Another Company Is Staging A Hobby Lobby-Esque Birth Control Fight

You may get Medicare, you know, that single payer system that is held in very high regard by the American people;

that's why the RWnuts are so fearful of single payer. They know people will like it.

Yep. I have Medicare and I like it. Single-Payer nationwide would be even better. That would place EVERYONE in the SAME RISK POOL.

Yeah, it works so well for the veterans, doesn't it?

Just think, the next time you get that STD, you will only have to wait a few weeks for an appointment. That is, unless some bureaucrat wants a bonus and loses your waiting list.

Actually, in most cases it does.
Although I have nothing against birth control, I do realize that some religions forbid it. I applaud Eden Foods for standing up for their religious convictions. Our freedoms (including religious freedom) came at a high cost, and must be maintained.

Once we give up one freedom, whether it be religious freedom or 2nd amendment freedom, then all freedoms can be voided. We can't pick and choose the liberties that we agree with.

he says, as he throws his rights away, hand over fist.

Get used to it folks, this has opened a floodgate. Your health care is not between you and your doctor anymore. Now your employer has a say in what you will be treated for.

And, don't think for a moment that it will only be women being screwed.

What do you mean, "now", fucktard? They had a say in what treatment got paid for the instant you decided that you wanted them to pay for it.

And I'll tell your retarded, greedy ass exactly what I tell the retarded, greedy asses I talk to at work: no one's telling you what treatment you can and can't have. You and your doctor can do anything you want . . . on your own fucking dime.
and it goes on and on and on and on and on and on

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Spurred on by the Supreme Court’s recent Hobby Lobby ruling, Eden Foods CEO Michael Potter has revived a March 2013 case to nix coverage of all birth control from his employees’ healthcare plans. In turn, many shoppers have soured on the organic food giant and are boycotting its products.

“In accordance with his Catholic faith, Potter believes that any action which either before, at the moment of, or after sexual intercourse, is specifically intended to prevent procreation, whether as an end or means -- including abortifacients and contraception -- is wrong,” Erin Mersino, Eden’s lawyer from the conservative Thomas More Law Center, said in a statement sent to The Huffington Post on Friday.

Last month, Hobby Lobby won the right to shirk a clause in the Affordable Care Act that requires employers who provide health insurance to cover all Food and Drug Administration-approved forms of birth control. The company, which is owned by a family of evangelical Christians, opposed emergency contraceptives such as “morning after” pills Plan B and Ella and intrauterine devices, which it believes are tantamount to abortion.

Eden's founder and chief executive goes one step further, opposing all birth control.

MORE: Eden Foods' Hobby Lobby-esque Birth Control Fight Sparks Boycott

Will women tolerate this trend - or boycott such companies?
Just a bit of Christian craziness like the parents of 11-year-old Kara Neumann who in the name of Christianity refused medical care for their dying daughter. A few hours later, Kara died of diabetes, a relatively common — and treatable — condition.

I find it hard to believe that Christ would approve of bringing unwanted children into the world any more than he would approve of letting a child die for lack medical care. The only reason religions banned birth control was to increase their numbers for reasons that have nothing to do with the worship of God.

In the name Christ, people do the most un-Christians things imaginable.
Although I have nothing against birth control, I do realize that some religions forbid it. I applaud Eden Foods for standing up for their religious convictions. Our freedoms (including religious freedom) came at a high cost, and must be maintained.

Once we give up one freedom, whether it be religious freedom or 2nd amendment freedom, then all freedoms can be voided. We can't pick and choose the liberties that we agree with.

he says, as he throws his rights away, hand over fist.

Get used to it folks, this has opened a floodgate. Your health care is not between you and your doctor anymore. Now your employer has a say in what you will be treated for.

And, don't think for a moment that it will only be women being screwed.

What do you mean, "now", fucktard? They had a say in what treatment got paid for the instant you decided that you wanted them to pay for it.

And I'll tell your retarded, greedy ass exactly what I tell the retarded, greedy asses I talk to at work: no one's telling you what treatment you can and can't have. You and your doctor can do anything you want . . . on your own fucking dime.

he says, as he throws his rights away, hand over fist.

Get used to it folks, this has opened a floodgate. Your health care is not between you and your doctor anymore. Now your employer has a say in what you will be treated for.

And, don't think for a moment that it will only be women being screwed.

