Another day, another PP exec talking about how to sell baby parts.

"VanDerhei refers to payments for fetal tissue as “donation for remuneration,” which carries the connotation of financial reward or benefit without regard for actual expenses. VanDerhei explains, “I have been talking to the executive director of the National Abortion Federation, we’re trying to figure this out as an industry, about how we’re going to manage remuneration, because the headlines would be a disaster.”
“Is this really worth getting–I don’t even know what in general, what a specimen generally brings in?” VanDerhei later asks a prospective buyer. When she is told $100 per specimen, she remarks, “But we have independent colleagues who generate a fair amount of income doing this.”

“This is important. This could destroy your organization and us, if we don’t time those conversations correctly,” she tells a prospective buyer."

"If this was all above board, why would it “destroy” anyone? This sounds more like the discussions one would have in a criminal conspiracy rather than a legitimate reimbursement-for-costs relationship. It’s also worth noting that Deb VanderHei’s primary concern in her meeting with the “buyer” is “remuneration” — in other words, payment."

New CMP video: Abortion industry exec admits clinics make "a fair amount of income" from organ harvesting
Ever hear the fable about the Boy who cried "wolf"?

" Planned Parenthood of Southwest and Central Florida sought a judge’s emergency injunction against the state health agency, which did inspections ordered by the governor and cited three clinics — in St. Petersburg, Naples and Fort Myers — as illegally performing second-trimester abortions when they are licensed only for first-trimester procedures. The state used a new definition of gestational age, one that differs from that of medical societies."
" Arkansas became the fifth state to try to cut off state money by ending its contract with Planned Parenthood for services to residents covered by Medicaid, the health insurance program for the poor jointly run by states and the federal government. Arkansas follows Louisiana, Alabama, Utah and New Hampshire. The actions would not take effect until September, pending a period for appeal."

"Gov. Asa Hutchinson of Arkansas, in his order seeking to break the contract with Planned Parenthood, echoed Gov. Bobby Jindal of Louisiana, a Republican presidential candidate. “This organization does not represent the values of the people of our state,” he wrote."
Pp is indeed going to go down. Or at better.

"As members of Congress consider whether to defund Planned Parenthood, a new video highlights the abortion provider’s booming business in organs harvested from aborted babies.
“We’ve just been working with people who want particular tissues, like, you know, they want cardiac, or they want eyes, or they want neural,” Dr. Carolyn Westhoff, Senior Medical Advisor for Planned Parenthood for America tells a hidden camera. “Certainly, everything we provide–oh, gonads! Oh my God, gonads. Everything we provide is fresh."

"VanDerhei suggests that Planned Parenthood goes to great lengths to avoid leaving a paper trail about their fetal tissue activity: “It’s an issue that you might imagine we’re not really that comfortable talking about on email.”

‘Everything We Provide is Fresh,’ Planned Parenthood Leader Tells Undercover Camera - Breitbart
Breitbart zero credibility since 2008
A "donation" is voluntary. Are we saying that PP ships dead baby parts even if no "donation" is forthcoming? If they DON'T ship regardless of compensation, they are charging a fee. Let's be honest for a change and call the fee a fee, not a donation.

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