Another conservative


May 9, 2009
I'm hoping to find some reasonable discussions here. I'm tired of Obama sucks, Bush sucks, Clinton sucks and hatred in general.

I assume most liberals are fair & honest people with a different perspective & I'd like to figure out how we all start with loving the USA and kids but come to such different methods.

I'm tired of the GOP too, it's just too stupid to win. If I had enough charisma & cash I'd start the Anti-Republican Party.

I live in Southern California & have a wife & two daughters.


Yes, we have a fair amount of the Bush/Obama sucks crowd too, but you get some pretty decent debate too.
You'll find enough thinking conservatives here to have some decent discussions, Wiz.

Of course very board like this is rife with partisans who play the hater games, but generally those of us truly interested in having real discussions can find one worthy of our ascii.
I'm hoping to find some reasonable discussions here. I'm tired of Obama sucks, Bush sucks, Clinton sucks and hatred in general.

I assume most liberals are fair & honest people with a different perspective & I'd like to figure out how we all start with loving the USA and kids but come to such different methods.

I'm tired of the GOP too, it's just too stupid to win. If I had enough charisma & cash I'd start the Anti-Republican Party.

I live in Southern California & have a wife & two daughters.




still ... :lol:
I'm hoping to find some reasonable discussions here. I'm tired of Obama sucks, Bush sucks, Clinton sucks and hatred in general.

I assume most liberals are fair & honest people with a different perspective & I'd like to figure out how we all start with loving the USA and kids but come to such different methods.

I'm tired of the GOP too, it's just too stupid to win. If I had enough charisma & cash I'd start the Anti-Republican Party.

I live in Southern California & have a wife & two daughters.


Hi and welcome.

I've been on the board for about a month. There are some good debaters here, but also a lot of trolls, baiters and flamers hang out here, and they are not regulated at all.

If you want a forum were you can express your opinions and discuss topics without a bunch of "you're a fucking jerk" type posts followed by equivalent emails, you might want to consider another board. A lot of threads seem to end up that way.

Just my two cents.
I'm hoping to find some reasonable discussions here. I'm tired of Obama sucks, Bush sucks, Clinton sucks and hatred in general.

I assume most liberals are fair & honest people with a different perspective & I'd like to figure out how we all start with loving the USA and kids but come to such different methods.

I'm tired of the GOP too, it's just too stupid to win. If I had enough charisma & cash I'd start the Anti-Republican Party.

I live in Southern California & have a wife & two daughters.


Hi and welcome.

I've been on the board for about a month. There are some good debaters here, but also a lot of trolls, baiters and flamers hang out here, and they are not regulated at all.

If you want a forum were you can express your opinions and discuss topics without a bunch of "you're a fucking jerk" type posts followed by equivalent emails, you might want to consider another board. A lot of threads seem to end up that way.

Just my two cents.

And yet amidst all your complaining, you don't seem to be here any less.

Perhaps take your own advice, or are you simply here to troll, because trolls are not regulated?
see what i mean damn it...another one...sneaking in.....who the hell is on the door?

the days of the conservatives are over...just ask the following: willow tree, political chic, dive con, diamond dave, allie (now she makes ya proud) pale rider, the list just goes on and on the voices no mind
I'm hoping to find some reasonable discussions here. I'm tired of Obama sucks, Bush sucks, Clinton sucks and hatred in general.

I assume most liberals are fair & honest people with a different perspective & I'd like to figure out how we all start with loving the USA and kids but come to such different methods.

I'm tired of the GOP too, it's just too stupid to win. If I had enough charisma & cash I'd start the Anti-Republican Party.

I live in Southern California & have a wife & two daughters.


Hi and welcome.

I've been on the board for about a month. There are some good debaters here, but also a lot of trolls, baiters and flamers hang out here, and they are not regulated at all.

If you want a forum were you can express your opinions and discuss topics without a bunch of "you're a fucking jerk" type posts followed by equivalent emails, you might want to consider another board. A lot of threads seem to end up that way.

Just my two cents.

And yet amidst all your complaining, you don't seem to be here any less.

Perhaps take your own advice, or are you simply here to troll, because trolls are not regulated?

