Another black WOKE and freed from democrat shackles

Thank god..
Right I’m sure you’re terribly concerned about black people.

Leftists aka Communists don't give a SHIT about Blacks IF you did you would NOT have kept them living in Shithole Ghettos for more than 50 years.
Well, I don’t have any control whatsoever what happens to black people.

No but you support and vote for Democrat politicians who have kept Blacks living in Shithole Ghettos for more than 50 years.
So republicans have tried tirelessly to free them huh?
Yeah. They did.
Thank god..
Right I’m sure you’re terribly concerned about black people.

Democrats are only concerned about Blacks’ votes for them.

- Blacks are least likely to grow up with a father in their life.
- Black unemployment has been highest among American Race groups
- Black-owned small business is the lowest among American race groups

These are the things Conservatives are terribly concerned about Blacks. Democrats have done little or nothing to help Blacks in these areas with the exception of blaming Republicans.

Interestingly enough, Conservatives have done zip point squat to help out the Blacks. They spent a lot of time opposing the black vote in the form of not wanting the Equal Voting Rights act passed, nor were they interested in the Equal Rights Amendment either. If they were, Johnson wouldn't have been able to get black people to vote Democrat. Ask a person of color who is over 60 years old, and they will tell you why they vote Democrat. It's because of Johnson.
Thank god..
Right I’m sure you’re terribly concerned about black people.

Democrats are only concerned about Blacks’ votes for them.

- Blacks are least likely to grow up with a father in their life.
- Black unemployment has been highest among American Race groups
- Black-owned small business is the lowest among American race groups

These are the things Conservatives are terribly concerned about Blacks. Democrats have done little or nothing to help Blacks in these areas with the exception of blaming Republicans.

Interestingly enough, Conservatives have done zip point squat to help out the Blacks. They spent a lot of time opposing the black vote in the form of not wanting the Equal Voting Rights act passed, nor were they interested in the Equal Rights Amendment either. If they were, Johnson wouldn't have been able to get black people to vote Democrat. Ask a person of color who is over 60 years old, and they will tell you why they vote Democrat. It's because of Johnson.
That’s the point we treat them equal we don’t pander and pretend we like people lol You’re supposed to treat all races the exactly the same it’s the law you moron
Thank god..
Right I’m sure you’re terribly concerned about black people.

Democrats are only concerned about Blacks’ votes for them.

- Blacks are least likely to grow up with a father in their life.
- Black unemployment has been highest among American Race groups
- Black-owned small business is the lowest among American race groups

These are the things Conservatives are terribly concerned about Blacks. Democrats have done little or nothing to help Blacks in these areas with the exception of blaming Republicans.

Interestingly enough, Conservatives have done zip point squat to help out the Blacks. They spent a lot of time opposing the black vote in the form of not wanting the Equal Voting Rights act passed, nor were they interested in the Equal Rights Amendment either. If they were, Johnson wouldn't have been able to get black people to vote Democrat. Ask a person of color who is over 60 years old, and they will tell you why they vote Democrat. It's because of Johnson.
That’s the point we treat them equal we don’t pander and pretend we like people lol You’re supposed to treat all races the exactly the same it’s the law you moron

Black people have never been treated the same as whites. (and yes, I'm white).
Thank god..
Right I’m sure you’re terribly concerned about black people.

Leftists aka Communists don't give a SHIT about Blacks IF you did you would NOT have kept them living in Shithole Ghettos for more than 50 years.
Well, I don’t have any control whatsoever what happens to black people.

No but you support and vote for Democrat politicians who have kept Blacks living in Shithole Ghettos for more than 50 years.
So republicans have tried tirelessly to free them huh?

The 1964 Civil Rights Bill would NOT have succeeded IF it was not for the votes of Republican Senators considering ALL Democrat Senators in The South voted AGAINST it and BEFORE you say oh but they were actually DINOs, remember that George Wallace one of the biggest symbols of Modern Racism in America cast his last vote before he died for Bill Clinton in 1996.

