Another Company Is Staging A Hobby Lobby-Esque Birth Control Fight

You wanna employ a prostitute you pay for the services out of pocket.

Whats wrong with that principle being applied to people who just want to have sex without paying? You don't want to make babies then you pay for your own conception prevention.

Simple enough.

If you want to pay for other people's birth control then you really ought to be willing to pay for others access to prostitutes.

Employees are earning the birth control coverage by the work they do. Is that too hard a concept for you people to understand?

Hey BOZO, I challenge you to show me where, when, how- in regard to women not being able to get birth control???? SHOW US.. LINK IT

That word salad makes no sense. Try again, Catfish.
Contraceptives like Plan B don’t prevent fertilized eggs from implanting in a woman’s body. But their labels still say they do—and they’ve become a tool for conservative activists.

MORE: Why Can?t the FDA Fix Outdated Birth Control Labels? - The Daily Beast

The FDA could help clear up some of this Christian nonsense by fixing outdated birth control labels.

I know the perfect birth control. Abstinence. Women, keep your legs closed, men, keep it in your pants. There you go, no need for Plan B.

Can't do that, how about a condom? How about pulling out?

[MENTION=31132]Lakhota[/MENTION] You just wanna bitch and complain, and you have no real ideas, do you? You are just a whiner looking for a free ride, aren't you? I got some cheese for you, goes good with your whine...:badgrin:
Contraceptives like Plan B don’t prevent fertilized eggs from implanting in a woman’s body. But their labels still say they do—and they’ve become a tool for conservative activists.

MORE: Why Can?t the FDA Fix Outdated Birth Control Labels? - The Daily Beast

The FDA could help clear up some of this Christian nonsense by fixing outdated birth control labels.

I know the perfect birth control. Abstinence. Women, keep your legs closed, men, keep it in your pants. There you go, no need for Plan B.

Can't do that, how about a condom? How about pulling out?

[MENTION=31132]Lakhota[/MENTION] You just wanna bitch and complain, and you have no real ideas, do you? You are just a whiner looking for a free ride, aren't you? I got some cheese for you, goes good with your whine...:badgrin:

You don't know shit, dumbass.
This is what the anti-choice pro-birth zealots really want - ban all forms of birth control.

Yet more Prog Sophistry.

What Eden is doing is not banning birth control. It just doesn't want to pay for it. The female employees are perfectly free to acquire birth control on their own.
Contraceptives like Plan B don’t prevent fertilized eggs from implanting in a woman’s body. But their labels still say they do—and they’ve become a tool for conservative activists.

MORE: Why Can?t the FDA Fix Outdated Birth Control Labels? - The Daily Beast

The FDA could help clear up some of this Christian nonsense by fixing outdated birth control labels.

I know the perfect birth control. Abstinence. Women, keep your legs closed, men, keep it in your pants. There you go, no need for Plan B.

Can't do that, how about a condom? How about pulling out?

[MENTION=31132]Lakhota[/MENTION] You just wanna bitch and complain, and you have no real ideas, do you? You are just a whiner looking for a free ride, aren't you? I got some cheese for you, goes good with your whine...:badgrin:

So married couples should cease having sex once they have enough children?

lol, are you that retarded?
Spurred on by the Supreme Court’s recent Hobby Lobby ruling, Eden Foods CEO Michael Potter has revived a March 2013 case to nix coverage of all birth control from his employees’ healthcare plans. In turn, many shoppers have soured on the organic food giant and are boycotting its products.

“In accordance with his Catholic faith, Potter believes that any action which either before, at the moment of, or after sexual intercourse, is specifically intended to prevent procreation, whether as an end or means -- including abortifacients and contraception -- is wrong,” Erin Mersino, Eden’s lawyer from the conservative Thomas More Law Center, said in a statement sent to The Huffington Post on Friday.

Last month, Hobby Lobby won the right to shirk a clause in the Affordable Care Act that requires employers who provide health insurance to cover all Food and Drug Administration-approved forms of birth control. The company, which is owned by a family of evangelical Christians, opposed emergency contraceptives such as “morning after” pills Plan B and Ella and intrauterine devices, which it believes are tantamount to abortion.

Eden's founder and chief executive goes one step further, opposing all birth control.

MORE: Eden Foods' Hobby Lobby-esque Birth Control Fight Sparks Boycott

Will women tolerate this trend - or boycott such companies?

How about thoughts leading up to the sex act? Will he start putting up pornography photos all around the workplace in hopes that no potentially unborn babies won't get made that day in the company bathroom? I mean, if people are thinking about engineering, math, doing routine chores or the like, isn't that tantamount to abortion of potential fetuses? Will he be a proponent of forced rape? I mean, every woman walking around not pregnant and of breeding age is a potential unborn fetus at any given time. Shouldn't she be pinned down on her cycle and inseminated? Think of the unborn baby each egg represents! That is tantamount to abortion in my book.

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Contraceptives like Plan B don’t prevent fertilized eggs from implanting in a woman’s body. But their labels still say they do—and they’ve become a tool for conservative activists.

MORE: Why Can?t the FDA Fix Outdated Birth Control Labels? - The Daily Beast

The FDA could help clear up some of this Christian nonsense by fixing outdated birth control labels.