It's because as I said, there are some good debates too. Though your intuition is right, the constant flaming and trolling here is a drag and whether it makes sense to continue participating here is something I'll have to decide.

However, the OP expressed a desire to have a reasonable discussion.

The following is an example of an ongoing thread, which are in my experience here common to the point of being typical. I could point to a hundred other examples in the short time I've been here:

Nearly destroyed the economy, eh? Not suggesting you'd be one for hyperbole, but how much did the economy decline after 9-11?

you are nothing but a partisan hack
if you dont think the 9/11 attacks nearly destroyed the economy, then you are also an IDIOT

You wasn't the 9/11 attacks that nearly destroyed the economy, it was the removal of the regulations on Wall St., a war for oil engineered by Bush Jr. and Cheney, as well as the fact that WE INVADED THE WRONG FUCKING COUNTRY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Saddam had NOTHING to do with the 9/11 attacks. It's been proven.

Cheney and Bush Jr. fucked up the economy.
more partisan bullshit from ABS

i'm so surprised


Okay Dive ****........tell me.........why exactly did Bush Jr. and Cheney leave off the cost of the Iraq war from the ledger?

Oh yeah ya stupid fucking bitch, 'splain to me yet again why Halliburton (a Cheney company), got no bid contracts for stuff like Walter Reed Hospital, as well as building barracks that ended up killing several soldiers in the shower?

Oh can't. You're too full of partisan bullshit yourself.

Go tell it to Heywood. You know..........Mr. Jablowme?
fuck off you partisan hack
go seek out professional help for your ABDS
you should know the man hasnt been in office now for several months

and the reasonable debat continues into the thread: ought to know something about that ya big pussy.............
Dive Can't...........fuck the sharks, you'd get chewed alive by starfish.

you are nothing but a crude asshole
you show your lack of respect for women all over this board

thats why i can see how you would need to talk about practicing for rape
its the only way you wpuld get any

Coming from someone with an oxygen starved brain......I'm surprised you can form sentences.

Good luck on your next dive. I hope you see me in your dreams asshole.

Who started the gay references first?
Oh yeah.......Dive Can't.
And when I see you in your dreams, it's not gonna be a love fest, it's gonna be a blood bath.

i dont dream about assholes
unlike you
you seem obsessed with them
that and animals

you liar

Bullshit asshole....but, if that helps you sleep at night........

Sweet dreams asshole.

yeah, i can believe you would dream of assholes

Well..........I only dream of assholes when I think of you.

Maybe this is the kind of reasonable debate the author of the OP is looking for; but it didn't sound like it to me.

So I gave him my opinion. Feel free to rebut it.
My suggestion, if you see what you consider to be a lack of moderation, would be to PM one of the Mods, or Gunny and discuss it with them, rather than taking jabs at them in a public forum, while suggesting a new member might want to go elsewhere.

At 62 posts per day, I'm going to assume you have your mind made up, and this really isn't a bad place to be, so how about you let others make that decision on their own, huh?
My suggestion, if you see what you consider to be a lack of moderation, would be to PM one of the Mods, or Gunny and discuss it with them, rather than taking jabs at them in a public forum, while suggesting a new member might want to go elsewhere.

At 62 posts per day, I'm going to assume you have your mind made up, and this really isn't a bad place to be, so how about you let others make that decision on their own, huh?

Again, as I've said twice, IMO there are good debaters here and you can find good debates. So far the quality of the debates has been more value than dealing with the constant trolling and flaming that is allowed.

I read the OP as expressing a conern about reasonable discussion and being tired of the hate. If that is really the author's desire, then I think fair warning is in order. I explained why, and in response to your post I backed up my opinion with evidence.

If Wizard61 wants some good discussions and is willing to put up with the flaiming and trolling then it should be clear from my posts that he might like it here. If constant the constant flaming and trolling that is permitted here is something he is trying to avoid, this is probably not the place for him.

Again, just my opinion.

As far as taking jabs at the moderators, I'm not sure how you construed that. It's pretty clear to anyone that the policy of the board is to permit the behavior in the thread I cited. You see it all the time. That is not a criticism of the moderation; that is their policy. It's a wide open board. Some like it, some don't.
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My suggestion, if you see what you consider to be a lack of moderation, would be to PM one of the Mods, or Gunny and discuss it with them, rather than taking jabs at them in a public forum, while suggesting a new member might want to go elsewhere.

