Another Cop Assassination, Thanks Obama

Obamas constant attacks on law enforcement and siding with felons has created a very violent environment.

State trooper is shot dead at close range at Greyhound bus station: Gunman is killed by police after going on the rampage in Richmond, Virginia
  • State trooper reportedly shot dead by a gunman in Richmond, Virginia
  • The trooper's injuries were life-threatening and was taken to hospital
  • Cop was among four people shot at the Greyhound bus station Thursday
  • Female civilian and another person were shot in the melee this afternoon
  • Male suspect who opened fire has been shot dead by police at the scene

Read more: State trooper dies after being shot by gunman at Greyhound bus station
Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook

the shooter was a feral bitter white christian teabagger

Do you have a link or is this just standard liberal blather?
Conservatives, will you please stop having public orgasms whenever a cop gets shot? It's ghoulish and disgusting.

Seriously, stop dancing in glee over cops dying. You're all sad excuses for human beings.

We liberals, of course, take pride in how the rate of police deaths is the lowest it's been for many decades. No thanks to conservatives, of course.

Once again: There is no ‘war on cops.’ And those who claim otherwise are playing a dangerous game.


We know why you conservatives celebrate the cop deaths, of course.

First, like I said, you're absolutely vile human beings.

Second, because you're wusses. None of your can face a liberal in an honest argument, so you just make shit up.

Third, because the over-the-top cop-worship is part of your master plan to implement an authoritarian police state.

What, you thought that all wasn't obvious?

Now, go on back to masturbating, the whole lot of you.
Obamas constant attacks on law enforcement and siding with felons has created a very violent environment.

State trooper is shot dead at close range at Greyhound bus station: Gunman is killed by police after going on the rampage in Richmond, Virginia
  • State trooper reportedly shot dead by a gunman in Richmond, Virginia
  • The trooper's injuries were life-threatening and was taken to hospital
  • Cop was among four people shot at the Greyhound bus station Thursday
  • Female civilian and another person were shot in the melee this afternoon
  • Male suspect who opened fire has been shot dead by police at the scene

Read more: State trooper dies after being shot by gunman at Greyhound bus station
Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook realize that assaults against police are down since Obama took office. And we're on track to have the lowest cop death rate since 1952.

Conservatives, will you please stop having public orgasms whenever a cop gets shot? It's ghoulish and disgusting.

Seriously, stop dancing in glee over cops dying. You're all sad excuses for human beings.

We liberals, of course, take pride in how the rate of police deaths is the lowest it's been for many decades. No thanks to conservatives, of course.

Once again: There is no ‘war on cops.’ And those who claim otherwise are playing a dangerous game.


We know why you conservatives celebrate the cop deaths, of course.

First, like I said, you're absolutely vile human beings.

Second, because you're wusses. None of your can face a liberal in an honest argument, so you just make shit up.

Third, because the over-the-top cop-worship is part of your master plan to implement an authoritarian police state.

What, you thought that all wasn't obvious?

Now, go on back to masturbating, the whole lot of you.

Seriously. I've never seen a group most giddy about a cop getting shot than a modern day fringe conservative.
Conservatives, will you please stop having public orgasms whenever a cop gets shot? It's ghoulish and disgusting.

Seriously, stop dancing in glee over cops dying. You're all sad excuses for human beings.

We liberals, of course, take pride in how the rate of police deaths is the lowest it's been for many decades. No thanks to conservatives, of course.

Once again: There is no ‘war on cops.’ And those who claim otherwise are playing a dangerous game.


We know why you conservatives celebrate the cop deaths, of course.

First, like I said, you're absolutely vile human beings.

Second, because you're wusses. None of your can face a liberal in an honest argument, so you just make shit up.

Third, because the over-the-top cop-worship is part of your master plan to implement an authoritarian police state.

What, you thought that all wasn't obvious?

Now, go on back to masturbating, the whole lot of you.
More leftward lies. 128 officers died in 2015.

Obamas constant attacks on law enforcement and siding with felons has created a very violent environment.

State trooper is shot dead at close range at Greyhound bus station: Gunman is killed by police after going on the rampage in Richmond, Virginia
  • State trooper reportedly shot dead by a gunman in Richmond, Virginia
  • The trooper's injuries were life-threatening and was taken to hospital
  • Cop was among four people shot at the Greyhound bus station Thursday
  • Female civilian and another person were shot in the melee this afternoon
  • Male suspect who opened fire has been shot dead by police at the scene

Read more: State trooper dies after being shot by gunman at Greyhound bus station
Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook realize that assaults against police are down since Obama took office. And we're on track to have the lowest cop death rate since 1952.


"Another Cop Assassination, Thanks Obama"

Another reprehensible rightist tries to exploit the death of a law enforcement office for some perceived partisan gain.
Nobody is happy about a cop being murdered or otherwise killed in the line of duty. Wait, the blacks are happy, but that's it.
Conservatives, will you please stop having public orgasms whenever a cop gets shot? It's ghoulish and disgusting.

