Another Bad sign for the Trumpconomy

Say what???

Just copy off of Obama and Janet....

View attachment 282250
Rate cuts and QE are already being done as if there is a recession, why? It's clear Trump and his cadre are trying to keep the numbers up for the election. What happens when recession hits in spite of all that artificial stimulus? The fall will be hard and very difficult to recover from.
And we have trillion dollar deficits.
I keep asking this and never get an answer.
What do you want to cut to bring down the deficit? Social Security, Medicare, Welfare, ACA? What ?
Lets do what Obama was doing 3 years ago and deficits were more like $400B, that would be a start.
You mean when Republicans were not working with him and not allowing him to spend?
Either way deficits were at least manageable. Now our deficits are utterly insane. And when a recession hits they are going to explode to $2 T/yr. Scary thought... Thanks Trump you are proving yourself to be another Bush.
Say what???

Just copy off of Obama and Janet....

View attachment 282250
Rate cuts and QE are already being done as if there is a recession, why? It's clear Trump and his cadre are trying to keep the numbers up for the election. What happens when recession hits in spite of all that artificial stimulus? The fall will be hard and very difficult to recover from.
And we have trillion dollar deficits.
I keep asking this and never get an answer.
What do you want to cut to bring down the deficit? Social Security, Medicare, Welfare, ACA? What ?
Military spending and tax cuts to the ultra wealthy.
easy fix.
So that's your idea of how to cut the deficit? Seems like you are after more deficit if you want more military spending and more tax cuts.
Yea cut military spending and repeal tax cuts to the ultra wealthy.

What did Bill Clinton do it the 1993 deficit reduction act. Same thing.
There is no shortage of jobs that's for sure

Well, THAT's because many folks have to work 2 or 3 jobs just to survive.

(BTW, do you nitwits thank Obama for lowering the unemployment rate by more than SIX points, while Trump lowered it by just another ONE point???)
Rate cuts and QE are already being done as if there is a recession, why? It's clear Trump and his cadre are trying to keep the numbers up for the election. What happens when recession hits in spite of all that artificial stimulus? The fall will be hard and very difficult to recover from.
And we have trillion dollar deficits.
I keep asking this and never get an answer.
What do you want to cut to bring down the deficit? Social Security, Medicare, Welfare, ACA? What ?
Lets do what Obama was doing 3 years ago and deficits were more like $400B, that would be a start.
You mean when Republicans were not working with him and not allowing him to spend?
Either way deficits were at least manageable. Now our deficits are utterly insane. And when a recession hits they are going to explode to $2 T/yr. Scary thought... Thanks Trump you are proving yourself to be another Bush.
Yet they were higher under a part of 44 reign then so far under Trump. Yet no one has given a real way to decrease the budget. Then you look at all the give aways being floated by the democratic candidates. If even half of them are instituted even crazy 44 will look like a penny pincher.

I have heard all the crazy ideas such as reduce military spending. But no one can explain what bases should be closed down and how to put all those that would be out of work a job.
Say what???

Just copy off of Obama and Janet....

View attachment 282250
Rate cuts and QE are already being done as if there is a recession, why? It's clear Trump and his cadre are trying to keep the numbers up for the election. What happens when recession hits in spite of all that artificial stimulus? The fall will be hard and very difficult to recover from.
And we have trillion dollar deficits.
I keep asking this and never get an answer.
What do you want to cut to bring down the deficit? Social Security, Medicare, Welfare, ACA? What ?
Lets do what Obama was doing 3 years ago and deficits were more like $400B, that would be a start.
You mean when Republicans were not working with him and not allowing him to spend?
They sure spent when they were in full control.
And we have trillion dollar deficits.
I keep asking this and never get an answer.
What do you want to cut to bring down the deficit? Social Security, Medicare, Welfare, ACA? What ?
Lets do what Obama was doing 3 years ago and deficits were more like $400B, that would be a start.
You mean when Republicans were not working with him and not allowing him to spend?
Either way deficits were at least manageable. Now our deficits are utterly insane. And when a recession hits they are going to explode to $2 T/yr. Scary thought... Thanks Trump you are proving yourself to be another Bush.
Yet they were higher under a part of 44 reign then so far under Trump. Yet no one has given a real way to decrease the budget. Then you look at all the give aways being floated by the democratic candidates. If even half of them are instituted even crazy 44 will look like a penny pincher.

I have heard all the crazy ideas such as reduce military spending. But no one can explain what bases should be closed down and how to put all those that would be out of work a job.
We had plenty of military under Obama and lower deficits at the end.
Bull fucking shit. The deal with Japan might create a couple hundred jobs, if it maxes out. Thousands is total bullshit. Most of the deal with Japan dealt with agricultural goods.

you people are the most misinformed people on the planet.
They said at least 6000 new jobs assfuck so shut your lying piehole....

Who is "they" and please provide a link.
It was in the report on FOX news...a report the networks you watched ignored....

I do not watch any network, only sheep let other tell them what to think.

