Another Bad sign for the Trumpconomy

Today, only about 1/3 of our BCTs, 1/4 of our Combat Aviation Brigades and half of our Division Headquarters are ready. Of the BCTs that are ready, only three could be called upon to fight tonight in the event of a crisis.
Today the Navy and Marine Corps are facing a fundamental choice: maintain current levels of forward presence and risk breaking the force or reduce presence and restore readiness through adequate training, maintenance, and time at home. This choice is driven by the supply of ready naval forces being too small to meet the demand from Combatant Commanders, as adjudicated by the Secretary of Defense. To close the gap, the Department of Defense (DoD) will need to grow the fleet and force, base more ships overseas, or pay to maintain a higher operating tempo. Deploying Beyond Their Means: America’s Navy and Marine Corps At a Tipping Point | RealClearDefense
Who cares? Where they going? Create another disaster like Iraq? No thanks.
Dems baying for war...Trump tries to leave Afghanistan and they have a fit.
Today, only about 1/3 of our BCTs, 1/4 of our Combat Aviation Brigades and half of our Division Headquarters are ready. Of the BCTs that are ready, only three could be called upon to fight tonight in the event of a crisis.
Today the Navy and Marine Corps are facing a fundamental choice: maintain current levels of forward presence and risk breaking the force or reduce presence and restore readiness through adequate training, maintenance, and time at home. This choice is driven by the supply of ready naval forces being too small to meet the demand from Combatant Commanders, as adjudicated by the Secretary of Defense. To close the gap, the Department of Defense (DoD) will need to grow the fleet and force, base more ships overseas, or pay to maintain a higher operating tempo. Deploying Beyond Their Means: America’s Navy and Marine Corps At a Tipping Point | RealClearDefense
Who cares? Where they going? Create another disaster like Iraq? No thanks.
Dems baying for war...Trump tries to leave Afghanistan and they have a fit.
He's been good not using our military. But back to the OP, the economy is not so good.
When things head south the economic toolbox available to the government will be empty. Why Trump thought he could get historic growth when we are at full employment is beyond me.

Say what???

Just copy off of Obama and Janet....

View attachment 282250
Rate cuts and QE are already being done as if there is a recession, why? It's clear Trump and his cadre are trying to keep the numbers up for the election. What happens when recession hits in spite of all that artificial stimulus? The fall will be hard and very difficult to recover from.
And we have trillion dollar deficits.
I keep asking this and never get an answer.
What do you want to cut to bring down the deficit? Social Security, Medicare, Welfare, ACA? What ?
Cut taxes on the rich...that's bound to work!
That last tax cut worked a treat.
The greatest economy we've ever had.
It's what they're told to believe, so it's what they believe.
It is the best economy we've had since the collapse is it not?
yea but that's not a great accomplishment?

Really the Trump economy is identical to the Obama economy WITH Trump's $2T in additional deficit spending that Trump has racked up since he started.

Here's a stat for you: The Obama stimulus was $800B over 10 years, after the greatest recession we've ever had...
Trump has added to the annual deficit ~$2+ T in additional debt in his first 4 years, WITH trillions more earmarked for the next 5+ years.

And we still don't have 3% annual growth...
Here's the Clinton collapse. Top that:
When things head south the economic toolbox available to the government will be empty. Why Trump thought he could get historic growth when we are at full employment is beyond me.

Say what???

Just copy off of Obama and Janet....

View attachment 282250
Rate cuts and QE are already being done as if there is a recession, why? It's clear Trump and his cadre are trying to keep the numbers up for the election. What happens when recession hits in spite of all that artificial stimulus? The fall will be hard and very difficult to recover from.
And we have trillion dollar deficits.
I keep asking this and never get an answer.
What do you want to cut to bring down the deficit? Social Security, Medicare, Welfare, ACA? What ?
Cut taxes on the rich...that's bound to work!
That last tax cut worked a treat.
Yes they didn’t learn when Reagan tripled the debt and Bush ruined the balanced budget. After years of complaining about Obama deficits they have bested him. And where is the bump for the economy? 2% gdp growth?
I keep asking this and never get an answer.
What do you want to cut to bring down the deficit? Social Security, Medicare, Welfare, ACA? What ?
Lets do what Obama was doing 3 years ago and deficits were more like $400B, that would be a start.
You mean when Republicans were not working with him and not allowing him to spend?
Either way deficits were at least manageable. Now our deficits are utterly insane. And when a recession hits they are going to explode to $2 T/yr. Scary thought... Thanks Trump you are proving yourself to be another Bush.
Yet they were higher under a part of 44 reign then so far under Trump. Yet no one has given a real way to decrease the budget. Then you look at all the give aways being floated by the democratic candidates. If even half of them are instituted even crazy 44 will look like a penny pincher.

