Another Black Loser Gets Shot By Police - Jacob Blake Deserved What He Got

He also had this as his cover page on Facebook -- which is what most top level Antifa lieutenants have on their page to show they hate cops...View attachment 379033
Shooting a man in the back has always been considered cowardly.

Making things up is cowardly also. There was no gun in the car,
This isn't the Wild West genius ....

And yet that is what some seem to want. All the same, nothing has changed. Shooting a man in the back is cowardly.

So you should wait until he turns around and puts a few rounds in you?
No such thing as fair in a life or death situation.

With what? One of the kids happy meal toys?

We dont know if there was a gun or not.
But that cop didnt know either....

If you're using that line of reasoning to justify the shooting, then the police would be justified in shooting just about everyone they come in contact with. Run a stop sign? You might have a gun. Jaywalking? You might have a gun.

How stupid...
IF they refused to obey orders when police have detained them, they should be shot...

If we shoot more of these darkies -- maybe the other darkies will know their place...

That is how policing use to work back when this country was great -- we don't shoot darkies enough.....

Trump should campaign on that, but obviously, he shouldn't call them darkies -- because of democrat political correctness...

So, no link to the guy's Facebook page with that Antifa cover photo?

Didn't think so...
He hates police....he also had an open warrant for sexual assault and domestic violence....
View attachment 379043

This guy deserved what he got.....his kids will be better off without him, maybe he has some life insurance money he can leave them when he dies....

But no link to the page where you said he had some Antifa picture.

So you're a liar.

You're no better than the guy who got shot...
It is in the link I provided you moron...

The screen shot came directly from his Facebook page....

There is no reason to lie about the fact that this guy hated police and has a long history of resisting arrest....he had it coming...

If you want to protest real police brutality, you should protest how poorly Roger Stone and Steve Bannon were treated by law enforcement

White people are mistreated by cops much more often than blacks are yet white folk do not run around rioting and looting about it....why dat?
Because whites are superior to darkies, duh...

This is also something else Republicans should campaign on....

But have the few smart blacks in this country say it, like Candace or Ben Carson -- that way liberals don't cry racism
A black man quietly walking into his truck was shot by a cop. His children were watching in the truck.
Here's the video. Anyone feel free to tell me why this man got shot. This is murder.
Expect huge protests. Not just on Wisconsin. But in the nation.

I saw it this morning. It LOOKS really bad. Having said that i think i'll wait to get ALL the details before making a final conclusion.
What if this guy got into his car and mow down the cops? Are cops not allowed to defend themselves?
He was not going to do that - he needed to go pick up the pizzas for his shorties to eat while they watch FoxNews Sunday Night with Mark Levin.
A black man quietly walking into his truck was shot by a cop. His children were watching in the truck.
Here's the video. Anyone feel free to tell me why this man got shot. This is murder.
Expect huge protests. Not just on Wisconsin. But in the nation.

Wrong.....he failed to follow orders and was reaching into his moron.
If this is all the fault of Democrats, why are large American cities paying out over $250 million per year in “excessive violence” claims against their police forces?
Because its not their money

the taxpayers have to pay that money not the mayor or chief of police

so its easier just to blame the cop and pay
do you remember the story about the little boy who cried wolf?

if not dont worry

because its been playing out in real life across America starting with that brn fool barack obama and the crazy black harvard professor who cried wolf about a white cop who was just doing his job

then libs doubled down and cried wolf again over the george zimmerman/travvon martin incident

then it was on the baltimore and the slander of the police again

and again in Ferguson MO with the ”gentle giant” thug and thief

in every case obama tried to blame white cops every time a jury disagreed

now this which almost seems as if the wolf really did come to eat the sheep

but for liberal race baiters it may be too little, too late

If this is all the fault of Democrats, why are large American cities paying out over $250 million per year in “excessive violence” claims against their police forces?

If this is just bullshit, why are more Americans in prison that any other nation on the world? More than totalitarian states like Russia or China? And why are those prisoners more likely to be brown or black?

Why do 1500 Americans die every year at the hands of the police? France is number 2 in the world at 26, and 9 of those deaths were armed terrorists.

Why do Americans accept 35,000 gun deaths and over 100,000 gun injuries ever year as the “cost” of the 2nd Amendment.

Because a majority of those "deaths" are suicide and we have the brains enough to not blame the gun if someone wants to end their life.

250,000 people are injured with lawnmowers every year. Are you trying to ban those to?
Disgusting. Cops have gone rogue.

That cop deserves a first degree murder charge and life in prison.

Of course, the cops will claim he had a gun in the car.
no asshole, if that isnt how it went down, thats not what youre going to hear.

"Unrest continued in Kenosha early Monday morning after police shot a man in the 2800 block of 40th Street sometime after 5:11 p.m., the encounter partially captured in a video that showed an officer firing several shots at close range into the man's back. Wisconsin officials identified the shooting victim as Jacob Blake, a Black man. He was in serious condition at Froedtert Hospital in Milwaukee as of early Monday morning, law enforcement said."

