Another black WOKE and freed from democrat shackles

Thank god..
Right I’m sure you’re terribly concerned about black people.

Leftists aka Communists don't give a SHIT about Blacks IF you did you would NOT have kept them living in Shithole Ghettos for more than 50 years.
Well, I don’t have any control whatsoever what happens to black people.

No but you support and vote for Democrat politicians who have kept Blacks living in Shithole Ghettos for more than 50 years.

Kept them living in shithole ghettos for over 50 years? Wanna talk about Jim Crow laws? Better yet, let's talk about what happened before Johnson and Kennedy took office.

Who was responsible for The Jim Crow Laws? Oh that's right it was Democrats and LBJ was a filthy racist who hated Blacks, not so JFK though.

Might wanna check your history again you idiot. Jim Crow laws came into being because of Republicans who didn't want to let blacks vote. Get back to me when you learn some real history.
Jim Crowe laws were all implemented in democratic run towns and states had nothing to do with Republicans you moron

Try again idiot, learn your history like I told Lucy bitch. Jim Crow laws were implemented by Republicans and racists.
Name the Republican that implemented Jim Crow laws, because Alabama Kentucky Georgia Atlanta all those places are run by democrats all the sheriffs were Democrats they were all implemented by Democrats.. How are you could blame Republicans for Jim Crowe is hilarious
Thank god..
Right I’m sure you’re terribly concerned about black people.

Democrats are only concerned about Blacks’ votes for them.

- Blacks are least likely to grow up with a father in their life.
- Black unemployment has been highest among American Race groups
- Black-owned small business is the lowest among American race groups

These are the things Conservatives are terribly concerned about Blacks. Democrats have done little or nothing to help Blacks in these areas with the exception of blaming Republicans.

Interestingly enough, Conservatives have done zip point squat to help out the Blacks. They spent a lot of time opposing the black vote in the form of not wanting the Equal Voting Rights act passed, nor were they interested in the Equal Rights Amendment either. If they were, Johnson wouldn't have been able to get black people to vote Democrat. Ask a person of color who is over 60 years old, and they will tell you why they vote Democrat. It's because of Johnson.
That’s the point we treat them equal we don’t pander and pretend we like people lol You’re supposed to treat all races the exactly the same it’s the law you moron

Black people have never been treated the same as whites. (and yes, I'm white).
So you went to the store today and didn’t treat a black person the same as a white person? Well shame on you

name a black person today that doesn’t get treated the same as a white person

Name a black person who doesn't get treated the same as a white person? Sorry, but I'm not gonna put up a wall of text. Damn near every black person I've been around didn't get treated the same as me. Pott's Place in Meridian MS in the early 80's is a good example. My friend LA (who was black) wasn't allowed in the same bar as me, even though we both had Navy uniforms on.
Shit I wasn’t allowed in a bar either a few times that’s your excuse lol
Name a black person today that doesn’t have the same rights that I do

The reason he wasn't allowed into the bar was only because he was black. I remember the doorman telling me that I could come in, but the "n***er" had to go someplace else.
That individual was a ass hole.. not sure how you attribute that to some
Secret white groups lol

It wasn't just that individual. There were lots of racists and white supremacists in Meridian MS when I was stationed there for A school. And, that wasn't the only bar that kept black people out.
I was told many times by blacks not to go certain places.. cause I’m white, called many names, even got in to fights because I’m white, seems natural.. fbi says blacks attack whites far more than the other way.

Ever hear of sundown counties? Those are places in the South that warn black people to not be there when the sun goes down as they could be lynched. Matter of fact, there is a county north of Memphis TN called Tipton county, and they used to have a sign next to the entering county sign that stated if blacks were there after dark, it would be dangerous for them. And, that was in the mid 80's that I saw that.

Yeap from her mental shackles of democrat propaganda.

Lol these posts are always so dumb. Republicans have this idea that “liberals heads explode” when black people vote republican, but the reality is that we don’t care and were already well aware some black people are conservative. I don’t know why anyone would vote republican let alone a black person so I don’t at all care whatsoever.

You “don’t know why” Because you’re a retard. As evidenced by your “democratic socialist” title.

It’s like stamping “retard” on ones forehead.
Thank god..
Right I’m sure you’re terribly concerned about black people.

Leftists aka Communists don't give a SHIT about Blacks IF you did you would NOT have kept them living in Shithole Ghettos for more than 50 years.
Well, I don’t have any control whatsoever what happens to black people.

No but you support and vote for Democrat politicians who have kept Blacks living in Shithole Ghettos for more than 50 years.

Kept them living in shithole ghettos for over 50 years? Wanna talk about Jim Crow laws? Better yet, let's talk about what happened before Johnson and Kennedy took office.

Who was responsible for The Jim Crow Laws? Oh that's right it was Democrats and LBJ was a filthy racist who hated Blacks, not so JFK though.

Might wanna check your history again you idiot. Jim Crow laws came into being because of Republicans who didn't want to let blacks vote. Get back to me when you learn some real history.
Jim Crowe laws were all implemented in democratic run towns and states had nothing to do with Republicans you moron

Try again idiot, learn your history like I told Lucy bitch. Jim Crow laws were implemented by Republicans and racists.
Name the Republican that implemented Jim Crow laws, because Alabama Kentucky Georgia Atlanta all those places are run by democrats all the sheriffs were Democrats they were all implemented by Democrats.. How are you could blame Republicans for Jim Crowe is hilarious
Thank god..
Right I’m sure you’re terribly concerned about black people.

Democrats are only concerned about Blacks’ votes for them.

- Blacks are least likely to grow up with a father in their life.
- Black unemployment has been highest among American Race groups
- Black-owned small business is the lowest among American race groups

These are the things Conservatives are terribly concerned about Blacks. Democrats have done little or nothing to help Blacks in these areas with the exception of blaming Republicans.

