Another Democrat May Join The Presidential Cattle Call

Feels like there are fewer & fewer real independents, and more & more obedient fundies.

It’s the very soul of smugness to assume that either party owns your vote and those that don’t follow suit somehow foresake their right to complain about their government.
I would support Kasich
He's probably going to run as an independent....and many of the Democrat's wins were because a 3rd party candidate (Libertarian) sucked away votes from the conservative. So a vote for a Libertarian is a vote for Hillary.

No, it really isn’t. I am not going to vote against my own principles just so Democrats or Republicans can open a bottle of champagne on election day. Neither candidate earned my vote.
Then you have no right to complain then.....

Why? Because I am not a slave to the duopoly? I refuse to put a bag over my head when I enter the voting booth.
And that's supposed to create change?
Maybe you need to move to another country, then maybe you will have something to complain about.
Feels like there are fewer & fewer real independents, and more & more obedient fundies.

It’s the very soul of smugness to assume that either party owns your vote and those that don’t follow suit somehow foresake their right to complain about their government.
Asking for perfection from government is pure folly.
Feels like there are fewer & fewer real independents, and more & more obedient fundies.

It’s the very soul of smugness to assume that either party owns your vote and those that don’t follow suit somehow foresake their right to complain about their government.
Asking for perfection from government is pure folly.

If only anyone on this thread had stated as much. If only...
I would support Kasich

So would I. I’d vote for him in a heartbeat.

But ironically, it would probably help Trump.

NeverTrumpers like me who would never vote for Trump might vote for a Democrat. If the NeverTrumpers don’t vote for a Democrat, that would help Trump’s re-election.
I would support Kasich
He's probably going to run as an independent....and many of the Democrat's wins were because a 3rd party candidate (Libertarian) sucked away votes from the conservative. So a vote for a Libertarian is a vote for Hillary.

No, it really isn’t. I am not going to vote against my own principles just so Democrats or Republicans can open a bottle of champagne on election day. Neither candidate earned my vote.
Then you have no right to complain then.....

Why? Because I am not a slave to the duopoly? I refuse to put a bag over my head when I enter the voting booth.
And that's supposed to create change?
Maybe you need to move to another country, then maybe you will have something to complain about.

Be a lickspittle for either party or leave the country. You’re becoming more silly with each passing day.
You would think the fact he won ONE state that being his OWN state he was governor of in 2016 would be proof enough GOP voters DON'T want this cuckservative whiner! Hell it wasn't even an ass whooping he gave Trump in the Ohio primary either! He won by 11% in a state he was a SITTING governor in! Pathetic. Just like Flake thinking he is gonna do anything but whine and beat his chest when he quit than rather get his ass handed to him in a PRIMARY in Arizona!
He's probably going to run as an independent....and many of the Democrat's wins were because a 3rd party candidate (Libertarian) sucked away votes from the conservative. So a vote for a Libertarian is a vote for Hillary.

No, it really isn’t. I am not going to vote against my own principles just so Democrats or Republicans can open a bottle of champagne on election day. Neither candidate earned my vote.
Then you have no right to complain then.....

Why? Because I am not a slave to the duopoly? I refuse to put a bag over my head when I enter the voting booth.
And that's supposed to create change?
Maybe you need to move to another country, then maybe you will have something to complain about.

Be a lickspittle for either party or leave the country. You’re becoming more silly with each passing day.
We have a serious dilemma in this country.
We have too many people that have no principles (Democrats)
and a few people that have too many (Libertarians and Bible-Bangers)
I would support Kasich
He's probably going to run as an independent....and many of the Democrat's wins were because a 3rd party candidate (Libertarian) sucked away votes from the conservative. So a vote for a Libertarian is a vote for Hillary.

Hillary isn’t running.

You must get over your HDS.
If you say so.

We've seen this game 2 times before.
She's running. It's why she's in the news. It's what Russian Collusion is about.
If Hillary wasn't running she'd still be walking in the woods.
No, it really isn’t. I am not going to vote against my own principles just so Democrats or Republicans can open a bottle of champagne on election day. Neither candidate earned my vote.
Then you have no right to complain then.....

Why? Because I am not a slave to the duopoly? I refuse to put a bag over my head when I enter the voting booth.
And that's supposed to create change?
Maybe you need to move to another country, then maybe you will have something to complain about.

Be a lickspittle for either party or leave the country. You’re becoming more silly with each passing day.
We have a serious dilemma in this country.
We have too many people that have no principles (Democrats)
and a few people that have too many (Libertarians and Bible-Bangers)

Why have any principles if they can just be discarded when it becomes convenient? No thanks. I like having integrity.
I liked the idea of Kasich/Hickenlooper. Or Hickenlooper/Kasich.

The wings have caused enough damage. Time for a sober and serious third party not controlled by loons.
You’re talking extremist progressives/socialists.
I would support Kasich

So would I. I’d vote for him in a heartbeat.

But ironically, it would probably help Trump.

NeverTrumpers like me who would never vote for Trump might vote for a Democrat. If the NeverTrumpers don’t vote for a Democrat, that would help Trump’s re-election.
...and kasich is a spineless shit stain. So much so Chris Matthews likes the guy, if Chris Matthews likes somebody they are a shit stain to the core.
Nov 8, 2018 - Governor John Kasich announced on Thursday he will veto any Stand Your Ground Bill and urged lawmakers on to pass a "red flag" bill that allows guns to be confiscated from individuals dangerous to themselves or others.

He would prefer we get shot in the back while running away. If someone breaks into my house and I shoot them, Kasich makes ME the criminal. There will be no gun rights because if you vote this man into the White House, there will be no guns except for the ones that belong to the actual criminals breaking into your home, helping themselves to your shit while you are trying to jump out of a 3 story window...
I'd never vote for such a messy eater. Real men eat pizza with a fork and knife.

My Junior High Principal...

Crushed his potato chips in the bag...

Ate them with a fork.

Who da fuck eats pizza with a knife and fork?

Air Force.

Basic Training.

The only two foods you eat with you hands.

Chicken and Pizza.

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