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Another Climate Alarmist Lets It Slip: Why They Want To Scare You


Diamond Member
Jul 11, 2004
Well? is GloBULL warming AKA "Climate change" a hoax, scam on the people to gain power over them?

from the article:
when he said the "whole aim of practical politics is to keep the populace alarmed (and hence clamorous to be led to safety) by menacing it with an endless series of hobgoblins, all of them imaginary."

World savers are anything but. They always have an unspoken motive. H.L. Mencken saw the self-appointed saviors for what they were almost a century ago, when he said the "whole aim of practical politics is to keep the populace alarmed (and hence clamorous to be led to safety) by menacing it with an endless series of hobgoblins, all of them imaginary."

The most persistent hobgoblin of the last quarter-century has been global warming, now called climate change but eventually to be known as extreme weather, or some such other fright-inducing name. The climate activists are constantly bombarding us with warnings, hectoring, hysteria, pleading and threats. Apocalyptic books have been written and shrill movies made, all in an effort to slow man's combustion of fossil fuels.

Included among these is a new documentary "inspired" by Naomi Klein's book "This Changes Everything: Capitalism vs. the Climate." If the title isn't enough to give away Klein's motives for attacking the climate "crisis," then a comment she makes in the trailer — please forgive: watching the entire documentary would be as agonizing as any medieval torture — should.

"So here's the big question," says Klein. "What if global warming isn't only a crisis? What if it's the best chance we're ever going to get to build a better world?"

Then comes the threat:

"Change, or be changed."

Klein says she "spent six years wandering through the wreckage caused by the carbon in the air and the economic system that put it there." Clearly, it is her goal to shatter the free-market system. The climate? It's just a vehicle, a pretext for uprooting the only economic system in history that has brought prosperity and good health.

Klein's statement is perfectly in line with Christiana Figueres, executive secretary of United Nation's Framework Convention on Climate Change, and in fact is almost an echo. Figueres acknowledged earlier this year that the environmental activists' goal is not to spare the world an ecological disaster, but to destroy capitalism.

"This is the first time in the history of mankind that we are setting ourselves the task of intentionally, within a defined period of time, to change the economic development model that has been reigning for at least 150 years, since the Industrial Revolution," Figueres said in Brussels last winter.

"This is probably the most difficult task we have ever given ourselves, which is to intentionally transform the economic development model for the first time in human history."

Klein also calls up the specter of Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel, who, as Obama chief of staff, said in 2009 that "you never want a serious crisis to go to waste."

ALL of the article here with comments
Read More At Investor's Business Daily: http://news.investors.com/blogs-capital-hill/100815-774738-another-climate-alarmist-admits-what-warming-scare-is-all-about.htm#ixzz3qSPTQzM1
Follow us: @IBDinvestors on Twitter | InvestorsBusinessDaily on Facebook
Well? is GloBULL warming AKA "Climate change" a hoax, scam on the people to gain power over them?

from the article:
when he said the "whole aim of practical politics is to keep the populace alarmed (and hence clamorous to be led to safety) by menacing it with an endless series of hobgoblins, all of them imaginary."

World savers are anything but. They always have an unspoken motive. H.L. Mencken saw the self-appointed saviors for what they were almost a century ago, when he said the "whole aim of practical politics is to keep the populace alarmed (and hence clamorous to be led to safety) by menacing it with an endless series of hobgoblins, all of them imaginary."

The most persistent hobgoblin of the last quarter-century has been global warming, now called climate change but eventually to be known as extreme weather, or some such other fright-inducing name. The climate activists are constantly bombarding us with warnings, hectoring, hysteria, pleading and threats. Apocalyptic books have been written and shrill movies made, all in an effort to slow man's combustion of fossil fuels.

Included among these is a new documentary "inspired" by Naomi Klein's book "This Changes Everything: Capitalism vs. the Climate." If the title isn't enough to give away Klein's motives for attacking the climate "crisis," then a comment she makes in the trailer — please forgive: watching the entire documentary would be as agonizing as any medieval torture — should.