Interestingly enough, Conservatives have done zip point squat to help out the Blacks. They spent a lot of time opposing the black vote in the form of not wanting the Equal Voting Rights act passed, nor were they interested in the Equal Rights Amendment either. If they were, Johnson wouldn't have been able to get black people to vote Democrat. Ask a person of color who is over 60 years old, and they will tell you why they vote Democrat. It's because of Johnson.
That’s the point we treat them equal we don’t pander and pretend we like people lol You’re supposed to treat all races the exactly the same it’s the law you moron

Black people have never been treated the same as whites. (and yes, I'm white).
So you went to the store today and didn’t treat a black person the same as a white person? Well shame on you

name a black person today that doesn’t get treated the same as a white person

Name a black person who doesn't get treated the same as a white person? Sorry, but I'm not gonna put up a wall of text. Damn near every black person I've been around didn't get treated the same as me. Pott's Place in Meridian MS in the early 80's is a good example. My friend LA (who was black) wasn't allowed in the same bar as me, even though we both had Navy uniforms on.
Shit I wasn’t allowed in a bar either a few times that’s your excuse lol
Name a black person today that doesn’t have the same rights that I do

The reason he wasn't allowed into the bar was only because he was black. I remember the doorman telling me that I could come in, but the "n***er" had to go someplace else.
That individual was a ass hole.. not sure how you attribute that to some
Secret white groups lol

It wasn't just that individual. There were lots of racists and white supremacists in Meridian MS when I was stationed there for A school. And, that wasn't the only bar that kept black people out.
I was told many times by blacks not to go certain places.. cause I’m white, called many names, even got in to fights because I’m white, seems natural.. fbi says blacks attack whites far more than the other way.

Ever hear of sundown counties? Those are places in the South that warn black people to not be there when the sun goes down as they could be lynched. Matter of fact, there is a county north of Memphis TN called Tipton county, and they used to have a sign next to the entering county sign that stated if blacks were there after dark, it would be dangerous for them. And, that was in the mid 80's that I saw that.
86% of interracial violence is blacks attacking whites.. they are slaughtering whites.. no idea
Why you have the stance you have ..
Thank god..
Right I’m sure you’re terribly concerned about black people.

Leftists aka Communists don't give a SHIT about Blacks IF you did you would NOT have kept them living in Shithole Ghettos for more than 50 years.
Well, I don’t have any control whatsoever what happens to black people.

No but you support and vote for Democrat politicians who have kept Blacks living in Shithole Ghettos for more than 50 years.

Kept them living in shithole ghettos for over 50 years? Wanna talk about Jim Crow laws? Better yet, let's talk about what happened before Johnson and Kennedy took office.

Who was responsible for The Jim Crow Laws? Oh that's right it was Democrats and LBJ was a filthy racist who hated Blacks, not so JFK though.

Might wanna check your history again you idiot. Jim Crow laws came into being because of Republicans who didn't want to let blacks vote. Get back to me when you learn some real history.
Jim Crowe laws were all implemented in democratic run towns and states had nothing to do with Republicans you moron

Try again idiot, learn your history like I told Lucy bitch. Jim Crow laws were implemented by Republicans and racists.
Name the Republican that implemented Jim Crow laws, because Alabama Kentucky Georgia Atlanta all those places are run by democrats all the sheriffs were Democrats they were all implemented by Democrats.. How are you could blame Republicans for Jim Crowe is hilarious
Thank god..
Right I’m sure you’re terribly concerned about black people.

Democrats are only concerned about Blacks’ votes for them.

- Blacks are least likely to grow up with a father in their life.
- Black unemployment has been highest among American Race groups
- Black-owned small business is the lowest among American race groups

These are the things Conservatives are terribly concerned about Blacks. Democrats have done little or nothing to help Blacks in these areas with the exception of blaming Republicans.

Interestingly enough, Conservatives have done zip point squat to help out the Blacks. They spent a lot of time opposing the black vote in the form of not wanting the Equal Voting Rights act passed, nor were they interested in the Equal Rights Amendment either. If they were, Johnson wouldn't have been able to get black people to vote Democrat. Ask a person of color who is over 60 years old, and they will tell you why they vote Democrat. It's because of Johnson.
That’s the point we treat them equal we don’t pander and pretend we like people lol You’re supposed to treat all races the exactly the same it’s the law you moron

Black people have never been treated the same as whites. (and yes, I'm white).
So you went to the store today and didn’t treat a black person the same as a white person? Well shame on you

name a black person today that doesn’t get treated the same as a white person

Name a black person who doesn't get treated the same as a white person? Sorry, but I'm not gonna put up a wall of text. Damn near every black person I've been around didn't get treated the same as me. Pott's Place in Meridian MS in the early 80's is a good example. My friend LA (who was black) wasn't allowed in the same bar as me, even though we both had Navy uniforms on.
Shit I wasn’t allowed in a bar either a few times that’s your excuse lol
Name a black person today that doesn’t have the same rights that I do

The reason he wasn't allowed into the bar was only because he was black. I remember the doorman telling me that I could come in, but the "n***er" had to go someplace else.
That individual was a ass hole.. not sure how you attribute that to some
Secret white groups lol

It wasn't just that individual. There were lots of racists and white supremacists in Meridian MS when I was stationed there for A school. And, that wasn't the only bar that kept black people out.
I was told many times by blacks not to go certain places.. cause I’m white, called many names, even got in to fights because I’m white, seems natural.. fbi says blacks attack whites far more than the other way.

Ever hear of sundown counties? Those are places in the South that warn black people to not be there when the sun goes down as they could be lynched. Matter of fact, there is a county north of Memphis TN called Tipton county, and they used to have a sign next to the entering county sign that stated if blacks were there after dark, it would be dangerous for them. And, that was in the mid 80's that I saw that.
86% of interracial violence is blacks attacking whites.. they are slaughtering whites.. no idea
Why you have the stance you have ..

Because I saw what real racism looks like, and it's not pretty. By the way, got any links to back up your bullshit statistics? They sound like you pulled them straight outta your ass.
Thank god..
Right I’m sure you’re terribly concerned about black people.

Leftists aka Communists don't give a SHIT about Blacks IF you did you would NOT have kept them living in Shithole Ghettos for more than 50 years.
Well, I don’t have any control whatsoever what happens to black people.

No but you support and vote for Democrat politicians who have kept Blacks living in Shithole Ghettos for more than 50 years.

Kept them living in shithole ghettos for over 50 years? Wanna talk about Jim Crow laws? Better yet, let's talk about what happened before Johnson and Kennedy took office.

