another black proving blacks are racist--not whites

the evidence just keeps coming-NEVER stops
.....but--again, not headline news when a black is racist...this is why we laugh whenever blacks accuse a white of racism
[“As soon as I sat, that woman started cursing and yelling at him about him being a Jew and ‘Allahu akbar’ and how Allah will end us all,” she recounted in the five-minute video, in which a scratch is seen on her fac/QUOTE]
"Not whites"

And this is why we should be teaching basic logic, starting in about the third grade.
No, we need to close all the schools and homeschool our kids to keep you mindless zombies from corrupting them.
Mikey, I am 100% certain that any child you homeschool will end up mentally challenged.
Most intelligent people understand how stupid blacks are....average i.q. of 85.....being one you should know.
While I won't say there isn't something to what you say, MAC, you DO understand that at least some of the stereotypes for a lot of Blacks are well-earned. Your last quote about the intelligence of blacks caught my attention, and while I've know blacks that were as smart as anyone else, you do realize that in general, black nations score among the lowest in the world.

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Now please don't try to say I'm a racist too for displaying a chart of average IQs by nation. BTW, The GH was actually being generous, the average IQ across Africa appears closer to 70. So it would stand to reason that some of this would carry over to blacks in the USA by mere dint of genetic disposition, and at least this chart seems to support that.

View attachment 296317
I would have to take the time to research that data and compare it to contrary data, so I'm not prepared to get into the specifics. Worst case scenario, though, I think that genetics are only one of the roles played in intelligence. Other inputs are environment and upbringing, and I have no doubt about that.

The point is that, if you feel that blacks or any other race are inferior, at least have the balls to just say it and defend it. And if you feel that way, you can't complain about being called a racist, because that is the precise textbook definition. And all I get when I bring this up is the flurry of personal attacks you see above. That's dishonest and COWARDLY.

Has the Regressive Left dishonestly weaponized PC and Identity Politics? Yes, it has. Does that make our race problems worse? Yes it does. But that doesn't excuse the real racism that still exists on the Right. The two conditions can exist simultaneously, and they DO.

Well that IS the definition of true RACISM, to feel someone is inferior or to act on them BASED solely on race. But is saying a black person is darker pigmented, tends toward Sickle Cell or their native country scores low in IQ true racism? no. No more than saying my ancestors were Saxons or tried people as witches or something like that.

There is a tragic difference between real racism, which most people have now lost sight of because of its over use, and simply calling something racist merely because it INVOLVES race.
I agree. The Left has gotten HUGE mileage out of purposely conflating racial comments with racist comments. Constantly.

But my other point remains, too, and both ends are feeding each other all the ammo they need to keep playing their games.
The Left has gotten HUGE mileage out of purposely conflating racial comments with racist comments.
True. But that's an easy pile to step in, with a bunch of racists making "racial" , "I'm just sayin'!" comments and winking so hard their faces get stuck.
Most intelligent people understand how stupid blacks are....average i.q. of 85.....being one you should know.
While I won't say there isn't something to what you say, MAC, you DO understand that at least some of the stereotypes for a lot of Blacks are well-earned. Your last quote about the intelligence of blacks caught my attention, and while I've know blacks that were as smart as anyone else, you do realize that in general, black nations score among the lowest in the world.

View attachment 296316

Now please don't try to say I'm a racist too for displaying a chart of average IQs by nation. BTW, The GH was actually being generous, the average IQ across Africa appears closer to 70. So it would stand to reason that some of this would carry over to blacks in the USA by mere dint of genetic disposition, and at least this chart seems to support that.

View attachment 296317
I would have to take the time to research that data and compare it to contrary data, so I'm not prepared to get into the specifics. Worst case scenario, though, I think that genetics are only one of the roles played in intelligence. Other inputs are environment and upbringing, and I have no doubt about that.

The point is that, if you feel that blacks or any other race are inferior, at least have the balls to just say it and defend it. And if you feel that way, you can't complain about being called a racist, because that is the precise textbook definition. And all I get when I bring this up is the flurry of personal attacks you see above. That's dishonest and COWARDLY.

Has the Regressive Left dishonestly weaponized PC and Identity Politics? Yes, it has. Does that make our race problems worse? Yes it does. But that doesn't excuse the real racism that still exists on the Right. The two conditions can exist simultaneously, and they DO.

Well that IS the definition of true RACISM, to feel someone is inferior or to act on them BASED solely on race. But is saying a black person is darker pigmented, tends toward Sickle Cell or their native country scores low in IQ true racism? no. No more than saying my ancestors were Saxons or tried people as witches or something like that.

There is a tragic difference between real racism, which most people have now lost sight of because of its over use, and simply calling something racist merely because it INVOLVES race.
I agree. The Left has gotten HUGE mileage out of purposely conflating racial comments with racist comments. Constantly.

But my other point remains, too, and both ends are feeding each other all the ammo they need to keep playing their games.
Like who, got any examples?

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