No, it's not. Gov't is now in the room. Aren't you guys always screaming about keeping the gov't out of our private lives? Yeah, right. Leftists are perfectly fine with forcing people to do things, whether it's forcing a company to pay for birth control or the gov't forcing us to buy insurance. Buncha control-loving liars.
Spurred on by the Supreme Court’s recent Hobby Lobby ruling, Eden Foods CEO Michael Potter has revived a March 2013 case to nix coverage of all birth control from his employees’ healthcare plans. In turn, many shoppers have soured on the organic food giant and are boycotting its products.

“In accordance with his Catholic faith, Potter believes that any action which either before, at the moment of, or after sexual intercourse, is specifically intended to prevent procreation, whether as an end or means -- including abortifacients and contraception -- is wrong,” Erin Mersino, Eden’s lawyer from the conservative Thomas More Law Center, said in a statement sent to The Huffington Post on Friday.

Last month, Hobby Lobby won the right to shirk a clause in the Affordable Care Act that requires employers who provide health insurance to cover all Food and Drug Administration-approved forms of birth control. The company, which is owned by a family of evangelical Christians, opposed emergency contraceptives such as “morning after” pills Plan B and Ella and intrauterine devices, which it believes are tantamount to abortion.

Eden's founder and chief executive goes one step further, opposing all birth control.

MORE: Eden Foods' Hobby Lobby-esque Birth Control Fight Sparks Boycott

Will women tolerate this trend - or boycott such companies?

I wonder which side Michelle Obama will take. (not really)

Michelle Obama Can Lead a Global Movement for Organic Food

Devinder Sharma: Michelle Obama Can Lead a Global Movement for Organic Food
This is what the anti-choice pro-birth zealots really want - ban all forms of birth control.

Yet more Prog Sophistry.

What Eden is doing is not banning birth control. It just doesn't want to pay for it. The female employees are perfectly free to acquire birth control on their own.

No, he doesn't want his health insurance company to provide it - even though health insurance companies would much rather provide contraceptives than endure the costs associated with pregnancy and the future health care costs associated with a child.

If this religious zealot would also ban all Viagra-like male erectile dysfunction products then he would have slightly more credibility.
For most middle income people, the cost of birth control is not expensive with or without insurance. With insurance, the typical cost is $5 to $15/mo. Without insurance, generics can be as little as $20 to $30/mo and bought off the internet the cost is even lower. However, for the poor, just $20/mo can be a lot of money. I find it ironic that conservatives who seek to reduce welfare programs and abortions would applaud a court ruling that will almost surely guarantee some increase in both.
Although I have nothing against birth control, I do realize that some religions forbid it. I applaud Eden Foods for standing up for their religious convictions. Our freedoms (including religious freedom) came at a high cost, and must be maintained.

Once we give up one freedom, whether it be religious freedom or 2nd amendment freedom, then all freedoms can be voided. We can't pick and choose the liberties that we agree with.
Keep in mind that our freedoms as spelled out in the Bill of Rights are not in terms of absolutes–that is, rights without any exceptions. As Oliver Wendell Homes said "Your freedom to swing your fist ends at the tip of my nose." In reality, our freedoms are not determined by our interpretation of the constitution but rather the courts. Thus, there will always be exceptions to what we refer to as our freedoms depending on the issue.
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he says, as he throws his rights away, hand over fist.

Get used to it folks, this has opened a floodgate. Your health care is not between you and your doctor anymore. Now your employer has a say in what you will be treated for.

And, don't think for a moment that it will only be women being screwed.

What do you mean, "now", fucktard? They had a say in what treatment got paid for the instant you decided that you wanted them to pay for it.

And I'll tell your retarded, greedy ass exactly what I tell the retarded, greedy asses I talk to at work: no one's telling you what treatment you can and can't have. You and your doctor can do anything you want . . . on your own fucking dime.


Oh, yes, because all it needs is for you to say so. We all know how valued and respected your opinion is. :lol:
Although I have nothing against birth control, I do realize that some religions forbid it. I applaud Eden Foods for standing up for their religious convictions. Our freedoms (including religious freedom) came at a high cost, and must be maintained.