Who was responsible for The Jim Crow Laws? Oh that's right it was Democrats and LBJ was a filthy racist who hated Blacks, not so JFK though.

Might wanna check your history again you idiot. Jim Crow laws came into being because of Republicans who didn't want to let blacks vote. Get back to me when you learn some real history.
Jim Crowe laws were all implemented in democratic run towns and states had nothing to do with Republicans you moron

Try again idiot, learn your history like I told Lucy bitch. Jim Crow laws were implemented by Republicans and racists.
Name the Republican that implemented Jim Crow laws, because Alabama Kentucky Georgia Atlanta all those places are run by democrats all the sheriffs were Democrats they were all implemented by Democrats.. How are you could blame Republicans for Jim Crowe is hilarious
Thank god..
Right I’m sure you’re terribly concerned about black people.

Democrats are only concerned about Blacks’ votes for them.

- Blacks are least likely to grow up with a father in their life.
- Black unemployment has been highest among American Race groups
- Black-owned small business is the lowest among American race groups

These are the things Conservatives are terribly concerned about Blacks. Democrats have done little or nothing to help Blacks in these areas with the exception of blaming Republicans.

Interestingly enough, Conservatives have done zip point squat to help out the Blacks. They spent a lot of time opposing the black vote in the form of not wanting the Equal Voting Rights act passed, nor were they interested in the Equal Rights Amendment either. If they were, Johnson wouldn't have been able to get black people to vote Democrat. Ask a person of color who is over 60 years old, and they will tell you why they vote Democrat. It's because of Johnson.
That’s the point we treat them equal we don’t pander and pretend we like people lol You’re supposed to treat all races the exactly the same it’s the law you moron

Black people have never been treated the same as whites. (and yes, I'm white).
So you went to the store today and didn’t treat a black person the same as a white person? Well shame on you

name a black person today that doesn’t get treated the same as a white person

Name a black person who doesn't get treated the same as a white person? Sorry, but I'm not gonna put up a wall of text. Damn near every black person I've been around didn't get treated the same as me. Pott's Place in Meridian MS in the early 80's is a good example. My friend LA (who was black) wasn't allowed in the same bar as me, even though we both had Navy uniforms on.
Shit I wasn’t allowed in a bar either a few times that’s your excuse lol
Name a black person today that doesn’t have the same rights that I do

The reason he wasn't allowed into the bar was only because he was black. I remember the doorman telling me that I could come in, but the "n***er" had to go someplace else.
That individual was a ass hole.. not sure how you attribute that to some
Secret white groups lol

It wasn't just that individual. There were lots of racists and white supremacists in Meridian MS when I was stationed there for A school. And, that wasn't the only bar that kept black people out.
I was told many times by blacks not to go certain places.. cause I’m white, called many names, even got in to fights because I’m white, seems natural.. fbi says blacks attack whites far more than the other way.

Ever hear of sundown counties? Those are places in the South that warn black people to not be there when the sun goes down as they could be lynched. Matter of fact, there is a county north of Memphis TN called Tipton county, and they used to have a sign next to the entering county sign that stated if blacks were there after dark, it would be dangerous for them. And, that was in the mid 80's that I saw that.
86% of interracial violence is blacks attacking whites.. they are slaughtering whites.. no idea
Why you have the stance you have ..

Because I saw what real racism looks like, and it's not pretty. By the way, got any links to back up your bullshit statistics? They sound like you pulled them straight outta your ass.

I've seen it too in other countries. There is no systemic racism here though. That's propaganda and lies from the media and the left who continually push the division and hate. It won't be racism that ends us. A huge component will be the division in ideologies and the run towards lawlessness and inequity.
Thank god..
Right I’m sure you’re terribly concerned about black people.

Leftists aka Communists don't give a SHIT about Blacks IF you did you would NOT have kept them living in Shithole Ghettos for more than 50 years.
Well, I don’t have any control whatsoever what happens to black people.

No but you support and vote for Democrat politicians who have kept Blacks living in Shithole Ghettos for more than 50 years.

Kept them living in shithole ghettos for over 50 years? Wanna talk about Jim Crow laws? Better yet, let's talk about what happened before Johnson and Kennedy took office.

Who was responsible for The Jim Crow Laws? Oh that's right it was Democrats and LBJ was a filthy racist who hated Blacks, not so JFK though.

Might wanna check your history again you idiot. Jim Crow laws came into being because of Republicans who didn't want to let blacks vote. Get back to me when you learn some real history.
Jim Crowe laws were all implemented in democratic run towns and states had nothing to do with Republicans you moron

Try again idiot, learn your history like I told Lucy bitch. Jim Crow laws were implemented by Republicans and racists.
Name the Republican that implemented Jim Crow laws, because Alabama Kentucky Georgia Atlanta all those places are run by democrats all the sheriffs were Democrats they were all implemented by Democrats.. How are you could blame Republicans for Jim Crowe is hilarious
Thank god..
Right I’m sure you’re terribly concerned about black people.

Democrats are only concerned about Blacks’ votes for them.

- Blacks are least likely to grow up with a father in their life.
- Black unemployment has been highest among American Race groups
- Black-owned small business is the lowest among American race groups

These are the things Conservatives are terribly concerned about Blacks. Democrats have done little or nothing to help Blacks in these areas with the exception of blaming Republicans.

