United States of America.
WOW, you seem pretty desperate to try and convince yourself that the deficit has not skyrocketed, increasing 100% annually since Trump took over....
Fake News. The debt hasn't doubled! In fact, as a percentage of GDP, public debt is down since Trump took over, halting the massive rise the occurred under the two dumbest back to back Presidents - Bush and Obama.
... You can't even admit that the deficit has skyrocketed ...
Well, the facts are clear. The Debt position of the US has improved under Trump, after deteriorating badly under Dumb and Dumber over the previous 16 years.

Obama over his final 10 quarters, deteriorated on this measure from 101.15% to 105.18% 4 points the WRONG Way.

Trump's first 10 quarters: 105.2% down to 103.2% - Two points the RIGHT Way,


When you are going the WRONG way, time is your enemy.

When you are going the RIGHT way, time is your friend.

Trump has turned time from an enemy to a friend for the United States of America.
... Debt to GDP is a poor measure of an economy...
GDP is an excellent measure of the economy and the one used throughout both history and the world. Debt as a percentage is the most sensible of comparisons as it is the economy that will service the debt and the larger the economy is, in comparison to the debt, the easier that debt is to service.
...Manufacturing data is at a 2009 low...
Fake News Silliness.

The 2009 inflation adjusted Industrial output was 86.03 and today it's at 106.02 today.

... GDP is projected...
When it comes to Trump, like polls the "projections" are always low. Wait for the hard data, he always beats expectations like a rented mule.
you lost all you money in 2006, you didn't want to accept reality.
Easy with the glue, I made money in 2006. Making money this year too. Stock Market is up 15% already and we still have a quarter to go. I always hope that your guys that are always screaming doom and gloom over the Trump economy aren't actually dumb enough pull your money out and miss out on these fabulous gains.

Fingers crossed that you are all talk and that you kept your money invested and are participating in all this Trump Prosperity!

Trump is Saving The Social Security Trust Fund:

The Obama final Social Security Trust Fund provided 3 projections,
  • one at 6.5% unemployment, where the Trust Fund rapidly exhausts.
  • one at 5.5% unemployment, where the Trust Fund exhausts later, but while the peak of the Baby Boomers are in retirement.
  • One at 4.5% unemployment where the Trust Fund NEVER exhausts.
Well guess what? Trump's average unemployment is well below 4.5% and this month is all the way down to 3.5%


They said it couldn't be done! And that's the trick with Trump. Figure out what the VERY BEST thing is for the US Economy and for us Hard Working Americans and then Tell Trump That He CAN'T DO IT! It's like waving a red flag in front of a bull in a China Shop!
Last edited:
Obama's final 10 quarters: Obama over his final 10 quarters, deteriorated on this measure from 101.15% to 105.18% 4 points the WRONG Way.

Trump's first 10 quarters: 105.2% down to 103.2% - Two points the RIGHT Way,


When you are going the WRONG way, time is your enemy.

When you are going the RIGHT way, time is your friend.

Trump has turned time from an enemy to a friend for the United States of America. And that has been while he has been fighting against this corrupt attempted Coup that will have failed by the time he is re-elected. And after defeating impeachment, and then the US Electorate repudiating the House by re-electing him, it will be politically impossible for the House to impeach him second time, making him unique among all US Presidents, having defeated the House's ridiculous impeachment and then being re-elected by the US Electorate.

As amazing as his first term has been, you won't even believe how astounding his second term will be.

It's always morning in America!
WOW, you seem pretty desperate to try and convince yourself that the deficit has not skyrocketed, increasing 100% annually since Trump took over....
Fake News. The debt hasn't doubled! In fact, as a percentage of GDP, public debt is down since Trump took over, halting the massive rise the occurred under the two dumbest back to back Presidents Bush and Obama.
... You can't even admit that the deficit has skyrocketed ...
Well, the facts are clear. The Debt position of the US has improved under Trump, after deteriorating badly under Dumb and Dumber over the previous 16 years.

Obama's final 10 quarters: Obama over his final 10 quarters, deteriorated on this measure from 101.15% to 105.18% 4 points the WRONG Way.

Trump's first 10 quarters: 105.2% down to 103.2% - Two points the RIGHT Way,


When you are going the WRONG way, time is your enemy.

When you are going the RIGHT way, time is your friend.

