Another Day, Another Trump "The Business Man" Business Scam

I never hear libs supporting their democrat candidates on these threads, no wonder Trump is getting all the support, you're giving him free publicity. Trump thanks you.

As for the videophone, Trump explained to the Journal that it was a good product, but that “technology’s rapid pace had killed it by the time the show aired five months after filming.” The explanation is ironic. In the late 2000s, in another promotional video for ACN, Trump announced proudly: “The two things I’ve mastered over the years are understanding the importance of timing in business, and the ability to recognize great opportunities and also great people.”

Read more at: Trump’s Multi-Level Marketing Telecom Endorsement Is Another Example of His Terrible Judgement, by Ian Tuttle, National Review

I remember talking to an ACN rep and he was showing me the video phone. i brought my laptop into the room and showed him Skype and asked him why i should pay for something i could get for free. :laugh:

I remember asking the guy how much he paid to get into the business and told him he should try and get his money back because the product was going to fail.
Alert the media. The libtards don't like Trump.

This isnt about liking. This is about him saying things and standing for things over and over that are bullshit. And then telling you, the faithful, he never did it

And it's different when Obama and Hillary do it, how?
Trump bold faced lied and yet you sit here and deflect. :laugh:
Alert the presses. The libtards don't like Trump because he lied but they elected a world class liar twice. I'm. Pissing in my pants here at the hypocrisy.
I never hear libs supporting their democrat candidates on these threads, no wonder Trump is getting all the support, you're giving him free publicity. Trump thanks you.

As for the videophone, Trump explained to the Journal that it was a good product, but that “technology’s rapid pace had killed it by the time the show aired five months after filming.” The explanation is ironic. In the late 2000s, in another promotional video for ACN, Trump announced proudly: “The two things I’ve mastered over the years are understanding the importance of timing in business, and the ability to recognize great opportunities and also great people.”

Read more at: Trump’s Multi-Level Marketing Telecom Endorsement Is Another Example of His Terrible Judgement, by Ian Tuttle, National Review

I remember talking to an ACN rep and he was showing me the video phone. i brought my laptop into the room and showed him Skype and asked him why i should pay for something i could get for free. :laugh:

I remember asking the guy how much he paid to get into the business and told him he should try and get his money back because the product was going to fail.

I remember meeting this guy in like a StarBucks or something and the very first thing he did was show that Trump video. Followed by saying "And thats Trump, he knows something about making money!"

Then I remember seeing this episode of The Apprentice where they spent the whole episode going on and on about ACN. Now he says "ACN? Never heard of 'em"

Alert the media. The libtards don't like Trump.

This isnt about liking. This is about him saying things and standing for things over and over that are bullshit. And then telling you, the faithful, he never did it

And it's different when Obama and Hillary do it, how?
Trump bold faced lied and yet you sit here and deflect. :laugh:
Alert the presses. The libtards don't like Trump because he lied but they elected a world class liar twice. I'm. Pissing in my pants here at the hypocrisy.
Trump was never and never will be elected. What are you talking about?
Trump Vitamins Were Fortified With B.S.

Call it “Vitamin T.” For several years in the late 2000s and early 2010s, Donald Trump encouraged people to take part in a pseudo-scientific vitamin scheme—all without expressing any concern about how it might potentially endanger people’s health.

Through a multi-level marketing project called The Trump Network, the business mogul encouraged people to take an expensive urine test, which would then be used to personally “tailor” a pricey monthly concoction of vitamins—something a Harvard doctor told The Daily Beast was a straight-up “scam.”

And when The Daily Beast asked a doctor for The Trump Network to defend the products, he wound up deriding the idea of “evidence-based” medicine.


PAUSE: Did you just hear that? When the doctor was asked to defend the vitamins he gave what is the equivilent of "But Hilary" by then deciding to shit on EVIDENCE BASED medicine. I mean lord have mercy! Evidence of Medicine working can be spun to be a bad thing? What the fuck? :rofl:

The Trump Network ultimately failed, and its assets were sold off. But it was not just a marketing and business disasterthe actions of the all-but-certain GOP presidential nominee reflect his willingness to license his name to a product without fully vetting it: a casual endorsement of a serious matter, all with the flitting nonchalance that characterizes the many falsehoods he utters.

So what is the point....

The project is just another example of Trump’s questionable business practices, from his Trump University (accused by many students of fraud) to his casinos (which went bankrupt so often) to his “tasteless and mealy” signature steaks. And it highlights an essential contradiction in his campaign for the White House. While politician Trump says that he cares about average Joe or Jane, his past shows a shocking indifference.
Did you know that Hillary and Bill had issues with Al Gore because he beat them to selling "Carbon-Futures", and instead decided to start a fund/foundation that is supposed to help people all over the world but turns out only enriches Bill and Hillary?
Trump Vitamins Were Fortified With B.S.