And all this horsecrap about The Confederate Flag that Leftists aka Communists now get almost Grand Mal Seizures about, the same Leftists aka Communists had NO problem with The Confederate Flag when Bill Clinton and Al Gore were using it or when Hillary used it in 2008 or when Obama used it in 2012 or when Hillary used it in 2016:


Yeap from her mental shackles of democrat propaganda.

Lol these posts are always so dumb. Republicans have this idea that “liberals heads explode” when black people vote republican, but the reality is that we don’t care and were already well aware some black people are conservative. I don’t know why anyone would vote republican let alone a black person so I don’t at all care whatsoever.

If you don't vote for Trump you ain't white!
Thank god..
Right I’m sure you’re terribly concerned about black people.

Leftists aka Communists don't give a SHIT about Blacks IF you did you would NOT have kept them living in Shithole Ghettos for more than 50 years.
Well, I don’t have any control whatsoever what happens to black people.

No but you support and vote for Democrat politicians who have kept Blacks living in Shithole Ghettos for more than 50 years.

Kept them living in shithole ghettos for over 50 years? Wanna talk about Jim Crow laws? Better yet, let's talk about what happened before Johnson and Kennedy took office.

Who was responsible for The Jim Crow Laws? Oh that's right it was Democrats and LBJ was a filthy racist who hated Blacks, not so JFK though.
Thank god..
Right I’m sure you’re terribly concerned about black people.

Leftists aka Communists don't give a SHIT about Blacks IF you did you would NOT have kept them living in Shithole Ghettos for more than 50 years.
Well, I don’t have any control whatsoever what happens to black people.

No but you support and vote for Democrat politicians who have kept Blacks living in Shithole Ghettos for more than 50 years.
So republicans have tried tirelessly to free them huh?

The 1964 Civil Rights Bill would NOT have succeeded IF it was not for the votes of Republican Senators considering ALL Democrat Senators in The South voted AGAINST it and BEFORE you say oh but they were actually DINOs, remember that George Wallace one of the biggest symbols of Modern Racism in America cast his last vote before he died for Bill Clinton in 1996.

And all this horsecrap about The Confederate Flag that Leftists aka Communists now get almost Grand Mal Seizures about, the same Leftists aka Communists had NO problem with The Confederate Flag when Bill Clinton and Al Gore were using it or when Hillary used it in 2008 or when Obama used it in 2012 or when Hillary used it in 2016:

View attachment 401753

Really? You southern idiots want to use a battle flag that even the general who flew it said it shouldn't be flown again? Check what Lee said about the confederate flag.
Thank god..
Right I’m sure you’re terribly concerned about black people.

Leftists aka Communists don't give a SHIT about Blacks IF you did you would NOT have kept them living in Shithole Ghettos for more than 50 years.
Well, I don’t have any control whatsoever what happens to black people.

No but you support and vote for Democrat politicians who have kept Blacks living in Shithole Ghettos for more than 50 years.

Kept them living in shithole ghettos for over 50 years? Wanna talk about Jim Crow laws? Better yet, let's talk about what happened before Johnson and Kennedy took office.

Who was responsible for The Jim Crow Laws? Oh that's right it was Democrats and LBJ was a filthy racist who hated Blacks, not so JFK though.

Might wanna check your history again you idiot. Jim Crow laws came into being because of Republicans who didn't want to let blacks vote. Get back to me when you learn some real history.
Thank god..
Right I’m sure you’re terribly concerned about black people.

Leftists aka Communists don't give a SHIT about Blacks IF you did you would NOT have kept them living in Shithole Ghettos for more than 50 years.
Well, I don’t have any control whatsoever what happens to black people.

No but you support and vote for Democrat politicians who have kept Blacks living in Shithole Ghettos for more than 50 years.
So republicans have tried tirelessly to free them huh?

The 1964 Civil Rights Bill would NOT have succeeded IF it was not for the votes of Republican Senators considering ALL Democrat Senators in The South voted AGAINST it and BEFORE you say oh but they were actually DINOs, remember that George Wallace one of the biggest symbols of Modern Racism in America cast his last vote before he died for Bill Clinton in 1996.

