another black proving blacks are racist--not whites

the evidence just keeps coming-NEVER stops
.....but--again, not headline news when a black is racist...this is why we laugh whenever blacks accuse a white of racism
[“As soon as I sat, that woman started cursing and yelling at him about him being a Jew and ‘Allahu akbar’ and how Allah will end us all,” she recounted in the five-minute video, in which a scratch is seen on her fac/QUOTE]
Another thread that fails as a hasty generalization fallacy.

A truly ignorant and ridiculous thread premise.
--of course--we know--blacks CAN'T be racist--they are inhuman--yes?
the evidence just keeps coming-NEVER stops
.....but--again, not headline news when a black is racist...this is why we laugh whenever blacks accuse a white of racism
[“As soon as I sat, that woman started cursing and yelling at him about him being a Jew and ‘Allahu akbar’ and how Allah will end us all,” she recounted in the five-minute video, in which a scratch is seen on her fac/QUOTE]
I guess no one has told these guys, huh?

What do you think of these posts?

This is pipe dream shit meant to feed the n-I-g-g-e-r-s and the s-p-I-c-s because they're stupid enough to believe that shit.
Today blacks act like animals because they are BARELY evolved past the Ape and need a strong central figure (the white man) to keep them in place and acting like normal people.
Sick of their shit and we should not hide it anymore. When they call me a fucking racist, and I say you damn right I am!!! Fuck those fucking people!
Why do Browns ("people of color") feel compelled to steal, assault, rape, murder Whites, their obvious superior beings? Browns should be worshiping Whites instead of being jealous douchebag criminals.'
Blacks... prone to violence, think they're still in the jungle, low IQ blacks.
How can you look at the world and not see that ALL ADVANCEMENTS came from Europe and America? Yeah, we're the superior race on the earth. All others developed because of whites
Look, he is actually intelligent and an actual person of color! How often does that happen?
“We swear muthafuckers, you take our beaners from us and we’ll come for your guns one day” Filthy fucks!
MAGA! This is great news! Everything is falling into place so we can build the Wall and thwart this invasion of brown diseease ridden third worlders who are a threat to our sovereignty, culture and American traditions.
Being the elected representative of a bunch of dumbass ghetto Jungle Monkeys doesn't take intelligence. It take a ghetto dialect and a promise to get them more welfare.
Valerie Jarrett.... Is she that light skinned negro who looks like that ape in Planet of the Apes (negroes?)
I thought she was an ape...Next you'll be telling me Mooch isn't really a shaved wookie.
The asians made fun of obama.....the asians refer to negroes as 'monkey people' and not in jest....they are serious....and why shouldn't they be?
Pay the pavement ape or he will get very angry and burn his house down.
Yawn, Kambala wants every African American crack addict to have their own home while White, Red, and Yellow Americans some disabled vets rot on the street.
Nigga's acting like a Nigga...must be part of the Thugery... most blacks don't act like that!
I believe the black race is inferior to both the white and yellow races....I can prove it by taking a look at the world map and income, innovation/scientific discoveries, and prison populations. Maybe you have some other mysterious way of defining the word but you never seem to say what it is.
Most intelligent people understand how stupid blacks are....average i.q. of 85.....being one you should know.
Damn, this needs to be framed. Thank you
The Trumpsters have been putting a lot of effort here lately into "proving" that old fashioned, mouth breathing, knuckle dragging, ignorant, paranoid right wing racism doesn't even exist.

So I like to shove that crap down their throats now and then and watch them bitch, spin and deflect.

I think both ends of this issue have a lot to answer for, but this is just so damn easy.
You really have to drop this both ends nonsense. Because 1 end has a 400 year record of a specific behavior while the justified opposition and righteous anger created because of that behavior is somehow considered the same thing. And that's crazy., the lady in the OP isn't racist/a hater???!!!!????
I don't think they prove anything at all.

People say all kinds of stuff on forums. Half those posts could be black people, pretending to be racist white people.

Remember, we just had Jessie Smollett pay other black people, to pretend to be white people with MAGA hats, and fake hate crimes.

So, no, your posts prove absolutely nothing at all. Nothing.
So you're saying that the quotes I provided are not racist at all, is that correct?
1. a lot of them are NOT racist---please learn the definition first before you post crap
2. please read Andy's post # 37 post
3. so, you are defending a black racist--of course
I'm just asking a question. My interest is in your behaviors as you "answer" the question, not in your actual opinions.
.....plain and simple--blacks are racist also--not just whites ----as blacks and the MSM want idiots to believe
He doesn't believe you. He thinks all blacks are victims and they should cry Racism Racism Racism every chance they get like they do.

Mac is the dipshit racist.

