Another black democrat endorses President Trump.

You can trust me when I tell you the left collectively despise every minority that is not enslaved in their identity political strategic chains more than anyone. More than Trump himself. Imagine that.

That is what they are.

What do you guys do to anyone in your party that speaks out against Trump? Look at John McCain. He went from being your nominee, hero and maverick to being a piece of shit. Look at Rex Tillerson. Look at all the guys Trump hired and said they were great but then they weren't yes men and now they are pieces of shit.

This guy is not a Democrat if he's for Trump.

More Blacks voted for Trump than they did Bush, McCain, and Romney. The irony here is liberals called these men “racists” throughout their campaigns and in the case of Bush, those taunts continued into his terms as President. At that time, Donald Trump was donating to Democrats and taking to the airwaves to trash all three of these men and their policies. Democrats had no problem with Trump.

And they all got less than 10 percent of the black vote just like trump will in again in November. It's funny how desperate trump supporters are to show how 1 black person occasionally decides to support trump. I'm sure his Youtube viewership and advertising pay will go up.

You can trust me when I tell you the left collectively despise every minority that is not enslaved in their identity political strategic chains more than anyone. More than Trump himself. Imagine that.

That is what they are.

What do you guys do to anyone in your party that speaks out against Trump? Look at John McCain. He went from being your nominee, hero and maverick to being a piece of shit. Look at Rex Tillerson. Look at all the guys Trump hired and said they were great but then they weren't yes men and now they are pieces of shit.

This guy is not a Democrat if he's for Trump.

More Blacks voted for Trump than they did Bush, McCain, and Romney. The irony here is liberals called these men “racists” throughout their campaigns and in the case of Bush, those taunts continued into his terms as President. At that time, Donald Trump was donating to Democrats and taking to the airwaves to trash all three of these men and their policies. Democrats had no problem with Trump.

And they all got less than 10 percent of the black vote just like trump will in again in November. It's funny how desperate trump supporters are to show how 1 black person occasionally decides to support trump. I'm sure his Youtube viewership and advertising pay will go up.

And if any Republican speaks out against Trump they always say, 'what do i care what one man says?"

"I believe that the President abused his powers," Vermont Republican Gov. Phil Scott said of Trump. "It's hard, in some respects, for me, because I'm not a supporter. I didn't vote for the President, and I don't believe that he should be in office."

You can trust me when I tell you the left collectively despise every minority that is not enslaved in their identity political strategic chains more than anyone. More than Trump himself. Imagine that.

That is what they are.'s a flood. What is it up to now...5? 6?
The only reason he lasted this long with Democrats is incumbancy and keeping his mouth shut regarding his fascist tendencies. Now that he's made it so public, he'll be primaried out.

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