I have heard all the crazy ideas such as reduce military spending. But no one can explain what bases should be closed down and how to put all those that would be out of work a job.
We had plenty of military under Obama and lower deficits at the end.
I love it we were stealing parts from vehicles to keep others running, combat soldiers were being paid the exact same they had recieved for years. There was even a fuel shortage at some foreign bases at times.
You can only steal so many parts before you run out. I have no doubt you care little about the pay for those that risk their lives in the military but you probably are up in arms about those here in the U.S. safe and sound that make minimum wage.
If you have a fuel shortage at a base that is hardly plenty of military.
Today, only about 1/3 of our BCTs, 1/4 of our Combat Aviation Brigades and half of our Division Headquarters are ready. Of the BCTs that are ready, only three could be called upon to fight tonight in the event of a crisis.
Today the Navy and Marine Corps are facing a fundamental choice: maintain current levels of forward presence and risk breaking the force or reduce presence and restore readiness through adequate training, maintenance, and time at home. This choice is driven by the supply of ready naval forces being too small to meet the demand from Combatant Commanders, as adjudicated by the Secretary of Defense. To close the gap, the Department of Defense (DoD) will need to grow the fleet and force, base more ships overseas, or pay to maintain a higher operating tempo. Deploying Beyond Their Means: America’s Navy and Marine Corps At a Tipping Point | RealClearDefense
Who cares? Where they going? Create another disaster like Iraq? No thanks.
I love it, Trump tried to remove troops from one of our wars and everyone went into hysterics. Yet we have people saying we need to stop spending on the military. You really want to draw down the military I suggest we pull out of NATO, pull out of South Korea, pull out of every war we have at the moment. Just hid in our country and deal with the massive unemployment and all the world hating us. We deal with the world turning to Russia and China for assistance and guidance. Allow those countries to slowly become vassal states.
When things head south the economic toolbox available to the government will be empty. Why Trump thought he could get historic growth when we are at full employment is beyond me.

Say what???

Just copy off of Obama and Janet....

View attachment 282250
Rate cuts and QE are already being done as if there is a recession, why? It's clear Trump and his cadre are trying to keep the numbers up for the election. What happens when recession hits in spite of all that artificial stimulus? The fall will be hard and very difficult to recover from.
And we have trillion dollar deficits.
I keep asking this and never get an answer.
What do you want to cut to bring down the deficit? Social Security, Medicare, Welfare, ACA? What ?
Cut taxes on the rich...that's bound to work!
That last tax cut worked a treat.
Got to love it, way to quote CNN, have you an original thought?
Tell me if you give a person 2% of a thousand and another 2% of a million which is larger?
I love it we were stealing parts from vehicles to keep others running, combat soldiers were being paid the exact same they had recieved for years. There was even a fuel shortage at some foreign bases at times.
You can only steal so many parts before you run out. I have no doubt you care little about the pay for those that risk their lives in the military but you probably are up in arms about those here in the U.S. safe and sound that make minimum wage.
If you have a fuel shortage at a base that is hardly plenty of military.

Sadly we have been stealing parts from one vehicle to keep others running for decades. My FA-18 squadron always had what was called a "hanger queen", the plane we used for parts for the other planes.

Our military is not under funded, it is mismanaged and is used as the world's police force when that is not what it is supposed to be used for. The amount of waste and abuse in the DOD is staggering, and I have seen it first hand.
I love it we were stealing parts from vehicles to keep others running, combat soldiers were being paid the exact same they had recieved for years. There was even a fuel shortage at some foreign bases at times.
You can only steal so many parts before you run out. I have no doubt you care little about the pay for those that risk their lives in the military but you probably are up in arms about those here in the U.S. safe and sound that make minimum wage.
If you have a fuel shortage at a base that is hardly plenty of military.

Sadly we have been stealing parts from one vehicle to keep others running for decades. My FA-18 squadron always had what was called a "hanger queen", the plane we used for parts for the other planes.

Our military is not under funded, it is mismanaged and is used as the world's police force when that is not what it is supposed to be used for. The amount of waste and abuse in the DOD is staggering, and I have seen it first hand.
Yes there has alwYs been one or two vehicles that have traditionally been used to rob parts from rather then leave others down for the time needed to get the part from the depot. This was not the case when we were talking about the underfunding. We are talking almost a third of some.

Yes there is waste and abuse in the DOD. Welcome to any government run entity. We have people who believe that by some magic government run healthcare will be better handled.

The problem with not being the worlds police force is we have taken on that role over many years. Once again we could pull out of every agreement. We could abandon every base not in the U.S. We could try to deal with the massive unemployment. The problem comes from the world view that so many keep yammering about. So many claim we have a bad world view because of Trump, it would be a thousand times worse.
Say what???

Just copy off of Obama and Janet....