Call it “Vitamin T.” For several years in the late 2000s and early 2010s, Donald Trump encouraged people to take part in a pseudo-scientific vitamin scheme—all without expressing any concern about how it might potentially endanger people’s health.

Through a multi-level marketing project called The Trump Network, the business mogul encouraged people to take an expensive urine test, which would then be used to personally “tailor” a pricey monthly concoction of vitamins—something a Harvard doctor told The Daily Beast was a straight-up “scam.”

And when The Daily Beast asked a doctor for The Trump Network to defend the products, he wound up deriding the idea of “evidence-based” medicine.


PAUSE: Did you just hear that? When the doctor was asked to defend the vitamins he gave what is the equivilent of "But Hilary" by then deciding to shit on EVIDENCE BASED medicine. I mean lord have mercy! Evidence of Medicine working can be spun to be a bad thing? What the fuck? :rofl:

The Trump Network ultimately failed, and its assets were sold off. But it was not just a marketing and business disasterthe actions of the all-but-certain GOP presidential nominee reflect his willingness to license his name to a product without fully vetting it: a casual endorsement of a serious matter, all with the flitting nonchalance that characterizes the many falsehoods he utters.

So what is the point....

The project is just another example of Trump’s questionable business practices, from his Trump University (accused by many students of fraud) to his casinos (which went bankrupt so often) to his “tasteless and mealy” signature steaks. And it highlights an essential contradiction in his campaign for the White House. While politician Trump says that he cares about average Joe or Jane, his past shows a shocking indifference.
Did you know that Hillary and Bill had issues with Al Gore because he beat them to selling "Carbon-Futures", and instead decided to start a fund/foundation that is supposed to help people all over the world but turns out only enriches Bill and Hillary?

----- and this caused Donald Rump to hawk a scam and then openly lie about having done it, right? Soooooooooooooo....... it's Al Gore's fault for inventing the internet, you're going with that?

Wassamatta? Nervous?
Trump Vitamins Were Fortified With B.S.

Call it “Vitamin T.” For several years in the late 2000s and early 2010s, Donald Trump encouraged people to take part in a pseudo-scientific vitamin scheme—all without expressing any concern about how it might potentially endanger people’s health.

Through a multi-level marketing project called The Trump Network, the business mogul encouraged people to take an expensive urine test, which would then be used to personally “tailor” a pricey monthly concoction of vitamins—something a Harvard doctor told The Daily Beast was a straight-up “scam.”

And when The Daily Beast asked a doctor for The Trump Network to defend the products, he wound up deriding the idea of “evidence-based” medicine.


PAUSE: Did you just hear that? When the doctor was asked to defend the vitamins he gave what is the equivilent of "But Hilary" by then deciding to shit on EVIDENCE BASED medicine. I mean lord have mercy! Evidence of Medicine working can be spun to be a bad thing? What the fuck? :rofl:

The Trump Network ultimately failed, and its assets were sold off. But it was not just a marketing and business disasterthe actions of the all-but-certain GOP presidential nominee reflect his willingness to license his name to a product without fully vetting it: a casual endorsement of a serious matter, all with the flitting nonchalance that characterizes the many falsehoods he utters.

So what is the point....

The project is just another example of Trump’s questionable business practices, from his Trump University (accused by many students of fraud) to his casinos (which went bankrupt so often) to his “tasteless and mealy” signature steaks. And it highlights an essential contradiction in his campaign for the White House. While politician Trump says that he cares about average Joe or Jane, his past shows a shocking indifference.
Did you know that Hillary and Bill had issues with Al Gore because he beat them to selling "Carbon-Futures", and instead decided to start a fund/foundation that is supposed to help people all over the world but turns out only enriches Bill and Hillary?

Did you know Trump endorsed them over and over until he wanted to pretend to have your values?
Trump Vitamins Were Fortified With B.S.

Call it “Vitamin T.” For several years in the late 2000s and early 2010s, Donald Trump encouraged people to take part in a pseudo-scientific vitamin scheme—all without expressing any concern about how it might potentially endanger people’s health.

Through a multi-level marketing project called The Trump Network, the business mogul encouraged people to take an expensive urine test, which would then be used to personally “tailor” a pricey monthly concoction of vitamins—something a Harvard doctor told The Daily Beast was a straight-up “scam.”

And when The Daily Beast asked a doctor for The Trump Network to defend the products, he wound up deriding the idea of “evidence-based” medicine.


PAUSE: Did you just hear that? When the doctor was asked to defend the vitamins he gave what is the equivilent of "But Hilary" by then deciding to shit on EVIDENCE BASED medicine. I mean lord have mercy! Evidence of Medicine working can be spun to be a bad thing? What the fuck? :rofl:

The Trump Network ultimately failed, and its assets were sold off. But it was not just a marketing and business disasterthe actions of the all-but-certain GOP presidential nominee reflect his willingness to license his name to a product without fully vetting it: a casual endorsement of a serious matter, all with the flitting nonchalance that characterizes the many falsehoods he utters.