"So here's the big question," says Klein. "What if global warming isn't only a crisis? What if it's the best chance we're ever going to get to build a better world?"

Then comes the threat:

"Change, or be changed."

Klein says she "spent six years wandering through the wreckage caused by the carbon in the air and the economic system that put it there." Clearly, it is her goal to shatter the free-market system. The climate? It's just a vehicle, a pretext for uprooting the only economic system in history that has brought prosperity and good health.

Klein's statement is perfectly in line with Christiana Figueres, executive secretary of United Nation's Framework Convention on Climate Change, and in fact is almost an echo. Figueres acknowledged earlier this year that the environmental activists' goal is not to spare the world an ecological disaster, but to destroy capitalism.

"This is the first time in the history of mankind that we are setting ourselves the task of intentionally, within a defined period of time, to change the economic development model that has been reigning for at least 150 years, since the Industrial Revolution," Figueres said in Brussels last winter.

"This is probably the most difficult task we have ever given ourselves, which is to intentionally transform the economic development model for the first time in human history."

Klein also calls up the specter of Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel, who, as Obama chief of staff, said in 2009 that "you never want a serious crisis to go to waste."

ALL of the article here with comments
Read More At Investor's Business Daily: http://news.investors.com/blogs-capital-hill/100815-774738-another-climate-alarmist-admits-what-warming-scare-is-all-about.htm#ixzz3qSPTQzM1
Follow us: @IBDinvestors on Twitter | InvestorsBusinessDaily on Facebook
This post has a familiar pattern: attack what is imagined to be the ideological motive of the person disagreed with, ignore the evidence, skip the logic of the presentation. Characterize the author as sinister with a hidden objective. Ignore the evidence, focus on the imagined character of the author. Go for heat, not light.

This has become the standard approach of the fringe right as, one by one, the pillars of its political program, every thing from supply side economics to the 6,000 year old Earth and the inferiority of non-White people has crumbled under the burden of modern information technology and the scientific method. It would be funny if they weren't intent on dragging the rest of us down with them.
Well? is GloBULL warming AKA "Climate change" a hoax, scam on the people to gain power over them?

from the article:
when he said the "whole aim of practical politics is to keep the populace alarmed (and hence clamorous to be led to safety) by menacing it with an endless series of hobgoblins, all of them imaginary."

World savers are anything but. They always have an unspoken motive. H.L. Mencken saw the self-appointed saviors for what they were almost a century ago, when he said the "whole aim of practical politics is to keep the populace alarmed (and hence clamorous to be led to safety) by menacing it with an endless series of hobgoblins, all of them imaginary."

The most persistent hobgoblin of the last quarter-century has been global warming, now called climate change but eventually to be known as extreme weather, or some such other fright-inducing name. The climate activists are constantly bombarding us with warnings, hectoring, hysteria, pleading and threats. Apocalyptic books have been written and shrill movies made, all in an effort to slow man's combustion of fossil fuels.

Included among these is a new documentary "inspired" by Naomi Klein's book "This Changes Everything: Capitalism vs. the Climate." If the title isn't enough to give away Klein's motives for attacking the climate "crisis," then a comment she makes in the trailer — please forgive: watching the entire documentary would be as agonizing as any medieval torture — should.

"So here's the big question," says Klein. "What if global warming isn't only a crisis? What if it's the best chance we're ever going to get to build a better world?"

Then comes the threat:

"Change, or be changed."

Klein says she "spent six years wandering through the wreckage caused by the carbon in the air and the economic system that put it there." Clearly, it is her goal to shatter the free-market system. The climate? It's just a vehicle, a pretext for uprooting the only economic system in history that has brought prosperity and good health.