Interestingly enough, Conservatives have done zip point squat to help out the Blacks. They spent a lot of time opposing the black vote in the form of not wanting the Equal Voting Rights act passed, nor were they interested in the Equal Rights Amendment either. If they were, Johnson wouldn't have been able to get black people to vote Democrat. Ask a person of color who is over 60 years old, and they will tell you why they vote Democrat. It's because of Johnson.
That’s the point we treat them equal we don’t pander and pretend we like people lol You’re supposed to treat all races the exactly the same it’s the law you moron

Black people have never been treated the same as whites. (and yes, I'm white).
So you went to the store today and didn’t treat a black person the same as a white person? Well shame on you

name a black person today that doesn’t get treated the same as a white person

Name a black person who doesn't get treated the same as a white person? Sorry, but I'm not gonna put up a wall of text. Damn near every black person I've been around didn't get treated the same as me. Pott's Place in Meridian MS in the early 80's is a good example. My friend LA (who was black) wasn't allowed in the same bar as me, even though we both had Navy uniforms on.
Shit I wasn’t allowed in a bar either a few times that’s your excuse lol
Name a black person today that doesn’t have the same rights that I do

The reason he wasn't allowed into the bar was only because he was black. I remember the doorman telling me that I could come in, but the "n***er" had to go someplace else.
That individual was a ass hole.. not sure how you attribute that to some
Secret white groups lol

It wasn't just that individual. There were lots of racists and white supremacists in Meridian MS when I was stationed there for A school. And, that wasn't the only bar that kept black people out.
I was told many times by blacks not to go certain places.. cause I’m white, called many names, even got in to fights because I’m white, seems natural.. fbi says blacks attack whites far more than the other way.

Ever hear of sundown counties? Those are places in the South that warn black people to not be there when the sun goes down as they could be lynched. Matter of fact, there is a county north of Memphis TN called Tipton county, and they used to have a sign next to the entering county sign that stated if blacks were there after dark, it would be dangerous for them. And, that was in the mid 80's that I saw that.
86% of interracial violence is blacks attacking whites.. they are slaughtering whites.. no idea
Why you have the stance you have ..

Because he is either brainwashed, or pushing an agenda.
There is no other explanation.

The stats are clearly one sided, and very easy to understand.
And if you don’t trust the stats, just open your eyes to what goes on around you, and you can see which direction the violence flows in.

That’s why I choose to not bother engaging these people in actual intellectual dialogue. You are either arguing with a complete moron who is incapable of understanding both the real world and clear data, or arguing with someone Who has an agenda to push and isn’t going to listen no matter what you say.

Just mock them.
Thank god..
Right I’m sure you’re terribly concerned about black people.

Leftists aka Communists don't give a SHIT about Blacks IF you did you would NOT have kept them living in Shithole Ghettos for more than 50 years.
Well, I don’t have any control whatsoever what happens to black people.

No but you support and vote for Democrat politicians who have kept Blacks living in Shithole Ghettos for more than 50 years.

Kept them living in shithole ghettos for over 50 years? Wanna talk about Jim Crow laws? Better yet, let's talk about what happened before Johnson and Kennedy took office.

Who was responsible for The Jim Crow Laws? Oh that's right it was Democrats and LBJ was a filthy racist who hated Blacks, not so JFK though.

Might wanna check your history again you idiot. Jim Crow laws came into being because of Republicans who didn't want to let blacks vote. Get back to me when you learn some real history.
Jim Crowe laws were all implemented in democratic run towns and states had nothing to do with Republicans you moron

Try again idiot, learn your history like I told Lucy bitch. Jim Crow laws were implemented by Republicans and racists.
Name the Republican that implemented Jim Crow laws, because Alabama Kentucky Georgia Atlanta all those places are run by democrats all the sheriffs were Democrats they were all implemented by Democrats.. How are you could blame Republicans for Jim Crowe is hilarious
Thank god..
Right I’m sure you’re terribly concerned about black people.

Democrats are only concerned about Blacks’ votes for them.

- Blacks are least likely to grow up with a father in their life.
- Black unemployment has been highest among American Race groups
- Black-owned small business is the lowest among American race groups

These are the things Conservatives are terribly concerned about Blacks. Democrats have done little or nothing to help Blacks in these areas with the exception of blaming Republicans.

Interestingly enough, Conservatives have done zip point squat to help out the Blacks. They spent a lot of time opposing the black vote in the form of not wanting the Equal Voting Rights act passed, nor were they interested in the Equal Rights Amendment either. If they were, Johnson wouldn't have been able to get black people to vote Democrat. Ask a person of color who is over 60 years old, and they will tell you why they vote Democrat. It's because of Johnson.
That’s the point we treat them equal we don’t pander and pretend we like people lol You’re supposed to treat all races the exactly the same it’s the law you moron

Black people have never been treated the same as whites. (and yes, I'm white).
So you went to the store today and didn’t treat a black person the same as a white person? Well shame on you

name a black person today that doesn’t get treated the same as a white person

Name a black person who doesn't get treated the same as a white person? Sorry, but I'm not gonna put up a wall of text. Damn near every black person I've been around didn't get treated the same as me. Pott's Place in Meridian MS in the early 80's is a good example. My friend LA (who was black) wasn't allowed in the same bar as me, even though we both had Navy uniforms on.
Shit I wasn’t allowed in a bar either a few times that’s your excuse lol
Name a black person today that doesn’t have the same rights that I do

The reason he wasn't allowed into the bar was only because he was black. I remember the doorman telling me that I could come in, but the "n***er" had to go someplace else.
That individual was a ass hole.. not sure how you attribute that to some
Secret white groups lol

It wasn't just that individual. There were lots of racists and white supremacists in Meridian MS when I was stationed there for A school. And, that wasn't the only bar that kept black people out.
I was told many times by blacks not to go certain places.. cause I’m white, called many names, even got in to fights because I’m white, seems natural.. fbi says blacks attack whites far more than the other way.

Ever hear of sundown counties? Those are places in the South that warn black people to not be there when the sun goes down as they could be lynched. Matter of fact, there is a county north of Memphis TN called Tipton county, and they used to have a sign next to the entering county sign that stated if blacks were there after dark, it would be dangerous for them. And, that was in the mid 80's that I saw that.
86% of interracial violence is blacks attacking whites.. they are slaughtering whites.. no idea
Why you have the stance you have ..

Because I saw what real racism looks like, and it's not pretty. By the way, got any links to back up your bullshit statistics? They sound like you pulled them straight outta your ass.

No, he pulled them right out of the DOJ’s ass. As well as the fbi crime stats.
The city of New York also showed similar stats (worse actually). As did London’s crime stats.

And if you opened your fucking eyes, you would see for yourself.
Are you white?
Go find the nearest black ghetto, city, city street, whatever. Take a stroll through there.
Be sure to let us know how it goes.
Thank god..
Right I’m sure you’re terribly concerned about black people.