At 62 posts per day, I'm going to assume you have your mind made up, and this really isn't a bad place to be, so how about you let others make that decision on their own, huh?

Again, as I've said twice, IMO there are good debaters here and you can find good debates. So far the quality of the debates has been more value than dealing with the constant trolling and flaming that is allowed.

I read the OP as expressing a conern about reasonable discussion and being tired of the hate. If that is really the author's desire, then I think fair warning is in order. I explained why, and in response to your post I backed up my opinion with evidence.

If Wizard61 wants some good discussions and is willing to put up with the flaiming and trolling then it should be clear from my posts that he might like it here. If constant the constant flaming and trolling that is permitted here is something he is trying to avoid, this is probably not the place for him.

Again, just my opinion.

As far as taking jabs at the moderators, I'm not sure how you construed that. It's pretty clear to anyone that the policy of the board is to permit the behavior in the thread I cited. You see it all the time. That is not a criticism of the moderation; that is their policy. Some like it, some don't.

You're right.. If you choose to post as a fool, you're more than welcome to it.

Actually, though, that kind of derailment usually gets moved to the Flame Zone if seen, OR reported. Is that where you dug it up from, or if you found it offensive, did you report it? Or, are you simply playing commentator, and trying to use it to your advantage, even though you're supposedly against it?

Fact is, you posted looking for a reaction, and you got one. Trying now to sugar coat it is just silly.
I like solid debate, but I also like the fact that this board has a hands-off moderating policy, for the most part. I prefer boards that let such scenarios resolve themselves, as I think they tend to work themselves out sooner and in a more long-lasting way, than they do when mods involve themselves in personal disputes.
  • Thanks
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Repubs suck, Dems suck, left sucks, right sucks, Hannity and Fox suck, MSNBC and Olberman suck, people who bitch and moan suck, people who don't bitch and moan suck, neg rep causes some to get their panties in a wad and whine about it, neg rep doesn't mean anymore than pos rep (unless you want it too). . . . oh, and everything that is wrong is, in one way or another, Bush's fault . . . or not. It's all here, it's all good. Welcome.
Repubs suck, Dems suck, left sucks, right sucks, Hannity and Fox suck, MSNBC and Olberman suck, people who bitch and moan suck, people who don't bitch and moan suck, neg rep causes some to get their panties in a wad and whine about it, neg rep doesn't mean anymore than pos rep (unless you want it too). . . . oh, and everything that is wrong is, in one way or another, Bush's fault . . . or not. It's all here, it's all good. Welcome.

You suck!

:eusa_angel: I mean that in the nicest possible way, of course.
My suggestion, if you see what you consider to be a lack of moderation, would be to PM one of the Mods, or Gunny and discuss it with them, rather than taking jabs at them in a public forum, while suggesting a new member might want to go elsewhere.

At 62 posts per day, I'm going to assume you have your mind made up, and this really isn't a bad place to be, so how about you let others make that decision on their own, huh?

Again, as I've said twice, IMO there are good debaters here and you can find good debates. So far the quality of the debates has been more value than dealing with the constant trolling and flaming that is allowed.

I read the OP as expressing a conern about reasonable discussion and being tired of the hate. If that is really the author's desire, then I think fair warning is in order. I explained why, and in response to your post I backed up my opinion with evidence.

If Wizard61 wants some good discussions and is willing to put up with the flaiming and trolling then it should be clear from my posts that he might like it here. If constant the constant flaming and trolling that is permitted here is something he is trying to avoid, this is probably not the place for him.

Again, just my opinion.

As far as taking jabs at the moderators, I'm not sure how you construed that. It's pretty clear to anyone that the policy of the board is to permit the behavior in the thread I cited. You see it all the time. That is not a criticism of the moderation; that is their policy. Some like it, some don't.

You're right.. If you choose to post as a fool, you're more than welcome to it.

Actually, though, that kind of derailment usually gets moved to the Flame Zone if seen, OR reported. Is that where you dug it up from, or if you found it offensive, did you report it? Or, are you simply playing commentator, and trying to use it to your advantage, even though you're supposedly against it?