And all this horsecrap about The Confederate Flag that Leftists aka Communists now get almost Grand Mal Seizures about, the same Leftists aka Communists had NO problem with The Confederate Flag when Bill Clinton and Al Gore were using it or when Hillary used it in 2008 or when Obama used it in 2012 or when Hillary used it in 2016:

View attachment 401753

Really? You southern idiots want to use a battle flag that even the general who flew it said it shouldn't be flown again? Check what Lee said about the confederate flag.

Hillary's Campaign thought it was okay to use The Confederate Flag still in 2016 it was ONLY when Orange Man Bad took office that all the hypocritical Democrats started SCREAMING The Confederate Flag was racist and DEMANDING it was subjected to Cancel Culture, but it was OKAY in 2016 of course when Hillary was still using it.
These videos make me so happy. Conservatism has a limitless umbrella. We welcome everyone and its never too late to change. God Bless her! She is tough.
It's always exhilarating to see someone break free and come to an epiphany about the way blacks have been played for suckers and shills by the race masters.
And it took Trump to expose it to this level. His black votes with be record breaking.
Thank god..
Right I’m sure you’re terribly concerned about black people.

Democrats are only concerned about Blacks’ votes for them.

- Blacks are least likely to grow up with a father in their life.
- Black unemployment has been highest among American Race groups
- Black-owned small business is the lowest among American race groups

These are the things Conservatives are terribly concerned about Blacks. Democrats have done little or nothing to help Blacks in these areas with the exception of blaming Republicans.

Interestingly enough, Conservatives have done zip point squat to help out the Blacks. They spent a lot of time opposing the black vote in the form of not wanting the Equal Voting Rights act passed, nor were they interested in the Equal Rights Amendment either. If they were, Johnson wouldn't have been able to get black people to vote Democrat. Ask a person of color who is over 60 years old, and they will tell you why they vote Democrat. It's because of Johnson.
That’s the point we treat them equal we don’t pander and pretend we like people lol You’re supposed to treat all races the exactly the same it’s the law you moron

Black people have never been treated the same as whites. (and yes, I'm white).
So you went to the store today and didn’t treat a black person the same as a white person? Well shame on you

name a black person today that doesn’t get treated the same as a white person
Thank god..
Right I’m sure you’re terribly concerned about black people.

Leftists aka Communists don't give a SHIT about Blacks IF you did you would NOT have kept them living in Shithole Ghettos for more than 50 years.
Well, I don’t have any control whatsoever what happens to black people.

No but you support and vote for Democrat politicians who have kept Blacks living in Shithole Ghettos for more than 50 years.

Kept them living in shithole ghettos for over 50 years? Wanna talk about Jim Crow laws? Better yet, let's talk about what happened before Johnson and Kennedy took office.

Who was responsible for The Jim Crow Laws? Oh that's right it was Democrats and LBJ was a filthy racist who hated Blacks, not so JFK though.

Might wanna check your history again you idiot. Jim Crow laws came into being because of Republicans who didn't want to let blacks vote. Get back to me when you learn some real history.

The Democrats ENFORCED The Jim Crow Laws well into the 20th Century NOT Republicans and as such the Democrats were responsible for The Jim Crow Laws, the Republicans if they would have been in control in the Southern States would probably have abolished them just like Republicans abolished Slavery in The United States and Democrats fought tooth and nail to keep Slavery legal. The Democrats have ALWAYS been The Racist Party, and now actually they are even MORE racist than they have EVER been in their ENTIRE history.

IF they were serious about confronting this racist past of America they babble about 24/7 then the FIRST thing they would do is announce they were ABOLISHING The Democrat Party, the party of Slavery, the party of the Ku Klux Klan, the party who ENFORCED Jim Crow and allowed Blacks to be openly lynched while Democrat voters often sat there eating a picnic and watching the lynching.

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