Another Classic Tea-Bagger Photo


Diamond Member
Aug 12, 2009

You gotta love these poor fools. You just gotta!

Tea Bagging is what You and Anderson Cooper do with each other when You are alone. Keep Sex out of politics.
Original Tea-Baggers doing it Ole School Style:


why is it when the left cant win a debate they turn into a spelling nazi?
One typo out of the millions of protesters..yeah, that's news








Even more MORAN signs...

Just like a liberal to point out the spelling mistakes. Did you read the stimulus bill, 1566 pages of pork. Would you mind going through that to make sure there are no typo's or spelling errors. Hell, you might even learn something, when you are done with that would you mind spell checking HR3400. We know you are a good speller and probably won all of your spelling bee's in grammer school. :lol:
I thought from everything the "libtards" have been saying all these tea bag protesters were rich people and elites? These look like normal everyday working stiffs to me.
I thought from everything the "libtards" have been saying all these tea bag protesters were rich people and elites? These look like normal everyday working stiffs to me.
You referring to those "regular people" in white hoods? That good great god-faring group of Americans? Hmmmm....?
I thought from everything the "libtards" have been saying all these tea bag protesters were rich people and elites? These look like normal everyday working stiffs to me.
You referring to those "regular people" in white hoods? That good great god-faring group of Americans? Hmmmm....?
Nah, I was referring to the current protesters of today that you are so found of.
I thought from everything the "libtards" have been saying all these tea bag protesters were rich people and elites? These look like normal everyday working stiffs to me.
You referring to those "regular people" in white hoods? That good great god-faring group of Americans? Hmmmm....?
Nah, I was referring to the current protesters of today that you are so found of.

Oh really? Coulda fooled me. I thought they were two sides to the same coin. One obvious, the other subtle. So what's the difference IYO?

You gotta love these poor fools. You just gotta!


It's a homemade sign--not like the democrats do. They make up your signs for you--then call you a volunteer while paying you to show up--ACORN the paid volunteer group-

Just judging what I saw on video about them over the past weeks issue-5 of -those morons together couldn't make one sign. :lol:

And to you dumb-dumbs who just love to use the word "Nazi," what's going on in this thread is simply pointing out the STUPIDITY and IGNORANCE of the far-Right wingnuts. Nothing more, nothing less.

No need to get your panties up in a bunch over their folly, unless of course you identify with those buffoons.

In that case...I completely understand why you're so pissed.

And to you dumb-dumbs who just love to use the word "Nazi," what's going on in this thread is simply pointing out the STUPIDITY and IGNORANCE of the far-Right wingnuts. Nothing more, nothing less.

No need to get your panties up in a bunch over their folly, unless of course you identify with those buffoons.

In that case...I completely understand why you're so pissed.


You see the "far-Right wingnuts" actually have the ambition to make their own signs, and yes, open themselves up to ridicule for the odd spelling mistake.
Whereas the "far-Left wingnuts" know the majority they bus in haven't any motivation to do fuck all for themselves, so they make them nice looking and perfect little signs for them.

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