Klein's statement is perfectly in line with Christiana Figueres, executive secretary of United Nation's Framework Convention on Climate Change, and in fact is almost an echo. Figueres acknowledged earlier this year that the environmental activists' goal is not to spare the world an ecological disaster, but to destroy capitalism.

"This is the first time in the history of mankind that we are setting ourselves the task of intentionally, within a defined period of time, to change the economic development model that has been reigning for at least 150 years, since the Industrial Revolution," Figueres said in Brussels last winter.

"This is probably the most difficult task we have ever given ourselves, which is to intentionally transform the economic development model for the first time in human history."

Klein also calls up the specter of Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel, who, as Obama chief of staff, said in 2009 that "you never want a serious crisis to go to waste."

ALL of the article here with comments
Read More At Investor's Business Daily: http://news.investors.com/blogs-capital-hill/100815-774738-another-climate-alarmist-admits-what-warming-scare-is-all-about.htm#ixzz3qSPTQzM1
Follow us: @IBDinvestors on Twitter | InvestorsBusinessDaily on Facebook
This post has a familiar pattern: attack what is imagined to be the ideological motive of the person disagreed with, ignore the evidence, skip the logic of the presentation. Characterize the author as sinister with a hidden objective. Ignore the evidence, focus on the imagined character of the author. Go for heat, not light.

This has become the standard approach of the fringe right as, one by one, the pillars of its political program, every thing from supply side economics to the 6,000 year old Earth and the inferiority of non-White people has crumbled under the burden of modern information technology and the scientific method. It would be funny if they weren't intent on dragging the rest of us down with them.
Evidence? There is none. EVERY single claim made by your side has proven to be wrong , false or an outright lie.
The same "scientists" that are pushing the outright lie that the world climate is getting warmer were behind the outright lie that the Earth is more than 6,000 years old, that your grandmother was descended from a monkey and that the Earth goes around the Sun. EVERY single one of these claims has proven to be wrong or false. Never trust a "scientist".
I am starting to get curious what do the AGW folks want us to do?

It seems to me all they do is complain...

Reading the fringe Naomi Klein it seems to me she wants to redistribute everyone's money so the world is equally as miserable..
The same "scientists" that are pushing the outright lie that the world climate is getting warmer were behind the outright lie that the Earth is more than 6,000 years old, that your grandmother was descended from a monkey and that the Earth goes around the Sun. EVERY single one of these claims has proven to be wrong or false. Never trust a "scientist".
While I can agree that the Earth may be getting warmer, I fail to understand the logic/evidence that this is, or even could be, man-made. Are we to ignore the fact that the Earth is coming out of an ice-age? Are we to ignore the fact that global climate change has happened before, both getting warmer and cooler? Are we to ignore the fact that global climate data that goes back more than, roughly, 100-150 years is interpretive, not based on accual measurements? Are we to ignore the fact that weather is constately changing; day to day, week to week, month to month, season to season, year to year, even decade to decade? Are we to simply believe that global climate change not only exists, but is man-made, when the Earth itself, emits more "climate changing" gases in one volcanic eruption, than man-kind has in our entire existance?

Lastly, if someone truely believes that an increase in CO2 levels will destroy the Earth, the only logical step to take (after telling everyone you can), is to stop exhaling CO2. So, true believers, have the courage of your convictions, and do us all a favor, eliminate your CO2 emitions first.

Note: If you do not understand that the last part is tongue-in-cheek, then you really are taking life way to seriously...
Are we to simply believe that global climate change not only exists, but is man-made, when the Earth itself, emits more "climate changing" gases in one volcanic eruption, than man-kind has in our entire existance?
You seem to have your facts backwards. Human beings emit more CO2 in DAYS than all the volcanoes on earth do in a normal year.

Do volcanoes emit more CO2 than humans?

