Another Company Is Staging A Hobby Lobby-Esque Birth Control Fight

Yet more Prog Sophistry.

What Eden is doing is not banning birth control. It just doesn't want to pay for it. The female employees are perfectly free to acquire birth control on their own.

No, he doesn't want his health insurance company to provide it - even though health insurance companies would much rather provide contraceptives than endure the costs associated with pregnancy and the future health care costs associated with a child.

If this religious zealot would also ban all Viagra-like male erectile dysfunction products then he would have slightly more credibility.

What about the right of the insurance company to offer the most cost effective plans? Most employees pay for their health insurance, it's deducted out of their pay checks. And the insurance companies and the paying customer (employee) wants the coverage included.

They DO have the right to offer the most cost-effective plans. And their customers - who are the employers, honey, not the employees - have the right to choose which plans to buy. The insurance company does not have the right to make its customers - who are still the employers - purchase something the customers don't want.

If you think the pittance deducted from your check is "paying for your health insurance", you're as piss-stupid as the patients who call me every day, freaked out that they have to pay a whole, huge, "crazy" $50 copay for a medication that's costing their insurance plan $300+. Wake up to the real world, Chuckles, and then crawl out of your bassinet and change your own Pampers.
I know the perfect birth control. Abstinence. Women, keep your legs closed, men, keep it in your pants. There you go, no need for Plan B.

Can't do that, how about a condom? How about pulling out?

[MENTION=31132]Lakhota[/MENTION] You just wanna bitch and complain, and you have no real ideas, do you? You are just a whiner looking for a free ride, aren't you? I got some cheese for you, goes good with your whine...:badgrin:

So married couples should cease having sex once they have enough children?

lol, are you that retarded?

Ever heard of getting fixed? Seems to me that works pretty well, I have all the children I want and all the sex I want and we don't use birth control, because we took care of the possible pregnancy problem. Why don't you get that? OH, Nevermind, I know why.:cuckoo:

Getting 'fixed' is birth control you fuckwit.
I know the perfect birth control. Abstinence. Women, keep your legs closed, men, keep it in your pants. There you go, no need for Plan B.

Can't do that, how about a condom? How about pulling out?

[MENTION=31132]Lakhota[/MENTION] You just wanna bitch and complain, and you have no real ideas, do you? You are just a whiner looking for a free ride, aren't you? I got some cheese for you, goes good with your whine...:badgrin:

So married couples should cease having sex once they have enough children?

lol, are you that retarded?

Ever heard of getting fixed? Seems to me that works pretty well, I have all the children I want and all the sex I want and we don't use birth control, because we took care of the possible pregnancy problem. Why don't you get that? OH, Nevermind, I know why.:cuckoo:

The Catholic church opposes vasectomies and therefore a business professing to be of the Catholic faith could claim that it shouldn't have to provide an insurance policy that would pay for them.
Yet more Prog Sophistry.

What Eden is doing is not banning birth control. It just doesn't want to pay for it. The female employees are perfectly free to acquire birth control on their own.

No, he doesn't want his health insurance company to provide it - even though health insurance companies would much rather provide contraceptives than endure the costs associated with pregnancy and the future health care costs associated with a child.

If this religious zealot would also ban all Viagra-like male erectile dysfunction products then he would have slightly more credibility.

What about the right of the insurance company to offer the most cost effective plans? Most employees pay for their health insurance, it's deducted out of their pay checks. And the insurance companies and the paying customer (employee) wants the coverage included.
^^ Indeed.​

Just one of the problems with having it set up to where one person pays for a complicated product that's going to be used by another.

The answer to the question is removing employers as the middlemen.

An understanding of history reveals that employer based health-care has noble roots when, at the start of the industrialization phase of our evolution, a large company that was working in an area might build and staff a hospital close by because the alternative was to lose skilled labor when the inevitable injuries involved in industry occurred.

The net result on this end is a protected industry with a well-heeled team of mercenary lobbyists desperately working to maintain their profitable status quo.
:dunno: WYGD?​

Obama should have told Nancy to shove the ACA up her **** and come back with a true public option, like buying in to Medicare at a rate based on age.
This is what the anti-choice pro-birth zealots really want - ban all forms of birth control.

Yet more Prog Sophistry.

What Eden is doing is not banning birth control. It just doesn't want to pay for it. The female employees are perfectly free to acquire birth control on their own.

If the employee uses money out of her paycheck to acquire birth control, then Eden did pay for it.

That's what makes this entire controvery so fucking retarded.
The next step in this religious tyranny will be business's claims that they shouldn't have to employ people who use birth control, or who have an abortion, or who are gay, or who just generally fornicate in some manner.
This is what the anti-choice pro-birth zealots really want - ban all forms of birth control.

Yet more Prog Sophistry.

What Eden is doing is not banning birth control. It just doesn't want to pay for it. The female employees are perfectly free to acquire birth control on their own.

If the employee uses money out of her paycheck to acquire birth control, then Eden did pay for it.

That's what makes this entire controvery so fucking retarded.

Excellent point.
Single-Payer is the way to go - but I won't see it in my lifetime.

You may get Medicare, you know, that single payer system that is held in very high regard by the American people;

that's why the RWnuts are so fearful of single payer. They know people will like it.
You wanna employ a prostitute you pay for the services out of pocket.

Whats wrong with that principle being applied to people who just want to have sex without paying? You don't want to make babies then you pay for your own conception prevention.

Simple enough.

If you want to pay for other people's birth control then you really ought to be willing to pay for others access to prostitutes.