So what is the point....

The project is just another example of Trump’s questionable business practices, from his Trump University (accused by many students of fraud) to his casinos (which went bankrupt so often) to his “tasteless and mealy” signature steaks. And it highlights an essential contradiction in his campaign for the White House. While politician Trump says that he cares about average Joe or Jane, his past shows a shocking indifference.
Did you know that Hillary and Bill had issues with Al Gore because he beat them to selling "Carbon-Futures", and instead decided to start a fund/foundation that is supposed to help people all over the world but turns out only enriches Bill and Hillary?

Did you know Trump endorsed them over and over until he wanted to pretend to have your values?

I see what he's saying. Clearly Rump had to lie, because FDR, after starting World War Two to promote his Depression, ordered LBJ to start the KKK, which is why Bill Clinton didn't see Al Gore starting the internet, because O'bama.

And oh yeah Michelle has a penis.

Makes perfect sense. On this board anyway.
Here they are: Hillary’s 22 biggest scandals ever

When the Clintons left 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue in 2001, they reportedly vandalized and looted the White House. Hillary tried to ship furniture to the Clintons’ personal home in Chappaqua, New York. The Clintons came under fire when they reportedly tried to take $190,000 in gifts and furnishings from the presidential mansion. Additionally, the General Accounting Office, an investigative arm of Congress, reported that ”damage, theft, vandalism and pranks did occur in the White House complex” during the presidential transition from Bill Clinton to George W. Bush – including the theft of a presidential seal. According to the General Accounting Office, the cost of the White House vandalism reached about $14,000 and included $4,850 to replace computer keyboards with damaged or missing “W” keys. The agency said some of the destruction was intentional, including glue smeared on desks, broken furniture, offices full of trash and graffiti in a men’s restroom stall that disparaged Bush. There were also missing doorknobs, medallions and office signs.

During their time in the White House, the Clintons also reportedly auctioned off and sold taxpayer-financed government goods and services in exchange for political campaign contributions and personal profit. Among the items sold by the Clintons, which Judicial Watch uncovered in various lawsuits, and the media and Congress in their investigations, were: 1) seats on overseas trade missions; 2) export licenses for high technology sales to communist China and elsewhere; 3) commissionerships and judgeships; 4) rides on Air Force One; 5) overnight stays in the White House’s Lincoln Bedroom; 6) graves at Arlington Cemetery; 7) meetings with key Clinton-Gore administration leaders; and other favors.
Here they are: Hillary’s 22 biggest scandals ever

As WND recently reported, Hillary received funds from an arm of the Iranian government and hired a convicted Iranian-American multimillionaire with ties to Tehran as her national campaign finance director in 2008. The Bill, Hillary, and Chelsea Clinton Foundation accepted $30,000 between April 2005 and March 2006 and another contribution of between $25,000 and $50,000 in 2008 from the New York-based Alavi Foundation, which U.S. government prosecutors have identified as an arm of the Iranian government.

For her 2008 presidential campaign, Clinton hired Hassan Nemazee as her national campaign finance director, who was known for his efforts to normalize relations with the theocratic Iranian regime. In 2010, Nemazee pleaded guilty to running a Ponzi scheme in which he obtained $292 million in fraudulent loans. He was sentenced to 12 years in prison.

In his explosive bestseller, “Clinton Cash,” Peter Schweizer follows the Clinton money trail, revealing the connection between their personal fortune, their “close personal friends,” the Clinton Foundation, foreign nations and some of the highest ranks of government.

Rachel Ehrenfeld, director of the American Center for Democracy, spelled out the problem with the Clinton Foundation receiving funds from the Alavi Foundation in a Jan. 5, 2009, article published by Forbes.

“Alavi’s contribution [in 2008] to Clinton came just two days after the Treasury Department also designated Alavi’s partner, the New York-based Assa Corp., as a terrorist entity, and the New York Southern District’s attorney seized and forfeited its assets,” Ehrenfeld wrote.
Here they are: Hillary’s 22 biggest scandals ever

19) Clinton Foundation: Scandals keep coming

As WND reported, the Clintons appear to have siphoned off tens of millions of dollars annually from funds the Bill, Hillary, and Chelsea Clinton Foundation has received from a United Nations-sponsored program that uses levies on airline tickets to help HIV/AIDs victims in the Third World, charges Wall Street analyst and investor Charles Ortel. The Clinton Foundation also reportedly distributed useless drugs to AIDS patients in Third-World countries.

Although Hillary was appointed to the board of directors of the Clinton Foundation in 2013, after she had resigned as secretary of state, Ortel contends she is complicit in what he has described as systematic financial fraud warranting a criminal investigation.