Seriously, stop dancing in glee over cops dying. You're all sad excuses for human beings.

We liberals, of course, take pride in how the rate of police deaths is the lowest it's been for many decades. No thanks to conservatives, of course.

Once again: There is no ‘war on cops.’ And those who claim otherwise are playing a dangerous game.


We know why you conservatives celebrate the cop deaths, of course.

First, like I said, you're absolutely vile human beings.

Second, because you're wusses. None of your can face a liberal in an honest argument, so you just make shit up.

Third, because the over-the-top cop-worship is part of your master plan to implement an authoritarian police state.

What, you thought that all wasn't obvious?

Now, go on back to masturbating, the whole lot of you.

Seriously. I've never seen a group most giddy about a cop getting shot than a modern day fringe conservative.

And most on the right are truly idiotic if they think anyone’s going to believe their ridiculous lies, such as the president is in any manner ‘responsible’ for the death of a police officer.
Obamas constant attacks on law enforcement and siding with felons has created a very violent environment.

State trooper is shot dead at close range at Greyhound bus station: Gunman is killed by police after going on the rampage in Richmond, Virginia
  • State trooper reportedly shot dead by a gunman in Richmond, Virginia
  • The trooper's injuries were life-threatening and was taken to hospital
  • Cop was among four people shot at the Greyhound bus station Thursday
  • Female civilian and another person were shot in the melee this afternoon
  • Male suspect who opened fire has been shot dead by police at the scene

Read more: State trooper dies after being shot by gunman at Greyhound bus station
Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook

the shooter was a feral bitter white christian teabagger

Do you have a link or is this just standard liberal blather?

And this thread is not nut job blather? Where are the linked facts that back this clearly psycho thread?
Oh, there are none! No surprise there considering the mouth breathers that are eating up this shit.
Obamas constant attacks on law enforcement and siding with felons has created a very violent environment.

State trooper is shot dead at close range at Greyhound bus station: Gunman is killed by police after going on the rampage in Richmond, Virginia
  • State trooper reportedly shot dead by a gunman in Richmond, Virginia
  • The trooper's injuries were life-threatening and was taken to hospital
  • Cop was among four people shot at the Greyhound bus station Thursday
  • Female civilian and another person were shot in the melee this afternoon
  • Male suspect who opened fire has been shot dead by police at the scene

Read more: State trooper dies after being shot by gunman at Greyhound bus station
Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook

the shooter was a feral bitter white christian teabagger

From the nutter who wants cops "Fried like bacon":slap:
Cops killed by gunfire in 2016 is up 150% over 2015.

Another liberal success story.

That's a lot of orgasms for my.....

You again bulldyke? I'm not talking with you til you get a Tic Tac for that tuna breath.
Your sex life, getting off on every shooting is....disturbing to say the least.

You shouldnt be talking about disturbing sex life bulldyke. Not when scissors are involved
Obamas constant attacks on law enforcement and siding with felons has created a very violent environment.

State trooper is shot dead at close range at Greyhound bus station: Gunman is killed by police after going on the rampage in Richmond, Virginia
  • State trooper reportedly shot dead by a gunman in Richmond, Virginia
  • The trooper's injuries were life-threatening and was taken to hospital
  • Cop was among four people shot at the Greyhound bus station Thursday
  • Female civilian and another person were shot in the melee this afternoon
  • Male suspect who opened fire has been shot dead by police at the scene

Read more: State trooper dies after being shot by gunman at Greyhound bus station
Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook

the shooter was a feral bitter white christian teabagger

Prove it Black bat shit!

Prove shit. :howriteitis:
Conservatives, will you please stop having public orgasms whenever a cop gets shot? It's ghoulish and disgusting.

Seriously, stop dancing in glee over cops dying. You're all sad excuses for human beings.

We liberals, of course, take pride in how the rate of police deaths is the lowest it's been for many decades. No thanks to conservatives, of course.

Once again: There is no ‘war on cops.’ And those who claim otherwise are playing a dangerous game.


We know why you conservatives celebrate the cop deaths, of course.

First, like I said, you're absolutely vile human beings.

Second, because you're wusses. None of your can face a liberal in an honest argument, so you just make shit up.

Third, because the over-the-top cop-worship is part of your master plan to implement an authoritarian police state.

What, you thought that all wasn't obvious?

Now, go on back to masturbating, the whole lot of you.

Targeted police killings are way up nutter
Cops killed by gunfire in 2016 is up 150% over 2015.

Another liberal success story.

That's a lot of orgasms for my.....

You again bulldyke? I'm not talking with you til you get a Tic Tac for that tuna breath.
Your sex life, getting off on every shooting is....disturbing to say the least.

You shouldnt be talking about disturbing sex life bulldyke. Not when scissors are involved
View attachment 69709

Does a dyke have your dick? :lol:

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