Fact is, you posted looking for a reaction, and you got one. Trying now to sugar coat it is just silly.

Report what? Flaming? Are you seriously challenging that this kind of stuff is not common? Should I start posting examples from different threads that have not been moved to the flame zone?

Are you seriously stating that doesn't go on here except in the flame zone?

The OP said he wanted reasonable discussion without the hate and name calling. That was why I brought it up. I didn't expect anyone to respond or care.
Repubs suck, Dems suck, left sucks, right sucks, Hannity and Fox suck, MSNBC and Olberman suck, people who bitch and moan suck, people who don't bitch and moan suck, neg rep causes some to get their panties in a wad and whine about it, neg rep doesn't mean anymore than pos rep (unless you want it too). . . . oh, and everything that is wrong is, in one way or another, Bush's fault . . . or not. It's all here, it's all good. Welcome.

You suck!

:eusa_angel: I mean that in the nicest possible way, of course.

Thank you, I do my best. :)
Again, as I've said twice, IMO there are good debaters here and you can find good debates. So far the quality of the debates has been more value than dealing with the constant trolling and flaming that is allowed.

I read the OP as expressing a conern about reasonable discussion and being tired of the hate. If that is really the author's desire, then I think fair warning is in order. I explained why, and in response to your post I backed up my opinion with evidence.

If Wizard61 wants some good discussions and is willing to put up with the flaiming and trolling then it should be clear from my posts that he might like it here. If constant the constant flaming and trolling that is permitted here is something he is trying to avoid, this is probably not the place for him.

Again, just my opinion.

As far as taking jabs at the moderators, I'm not sure how you construed that. It's pretty clear to anyone that the policy of the board is to permit the behavior in the thread I cited. You see it all the time. That is not a criticism of the moderation; that is their policy. Some like it, some don't.

You're right.. If you choose to post as a fool, you're more than welcome to it.

Actually, though, that kind of derailment usually gets moved to the Flame Zone if seen, OR reported. Is that where you dug it up from, or if you found it offensive, did you report it? Or, are you simply playing commentator, and trying to use it to your advantage, even though you're supposedly against it?

Fact is, you posted looking for a reaction, and you got one. Trying now to sugar coat it is just silly.

Report what? Flaming? Are you seriously challenging that this kind of stuff is not common? Should I start posting examples from different threads that have not been moved to the flame zone?

Are you seriously stating that doesn't go on here except in the flame zone?

The OP said he wanted reasonable discussion without the hate and name calling. That was why I brought it up. I didn't expect anyone to respond or care.

So, are you saying that the two portions of threads you used you DID get from the Flame Zone?
Repubs suck, Dems suck, left sucks, right sucks, Hannity and Fox suck, MSNBC and Olberman suck, people who bitch and moan suck, people who don't bitch and moan suck, neg rep causes some to get their panties in a wad and whine about it, neg rep doesn't mean anymore than pos rep (unless you want it too). . . . oh, and everything that is wrong is, in one way or another, Bush's fault . . . or not. It's all here, it's all good. Welcome.

You suck!

:eusa_angel: I mean that in the nicest possible way, of course.

Thank you, I do my best. :)

That's all anyone can ask. :D
You're right.. If you choose to post as a fool, you're more than welcome to it.

Actually, though, that kind of derailment usually gets moved to the Flame Zone if seen, OR reported. Is that where you dug it up from, or if you found it offensive, did you report it? Or, are you simply playing commentator, and trying to use it to your advantage, even though you're supposedly against it?

Fact is, you posted looking for a reaction, and you got one. Trying now to sugar coat it is just silly.

Report what? Flaming? Are you seriously challenging that this kind of stuff is not common? Should I start posting examples from different threads that have not been moved to the flame zone?

Are you seriously stating that doesn't go on here except in the flame zone?

The OP said he wanted reasonable discussion without the hate and name calling. That was why I brought it up. I didn't expect anyone to respond or care.

So, are you saying that the two portions of threads you used you DID get from the Flame Zone?

Are you seriously challenging that this kind of stuff is not common? Should I start posting examples from different threads that have not been moved to the flame zone?

Are you seriously stating that doesn't go on here except in the flame zone?

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