Leftists aka Communists don't give a SHIT about Blacks IF you did you would NOT have kept them living in Shithole Ghettos for more than 50 years.
Well, I don’t have any control whatsoever what happens to black people.

No but you support and vote for Democrat politicians who have kept Blacks living in Shithole Ghettos for more than 50 years.

Kept them living in shithole ghettos for over 50 years? Wanna talk about Jim Crow laws? Better yet, let's talk about what happened before Johnson and Kennedy took office.

Who was responsible for The Jim Crow Laws? Oh that's right it was Democrats and LBJ was a filthy racist who hated Blacks, not so JFK though.

Might wanna check your history again you idiot. Jim Crow laws came into being because of Republicans who didn't want to let blacks vote. Get back to me when you learn some real history.
Jim Crowe laws were all implemented in democratic run towns and states had nothing to do with Republicans you moron

Try again idiot, learn your history like I told Lucy bitch. Jim Crow laws were implemented by Republicans and racists.
Name the Republican that implemented Jim Crow laws, because Alabama Kentucky Georgia Atlanta all those places are run by democrats all the sheriffs were Democrats they were all implemented by Democrats.. How are you could blame Republicans for Jim Crowe is hilarious
Thank god..
Right I’m sure you’re terribly concerned about black people.

Democrats are only concerned about Blacks’ votes for them.

- Blacks are least likely to grow up with a father in their life.
- Black unemployment has been highest among American Race groups
- Black-owned small business is the lowest among American race groups

These are the things Conservatives are terribly concerned about Blacks. Democrats have done little or nothing to help Blacks in these areas with the exception of blaming Republicans.

Interestingly enough, Conservatives have done zip point squat to help out the Blacks. They spent a lot of time opposing the black vote in the form of not wanting the Equal Voting Rights act passed, nor were they interested in the Equal Rights Amendment either. If they were, Johnson wouldn't have been able to get black people to vote Democrat. Ask a person of color who is over 60 years old, and they will tell you why they vote Democrat. It's because of Johnson.
That’s the point we treat them equal we don’t pander and pretend we like people lol You’re supposed to treat all races the exactly the same it’s the law you moron

Black people have never been treated the same as whites. (and yes, I'm white).
So you went to the store today and didn’t treat a black person the same as a white person? Well shame on you

name a black person today that doesn’t get treated the same as a white person

Name a black person who doesn't get treated the same as a white person? Sorry, but I'm not gonna put up a wall of text. Damn near every black person I've been around didn't get treated the same as me. Pott's Place in Meridian MS in the early 80's is a good example. My friend LA (who was black) wasn't allowed in the same bar as me, even though we both had Navy uniforms on.
Shit I wasn’t allowed in a bar either a few times that’s your excuse lol
Name a black person today that doesn’t have the same rights that I do

The reason he wasn't allowed into the bar was only because he was black. I remember the doorman telling me that I could come in, but the "n***er" had to go someplace else.
That individual was a ass hole.. not sure how you attribute that to some
Secret white groups lol

It wasn't just that individual. There were lots of racists and white supremacists in Meridian MS when I was stationed there for A school. And, that wasn't the only bar that kept black people out.
I was told many times by blacks not to go certain places.. cause I’m white, called many names, even got in to fights because I’m white, seems natural.. fbi says blacks attack whites far more than the other way.

Ever hear of sundown counties? Those are places in the South that warn black people to not be there when the sun goes down as they could be lynched. Matter of fact, there is a county north of Memphis TN called Tipton county, and they used to have a sign next to the entering county sign that stated if blacks were there after dark, it would be dangerous for them. And, that was in the mid 80's that I saw that.
86% of interracial violence is blacks attacking whites.. they are slaughtering whites.. no idea
Why you have the stance you have ..

Because I saw what real racism looks like, and it's not pretty. By the way, got any links to back up your bullshit statistics? They sound like you pulled them straight outta your ass.

No, he pulled them right out of the DOJ’s ass. As well as the fbi crime stats.
The city of New York also showed similar stats (worse actually). As did London’s crime stats.

And if you opened your fucking eyes, you would see for yourself.
Are you white?
Go find the nearest black ghetto, city, city street, whatever. Take a stroll through there.
Be sure to let us know how it goes.

There are lots of places that I've been where I was the only white boy for miles. Happened whenever I went to visit with various friends who were black, and I never had a problem.

Matter of fact, on one occasion, my friends took me to a bar where I was the only white person in there. Some big black dude walked up to me, looked at me and asked me if I knew where I was. I said sure, I was in a bar, shooting pool and looking for pretty women to hook up with. He then told me I was okay for a white boy and bought me a beer.

Never had any problems in being in black areas in my life, and I've been to quite a few.

Yeap from her mental shackles of democrat propaganda.

Lol these posts are always so dumb. Republicans have this idea that “liberals heads explode” when black people vote republican, but the reality is that we don’t care and were already well aware some black people are conservative. I don’t know why anyone would vote republican let alone a black person so I don’t at all care whatsoever.

You obviously didn't listen to what she said. Where does her academic freedom start if her professor's academic freedom is without limits. This is one of her main points. She is attacked daily with death threats included for being a black conservative. Who are these people attacking her? The left. You fuckers.

You boil it down to not caring yet "your" leftards attack. That's a bunch of not caring, isn't it.
Thank god..
Right I’m sure you’re terribly concerned about black people.

Leftists aka Communists don't give a SHIT about Blacks IF you did you would NOT have kept them living in Shithole Ghettos for more than 50 years.
Well, I don’t have any control whatsoever what happens to black people.

No but you support and vote for Democrat politicians who have kept Blacks living in Shithole Ghettos for more than 50 years.

Kept them living in shithole ghettos for over 50 years? Wanna talk about Jim Crow laws? Better yet, let's talk about what happened before Johnson and Kennedy took office.

Who was responsible for The Jim Crow Laws? Oh that's right it was Democrats and LBJ was a filthy racist who hated Blacks, not so JFK though.