View attachment 282250
Rate cuts and QE are already being done as if there is a recession, why? It's clear Trump and his cadre are trying to keep the numbers up for the election. What happens when recession hits in spite of all that artificial stimulus? The fall will be hard and very difficult to recover from.
And we have trillion dollar deficits.
I keep asking this and never get an answer.
What do you want to cut to bring down the deficit? Social Security, Medicare, Welfare, ACA? What ?
Cut taxes on the rich...that's bound to work!
That last tax cut worked a treat.
Got to love it, way to quote CNN, have you an original thought?
Tell me if you give a person 2% of a thousand and another 2% of a million which is larger?
2% of a million is bigger than 2% of a thousand.

I hope this helps you pass whatever test you're doing.
Rate cuts and QE are already being done as if there is a recession, why? It's clear Trump and his cadre are trying to keep the numbers up for the election. What happens when recession hits in spite of all that artificial stimulus? The fall will be hard and very difficult to recover from.
And we have trillion dollar deficits.
I keep asking this and never get an answer.
What do you want to cut to bring down the deficit? Social Security, Medicare, Welfare, ACA? What ?
Cut taxes on the rich...that's bound to work!
That last tax cut worked a treat.
Got to love it, way to quote CNN, have you an original thought?
Tell me if you give a person 2% of a thousand and another 2% of a million which is larger?
2% of a million is bigger than 2% of a thousand.

I hope this helps you pass whatever test you're doing.
Lol you really can't be that clueless.
And we have trillion dollar deficits.
I keep asking this and never get an answer.
What do you want to cut to bring down the deficit? Social Security, Medicare, Welfare, ACA? What ?
Cut taxes on the rich...that's bound to work!
That last tax cut worked a treat.
Got to love it, way to quote CNN, have you an original thought?
Tell me if you give a person 2% of a thousand and another 2% of a million which is larger?
2% of a million is bigger than 2% of a thousand.

I hope this helps you pass whatever test you're doing.
Lol you really can't be that clueless.
Percentage - Wikipedia
When things head south the economic toolbox available to the government will be empty. Why Trump thought he could get historic growth when we are at full employment is beyond me.

Say what???

Just copy off of Obama and Janet....

View attachment 282250
Rate cuts and QE are already being done as if there is a recession, why? It's clear Trump and his cadre are trying to keep the numbers up for the election. What happens when recession hits in spite of all that artificial stimulus? The fall will be hard and very difficult to recover from.

Rate cuts and QE are already being done as if there is a recession,

QE ended in October 2014.
When things head south the economic toolbox available to the government will be empty. Why Trump thought he could get historic growth when we are at full employment is beyond me.

Say what???

Just copy off of Obama and Janet....

View attachment 282250
Rate cuts and QE are already being done as if there is a recession, why? It's clear Trump and his cadre are trying to keep the numbers up for the election. What happens when recession hits in spite of all that artificial stimulus? The fall will be hard and very difficult to recover from.

Liar, I dont see the feds handing over 80 billion a month to wallstreet.

It's coming any day now. The financial news is filled with reports than speculate when, not if, QE will start back. I am guessing by the beginning of next year. Again, I ask why if the economy is so fucking good?

The financial news is filled with reports than speculate when, not if, QE will start back.

I agree, you were lying when you said it was already being done.
I keep asking this and never get an answer.
What do you want to cut to bring down the deficit? Social Security, Medicare, Welfare, ACA? What ?
Cut taxes on the rich...that's bound to work!
That last tax cut worked a treat.
Got to love it, way to quote CNN, have you an original thought?
Tell me if you give a person 2% of a thousand and another 2% of a million which is larger?
2% of a million is bigger than 2% of a thousand.

I hope this helps you pass whatever test you're doing.
Lol you really can't be that clueless.
Percentage - Wikipedia
Guess I was wrong you really are that clueless.
  • The ISM U.S. manufacturing purchasing managers’ index came in at 47.8% in September, the lowest since June 2009.
The greatest economy we've ever had.

The worst part is that when the recession hits Trump's $1 T deficit will soar to like $2T.

Also Trump has already earmarked massive ~$1.3+ T deficits for the next 5 years.

Recessions got every President. From a policy perspective, what would the Democrats do?
Cut taxes on the rich...that's bound to work!
That last tax cut worked a treat.
Got to love it, way to quote CNN, have you an original thought?
Tell me if you give a person 2% of a thousand and another 2% of a million which is larger?
2% of a million is bigger than 2% of a thousand.

I hope this helps you pass whatever test you're doing.
Lol you really can't be that clueless.
Percentage - Wikipedia
Guess I was wrong you really are that clueless.
Look...I'm really trying to help you out here.
There are plenty of great resources on line explaining how percentages work.
Surely you can at least use search apps.
Got to love it, way to quote CNN, have you an original thought?
Tell me if you give a person 2% of a thousand and another 2% of a million which is larger?
2% of a million is bigger than 2% of a thousand.

I hope this helps you pass whatever test you're doing.
Lol you really can't be that clueless.
Percentage - Wikipedia
Guess I was wrong you really are that clueless.
Look...I'm really trying to help you out here.
There are plenty of great resources on line explaining how percentages work.
Surely you can at least use search apps.
Run along child.

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