He also thinks me calling out blacks for using the race card is racist.

Again, he is a racist. Him along with every elitist left wing white stooge.

My patience ended years ago with filth like you.

We ARE victims. Victims of a system of white supremacy. Stopping at the white mans opinion of victim as stated today limits the greatness from which we came. We descend from people who endured one of the greatest atrocities in human history and have come out the back end so strong that there are whites like you doing their level best to divide us by filling the heads of blacks who apparently have little common sense full of garbage. We are powerful because of the very past crap like you tells us to forget. We are here because of the strength of those before us. The champions who did not sit and quit. They fought to the death. We are here on their souls. These were people whites labelled also but they did not take it and refused to let white scum like you stop them from fighting. They destroyed the labels not validated them. And that makes us VICTORS.

Your white ass couldn't survive a week as a black person. I got your victim son, so let us understand what this so-called victim mentality is. The victim is not the person who says whites continue to practice racism, that it’s wrong and we need to stop it. The victim is not the black person who fights for equality that says whites have denied us of opportunity which has created great damage in black communities we face today. The victim is the one who has given up, the one who tells us to not rock the boat, ignore racism and work harder. The victim is the person who makes up things that don’t happen such as anti-white discrimination or who proclaims that anti-racism means you are anti-white. The victim is the person who has all the preferences and advantages of a society but complains that somehow they are being forgotten and left out.

The victim is the type who believes that somehow a groups fight for equality means their group loses rights. That you are being discriminated against because the university is 70 percent white instead of 75 percent because it accepted people of color. The victim is the person who cries without considering that whites, who are 77 percent of the population, end up with the applicants with most of the high scores mainly because there are more of them are taking the test, not because they are inherently smarter. A victim whines about how whites are getting passed over based only on those test scores when the university’s stated admissions policy says that race is but one factor a university takes into consideration.

The victim is the white employee complaining he or she has gotten passed over for a “quota” that does not exist unless the company has been found to be in violation of federal law and still practices racial discrimination. This is what playing the victim is and white conservatives have done this since the civil rights act was passed. How many years has Limbaugh and his ilk whined and cried every day about how terrible things are for whites and how everyone is against whites and how the world hates whitey? That’s whining. That’s playing the victim.

So you're saying that the quotes I provided are not racist at all, is that correct?
1. a lot of them are NOT racist---please learn the definition first before you post crap
2. please read Andy's post # 37 post
3. so, you are defending a black racist--of course
I'm just asking a question. My interest is in your behaviors as you "answer" the question, not in your actual opinions.
.....plain and simple--blacks are racist also--not just whites ----as blacks and the MSM want idiots to believe
He doesn't believe you. He thinks all blacks are victims and they should cry Racism Racism Racism every chance they get like they do.

Mac is the dipshit racist.

He also thinks me calling out blacks for using the race card is racist.

Again, he is a racist. Him along with every elitist left wing white stooge.

My patience ended years ago with filth like you.

We ARE victims. Victims of a system of white supremacy. Stopping at the white mans opinion of victim as stated today limits the greatness from which we came. We descend from people who endured one of the greatest atrocities in human history and have come out the back end so strong that there are whites like you doing their level best to divide us by filling the heads of blacks who apparently have little common sense full of garbage. We are powerful because of the very past crap like you tells us to forget. We are here because of the strength of those before us. The champions who did not sit and quit. They fought to the death. We are here on their souls. These were people whites labelled also but they did not take it and refused to let white scum like you stop them from fighting. They destroyed the labels not validated them. And that makes us VICTORS.

Your white ass couldn't survive a week as a black person. I got your victim son, so let us understand what this so-called victim mentality is. The victim is not the person who says whites continue to practice racism, that it’s wrong and we need to stop it. The victim is not the black person who fights for equality that says whites have denied us of opportunity which has created great damage in black communities we face today. The victim is the one who has given up, the one who tells us to not rock the boat, ignore racism and work harder. The victim is the person who makes up things that don’t happen such as anti-white discrimination or who proclaims that anti-racism means you are anti-white. The victim is the person who has all the preferences and advantages of a society but complains that somehow they are being forgotten and left out.

The victim is the type who believes that somehow a groups fight for equality means their group loses rights. That you are being discriminated against because the university is 70 percent white instead of 75 percent because it accepted people of color. The victim is the person who cries without considering that whites, who are 77 percent of the population, end up with the applicants with most of the high scores mainly because there are more of them are taking the test, not because they are inherently smarter. A victim whines about how whites are getting passed over based only on those test scores when the university’s stated admissions policy says that race is but one factor a university takes into consideration.