Might wanna check your history again you idiot. Jim Crow laws came into being because of Republicans who didn't want to let blacks vote. Get back to me when you learn some real history.
Jim Crowe laws were all implemented in democratic run towns and states had nothing to do with Republicans you moron

Try again idiot, learn your history like I told Lucy bitch. Jim Crow laws were implemented by Republicans and racists.
Name the Republican that implemented Jim Crow laws, because Alabama Kentucky Georgia Atlanta all those places are run by democrats all the sheriffs were Democrats they were all implemented by Democrats.. How are you could blame Republicans for Jim Crowe is hilarious
Thank god..
Right I’m sure you’re terribly concerned about black people.

Democrats are only concerned about Blacks’ votes for them.

- Blacks are least likely to grow up with a father in their life.
- Black unemployment has been highest among American Race groups
- Black-owned small business is the lowest among American race groups

These are the things Conservatives are terribly concerned about Blacks. Democrats have done little or nothing to help Blacks in these areas with the exception of blaming Republicans.

Interestingly enough, Conservatives have done zip point squat to help out the Blacks. They spent a lot of time opposing the black vote in the form of not wanting the Equal Voting Rights act passed, nor were they interested in the Equal Rights Amendment either. If they were, Johnson wouldn't have been able to get black people to vote Democrat. Ask a person of color who is over 60 years old, and they will tell you why they vote Democrat. It's because of Johnson.
That’s the point we treat them equal we don’t pander and pretend we like people lol You’re supposed to treat all races the exactly the same it’s the law you moron

Black people have never been treated the same as whites. (and yes, I'm white).
So you went to the store today and didn’t treat a black person the same as a white person? Well shame on you

name a black person today that doesn’t get treated the same as a white person

Name a black person who doesn't get treated the same as a white person? Sorry, but I'm not gonna put up a wall of text. Damn near every black person I've been around didn't get treated the same as me. Pott's Place in Meridian MS in the early 80's is a good example. My friend LA (who was black) wasn't allowed in the same bar as me, even though we both had Navy uniforms on.
Shit I wasn’t allowed in a bar either a few times that’s your excuse lol
Name a black person today that doesn’t have the same rights that I do

The reason he wasn't allowed into the bar was only because he was black. I remember the doorman telling me that I could come in, but the "n***er" had to go someplace else.
That individual was a ass hole.. not sure how you attribute that to some
Secret white groups lol

It wasn't just that individual. There were lots of racists and white supremacists in Meridian MS when I was stationed there for A school. And, that wasn't the only bar that kept black people out.
I was told many times by blacks not to go certain places.. cause I’m white, called many names, even got in to fights because I’m white, seems natural.. fbi says blacks attack whites far more than the other way.

Ever hear of sundown counties? Those are places in the South that warn black people to not be there when the sun goes down as they could be lynched. Matter of fact, there is a county north of Memphis TN called Tipton county, and they used to have a sign next to the entering county sign that stated if blacks were there after dark, it would be dangerous for them. And, that was in the mid 80's that I saw that.
86% of interracial violence is blacks attacking whites.. they are slaughtering whites.. no idea
Why you have the stance you have ..

Because I saw what real racism looks like, and it's not pretty. By the way, got any links to back up your bullshit statistics? They sound like you pulled them straight outta your ass.

No, he pulled them right out of the DOJ’s ass. As well as the fbi crime stats.
The city of New York also showed similar stats (worse actually). As did London’s crime stats.

And if you opened your fucking eyes, you would see for yourself.
Are you white?
Go find the nearest black ghetto, city, city street, whatever. Take a stroll through there.
Be sure to let us know how it goes.

There are lots of places that I've been where I was the only white boy for miles. Happened whenever I went to visit with various friends who were black, and I never had a problem.

Matter of fact, on one occasion, my friends took me to a bar where I was the only white person in there. Some big black dude walked up to me, looked at me and asked me if I knew where I was. I said sure, I was in a bar, shooting pool and looking for pretty women to hook up with. He then told me I was okay for a white boy and bought me a beer.

Never had any problems in being in black areas in my life, and I've been to quite a few.
I myself have never had a problem either.
Well I shouldn’t say never, as there were times in my teens where I had.
However, I have first hand witnessed blacks attack whites, for no other reason.
I have never seen whites attack blacks.
Thank god..
Right I’m sure you’re terribly concerned about black people.

Leftists aka Communists don't give a SHIT about Blacks IF you did you would NOT have kept them living in Shithole Ghettos for more than 50 years.
Well, I don’t have any control whatsoever what happens to black people.

No but you support and vote for Democrat politicians who have kept Blacks living in Shithole Ghettos for more than 50 years.
So republicans have tried tirelessly to free them huh?
Through taking personal responsibility. No victimhood. Unlike you types who try to box them up and stamp them as a victim. You tell them that long enough, they start believing and then they are now free to not have to take responsibility for their condition. You give them just enough to maintain their dependence upon you.
She is a very intelligent person. Well spoken and sees the bias clearly. Spot on analysis about the "academic freedom" her professor enjoys, yet she has none.

Clearly her professor is indirectly teaching her all about fascism through throttling her references in her work. Class "A" asshole if there was one. Trampling on the rights of the student whom is an American.
Thank god..
Right I’m sure you’re terribly concerned about black people.

Leftists aka Communists don't give a SHIT about Blacks IF you did you would NOT have kept them living in Shithole Ghettos for more than 50 years.
Well, I don’t have any control whatsoever what happens to black people.

No but you support and vote for Democrat politicians who have kept Blacks living in Shithole Ghettos for more than 50 years.

Kept them living in shithole ghettos for over 50 years? Wanna talk about Jim Crow laws? Better yet, let's talk about what happened before Johnson and Kennedy took office.

Who was responsible for The Jim Crow Laws? Oh that's right it was Democrats and LBJ was a filthy racist who hated Blacks, not so JFK though.

Might wanna check your history again you idiot. Jim Crow laws came into being because of Republicans who didn't want to let blacks vote. Get back to me when you learn some real history.
Jim Crowe laws were all implemented in democratic run towns and states had nothing to do with Republicans you moron

Try again idiot, learn your history like I told Lucy bitch. Jim Crow laws were implemented by Republicans and racists.
Name the Republican that implemented Jim Crow laws, because Alabama Kentucky Georgia Atlanta all those places are run by democrats all the sheriffs were Democrats they were all implemented by Democrats.. How are you could blame Republicans for Jim Crowe is hilarious
Thank god..
Right I’m sure you’re terribly concerned about black people.