After months of tedious investigation, Ortel has concluded the foundation has filed financial and tax forms that were materially misleading, incomplete and in error with the goal of enriching the Clintons and their close associates. Ortel alleges Hillary advanced an “inurement” scheme – enriching oneself through a nonprofit organization – in complicity with her husband by positioning various key associates within the Clinton Foundation structure while she served as U.S. senator from New York and subsequently as secretary of state under President Obama.

“Ongoing analysis of legally required public disclosures reveals that while Mrs. Clinton served as director, the Clinton Foundation and its principal constituent elements, filed false and materially misleading tax returns with the IRS and with other governmental authorities, for multiple years,” Ortel charges in his second report on alleged Clinton Foundation mismanagement.

As WND also recently reported, based on Ortel’s findings, a prominent lawyer and a top government watchdog in the nation’s capital are calling for the Clinton Foundation to be shut down.

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In April, the New York Times reported, “Cash flowed to Clinton Foundation as Russians pressed for control of uranium company.”

Hillary has said, “I am very proud of the work the Foundation does,” but just 9 percent of the Foundation’s money went to charity in 2013. Fox News’ John Stossel noted, “Charity Navigator, the biggest charity rating service, won’t even list the Clinton Foundation in its rankings. This is repulsive. If a Republican candidate ran a charity that did that, it would be a scandal. But the Clintons must be immune.”

WND reported Sunday that before Hillary completed her first year as President Obama’s secretary of state, Ortel calculates $17 million went missing from Clinton Foundation financial reports.

The New York Post recently reported Hillary’s former chief of staff and counselor, Cheryl Mills, “knows where the bodies are buried” in many Clinton scandals, has been at Hillary’s side since the 1990s and “has a long track record of hiding Clinton documents.” According to the Post, Hillary gave her the job of “identifying and preserving all emails that could potentially be federal records.” The Post added, “And, presumably, deleting.” Mills, who has officially been accused of perjury and obstruction of justice, is a key member of the Clinton Foundation board.
Trump Vitamins Were Fortified With B.S.

Call it “Vitamin T.” For several years in the late 2000s and early 2010s, Donald Trump encouraged people to take part in a pseudo-scientific vitamin scheme—all without expressing any concern about how it might potentially endanger people’s health.

Through a multi-level marketing project called The Trump Network, the business mogul encouraged people to take an expensive urine test, which would then be used to personally “tailor” a pricey monthly concoction of vitamins—something a Harvard doctor told The Daily Beast was a straight-up “scam.”

And when The Daily Beast asked a doctor for The Trump Network to defend the products, he wound up deriding the idea of “evidence-based” medicine.


PAUSE: Did you just hear that? When the doctor was asked to defend the vitamins he gave what is the equivilent of "But Hilary" by then deciding to shit on EVIDENCE BASED medicine. I mean lord have mercy! Evidence of Medicine working can be spun to be a bad thing? What the fuck? :rofl:

The Trump Network ultimately failed, and its assets were sold off. But it was not just a marketing and business disasterthe actions of the all-but-certain GOP presidential nominee reflect his willingness to license his name to a product without fully vetting it: a casual endorsement of a serious matter, all with the flitting nonchalance that characterizes the many falsehoods he utters.

So what is the point....

The project is just another example of Trump’s questionable business practices, from his Trump University (accused by many students of fraud) to his casinos (which went bankrupt so often) to his “tasteless and mealy” signature steaks. And it highlights an essential contradiction in his campaign for the White House. While politician Trump says that he cares about average Joe or Jane, his past shows a shocking indifference.
Did you know that Hillary and Bill had issues with Al Gore because he beat them to selling "Carbon-Futures", and instead decided to start a fund/foundation that is supposed to help people all over the world but turns out only enriches Bill and Hillary?

Did you know Trump endorsed them over and over until he wanted to pretend to have your values?
When the Clintons left 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue in 2001, they reportedly vandalized and looted the White House.

o_O think you can discount several paragraphs by highlighting a single phrase or word in an attempt to change context?

That one word dismisses the rest because it didnt happen.
Only in a biased mind.

Reading the rest of the article states various material facts that state the obvious. Everything in the story happened......the only thing that cannot be proved is precisely who did what. The fact it happened is well documented.

"the General Accounting Office, an investigative arm of Congress, reported that ”damage, theft, vandalism and pranks did occur in the White House complex” during the presidentialtransition from Bill Clinton to George W. Bush – including the theft of a presidential seal.According to the General Accounting Office, the cost of the White House vandalism reached about $14,000 and included $4,850 to replace computer keyboards with damaged or missing “W” keys. The agency said some of thedestruction was intentional, including gluesmeared on desks, broken furniture, offices full of trash and graffiti in a men’s restroom stall that disparaged Bush. There were also missing doorknobs, medallions and office signs."​

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