First of all, this guy is no victim, he brought all of this on himself. Witnesses claim the police were called to a domestic disturbance at which the suspect was attempting to break up a fight...I am sure there is more than what the video shows, but the video itself clearly shows the man disobeying police orders, walking to his car to get a weapon -- and the police had no choice but to shoot this guy has a criminal record.....

Now the governor is taking the side of the black thug and not the police; there are riots in the streets of Democrat run Kenosha..none of this rioting and violence will be happening in Trump's second term -- he is allowing it to happen now to teach dumb black voters a lesson, but when he is re-elected -- he will turn the streets crimson with their blood and cleanse our nation..

This is an explanation......

A black man quietly walking into his truck was shot by a cop. His children were watching in the truck.
Here's the video. Anyone feel free to tell me why this man got shot. This is murder.
Expect huge protests. Not just on Wisconsin. But in the nation.

You are a lying shit head.........he was reaching into his car when he had been ordered to, even you might be able to understand this.....

do you remember the story about the little boy who cried wolf?

if not dont worry

because its been playing out in real life across America starting with that brn fool barack obama and the crazy black harvard professor who cried wolf about a white cop who was just doing his job

then libs doubled down and cried wolf again over the george zimmerman/travvon martin incident

then it was on the baltimore and the slander of the police again

and again in Ferguson MO with the ”gentle giant” thug and thief

in every case obama tried to blame white cops every time a jury disagreed

now this which almost seems as if the wolf really did come to eat the sheep

but for liberal race baiters it may be too little, too late
It’s almost as if black lives don’t matter.
does it matter what color anybody is? if you disobey a cop, and attempt to reach, in this instance, into a vehicle, thats on you, you didnt listen to the commands that were given--common sense rules---you control your destiny when you dont listen
Does anyone believe the right wing will feel less emboldened if their guy wins a second term?

Hey, post that stupid post while for the last 4 months your guys.....the joe biden supporters have been burning, looting, beating and murdering Americans in Democrat party controlled cities...........not Trump supporters, not Republicans........your people, joe biden voters in antifa and black lives matter are actually beating and killing people and burning these twit...
It’s almost as if black lives don’t matter.
They matter less after all the black lies that have been told

which was the moral of the story ”The little boy who cried wolf”

What a disgusting opinion. The value of a person’s life does not depend on someone else’s actions.

You are correct. The value of your life depends on your own actions. Listen to the police.
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A black man quietly walking into his truck was shot by a cop. His children were watching in the truck.
Here's the video. Anyone feel free to tell me why this man got shot. This is murder.
Expect huge protests. Not just on Wisconsin. But in the nation.

Another police shooting in a Democrat city with a Democrat mayor
do you remember the story about the little boy who cried wolf?

if not dont worry

because its been playing out in real life across America starting with that brn fool barack obama and the crazy black harvard professor who cried wolf about a white cop who was just doing his job

then libs doubled down and cried wolf again over the george zimmerman/travvon martin incident

then it was on the baltimore and the slander of the police again

and again in Ferguson MO with the ”gentle giant” thug and thief

in every case obama tried to blame white cops every time a jury disagreed

now this which almost seems as if the wolf really did come to eat the sheep

but for liberal race baiters it may be too little, too late
It’s almost as if black lives don’t matter.

What sort of dumb ass doesn't freeze when the cops tell him to freeze?

If he disagrees with the cops stopping him, that isn't how to handle that. You don't ignore them and try to get in your car where there could be a gun. They don't know
OK. I watched the brief video. Captain Obvious is forced to ask a few questions:
Why was this being filmed and by whom?
The distinguished man capturing the video is a humble neighborhood independent reporter writing a book about racial injustice in AmeriKKKa - he has some fascinating new ideas never before described.

What happened before the camera got turned on?
The police were called to the address by the neighborhood independent reporter, because of a loud birthday party for some shorties.

What were the cops saying to the guy wearing the wife beater?
They were badgering him with the question,"when are you going to stop beating your wifey?"

Why were the cops following the guy to his car?
They wanted to know which car was his so they could steal it, and sell it to chop shop.

Why did the guy appear to be reaching for something in his car rather than simply slipping into the drivers seat?
It appears like he was reaching for something because the cop was pulling him back by his shirt.
He isn't dead. He is out of surgery and recovering nicely. What is it with blacks who think they are outside the law? Nothing applies to them. They can ignore police commands. This guy was shot because of an overabundance of defiance.
So a cop has every right to shoot you, if you refuse his commands. Is that what you want? If so, we might as well call them the Gestapo.

Please post a list of actions police can take when a criminal wont obey their commands tthat protect the general public, the officers and the criminal.
You wont.
What sort of dumb ass doesn't freeze when the cops tell him to freeze?
A Black man who knows his rights.
If he disagrees with the cops stopping him, that isn't how to handle that. You don't ignore them and try to get in your car where there could be a gun. They don't know
There is no other way to handle it with these racist police.

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