Democrats are only concerned about Blacks’ votes for them.

- Blacks are least likely to grow up with a father in their life.
- Black unemployment has been highest among American Race groups
- Black-owned small business is the lowest among American race groups

These are the things Conservatives are terribly concerned about Blacks. Democrats have done little or nothing to help Blacks in these areas with the exception of blaming Republicans.

Interestingly enough, Conservatives have done zip point squat to help out the Blacks. They spent a lot of time opposing the black vote in the form of not wanting the Equal Voting Rights act passed, nor were they interested in the Equal Rights Amendment either. If they were, Johnson wouldn't have been able to get black people to vote Democrat. Ask a person of color who is over 60 years old, and they will tell you why they vote Democrat. It's because of Johnson.
That’s the point we treat them equal we don’t pander and pretend we like people lol You’re supposed to treat all races the exactly the same it’s the law you moron

Black people have never been treated the same as whites. (and yes, I'm white).
So you went to the store today and didn’t treat a black person the same as a white person? Well shame on you

name a black person today that doesn’t get treated the same as a white person

Name a black person who doesn't get treated the same as a white person? Sorry, but I'm not gonna put up a wall of text. Damn near every black person I've been around didn't get treated the same as me. Pott's Place in Meridian MS in the early 80's is a good example. My friend LA (who was black) wasn't allowed in the same bar as me, even though we both had Navy uniforms on.
Shit I wasn’t allowed in a bar either a few times that’s your excuse lol
Name a black person today that doesn’t have the same rights that I do

The reason he wasn't allowed into the bar was only because he was black. I remember the doorman telling me that I could come in, but the "n***er" had to go someplace else.
That individual was a ass hole.. not sure how you attribute that to some
Secret white groups lol

It wasn't just that individual. There were lots of racists and white supremacists in Meridian MS when I was stationed there for A school. And, that wasn't the only bar that kept black people out.
I was told many times by blacks not to go certain places.. cause I’m white, called many names, even got in to fights because I’m white, seems natural.. fbi says blacks attack whites far more than the other way.

Ever hear of sundown counties? Those are places in the South that warn black people to not be there when the sun goes down as they could be lynched. Matter of fact, there is a county north of Memphis TN called Tipton county, and they used to have a sign next to the entering county sign that stated if blacks were there after dark, it would be dangerous for them. And, that was in the mid 80's that I saw that.
86% of interracial violence is blacks attacking whites.. they are slaughtering whites.. no idea
Why you have the stance you have ..

Because I saw what real racism looks like, and it's not pretty. By the way, got any links to back up your bullshit statistics? They sound like you pulled them straight outta your ass.
I grew up in one of the major urban areas in America and I’m white telling me about racism is kind of funny lol
Thank god..
Right I’m sure you’re terribly concerned about black people.

Leftists aka Communists don't give a SHIT about Blacks IF you did you would NOT have kept them living in Shithole Ghettos for more than 50 years.
Well, I don’t have any control whatsoever what happens to black people.

No but you support and vote for Democrat politicians who have kept Blacks living in Shithole Ghettos for more than 50 years.

Kept them living in shithole ghettos for over 50 years? Wanna talk about Jim Crow laws? Better yet, let's talk about what happened before Johnson and Kennedy took office.

Who was responsible for The Jim Crow Laws? Oh that's right it was Democrats and LBJ was a filthy racist who hated Blacks, not so JFK though.

Might wanna check your history again you idiot. Jim Crow laws came into being because of Republicans who didn't want to let blacks vote. Get back to me when you learn some real history.
Jim Crowe laws were all implemented in democratic run towns and states had nothing to do with Republicans you moron

Try again idiot, learn your history like I told Lucy bitch. Jim Crow laws were implemented by Republicans and racists.
Name the Republican that implemented Jim Crow laws, because Alabama Kentucky Georgia Atlanta all those places are run by democrats all the sheriffs were Democrats they were all implemented by Democrats.. How are you could blame Republicans for Jim Crowe is hilarious
Thank god..
Right I’m sure you’re terribly concerned about black people.

Democrats are only concerned about Blacks’ votes for them.

- Blacks are least likely to grow up with a father in their life.
- Black unemployment has been highest among American Race groups
- Black-owned small business is the lowest among American race groups

These are the things Conservatives are terribly concerned about Blacks. Democrats have done little or nothing to help Blacks in these areas with the exception of blaming Republicans.

Interestingly enough, Conservatives have done zip point squat to help out the Blacks. They spent a lot of time opposing the black vote in the form of not wanting the Equal Voting Rights act passed, nor were they interested in the Equal Rights Amendment either. If they were, Johnson wouldn't have been able to get black people to vote Democrat. Ask a person of color who is over 60 years old, and they will tell you why they vote Democrat. It's because of Johnson.
That’s the point we treat them equal we don’t pander and pretend we like people lol You’re supposed to treat all races the exactly the same it’s the law you moron

Black people have never been treated the same as whites. (and yes, I'm white).
So you went to the store today and didn’t treat a black person the same as a white person? Well shame on you

name a black person today that doesn’t get treated the same as a white person

Name a black person who doesn't get treated the same as a white person? Sorry, but I'm not gonna put up a wall of text. Damn near every black person I've been around didn't get treated the same as me. Pott's Place in Meridian MS in the early 80's is a good example. My friend LA (who was black) wasn't allowed in the same bar as me, even though we both had Navy uniforms on.
Shit I wasn’t allowed in a bar either a few times that’s your excuse lol
Name a black person today that doesn’t have the same rights that I do

The reason he wasn't allowed into the bar was only because he was black. I remember the doorman telling me that I could come in, but the "n***er" had to go someplace else.
That individual was a ass hole.. not sure how you attribute that to some
Secret white groups lol

It wasn't just that individual. There were lots of racists and white supremacists in Meridian MS when I was stationed there for A school. And, that wasn't the only bar that kept black people out.
I was told many times by blacks not to go certain places.. cause I’m white, called many names, even got in to fights because I’m white, seems natural.. fbi says blacks attack whites far more than the other way.