You need to employ a little skepticism before posting "facts" such as this. It's repeated constantly by the denialists and it's FALSE. There's a reason the overwhelming number of scientists believe AGW is a fact. They get paid to do research and publish papers on their findings. Many denialists, however, do it for the cash they get from the energy companies. They don't have to do research or publish, just disparage those who do and rake in much more cash than those working on meager government grants. Remember that when you hear "they're doing it for the money" and think about who's really throwing the cash around.
I am starting to get curious what do the AGW folks want us to do?

It seems to me all they do is complain...

Reading the fringe Naomi Klein it seems to me she wants to redistribute everyone's money so the world is equally as miserable..

I think they want dumb stuff like clean air and water, those assholes!
Are we to simply believe that global climate change not only exists, but is man-made, when the Earth itself, emits more "climate changing" gases in one volcanic eruption, than man-kind has in our entire existance?
You seem to have your facts backwards. Human beings emit more CO2 in DAYS than all the volcanoes on earth do in a normal year.

Do volcanoes emit more CO2 than humans?

You need to employ a little skepticism before posting "facts" such as this. It's repeated constantly by the denialists and it's FALSE. There's a reason the overwhelming number of scientists believe AGW is a fact. They get paid to do research and publish papers on their findings. Many denialists, however, do it for the cash they get from the energy companies. They don't have to do research or publish, just disparage those who do and rake in much more cash than those working on meager government grants. Remember that when you hear "they're doing it for the money" and think about who's really throwing the cash around.
So, your disputing one of the things I have said, and maybe you're right. What about the rest? Noticed you cherry-picked one of many items. Interesting, very interesting. Are you trying to say that nothing I have said has any merit, simply because I may have one fact incorrect?
I mean, ok, so the envioweirdos want this and that...but tell me something. What are we going to do with Cleaner Air and Water? And how much is it going to cost?

Because if its more than a Brita Filter and a Air Purifier I'm totally out.
I have an idea, why don't we all just get rid of all modern technology (like computers, cars, electricity, well insulated and heated homes, indoor plumbing, ect.) and we'll all go back to the dark ages. Because then the Earth will be saved.
Are we to simply believe that global climate change not only exists, but is man-made, when the Earth itself, emits more "climate changing" gases in one volcanic eruption, than man-kind has in our entire existance?
You seem to have your facts backwards. Human beings emit more CO2 in DAYS than all the volcanoes on earth do in a normal year.

Do volcanoes emit more CO2 than humans?

You need to employ a little skepticism before posting "facts" such as this. It's repeated constantly by the denialists and it's FALSE. There's a reason the overwhelming number of scientists believe AGW is a fact. They get paid to do research and publish papers on their findings. Many denialists, however, do it for the cash they get from the energy companies. They don't have to do research or publish, just disparage those who do and rake in much more cash than those working on meager government grants. Remember that when you hear "they're doing it for the money" and think about who's really throwing the cash around.
So, your disputing one of the things I have said, and maybe you're right. What about the rest? Noticed you cherry-picked one of many items. Interesting, very interesting. Are you trying to say that nothing I have said has any merit, simply because I may have one fact incorrect?
I chose one of your most egregious and easily debunked points. THAT'S what should be concerning to you. The other points I'm going to have to be even more unkind about. You repeatedly said that climate scientists IGNORE this or that point, which is an out and out LIE. ALL factors are taken into account. Think about THIS then.

CO2 and other gases are known to absorb infra-red radiation.

The concentration of those gases has been going up, since the advent of the Industrial Revolution.

Therefore, if the trend continues, how can we expect anything but warming?
Are we to simply believe that global climate change not only exists, but is man-made, when the Earth itself, emits more "climate changing" gases in one volcanic eruption, than man-kind has in our entire existance?
You seem to have your facts backwards. Human beings emit more CO2 in DAYS than all the volcanoes on earth do in a normal year.

Do volcanoes emit more CO2 than humans?