I know the perfect birth control. Abstinence. Women, keep your legs closed, men, keep it in your pants. There you go, no need for Plan B.

Can't do that, how about a condom? How about pulling out?

[MENTION=31132]Lakhota[/MENTION] You just wanna bitch and complain, and you have no real ideas, do you? You are just a whiner looking for a free ride, aren't you? I got some cheese for you, goes good with your whine...:badgrin:

So married couples should cease having sex once they have enough children?

lol, are you that retarded?

Ever heard of getting fixed? Seems to me that works pretty well, I have all the children I want and all the sex I want and we don't use birth control, because we took care of the possible pregnancy problem. Why don't you get that? OH, Nevermind, I know why.:cuckoo:
This is what the anti-choice pro-birth zealots really want - ban all forms of birth control.

Yet more Prog Sophistry.

What Eden is doing is not banning birth control. It just doesn't want to pay for it. The female employees are perfectly free to acquire birth control on their own.

No, he doesn't want his health insurance company to provide it - even though health insurance companies would much rather provide contraceptives than endure the costs associated with pregnancy and the future health care costs associated with a child.

If this religious zealot would also ban all Viagra-like male erectile dysfunction products then he would have slightly more credibility.
Hobby Lobby was mild compared to this Eden Foods nut.
This is what the anti-choice pro-birth zealots really want - ban all forms of birth control.

Yet more Prog Sophistry.

What Eden is doing is not banning birth control. It just doesn't want to pay for it. The female employees are perfectly free to acquire birth control on their own.

No, he doesn't want his health insurance company to provide it - even though health insurance companies would much rather provide contraceptives than endure the costs associated with pregnancy and the future health care costs associated with a child.

If this religious zealot would also ban all Viagra-like male erectile dysfunction products then he would have slightly more credibility.

What about the right of the insurance company to offer the most cost effective plans? Most employees pay for their health insurance, it's deducted out of their pay checks. And the insurance companies and the paying customer (employee) wants the coverage included.
if people want to boycott the company that is their right freedom is truly a wonderful thing.

Yes, it IS their right to boycott companies for exercising their 1st amendment. Do you think it's a good idea, though?

I think it's a good idea to exercise your choice to do business or not do business with whomever you please, for whatever reason you want. Just so long as you recognize that right for other people, as well.
Spurred on by the Supreme Court’s recent Hobby Lobby ruling, Eden Foods CEO Michael Potter has revived a March 2013 case to nix coverage of all birth control from his employees’ healthcare plans. In turn, many shoppers have soured on the organic food giant and are boycotting its products.

“In accordance with his Catholic faith, Potter believes that any action which either before, at the moment of, or after sexual intercourse, is specifically intended to prevent procreation, whether as an end or means -- including abortifacients and contraception -- is wrong,” Erin Mersino, Eden’s lawyer from the conservative Thomas More Law Center, said in a statement sent to The Huffington Post on Friday.

Last month, Hobby Lobby won the right to shirk a clause in the Affordable Care Act that requires employers who provide health insurance to cover all Food and Drug Administration-approved forms of birth control. The company, which is owned by a family of evangelical Christians, opposed emergency contraceptives such as “morning after” pills Plan B and Ella and intrauterine devices, which it believes are tantamount to abortion.

Eden's founder and chief executive goes one step further, opposing all birth control.

MORE: Eden Foods' Hobby Lobby-esque Birth Control Fight Sparks Boycott

Will women tolerate this trend - or boycott such companies?

They are called abortifacients for a reason.

No, they're not. This Christian nut wants to ban ALL forms of birth control - meaning also alll forms of contraceptives.

No, the guy at Eden Foods just wants to not pay for contraceptives. So what?
Contraceptives like Plan B don’t prevent fertilized eggs from implanting in a woman’s body. But their labels still say they do—and they’ve become a tool for conservative activists.

MORE: Why Can't the FDA Fix Outdated Birth Control Labels? - The Daily Beast

The FDA could help clear up some of this Christian nonsense by fixing outdated birth control labels.

No, because people's beliefs do not depend on what YOU think is and isn't correct. It's not, and never has been, about anyone convincing you that they "deserve" the right to exercise their religious beliefs according to your standards of acceptability.
This is what the anti-choice pro-birth zealots really want - ban all forms of birth control.

Yet more Prog Sophistry.

What Eden is doing is not banning birth control. It just doesn't want to pay for it. The female employees are perfectly free to acquire birth control on their own.

No, he doesn't want his health insurance company to provide it - even though health insurance companies would much rather provide contraceptives than endure the costs associated with pregnancy and the future health care costs associated with a child.

If this religious zealot would also ban all Viagra-like male erectile dysfunction products then he would have slightly more credibility.

You know what health insurance companies want? Businesses to do business with them. You know what they do to make that happen? Provide what the businesses want to pay for.

What the insurance companies themselves do or don't think about the cost effectiveness of birth control is as irrelevant to what Eden Foods does with its money as . . . well, what YOU think about it. The insurance companies know this; maybe you should learn it.

PS. Once again, no one's religious beliefs rely for credibility on agreeing with what YOU think they should and shouldn't believe. In fact, no one on this entire planet is the slightest bit interested in having credibility with you to start with, so please spare us your arch little lessons on how we can acquire the most worthless commodity in existence.

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