Ever hear of sundown counties? Those are places in the South that warn black people to not be there when the sun goes down as they could be lynched. Matter of fact, there is a county north of Memphis TN called Tipton county, and they used to have a sign next to the entering county sign that stated if blacks were there after dark, it would be dangerous for them. And, that was in the mid 80's that I saw that.
86% of interracial violence is blacks attacking whites.. they are slaughtering whites.. no idea
Why you have the stance you have ..

Because I saw what real racism looks like, and it's not pretty. By the way, got any links to back up your bullshit statistics? They sound like you pulled them straight outta your ass.
I grew up in one of the major urban areas in America and I’m white telling me about racism is kind of funny lol

No no. You don’t understand. In some obscure town somewhere in the country side in the 80’s there was a sign warning blacks to stay away.
That right there, from 40 years ago, cancelled out And supercedes all the violence we see on a daily basis all over this country committed by blacks.

And this one time, when I was 2, I farted and slightly sharted my pants. That smelled worse than all of the worlds sewage for the past 30 years combined.

Completely objective and reasonable comparisons.
Thank god..
Right I’m sure you’re terribly concerned about black people.

Leftists aka Communists don't give a SHIT about Blacks IF you did you would NOT have kept them living in Shithole Ghettos for more than 50 years.
Well, I don’t have any control whatsoever what happens to black people.

No but you support and vote for Democrat politicians who have kept Blacks living in Shithole Ghettos for more than 50 years.

Kept them living in shithole ghettos for over 50 years? Wanna talk about Jim Crow laws? Better yet, let's talk about what happened before Johnson and Kennedy took office.

Who was responsible for The Jim Crow Laws? Oh that's right it was Democrats and LBJ was a filthy racist who hated Blacks, not so JFK though.

Might wanna check your history again you idiot. Jim Crow laws came into being because of Republicans who didn't want to let blacks vote. Get back to me when you learn some real history.
Jim Crowe laws were all implemented in democratic run towns and states had nothing to do with Republicans you moron

Try again idiot, learn your history like I told Lucy bitch. Jim Crow laws were implemented by Republicans and racists.
Name the Republican that implemented Jim Crow laws, because Alabama Kentucky Georgia Atlanta all those places are run by democrats all the sheriffs were Democrats they were all implemented by Democrats.. How are you could blame Republicans for Jim Crowe is hilarious
Thank god..
Right I’m sure you’re terribly concerned about black people.

Democrats are only concerned about Blacks’ votes for them.

- Blacks are least likely to grow up with a father in their life.
- Black unemployment has been highest among American Race groups
- Black-owned small business is the lowest among American race groups

These are the things Conservatives are terribly concerned about Blacks. Democrats have done little or nothing to help Blacks in these areas with the exception of blaming Republicans.

Interestingly enough, Conservatives have done zip point squat to help out the Blacks. They spent a lot of time opposing the black vote in the form of not wanting the Equal Voting Rights act passed, nor were they interested in the Equal Rights Amendment either. If they were, Johnson wouldn't have been able to get black people to vote Democrat. Ask a person of color who is over 60 years old, and they will tell you why they vote Democrat. It's because of Johnson.
That’s the point we treat them equal we don’t pander and pretend we like people lol You’re supposed to treat all races the exactly the same it’s the law you moron

Black people have never been treated the same as whites. (and yes, I'm white).
So you went to the store today and didn’t treat a black person the same as a white person? Well shame on you

name a black person today that doesn’t get treated the same as a white person

Name a black person who doesn't get treated the same as a white person? Sorry, but I'm not gonna put up a wall of text. Damn near every black person I've been around didn't get treated the same as me. Pott's Place in Meridian MS in the early 80's is a good example. My friend LA (who was black) wasn't allowed in the same bar as me, even though we both had Navy uniforms on.
Shit I wasn’t allowed in a bar either a few times that’s your excuse lol
Name a black person today that doesn’t have the same rights that I do

The reason he wasn't allowed into the bar was only because he was black. I remember the doorman telling me that I could come in, but the "n***er" had to go someplace else.
That individual was a ass hole.. not sure how you attribute that to some
Secret white groups lol

It wasn't just that individual. There were lots of racists and white supremacists in Meridian MS when I was stationed there for A school. And, that wasn't the only bar that kept black people out.
I was told many times by blacks not to go certain places.. cause I’m white, called many names, even got in to fights because I’m white, seems natural.. fbi says blacks attack whites far more than the other way.

Ever hear of sundown counties? Those are places in the South that warn black people to not be there when the sun goes down as they could be lynched. Matter of fact, there is a county north of Memphis TN called Tipton county, and they used to have a sign next to the entering county sign that stated if blacks were there after dark, it would be dangerous for them. And, that was in the mid 80's that I saw that.
86% of interracial violence is blacks attacking whites.. they are slaughtering whites.. no idea
Why you have the stance you have ..

Because I saw what real racism looks like, and it's not pretty. By the way, got any links to back up your bullshit statistics? They sound like you pulled them straight outta your ass.

No, he pulled them right out of the DOJ’s ass. As well as the fbi crime stats.
The city of New York also showed similar stats (worse actually). As did London’s crime stats.

And if you opened your fucking eyes, you would see for yourself.
Are you white?
Go find the nearest black ghetto, city, city street, whatever. Take a stroll through there.
Be sure to let us know how it goes.

There are lots of places that I've been where I was the only white boy for miles. Happened whenever I went to visit with various friends who were black, and I never had a problem.

Matter of fact, on one occasion, my friends took me to a bar where I was the only white person in there. Some big black dude walked up to me, looked at me and asked me if I knew where I was. I said sure, I was in a bar, shooting pool and looking for pretty women to hook up with. He then told me I was okay for a white boy and bought me a beer.

Never had any problems in being in black areas in my life, and I've been to quite a few.
I myself have never had a problem either.
Well I shouldn’t say never, as there were times in my teens where I had.
However, I have first hand witnessed blacks attack whites, for no other reason.
I have never seen whites attack blacks.

Now, the liberals will pull in images of the fire hoses and k-9s in the South from almost 60 years ago as a retort while ignoring knockout games that go on in our cities today.

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