Trump has turned time from an enemy to a friend for the United States of America.and you have changed your story 3 times in this thread so far. Remember when you tried to claim that the deficit didn't go up under Trump?? In 2006 I'm sure you thought the economy was so great, how'd that turn out for you?
... Debt to GDP is a poor measure of an economy...
GDP is an excellent measure of the economy and the one used throughout both history and the world. Debt as a percentage is the most sensible of comparisons as it is the economy that will service the debt and the larger the economy is, in comparison to the debt, the easier that debt is to serive.
...Manufacturing data is at a 2009 low...
Fake News Silliness.

June 2009 inflation adjusted Industrial output was at 86.03 and it's at 106.02 today
... GDP is projected...
When it comes to Trump, like polls the "projections" are always low. Wait for the hard data, he always beats expectations like a rented mule.
you lost all you money in 2006, you didn't want to accept reality.
Easy with the glue, I made money in 2006. Making money this year too. Stock Market is up 15% already and we still have a quarter to go. I always hope that your guys that are always screaming doom and gloom over the Trump economy aren't actually dumb enough pull your money out and miss out on these fabulous gains.

Fingers crossed that you are all talk and that you kept your money in a participated in all this Trump Prosperity!
You do realize that a few months ago your stupid debt-to GDP ratio was 105+, higher than Obama.
SO what's so great about that? This is a volatile reading and it is not dropping it is sitting in a range. There is no down trend, and there is nothing positive about this data. The data is making higher highs and higher lows, classic uptrend characteristics.

Annual deficits have increased almost 100% under Trump from $680 (obama's last year) to $1.2T in 2020.


You are cherry picking the data and ignoring the large amount of bad and weakening economic data.

ISM manufacturing just put in its weakest reading since 2009, and has been steadily weakening. ISM services just put in its weakest reading since Trump took office. GDP projections are all weakening and 2019 GDP is on pace for just 2%. Debt levels keep rising every month with 2019 deficits above $1T and 2020 deficits on pace for $1.2+T. We are in a sea of weakening data and you are cherry picking one irrelevant piece of data that has stayed flat.

Then we have this:

Trump is falling short on taming the deficit—here's why 'it could get ugly'

According to the newest estimate from the Congressional Budget Office (CBO), the U.S. budget deficit hit $984 billion in fiscal year 2019. That amounts to a whopping 4.7% of U.S. gross domestic product — the highest level since 2012.

I'm sure you thought everything was great in 2006 too, how'd that turn out for you? You are the classic person that lost all their money in the Bush crash, as you clearly unable to see weakness in the economic data.
Last edited:
Obama's final 10 quarters: Obama over his final 10 quarters, deteriorated on this measure from 101.15% to 105.18% 4 points the WRONG Way.

Trump's first 10 quarters: 105.2% down to 103.2% - Two points the RIGHT Way,


When you are going the WRONG way, time is your enemy.

When you are going the RIGHT way, time is your friend.

Trump has turned time from an enemy to a friend for the United States of America. And that has been while he has been fighting against this corrupt attempted Coup that will have failed by the time he is re-elected. And after defeating impeachment, and then the US Electorate repudiating the House by re-electing him, it will be politically impossible for the House to impeach him second time, making him unique among all US Presidents, having defeated the House's ridiculous impeachment and then being re-elected by the US Electorate.

As amazing as his first term has been, you won't even believe how astounding his second term will be.

It's always morning in America!
WOW, you seem pretty desperate to try and convince yourself that the deficit has not skyrocketed, increasing 100% annually since Trump took over....
Fake News. The debt hasn't doubled! In fact, as a percentage of GDP, public debt is down since Trump took over, halting the massive rise the occurred under the two dumbest back to back Presidents Bush and Obama.
... You can't even admit that the deficit has skyrocketed ...
Well, the facts are clear. The Debt position of the US has improved under Trump, after deteriorating badly under Dumb and Dumber over the previous 16 years.

Obama's final 10 quarters: Obama over his final 10 quarters, deteriorated on this measure from 101.15% to 105.18% 4 points the WRONG Way.

Trump's first 10 quarters: 105.2% down to 103.2% - Two points the RIGHT Way,


When you are going the WRONG way, time is your enemy.

When you are going the RIGHT way, time is your friend.

Trump has turned time from an enemy to a friend for the United States of America.and you have changed your story 3 times in this thread so far. Remember when you tried to claim that the deficit didn't go up under Trump?? In 2006 I'm sure you thought the economy was so great, how'd that turn out for you?
... Debt to GDP is a poor measure of an economy...
GDP is an excellent measure of the economy and the one used throughout both history and the world. Debt as a percentage is the most sensible of comparisons as it is the economy that will service the debt and the larger the economy is, in comparison to the debt, the easier that debt is to serive.
...Manufacturing data is at a 2009 low...
Fake News Silliness.