I have studied the deal as it deals with my industry, and we will be lucky if we get 600 jobs out of it, 6000 is a lie that I doubt even FoxNews said. you are just making shit up
Go and study your navel...
Trump’s U.S.-Japan Trade Deal Is a Win for American Workers and Businesses

U.S. Farmers Get A Much-Needed Break Under Partial Trade Pact With Japan

American Farmers Benefit from US-Japan Trade Agreement

So, you provide 3 links that back up what I said and none of which mention 6000 jobs.

Thanks for proving me correct...
Trump just signed a huge trade deal with Japan creating thousands of good paying jobs...totally ignored by the lame stream media and the OP....
A deal that is sadly doa because of the do nothing Democrats

Trump's deal with Japan does not need Congressional approval.

Are you people really this uninformed or it is just an act?
I keep asking this and never get an answer.
What do you want to cut to bring down the deficit? Social Security, Medicare, Welfare, ACA? What ?
Lets do what Obama was doing 3 years ago and deficits were more like $400B, that would be a start.
You mean when Republicans were not working with him and not allowing him to spend?
Either way deficits were at least manageable. Now our deficits are utterly insane. And when a recession hits they are going to explode to $2 T/yr. Scary thought... Thanks Trump you are proving yourself to be another Bush.
Yet they were higher under a part of 44 reign then so far under Trump. Yet no one has given a real way to decrease the budget. Then you look at all the give aways being floated by the democratic candidates. If even half of them are instituted even crazy 44 will look like a penny pincher.

I have heard all the crazy ideas such as reduce military spending. But no one can explain what bases should be closed down and how to put all those that would be out of work a job.
We had plenty of military under Obama and lower deficits at the end.
No our military was getting undeployable like the EU's
Lets do what Obama was doing 3 years ago and deficits were more like $400B, that would be a start.
You mean when Republicans were not working with him and not allowing him to spend?
Either way deficits were at least manageable. Now our deficits are utterly insane. And when a recession hits they are going to explode to $2 T/yr. Scary thought... Thanks Trump you are proving yourself to be another Bush.
Yet they were higher under a part of 44 reign then so far under Trump. Yet no one has given a real way to decrease the budget. Then you look at all the give aways being floated by the democratic candidates. If even half of them are instituted even crazy 44 will look like a penny pincher.

I have heard all the crazy ideas such as reduce military spending. But no one can explain what bases should be closed down and how to put all those that would be out of work a job.
We had plenty of military under Obama and lower deficits at the end.
No our military was getting undeployable like the EU's
No we had plenty of military. Clearly we have more than we can afford now.
You mean when Republicans were not working with him and not allowing him to spend?
Either way deficits were at least manageable. Now our deficits are utterly insane. And when a recession hits they are going to explode to $2 T/yr. Scary thought... Thanks Trump you are proving yourself to be another Bush.
Yet they were higher under a part of 44 reign then so far under Trump. Yet no one has given a real way to decrease the budget. Then you look at all the give aways being floated by the democratic candidates. If even half of them are instituted even crazy 44 will look like a penny pincher.

I have heard all the crazy ideas such as reduce military spending. But no one can explain what bases should be closed down and how to put all those that would be out of work a job.
We had plenty of military under Obama and lower deficits at the end.
No our military was getting undeployable like the EU's
No we had plenty of military. Clearly we have more than we can afford now.
You obviously dont follow defense. Less than half of Naval fighters were deployable. Army had I believe 1 rdy combat Brigade. What we cant afford are armies of bureaucrats that do nothing but drain the budget.
  • The ISM U.S. manufacturing purchasing managers’ index came in at 47.8% in September, the lowest since June 2009.
The greatest economy we've ever had.

The worst part is that when the recession hits Trump's $1 T deficit will soar to like $2T.

Also Trump has already earmarked massive ~$1.3+ T deficits for the next 5 years.

Well at least you get some good news.
The revised index was 51.1 and unemployment is still at a historic low and the DOW will most likely hit a record 30,000 in the next year so what's the problem again?
Either way deficits were at least manageable. Now our deficits are utterly insane. And when a recession hits they are going to explode to $2 T/yr. Scary thought... Thanks Trump you are proving yourself to be another Bush.
Yet they were higher under a part of 44 reign then so far under Trump. Yet no one has given a real way to decrease the budget. Then you look at all the give aways being floated by the democratic candidates. If even half of them are instituted even crazy 44 will look like a penny pincher.

I have heard all the crazy ideas such as reduce military spending. But no one can explain what bases should be closed down and how to put all those that would be out of work a job.
We had plenty of military under Obama and lower deficits at the end.
No our military was getting undeployable like the EU's
No we had plenty of military. Clearly we have more than we can afford now.
You obviously dont follow defense. Less than half of Naval fighters were deployable. Army had I believe 1 rdy combat Brigade. What we cant afford are armies of bureaucrats that do nothing but drain the budget.
I'm sure we were quite alright. Again, we have way more than we can afford.
  • The ISM U.S. manufacturing purchasing managers’ index came in at 47.8% in September, the lowest since June 2009.
The greatest economy we've ever had.