The victim is the white employee complaining he or she has gotten passed over for a “quota” that does not exist unless the company has been found to be in violation of federal law and still practices racial discrimination. This is what playing the victim is and white conservatives have done this since the civil rights act was passed. How many years has Limbaugh and his ilk whined and cried every day about how terrible things are for whites and how everyone is against whites and how the world hates whitey? That’s whining. That’s playing the victim.

Understand? you are racists because of whitey.....???!!!???
You really have to drop this both ends nonsense.
No reason to drop it, as both ends lean heavily on the same partisan behaviors every single day, non stop, regardless of the issue:
  1. Denial
  2. Deflection
  3. Distortion
  4. Obtuseness
  5. Intellectual Myopia
  6. Tribalism
  7. Hyperbole
  8. Hate
  9. Avoidance
  10. Hypocrisy
  11. Vicious Personal Insults
  12. Willful Ignorance
  13. Outright Lies
Documentation supports one side when we talk about racism. You seem unable to understand that. This is not about republican or democrat because racism is a bi partisan issue.
The race card was invented by whites on March 26, 1790.

On March 26, 1790, the United States of America decided who could be a citizen of this country for the first time. This was a congressional decision named The Naturalization Act of 1790. The act states: “any alien, being a free white person,” could apply for citizenship, so long as he or she lived in the United States for at least two years, and in the state where the application was filed for at least a year. The new law also provided that “children of citizens of the United States that may be born … out of the limits of the United States shall be considered as natural born citizens.”
the evidence just keeps coming-NEVER stops
.....but--again, not headline news when a black is racist...this is why we laugh whenever blacks accuse a white of racism
[“As soon as I sat, that woman started cursing and yelling at him about him being a Jew and ‘Allahu akbar’ and how Allah will end us all,” she recounted in the five-minute video, in which a scratch is seen on her fac/QUOTE]
So, whites can't be racist?

I don't think that was his point.

I think he was saying here is yet another example of a black person being racists, not a white.

The reason he said that, I wager, is because any time someone anywhere says "racists" it is implied a white person is being racist. Never a black.

But the reality is, more black people are racists than whites. It's just the truth.
The race card was invented by whites on March 26, 1790.

On March 26, 1790, the United States of America decided who could be a citizen of this country for the first time. This was a congressional decision named The Naturalization Act of 1790. The act states: “any alien, being a free white person,” could apply for citizenship, so long as he or she lived in the United States for at least two years, and in the state where the application was filed for at least a year. The new law also provided that “children of citizens of the United States that may be born … out of the limits of the United States shall be considered as natural born citizens.”
Why do you have a problem with whites having a country of their own?

Nigeria is over 99% black. The rest of Africa has similar numbers.

Why are Africans so racist?
the evidence just keeps coming-NEVER stops
.....but--again, not headline news when a black is racist...this is why we laugh whenever blacks accuse a white of racism
[“As soon as I sat, that woman started cursing and yelling at him about him being a Jew and ‘Allahu akbar’ and how Allah will end us all,” she recounted in the five-minute video, in which a scratch is seen on her fac/QUOTE]

Well this certainly proves that whites are never racists.......that only blacks are racist......

And Trump's party wonders why African Americans treats them like lepers.
Why in the FUCK am I receiving notification about this jigaboo monkey thread when I haven't posted on here.
I guess it's because you all want to know what I think of these yard ape, monkey MFErs
You really have to drop this both ends nonsense.
No reason to drop it, as both ends lean heavily on the same partisan behaviors every single day, non stop, regardless of the issue:
  1. Denial
  2. Deflection
  3. Distortion
  4. Obtuseness
  5. Intellectual Myopia
  6. Tribalism
  7. Hyperbole
  8. Hate
  9. Avoidance
  10. Hypocrisy
  11. Vicious Personal Insults
  12. Willful Ignorance
  13. Outright Lies
Documentation supports one side when we talk about racism. You seem unable to understand that. This is not about republican or democrat because racism is a bi partisan issue.
I'm not talking about issues. I'm talking about behaviors.

That's been my point all along.
The race card was invented by whites on March 26, 1790.

On March 26, 1790, the United States of America decided who could be a citizen of this country for the first time. This was a congressional decision named The Naturalization Act of 1790. The act states: “any alien, being a free white person,” could apply for citizenship, so long as he or she lived in the United States for at least two years, and in the state where the application was filed for at least a year. The new law also provided that “children of citizens of the United States that may be born … out of the limits of the United States shall be considered as natural born citizens.”
...that's your problem = you're living in the's a whole DIFFERENT world now
You really have to drop this both ends nonsense.
No reason to drop it, as both ends lean heavily on the same partisan behaviors every single day, non stop, regardless of the issue:
  1. Denial
  2. Deflection
  3. Distortion
  4. Obtuseness
  5. Intellectual Myopia
  6. Tribalism
  7. Hyperbole
  8. Hate
  9. Avoidance
  10. Hypocrisy
  11. Vicious Personal Insults
  12. Willful Ignorance
  13. Outright Lies
Documentation supports one side when we talk about racism. You seem unable to understand that. This is not about republican or democrat because racism is a bi partisan issue.
I'm not talking about issues. I'm talking about behaviors.