Once we give up one freedom, whether it be religious freedom or 2nd amendment freedom, then all freedoms can be voided. We can't pick and choose the liberties that we agree with.
Keep in mind that our freedoms as spelled out in the Bill of Rights are not in terms of absolutes–that is, rights without any exceptions. As Oliver Wendell Homes said "Your freedom to swing your fist ends at the tip of my nose." In reality, our freedoms are not determined by our interpretation of the constitution but rather the courts. Thus, there will always be exceptions to what we refer to as our freedoms depending on the issue.

So telling you, "I'm not giving you my money" is the same in your eyes as punching you in the nose? Why don't you come over here, take some money out of my purse, and when I punch you in your nose, you can compare the difference firsthand?

Wow! Then they also earn the right to a Corvette, and a four bedroom, tri-level by the work they do. Right? Where do you end this nonsense?

The law says that for these companies part of how you compensate your employees has to be with an insurance policy that meets the law's requirements. If the employer wants to cut the employee's compensation somewhere else in order to cut the cost of providing the insurance,

they can do that.

Basically, SCOTUS gave employers permission to cut pay. And some RWs are okay with that. In fact, some call getting a cut in pay "freedom".

My idea was that if a company has a religious objection to the birth control, let them opt out of providing insurance that covers birth control,


the dollar cost value of the birth control coverage has to be calculated and the employer must pay the employees a supplemental amount, above and beyond their paycheck, for that amount, that the employee can then use, or not, to add the coverage himself or herself.
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You may get Medicare, you know, that single payer system that is held in very high regard by the American people;

that's why the RWnuts are so fearful of single payer. They know people will like it.

Yep. I have Medicare and I like it. Single-Payer nationwide would be even better. That would place EVERYONE in the SAME RISK POOL.

Yeah, it works so well for the veterans, doesn't it?

Just think, the next time you get that STD, you will only have to wait a few weeks for an appointment. That is, unless some bureaucrat wants a bonus and loses your waiting list.

What would you have veterans do? Buy insurance in the Obamacare exchanges? With 100% supplemental?
No, they're not. This Christian nut wants to ban ALL forms of birth control - meaning also alll forms of contraceptives.

Actually, they are, and it is the FDA that defines them that way.

Seriously, do you have a reading comprehension problem? I suggest you reread the OP - especially the second paragraph.

You seem to think you can re-define words as you see fit.
I was merely addressing your (false) definition of words, not your political agenda. Thus, no reading comprehension issues on my part.
I suggest you pay attention to the meaning of words instead of letting your partisan views cloud your opinion.
Although I have nothing against birth control, I do realize that some religions forbid it. I applaud Eden Foods for standing up for their religious convictions. Our freedoms (including religious freedom) came at a high cost, and must be maintained.

Once we give up one freedom, whether it be religious freedom or 2nd amendment freedom, then all freedoms can be voided. We can't pick and choose the liberties that we agree with.

he says, as he throws his rights away, hand over fist.

Get used to it folks, this has opened a floodgate. Your health care is not between you and your doctor anymore. Now your employer has a say in what you will be treated for.

And, don't think for a moment that it will only be women being screwed.
Must be because government has forced employers to pay for it.
Be careful what you ask for, you just might get it.
lets face it folks, when Bush won they were UGLY as hell made your life MISERALBE..marchers, protest, shut down your businesses with OWS'es, etc

now look when they win with Obambam and lose with the Supreme Court

is it any better? if fucking worse...they lose a Supreme court decision................................ and this is what you get

wake the hell up
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Does this mean that companies will also be able to opt out of providing for the very expensive and Frankensteinian "medical procedure" of "gender reassignment" "surgery" [assisted amputation of healthy organs to complete a mental delusion]?

What is this world coming to!..
oh damn, I saw something the other day

why should we the people be OBLIGATED to pay for Colorado's POT HEAD SMOKERS?

they can pay for pot but not birth control?
For most middle income people, the cost of birth control is not expensive with or without insurance. With insurance, the typical cost is $5 to $15/mo. Without insurance, generics can be as little as $20 to $30/mo and bought off the internet the cost is even lower. However, for the poor, just $20/mo can be a lot of money. I find it ironic that conservatives who seek to reduce welfare programs and abortions would applaud a court ruling that will almost surely guarantee some increase in both.

I find it foolish that you think government welfare programs are viable alternatives for idiotic actions performed by the poor.
stop letting this loser TROLL laktoota stear you along

they are a freak of nothing stands for nothing the majority of you stand for and stop letting them DUMP ALL OVER YOU

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