Another Day, Another Trump "The Business Man" Business Scam

If the Clinton's did not remove the items then why did they give them back?
This thread is about Trump lying and participating in a business scam. Why are you bringing up Clinton?
I didn't bring up the Clinton's I was merely contributing to an ongoing conversation. So, blow it out yer ass.
Show me how. I never figured out how to blow something out of my ass. Is it natural ability or something you are skilled in?
Are you claiming you don't fart?
Why would you want me to fart on you? Are you some kind of freak? The topic is about Trump. Stop trying to deflect.
Typical liberal dosen't even know how to fart.
And, if you won't vote for Trump because he lied about vitamins why in Fuck would you ever consider voting for Hillary?
Thats not the only thing he has lied about. He said he didnt know about a company but he endorsed them, made several statements in regard to their product , even made a video promoting the company and made millions of dollars from the company.
How many times did Obama lie? Hillary?
And, if you won't vote for Trump because he lied about vitamins why in Fuck would you ever consider voting for Hillary?
Thats not the only thing he has lied about. He said he didnt know about a company but he endorsed them, made several statements in regard to their product , even made a video promoting the company and made millions of dollars from the company.
How many times did Obama lie? Hillary?
Trump has lied at least 2 times that i know of off the top my head. Why do you ask?
And, if you won't vote for Trump because he lied about vitamins why in Fuck would you ever consider voting for Hillary?
Thats not the only thing he has lied about. He said he didnt know about a company but he endorsed them, made several statements in regard to their product , even made a video promoting the company and made millions of dollars from the company.
How many times did Obama lie? Hillary?
Trump has lied at least 2 times that i know of off the top my head. Why do you ask?
And Clinton? And Obama?
And, if you won't vote for Trump because he lied about vitamins why in Fuck would you ever consider voting for Hillary?
Thats not the only thing he has lied about. He said he didnt know about a company but he endorsed them, made several statements in regard to their product , even made a video promoting the company and made millions of dollars from the company.
How many times did Obama lie? Hillary?
Trump has lied at least 2 times that i know of off the top my head. Why do you ask?
And Clinton? And Obama?
I'm sure they both know Trump is a liar as well. Why do you ask?
And, if you won't vote for Trump because he lied about vitamins why in Fuck would you ever consider voting for Hillary?
Thats not the only thing he has lied about. He said he didnt know about a company but he endorsed them, made several statements in regard to their product , even made a video promoting the company and made millions of dollars from the company.
How many times did Obama lie? Hillary?
Trump has lied at least 2 times that i know of off the top my head. Why do you ask?
And Clinton? And Obama?
They both know Trump is a liar as well. Why do you ask?
Why don't you answer! I know. Because you are a libtard.
I asked only to see if you had the balls to anser honestly. And, of course you didn't.
Thats not the only thing he has lied about. He said he didnt know about a company but he endorsed them, made several statements in regard to their product , even made a video promoting the company and made millions of dollars from the company.
How many times did Obama lie? Hillary?
Trump has lied at least 2 times that i know of off the top my head. Why do you ask?
And Clinton? And Obama?
They both know Trump is a liar as well. Why do you ask?
Why don't you answer! I know. Because you are a libtard.
I did answer. I'm sure both Clinton and Obama are aware Trump is a liar. Thats what the topic is about. Trump and his shady business dealings. Did you know he also is involved with the mob?

Yes, Donald Trump has been linked to the mob
How many times did Obama lie? Hillary?
Trump has lied at least 2 times that i know of off the top my head. Why do you ask?
And Clinton? And Obama?
They both know Trump is a liar as well. Why do you ask?
Why don't you answer! I know. Because you are a libtard.
I did answer. I'm sure both Clinton and Obama are aware Trump is a liar. Thats what the topic is about. Trump and his shady business dealings. Did you know he also is involved with the mob?

Yes, Donald Trump has been linked to the mob
Tough shit. Your not being honest.
Somebody with a brain. Tell me what moral high ground either Obama or Clinton have? It will be a cold day in hell before a moron libtard answers that honestly.
Trump has lied at least 2 times that i know of off the top my head. Why do you ask?
And Clinton? And Obama?
They both know Trump is a liar as well. Why do you ask?
Why don't you answer! I know. Because you are a libtard.
I did answer. I'm sure both Clinton and Obama are aware Trump is a liar. Thats what the topic is about. Trump and his shady business dealings. Did you know he also is involved with the mob?