You need to employ a little skepticism before posting "facts" such as this. It's repeated constantly by the denialists and it's FALSE. There's a reason the overwhelming number of scientists believe AGW is a fact. They get paid to do research and publish papers on their findings. Many denialists, however, do it for the cash they get from the energy companies. They don't have to do research or publish, just disparage those who do and rake in much more cash than those working on meager government grants. Remember that when you hear "they're doing it for the money" and think about who's really throwing the cash around.
So, your disputing one of the things I have said, and maybe you're right. What about the rest? Noticed you cherry-picked one of many items. Interesting, very interesting. Are you trying to say that nothing I have said has any merit, simply because I may have one fact incorrect?
I chose one of your most egregious and easily debunked points. THAT'S what should be concerning to you. The other points I'm going to have to be even more unkind about. You repeatedly said that climate scientists IGNORE this or that point, which is an out and out LIE. ALL factors are taken into account. Think about THIS then.

CO2 and other gases are known to absorb infra-red radiation.

The concentration of those gases has been going up, since the advent of the Industrial Revolution.

Therefore, if the trend continues, how can we expect anything but warming?
Where did I even imply that scientists are ignoring anything? I was asking if WE should ingnore these things.

So, have the courage of your convictions and stop driving your car, heating your home, cooking your meat (unless your vegitarian, in which case ignore that), wearing synthetic cloth, using electricity(even solar has a carbon footprint), and anything alse that emits carbon.
I have an idea, why don't we all just get rid of all modern technology (like computers, cars, electricity, well insulated and heated homes, indoor plumbing, ect.) and we'll all go back to the dark ages. Because then the Earth will be saved
The same "scientists" that are pushing the outright lie that the world climate is getting warmer were behind the outright lie that the Earth is more than 6,000 years old, that your grandmother was descended from a monkey and that the Earth goes around the Sun. EVERY single one of these claims has proven to be wrong or false. Never trust a "scientist".
so one challenge for you, find one scientist that isn't paid by government or UN money that says global warming is caused by humans. Name just one.

if you can't, then I would expect that you'd think, hmmmm, why is that? Then find one scientist who is paid by the government or UN that says global warming is not caused by humans. Hey, go for it.
Are we to simply believe that global climate change not only exists, but is man-made, when the Earth itself, emits more "climate changing" gases in one volcanic eruption, than man-kind has in our entire existance?
You seem to have your facts backwards. Human beings emit more CO2 in DAYS than all the volcanoes on earth do in a normal year.

Do volcanoes emit more CO2 than humans?

You need to employ a little skepticism before posting "facts" such as this. It's repeated constantly by the denialists and it's FALSE. There's a reason the overwhelming number of scientists believe AGW is a fact. They get paid to do research and publish papers on their findings. Many denialists, however, do it for the cash they get from the energy companies. They don't have to do research or publish, just disparage those who do and rake in much more cash than those working on meager government grants. Remember that when you hear "they're doing it for the money" and think about who's really throwing the cash around.
So, your disputing one of the things I have said, and maybe you're right. What about the rest? Noticed you cherry-picked one of many items. Interesting, very interesting. Are you trying to say that nothing I have said has any merit, simply because I may have one fact incorrect?
I chose one of your most egregious and easily debunked points. THAT'S what should be concerning to you. The other points I'm going to have to be even more unkind about. You repeatedly said that climate scientists IGNORE this or that point, which is an out and out LIE. ALL factors are taken into account. Think about THIS then.

CO2 and other gases are known to absorb infra-red radiation.

The concentration of those gases has been going up, since the advent of the Industrial Revolution.

Therefore, if the trend continues, how can we expect anything but warming?
so what is it they do after they absorb the radiation?
Are we to simply believe that global climate change not only exists, but is man-made, when the Earth itself, emits more "climate changing" gases in one volcanic eruption, than man-kind has in our entire existance?
You seem to have your facts backwards. Human beings emit more CO2 in DAYS than all the volcanoes on earth do in a normal year.