June 2009 inflation adjusted Industrial output was at 86.03 and it's at 106.02 today
... GDP is projected...
When it comes to Trump, like polls the "projections" are always low. Wait for the hard data, he always beats expectations like a rented mule.
you lost all you money in 2006, you didn't want to accept reality.
Easy with the glue, I made money in 2006. Making money this year too. Stock Market is up 15% already and we still have a quarter to go. I always hope that your guys that are always screaming doom and gloom over the Trump economy aren't actually dumb enough pull your money out and miss out on these fabulous gains.

Fingers crossed that you are all talk and that you kept your money in a participated in all this Trump Prosperity!
You do realize that a few months ago your stupid debt-to GDP ratio was 105+, higher than Obama...
There has never been a higher number recorded than Obama's exit number of 105.19%
...SO what's so great about that?...
It's improving. is not dropping it is sitting in a range...
You mean why is flat better than rising debt? Are you serious?

Obama's record - rising


Trump's record - flat to falling


Flat to falling is an improvement over rising.
...Annual deficits have increased almost 100% under Trump from $680 (obama's last year)...
Hold on Sparky, let's double check that.

Average Federal Debt in 2015 was $19,075
Average Federal Debt in 2016 was $20,394

That's an increase of $1,319B more than double your claim.


... to $1.2T in 2020...
It's 2019. We don't have had data for 2020
... You are cherry picking the data...
"Cherry Picking" is misusing a subset to represent the entire set. I'm using the entire set, the exact opposite of your claim.
... ignoring the large amount of bad and weakening economic data....
I'm comparing Trump's presidency so far, with the equivalent period of the same length as Obama's. Trump consistently outperforms Obama on measure after measure.
ISM manufacturing just put in its weakest reading since 2009...
Real Manufacturing Output is 20% higher than it's low point in 2009

... and has been steadily weakening...
Well, it rose about a 1 point over Obama's final 2.5 years.

And up 5 points over Trump's first two and a half years.

... 2019 GDP is on pace for just 2%....
The First half is 2.6% - We don't have numbers for the 3rd quarter, but the Blue Chip Consensus is 2.0% If that's correct, that puts us on a 2.4% pace.
... You are the classic person that lost all their money in the Bush crash, as you clearly unable to see weakness in the economic data.
I lost nothing in the Bush crash.
Obama's final 10 quarters: Obama over his final 10 quarters, deteriorated on this measure from 101.15% to 105.18% 4 points the WRONG Way.

Trump's first 10 quarters: 105.2% down to 103.2% - Two points the RIGHT Way,


When you are going the WRONG way, time is your enemy.

When you are going the RIGHT way, time is your friend.

Trump has turned time from an enemy to a friend for the United States of America. And that has been while he has been fighting against this corrupt attempted Coup that will have failed by the time he is re-elected. And after defeating impeachment, and then the US Electorate repudiating the House by re-electing him, it will be politically impossible for the House to impeach him second time, making him unique among all US Presidents, having defeated the House's ridiculous impeachment and then being re-elected by the US Electorate.

As amazing as his first term has been, you won't even believe how astounding his second term will be.

It's always morning in America!
WOW, you seem pretty desperate to try and convince yourself that the deficit has not skyrocketed, increasing 100% annually since Trump took over....
Fake News. The debt hasn't doubled! In fact, as a percentage of GDP, public debt is down since Trump took over, halting the massive rise the occurred under the two dumbest back to back Presidents Bush and Obama.
... You can't even admit that the deficit has skyrocketed ...
Well, the facts are clear. The Debt position of the US has improved under Trump, after deteriorating badly under Dumb and Dumber over the previous 16 years.

Obama's final 10 quarters: Obama over his final 10 quarters, deteriorated on this measure from 101.15% to 105.18% 4 points the WRONG Way.

Trump's first 10 quarters: 105.2% down to 103.2% - Two points the RIGHT Way,


When you are going the WRONG way, time is your enemy.

When you are going the RIGHT way, time is your friend.

Trump has turned time from an enemy to a friend for the United States of America.and you have changed your story 3 times in this thread so far. Remember when you tried to claim that the deficit didn't go up under Trump?? In 2006 I'm sure you thought the economy was so great, how'd that turn out for you?
... Debt to GDP is a poor measure of an economy...
GDP is an excellent measure of the economy and the one used throughout both history and the world. Debt as a percentage is the most sensible of comparisons as it is the economy that will service the debt and the larger the economy is, in comparison to the debt, the easier that debt is to serive.
...Manufacturing data is at a 2009 low...
Fake News Silliness.

