Another child sues for being sexually mutilated by the Left

If this is medical freedom, this maiming of children, then why do schools have to be so secretive about it while they propagandize and confuse these kids without parental kmowledge. Now see...that's a real big clue right there. The left knows it is wrong, but the wrongness IS their goal.
She is the one who brough this crap on herself with her mentally ill crap about gender identity confusions who was swimming in Estrogen at the time.

Is that what the groomers, Trans-indoctrinators teachers braghibgvonline about confusing kids on gender and teaching them to lie tonand hide things from their parents are going to use as their defense?

'These kids brought this on themselves'?
You certainly sound like you don't. You see a penis and say "hello ma'am,"

No, you don't sound like you do. 😄

Caster Semenya was born with female genitalia and identified as female at birth and then found out much later that she has XY chromosomes and higher testosterone levels. Biology isn't as neat as you snowflakes would like it to be.
I don't know why we have to leap from "you have a right to have sex with whomever you want, and get whatever surgeries make you feel whole" to "Are you sure you don't want to have a sex change? Everybody's doing it!" (to a ten year old).
No, you don't sound like you do. 😄

Caster Semenya was born with female genitalia and identified as female at birth and then found out much later that she has XY chromosomes and higher testosterone levels. Biology isn't as neat as you snowflakes would like it to be.

Dude you don't even realize chromosomes and you expect me to believe anything you spew?

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