Do volcanoes emit more CO2 than humans?

You need to employ a little skepticism before posting "facts" such as this. It's repeated constantly by the denialists and it's FALSE. There's a reason the overwhelming number of scientists believe AGW is a fact. They get paid to do research and publish papers on their findings. Many denialists, however, do it for the cash they get from the energy companies. They don't have to do research or publish, just disparage those who do and rake in much more cash than those working on meager government grants. Remember that when you hear "they're doing it for the money" and think about who's really throwing the cash around.
So, your disputing one of the things I have said, and maybe you're right. What about the rest? Noticed you cherry-picked one of many items. Interesting, very interesting. Are you trying to say that nothing I have said has any merit, simply because I may have one fact incorrect?
I chose one of your most egregious and easily debunked points. THAT'S what should be concerning to you. The other points I'm going to have to be even more unkind about. You repeatedly said that climate scientists IGNORE this or that point, which is an out and out LIE. ALL factors are taken into account. Think about THIS then.

CO2 and other gases are known to absorb infra-red radiation.

The concentration of those gases has been going up, since the advent of the Industrial Revolution.

Therefore, if the trend continues, how can we expect anything but warming?
Where did I even imply that scientists are ignoring anything? I was asking if WE should ingnore these things.
So, have the courage of your convictions and stop driving your car, heating your home, cooking your meat (unless your vegitarian, in which case ignore that), wearing synthetic cloth, using electricity(even solar has a carbon footprint), and anything alse that emits carbon.
I have an idea, why don't we all just get rid of all modern technology (like computers, cars, electricity, well insulated and heated homes, indoor plumbing, ect.) and we'll all go back to the dark ages. Because then the Earth will be saved
That's just silly. Throw the baby out with the bath water? It's not about going back in time, but about doing things better. As for ignoring things, if the scientists aren't ignoring them, then why would or should we? It also seems like a silly and meaningless comment. Are you saying we should ignore the scientists?
Are we to simply believe that global climate change not only exists, but is man-made, when the Earth itself, emits more "climate changing" gases in one volcanic eruption, than man-kind has in our entire existance?
You seem to have your facts backwards. Human beings emit more CO2 in DAYS than all the volcanoes on earth do in a normal year.

Do volcanoes emit more CO2 than humans?

You need to employ a little skepticism before posting "facts" such as this. It's repeated constantly by the denialists and it's FALSE. There's a reason the overwhelming number of scientists believe AGW is a fact. They get paid to do research and publish papers on their findings. Many denialists, however, do it for the cash they get from the energy companies. They don't have to do research or publish, just disparage those who do and rake in much more cash than those working on meager government grants. Remember that when you hear "they're doing it for the money" and think about who's really throwing the cash around.
So, your disputing one of the things I have said, and maybe you're right. What about the rest? Noticed you cherry-picked one of many items. Interesting, very interesting. Are you trying to say that nothing I have said has any merit, simply because I may have one fact incorrect?
I chose one of your most egregious and easily debunked points. THAT'S what should be concerning to you. The other points I'm going to have to be even more unkind about. You repeatedly said that climate scientists IGNORE this or that point, which is an out and out LIE. ALL factors are taken into account. Think about THIS then.

CO2 and other gases are known to absorb infra-red radiation.

The concentration of those gases has been going up, since the advent of the Industrial Revolution.

Therefore, if the trend continues, how can we expect anything but warming?
so what is it they do after they absorb the radiation?
They re-emit it. Statistically 50% would escape back into space, but the other 50% would be emitted towards earth, heating it. The more CO2 the more IR is absorbed. It's a like a blanket that slows the escape of heat.
So, have the courage of your convictions and stop driving your car, heating your home, cooking your meat (unless your vegitarian, in which case ignore that), wearing synthetic cloth, using electricity(even solar has a carbon footprint), and anything alse that emits carbon.