June 2009 inflation adjusted Industrial output was at 86.03 and it's at 106.02 today
... GDP is projected...
When it comes to Trump, like polls the "projections" are always low. Wait for the hard data, he always beats expectations like a rented mule.
you lost all you money in 2006, you didn't want to accept reality.
Easy with the glue, I made money in 2006. Making money this year too. Stock Market is up 15% already and we still have a quarter to go. I always hope that your guys that are always screaming doom and gloom over the Trump economy aren't actually dumb enough pull your money out and miss out on these fabulous gains.

Fingers crossed that you are all talk and that you kept your money in a participated in all this Trump Prosperity!
You do realize that a few months ago your stupid debt-to GDP ratio was 105+, higher than Obama...
There has never been a higher number recorded than Obama's exit number of 105.19%
...SO what's so great about that?...
It's improving. is not dropping it is sitting in a range...
You mean why is flat better than rising debt? Are you serious?

Obama's record - rising


Trump's record - flat to falling


Flat to falling is an improvement over rising.
...Annual deficits have increased almost 100% under Trump from $680 (obama's last year)...
Hold on Sparky, let's double check that.

Average Federal Debt in 2015 was $19,075
Average Federal Debt in 2016 was $20,394

That's an increase of $1,319B more than double your claim.


... to $1.2T in 2020...
It's 2019. We don't have had data for 2020
... You are cherry picking the data...
"Cherry Picking" is misusing a subset to represent the entire set. I'm using the entire set, the exact opposite of your claim.
... ignoring the large amount of bad and weakening economic data....
I'm comparing Trump's presidency so far, with the equivalent period of the same length as Obama's. Trump consistently outperforms Obama on measure after measure.
ISM manufacturing just put in its weakest reading since 2009...
Real Manufacturing Output is 20% higher than it's low point in 2009

... and has been steadily weakening...
Well, it rose about a 1 point over Obama's final 2.5 years.

And up 5 points over Trump's first two and a half years.

... 2019 GDP is on pace for just 2%....
The First half is 2.6% - We don't have numbers for the 3rd quarter, but the Blue Chip Consensus is 2.0% If that's correct, that puts us on a 2.4% pace.
... You are the classic person that lost all their money in the Bush crash, as you clearly unable to see weakness in the economic data.
I lost nothing in the Bush crash.
"I lost nothing in the Bush crash"

You're lying again, you have changed your story 3 times already and aren't smart enough to accept that the US economic data is weakening and the deficit is skyrocketing. It is pretty easy to see that the deficit is skyrocketing just by looking at the CBO data, but you can't seem to do that?????

SO now you have changed your story to Debt to GDP is flat. So Trump has increased deficits by $2T and that's the best he can do??? And GDP is projected to come in at ~2% this year, so all that debt for minimal economic gain... Great job. GDP is predicted to drop below 2% in 2020, and deficits are already earmarked to be $1.2+ Trillion. Great job. On top of that, most of the other economic data is weakening. We have about 12 months before we crash again, just in time for the election.

This thread has nothing to do with Obama, it is about Trump's failing economic data and skyrocketing deficits. Trump's economy is the Obama economy with the added $2T in deficits.
Obama's final 10 quarters: Obama over his final 10 quarters, deteriorated on this measure from 101.15% to 105.18% 4 points the WRONG Way.

Trump's first 10 quarters: 105.2% down to 103.2% - Two points the RIGHT Way,


When you are going the WRONG way, time is your enemy.

When you are going the RIGHT way, time is your friend.

Trump has turned time from an enemy to a friend for the United States of America. And that has been while he has been fighting against this corrupt attempted Coup that will have failed by the time he is re-elected. And after defeating impeachment, and then the US Electorate repudiating the House by re-electing him, it will be politically impossible for the House to impeach him second time, making him unique among all US Presidents, having defeated the House's ridiculous impeachment and then being re-elected by the US Electorate.

As amazing as his first term has been, you won't even believe how astounding his second term will be.