That's been my point all along.
so am I
here is MORE proof of EVERY point I've made on USMB:
black YOUTH murdered WHITE college girl
You really have to drop this both ends nonsense.
No reason to drop it, as both ends lean heavily on the same partisan behaviors every single day, non stop, regardless of the issue:
  1. Denial
  2. Deflection
  3. Distortion
  4. Obtuseness
  5. Intellectual Myopia
  6. Tribalism
  7. Hyperbole
  8. Hate
  9. Avoidance
  10. Hypocrisy
  11. Vicious Personal Insults
  12. Willful Ignorance
  13. Outright Lies
Documentation supports one side when we talk about racism. You seem unable to understand that. This is not about republican or democrat because racism is a bi partisan issue.
I'm not talking about issues. I'm talking about behaviors.

That's been my point all along.
so am I
here is MORE proof of EVERY point I've made on USMB:
black YOUTH murdered WHITE college girl
Yes, you'll be able to find plenty of those.

And you'll ignore, avoid and dismiss all stories that go in the opposite direction.

Because nutters are liars and have zero credibility.
You really have to drop this both ends nonsense.
No reason to drop it, as both ends lean heavily on the same partisan behaviors every single day, non stop, regardless of the issue:
  1. Denial
  2. Deflection
  3. Distortion
  4. Obtuseness
  5. Intellectual Myopia
  6. Tribalism
  7. Hyperbole
  8. Hate
  9. Avoidance
  10. Hypocrisy
  11. Vicious Personal Insults
  12. Willful Ignorance
  13. Outright Lies
Documentation supports one side when we talk about racism. You seem unable to understand that. This is not about republican or democrat because racism is a bi partisan issue.
I'm not talking about issues. I'm talking about behaviors.

That's been my point all along.
so am I
here is MORE proof of EVERY point I've made on USMB:
black YOUTH murdered WHITE college girl
Yes, you'll be able to find plenty of those.

And you'll ignore, avoid and dismiss all stories that go in the opposite direction.

Because nutters are liars and have zero credibility.
-blacks commit hate crimes at TWICE the rate of whites

blacks ONLY 13% of the population--whites about 65%-YET:
white on black murders -229
black on white murders -500 !!!!
Expanded Homicide Data Table 6
etc etc etc
No reason to drop it, as both ends lean heavily on the same partisan behaviors every single day, non stop, regardless of the issue:
  1. Denial
  2. Deflection
  3. Distortion
  4. Obtuseness
  5. Intellectual Myopia
  6. Tribalism
  7. Hyperbole
  8. Hate
  9. Avoidance
  10. Hypocrisy
  11. Vicious Personal Insults
  12. Willful Ignorance
  13. Outright Lies
Documentation supports one side when we talk about racism. You seem unable to understand that. This is not about republican or democrat because racism is a bi partisan issue.
I'm not talking about issues. I'm talking about behaviors.

That's been my point all along.
so am I
here is MORE proof of EVERY point I've made on USMB:
black YOUTH murdered WHITE college girl
Yes, you'll be able to find plenty of those.

And you'll ignore, avoid and dismiss all stories that go in the opposite direction.

Because nutters are liars and have zero credibility.
-blacks commit hate crimes at TWICE the rate of whites

blacks ONLY 13% of the population--whites about 65%-YET:
white on black murders -229
black on white murders -500 !!!!
Expanded Homicide Data Table 6
etc etc etc
And right on cue.
Documentation supports one side when we talk about racism. You seem unable to understand that. This is not about republican or democrat because racism is a bi partisan issue.
I'm not talking about issues. I'm talking about behaviors.

That's been my point all along.
so am I
here is MORE proof of EVERY point I've made on USMB:
black YOUTH murdered WHITE college girl
Yes, you'll be able to find plenty of those.

And you'll ignore, avoid and dismiss all stories that go in the opposite direction.

Because nutters are liars and have zero credibility.
-blacks commit hate crimes at TWICE the rate of whites

blacks ONLY 13% of the population--whites about 65%-YET:
white on black murders -229
black on white murders -500 !!!!
Expanded Homicide Data Table 6
etc etc etc
And right on cue.
. just proved you have ZERO credibility = as usual on USMB, I provide facts and proof--you provide babble and NO don't back up anything you babble about

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