Yes, Donald Trump has been linked to the mob
Tough shit. Your not being honest.
If you dont believe me then you should research for yourself and see. Trump is a liar and has mob connections.
Hmm, liberals attacking the republican candidate and nit picking which of his multi million dollar enterprises was successful or not.

Republicans never had to worry about doing that with any liberal candidate.

How many successful businesses has Hillary run?

I'll start the list.


I can't come up with anything. Liberals help me here.
Hmm, liberals attacking the republican candidate and nit picking which of his multi million dollar enterprises was successful or not.

Republicans never had to worry about doing that with any liberal candidate.

How many successful businesses has Hillary run?

I'll start the list.


I can't come up with anything. Liberals help me here.
I see you totally deflected from Trumps dubious business dealings and outright lies. Are you afraid to address the topic?
He's a businessman. He's not running for a business leader. He's running for president. I certainly don't love him, I would have much rather had John Kasich.

He's made billions and put tens of thousands of people to work. Not being investigated by anyone for any criminal wrongdoing.

Hillary has always worked for the gov't and never made a dime of money on her own. She's only employed people by taking taxpayer dollars and re-appropriating them. She's being investigated by the FBI and facing potential felony prosecution.

I don't know about you, but I'd take the former over the latter.
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Trump Vitamins Were Fortified With B.S.

Call it “Vitamin T.” For several years in the late 2000s and early 2010s, Donald Trump encouraged people to take part in a pseudo-scientific vitamin scheme—all without expressing any concern about how it might potentially endanger people’s health.

Through a multi-level marketing project called The Trump Network, the business mogul encouraged people to take an expensive urine test, which would then be used to personally “tailor” a pricey monthly concoction of vitamins—something a Harvard doctor told The Daily Beast was a straight-up “scam.”

And when The Daily Beast asked a doctor for The Trump Network to defend the products, he wound up deriding the idea of “evidence-based” medicine.


PAUSE: Did you just hear that? When the doctor was asked to defend the vitamins he gave what is the equivilent of "But Hilary" by then deciding to shit on EVIDENCE BASED medicine. I mean lord have mercy! Evidence of Medicine working can be spun to be a bad thing? What the fuck? :rofl:

The Trump Network ultimately failed, and its assets were sold off. But it was not just a marketing and business disasterthe actions of the all-but-certain GOP presidential nominee reflect his willingness to license his name to a product without fully vetting it: a casual endorsement of a serious matter, all with the flitting nonchalance that characterizes the many falsehoods he utters.

So what is the point....

The project is just another example of Trump’s questionable business practices, from his Trump University (accused by many students of fraud) to his casinos (which went bankrupt so often) to his “tasteless and mealy” signature steaks. And it highlights an essential contradiction in his campaign for the White House. While politician Trump says that he cares about average Joe or Jane, his past shows a shocking indifference.
Maybe you should get your "news" from other sources. The entire vitamin industry is crap. An entrepreneur will, by their nature, be involved in many areas. Some succeed, most fail. As for vitamins... Experts: Don't Waste Your Money on Multivitamins

The vitamin BS isn't the issue. That's bad enough, but what kind of absolute fucking moron denies knowing about a company that he's on video personally endorsing, saying he likes it better than real estate? What level of abject self-delusion brings an idiot to believe he can just deny recorded evidence, close his eyes, click his heels together and it somehow magically goes ::: poof:::? What sort of an idiot does that?

I have no interest in defending Trump. I am curious about the video you speak of. Can you post a link?
He's a businessman. He's not running for a business leader. He's running for president.

He's made billions and put tens of thousands of people to work. Not being investigated by anyone for any criminal wrongdoing.

Hillary has always worked for the gov't and never made a dime of money on her own. She's only employed people by taking taxpayer dollars and re-appropriating them. She's being investigated by the FBI and facing potential felony prosecution.

I don't know about you, but I'd take the former over the latter.
Actually he has been investigated for criminal wrong doing and he has been caught in two whopping lies about his business dealings and he has ties to the mob. No way i trust someone like that trying to run a country. He has already proven he is corrupt.
Is he being investigated for criminal wrongdoing right now? No.

And Hillary strikes you as trustworthy?

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