It's always morning in America!
WOW, you seem pretty desperate to try and convince yourself that the deficit has not skyrocketed, increasing 100% annually since Trump took over....
Fake News. The debt hasn't doubled! In fact, as a percentage of GDP, public debt is down since Trump took over, halting the massive rise the occurred under the two dumbest back to back Presidents Bush and Obama.
... You can't even admit that the deficit has skyrocketed ...
Well, the facts are clear. The Debt position of the US has improved under Trump, after deteriorating badly under Dumb and Dumber over the previous 16 years.

Obama's final 10 quarters: Obama over his final 10 quarters, deteriorated on this measure from 101.15% to 105.18% 4 points the WRONG Way.

Trump's first 10 quarters: 105.2% down to 103.2% - Two points the RIGHT Way,


When you are going the WRONG way, time is your enemy.

When you are going the RIGHT way, time is your friend.

Trump has turned time from an enemy to a friend for the United States of America.and you have changed your story 3 times in this thread so far. Remember when you tried to claim that the deficit didn't go up under Trump?? In 2006 I'm sure you thought the economy was so great, how'd that turn out for you?
... Debt to GDP is a poor measure of an economy...
GDP is an excellent measure of the economy and the one used throughout both history and the world. Debt as a percentage is the most sensible of comparisons as it is the economy that will service the debt and the larger the economy is, in comparison to the debt, the easier that debt is to serive.
...Manufacturing data is at a 2009 low...
Fake News Silliness.

June 2009 inflation adjusted Industrial output was at 86.03 and it's at 106.02 today
... GDP is projected...
When it comes to Trump, like polls the "projections" are always low. Wait for the hard data, he always beats expectations like a rented mule.
you lost all you money in 2006, you didn't want to accept reality.
Easy with the glue, I made money in 2006. Making money this year too. Stock Market is up 15% already and we still have a quarter to go. I always hope that your guys that are always screaming doom and gloom over the Trump economy aren't actually dumb enough pull your money out and miss out on these fabulous gains.

Fingers crossed that you are all talk and that you kept your money in a participated in all this Trump Prosperity!
You do realize that a few months ago your stupid debt-to GDP ratio was 105+, higher than Obama...
There has never been a higher number recorded than Obama's exit number of 105.19%
...SO what's so great about that?...
It's improving. is not dropping it is sitting in a range...
You mean why is flat better than rising debt? Are you serious?

Obama's record - rising


Trump's record - flat to falling


Flat to falling is an improvement over rising.
...Annual deficits have increased almost 100% under Trump from $680 (obama's last year)...
Hold on Sparky, let's double check that.

Average Federal Debt in 2015 was $19,075
Average Federal Debt in 2016 was $20,394

That's an increase of $1,319B more than double your claim.


... to $1.2T in 2020...
It's 2019. We don't have had data for 2020
... You are cherry picking the data...
"Cherry Picking" is misusing a subset to represent the entire set. I'm using the entire set, the exact opposite of your claim.
... ignoring the large amount of bad and weakening economic data....
I'm comparing Trump's presidency so far, with the equivalent period of the same length as Obama's. Trump consistently outperforms Obama on measure after measure.
ISM manufacturing just put in its weakest reading since 2009...
Real Manufacturing Output is 20% higher than it's low point in 2009

... and has been steadily weakening...
Well, it rose about a 1 point over Obama's final 2.5 years.

And up 5 points over Trump's first two and a half years.

... 2019 GDP is on pace for just 2%....
The First half is 2.6% - We don't have numbers for the 3rd quarter, but the Blue Chip Consensus is 2.0% If that's correct, that puts us on a 2.4% pace.
... You are the classic person that lost all their money in the Bush crash, as you clearly unable to see weakness in the economic data.
I lost nothing in the Bush crash.
"I lost nothing in the Bush crash"

You're lying again, you have changed your story 3 times already and aren't smart enough to accept that the US economic data is weakening and the deficit is skyrocketing. It is pretty easy to see that the deficit is skyrocketing just by looking at the CBO data, but you can't seem to do that?????

SO now you have changed your story to Debt to GDP is flat. So Trump has increased deficits by $2T and that's the best he can do??? And GDP is projected to come in at ~2% this year, so all that debt for minimal economic gain... Great job. GDP is predicted to drop below 2% in 2020, and deficits are already earmarked to be $1.2+ Trillion. Great job. On top of that, most of the other economic data is weakening. We have about 12 months before we crash again, just in time for the election.

This thread has nothing to do with Obama, it is about Trump's failing economic data and skyrocketing deficits. Trump's economy is the Obama economy with the added $2T in deficits.
You seem pretty immune to hard data. So enjoy your projections. The nice thing about Trump is he always surprises to the Upside.

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