The worst part is that when the recession hits Trump's $1 T deficit will soar to like $2T.

Also Trump has already earmarked massive ~$1.3+ T deficits for the next 5 years.

Well at least you get some good news.
The revised index was 51.1 and unemployment is still at a historic low and the DOW will most likely hit a record 30,000 in the next year so what's the problem again?
DOW has been stagnant for a year.
Yet they were higher under a part of 44 reign then so far under Trump. Yet no one has given a real way to decrease the budget. Then you look at all the give aways being floated by the democratic candidates. If even half of them are instituted even crazy 44 will look like a penny pincher.

I have heard all the crazy ideas such as reduce military spending. But no one can explain what bases should be closed down and how to put all those that would be out of work a job.
We had plenty of military under Obama and lower deficits at the end.
No our military was getting undeployable like the EU's
No we had plenty of military. Clearly we have more than we can afford now.
You obviously dont follow defense. Less than half of Naval fighters were deployable. Army had I believe 1 rdy combat Brigade. What we cant afford are armies of bureaucrats that do nothing but drain the budget.
I'm sure we were quite alright. Again, we have way more than we can afford.
Another ignorant handler generated reply
Today, only about 1/3 of our BCTs, 1/4 of our Combat Aviation Brigades and half of our Division Headquarters are ready. Of the BCTs that are ready, only three could be called upon to fight tonight in the event of a crisis.
Today the Navy and Marine Corps are facing a fundamental choice: maintain current levels of forward presence and risk breaking the force or reduce presence and restore readiness through adequate training, maintenance, and time at home. This choice is driven by the supply of ready naval forces being too small to meet the demand from Combatant Commanders, as adjudicated by the Secretary of Defense. To close the gap, the Department of Defense (DoD) will need to grow the fleet and force, base more ships overseas, or pay to maintain a higher operating tempo. Deploying Beyond Their Means: America’s Navy and Marine Corps At a Tipping Point | RealClearDefense
We had plenty of military under Obama and lower deficits at the end.
No our military was getting undeployable like the EU's
No we had plenty of military. Clearly we have more than we can afford now.
You obviously dont follow defense. Less than half of Naval fighters were deployable. Army had I believe 1 rdy combat Brigade. What we cant afford are armies of bureaucrats that do nothing but drain the budget.
I'm sure we were quite alright. Again, we have way more than we can afford.
Another ignorant handler generated reply
Sorry but the military is filled with as much corrupt spending as the rest of the government. We were just fine. What has these wars really done for us anyhow? We spend more than the next 10 countries combined. If we had more than was deployable we bought more than we needed.
Today, only about 1/3 of our BCTs, 1/4 of our Combat Aviation Brigades and half of our Division Headquarters are ready. Of the BCTs that are ready, only three could be called upon to fight tonight in the event of a crisis.
Today the Navy and Marine Corps are facing a fundamental choice: maintain current levels of forward presence and risk breaking the force or reduce presence and restore readiness through adequate training, maintenance, and time at home. This choice is driven by the supply of ready naval forces being too small to meet the demand from Combatant Commanders, as adjudicated by the Secretary of Defense. To close the gap, the Department of Defense (DoD) will need to grow the fleet and force, base more ships overseas, or pay to maintain a higher operating tempo. Deploying Beyond Their Means: America’s Navy and Marine Corps At a Tipping Point | RealClearDefense
Who cares? Where they going? Create another disaster like Iraq? No thanks.
Today, only about 1/3 of our BCTs, 1/4 of our Combat Aviation Brigades and half of our Division Headquarters are ready. Of the BCTs that are ready, only three could be called upon to fight tonight in the event of a crisis.
Today the Navy and Marine Corps are facing a fundamental choice: maintain current levels of forward presence and risk breaking the force or reduce presence and restore readiness through adequate training, maintenance, and time at home. This choice is driven by the supply of ready naval forces being too small to meet the demand from Combatant Commanders, as adjudicated by the Secretary of Defense. To close the gap, the Department of Defense (DoD) will need to grow the fleet and force, base more ships overseas, or pay to maintain a higher operating tempo. Deploying Beyond Their Means: America’s Navy and Marine Corps At a Tipping Point | RealClearDefense
No our military was getting undeployable like the EU's
No we had plenty of military. Clearly we have more than we can afford now.
You obviously dont follow defense. Less than half of Naval fighters were deployable. Army had I believe 1 rdy combat Brigade. What we cant afford are armies of bureaucrats that do nothing but drain the budget.
I'm sure we were quite alright. Again, we have way more than we can afford.
Another ignorant handler generated reply
Sorry but the military is filled with as much corrupt spending as the rest of the government. We were just fine. What has these wars really done for us anyhow? We spend more than the next 10 countries combined. If we had more than was deployable we bought more than we needed.
You really are dense. Certain amount of force is in maintenance at any one time.....what was left was insufficient and run down due to lack of maintenance and training was behind because you cant train on broken equip. See Naval ships colliding with lumbering container ships and such

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