If you want to live in a cave, just do so. Go hug a tree and worship Gaia, or do whatever else your weird religion says to do. Just don't try to force others to do it as well.

And if anyone ever said to completely give up emitting carbon, your weird ecofreak demands might make some sense. But since nobody says that, that would mean it's just a dishonest strawman on your part.
Well? is GloBULL warming AKA "Climate change" a hoax, scam on the people to gain power over them?

from the article:
when he said the "whole aim of practical politics is to keep the populace alarmed (and hence clamorous to be led to safety) by menacing it with an endless series of hobgoblins, all of them imaginary."

World savers are anything but. They always have an unspoken motive. H.L. Mencken saw the self-appointed saviors for what they were almost a century ago, when he said the "whole aim of practical politics is to keep the populace alarmed (and hence clamorous to be led to safety) by menacing it with an endless series of hobgoblins, all of them imaginary."

The most persistent hobgoblin of the last quarter-century has been global warming, now called climate change but eventually to be known as extreme weather, or some such other fright-inducing name. The climate activists are constantly bombarding us with warnings, hectoring, hysteria, pleading and threats. Apocalyptic books have been written and shrill movies made, all in an effort to slow man's combustion of fossil fuels.

Included among these is a new documentary "inspired" by Naomi Klein's book "This Changes Everything: Capitalism vs. the Climate." If the title isn't enough to give away Klein's motives for attacking the climate "crisis," then a comment she makes in the trailer — please forgive: watching the entire documentary would be as agonizing as any medieval torture — should.

"So here's the big question," says Klein. "What if global warming isn't only a crisis? What if it's the best chance we're ever going to get to build a better world?"

Then comes the threat:

"Change, or be changed."

Klein says she "spent six years wandering through the wreckage caused by the carbon in the air and the economic system that put it there." Clearly, it is her goal to shatter the free-market system. The climate? It's just a vehicle, a pretext for uprooting the only economic system in history that has brought prosperity and good health.

Klein's statement is perfectly in line with Christiana Figueres, executive secretary of United Nation's Framework Convention on Climate Change, and in fact is almost an echo. Figueres acknowledged earlier this year that the environmental activists' goal is not to spare the world an ecological disaster, but to destroy capitalism.

"This is the first time in the history of mankind that we are setting ourselves the task of intentionally, within a defined period of time, to change the economic development model that has been reigning for at least 150 years, since the Industrial Revolution," Figueres said in Brussels last winter.

"This is probably the most difficult task we have ever given ourselves, which is to intentionally transform the economic development model for the first time in human history."

Klein also calls up the specter of Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel, who, as Obama chief of staff, said in 2009 that "you never want a serious crisis to go to waste."

ALL of the article here with comments
Read More At Investor's Business Daily: http://news.investors.com/blogs-capital-hill/100815-774738-another-climate-alarmist-admits-what-warming-scare-is-all-about.htm#ixzz3qSPTQzM1
Follow us: @IBDinvestors on Twitter | InvestorsBusinessDaily on Facebook
This post has a familiar pattern: attack what is imagined to be the ideological motive of the person disagreed with, ignore the evidence, skip the logic of the presentation. Characterize the author as sinister with a hidden objective. Ignore the evidence, focus on the imagined character of the author. Go for heat, not light.

This has become the standard approach of the fringe right as, one by one, the pillars of its political program, every thing from supply side economics to the 6,000 year old Earth and the inferiority of non-White people has crumbled under the burden of modern information technology and the scientific method. It would be funny if they weren't intent on dragging the rest of us down with them.

The attack isn't "imagined" -- it's right out in the open .. All those UN climate weirding conferences end up in a scuffle as to when the poorer nations can expect the big checks from the larger ones. It's in the statements of the LEADERS of the UN movement that are quoted in the OP. DOZENS of "in your face" admissions that it's about wrecking the "old system" and bringing in the social justice revolution crowd to make a new one..

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