Employees are earning the birth control coverage by the work they do. Is that too hard a concept for you people to understand?

Wow! Then they also earn the right to a Corvette, and a four bedroom, tri-level by the work they do. Right? Where do you end this nonsense?
if people want to boycott the company that is their right freedom is truly a wonderful thing.

Yes, it IS their right to boycott companies for exercising their 1st amendment. Do you think it's a good idea, though?

I think it's a good idea to exercise your choice to do business or not do business with whomever you please, for whatever reason you want. Just so long as you recognize that right for other people, as well.



A Monkeys employer should have nothing to do with any aspect of that employees health care choices and/or financing.

Can you imagine having to buy car insurance from the 2 choices offered by the same company that was preselected by your employer?!?
:eek: Madness!​
Single-Payer is the way to go - but I won't see it in my lifetime.

You may get Medicare, you know, that single payer system that is held in very high regard by the American people;

that's why the RWnuts are so fearful of single payer. They know people will like it.

Yep. I have Medicare and I like it. Single-Payer nationwide would be even better. That would place EVERYONE in the SAME RISK POOL.
Yet more Prog Sophistry.

What Eden is doing is not banning birth control. It just doesn't want to pay for it. The female employees are perfectly free to acquire birth control on their own.

If the employee uses money out of her paycheck to acquire birth control, then Eden did pay for it.

That's what makes this entire controvery so fucking retarded.

Excellent point.

That's why the RWnuts stubbornly refuse to address it. I've been making that point for years now, way back to the beginning of this so-called controversy.
You wanna employ a prostitute you pay for the services out of pocket.

Whats wrong with that principle being applied to people who just want to have sex without paying? You don't want to make babies then you pay for your own conception prevention.

Simple enough.

If you want to pay for other people's birth control then you really ought to be willing to pay for others access to prostitutes.

Employees are earning the birth control coverage by the work they do. Is that too hard a concept for you people to understand?

Wow! Then they also earn the right to a Corvette, and a four bedroom, tri-level by the work they do. Right? Where do you end this nonsense?

The law says that for these companies part of how you compensate your employees has to be with an insurance policy that meets the law's requirements. If the employer wants to cut the employee's compensation somewhere else in order to cut the cost of providing the insurance,

they can do that.
Although I have nothing against birth control, I do realize that some religions forbid it. I applaud Eden Foods for standing up for their religious convictions. Our freedoms (including religious freedom) came at a high cost, and must be maintained.

Once we give up one freedom, whether it be religious freedom or 2nd amendment freedom, then all freedoms can be voided. We can't pick and choose the liberties that we agree with.

he says, as he throws his rights away, hand over fist.

Get used to it folks, this has opened a floodgate. Your health care is not between you and your doctor anymore. Now your employer has a say in what you will be treated for.

And, don't think for a moment that it will only be women being screwed.
You wanna employ a prostitute you pay for the services out of pocket.

Whats wrong with that principle being applied to people who just want to have sex without paying? You don't want to make babies then you pay for your own conception prevention.

Simple enough.

If you want to pay for other people's birth control then you really ought to be willing to pay for others access to prostitutes.

Employees are earning the birth control coverage by the work they do. Is that too hard a concept for you people to understand?

Essentially, you're right. When your compensation package includes employer funded health insurance, everything that package entails is basically something you're taking in trade for work - there is an advantage to avoiding taxable cash in the transaction, but that's just one more reason to pursue a complete over-haul of the tax code with a goal of 'fair and simple'.
Employees are earning the birth control coverage by the work they do. Is that too hard a concept for you people to understand?

Wow! Then they also earn the right to a Corvette, and a four bedroom, tri-level by the work they do. Right? Where do you end this nonsense?

The law says that for these companies part of how you compensate your employees has to be with an insurance policy that meets the law's requirements. If the employer wants to cut the employee's compensation somewhere else in order to cut the cost of providing the insurance,

they can do that.

Basically, SCOTUS gave employers permission to cut pay. And some RWs are okay with that. In fact, some call getting a cut in pay "freedom".
Single-Payer is the way to go - but I won't see it in my lifetime.

You may get Medicare, you know, that single payer system that is held in very high regard by the American people;

that's why the RWnuts are so fearful of single payer. They know people will like it.

Yep. I have Medicare and I like it. Single-Payer nationwide would be even better. That would place EVERYONE in the SAME RISK POOL.

Yeah, it works so well for the veterans, doesn't it?

Just think, the next time you get that STD, you will only have to wait a few weeks for an appointment. That is, unless some bureaucrat wants a bonus and loses your waiting list.
You wanna employ a prostitute you pay for the services out of pocket.

Whats wrong with that principle being applied to people who just want to have sex without paying? You don't want to make babies then you pay for your own conception prevention.

Simple enough.

If you want to pay for other people's birth control then you really ought to be willing to pay for others access to prostitutes.

Employees are earning the birth control coverage by the work they do. Is that too hard a concept for you people to understand?

Wrong, the employee and employer agree to compensation, it's a two way street. If you think you deserve a particular benefit, find an employer who offers it. Is that too hard a concept for you people to understand?

You'd still be 'earning' the birth control, and anything else that's part of the compensation package that's not ca$h.
Stop the Christian war on women's reproductive rights.

Nobody is stopping women from purchasing the birth control method of their choice using their own money.
I don't see insurance companies being forced to pay for my condoms.

You need to get you're employer to start shopping now! :eek:

Open enrollment is just a few months away!

What a scam!

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