Another employee quit on me lol

Third party candidates have never won the Presidency, but I’ll be damned if I vote for a Trump or Biden, that is just asking for a country to collapse. Both of them have proven to be part of problem.

Both of them represented the voters in their Party, the two largest in the country. When you can convince the entire country you and a dozen others should decide everything get back to us; currently Americans love everything the way it is, especially the corruption and toadying to Wall Street, both of them. Right wingers just keep screwing the same tired old pooch over and over and over and over, expecting different results every time.

Learn to love your Chairman Xi; Black Rock and Apple have.
Both of them represented the voters in their Party, the two largest in the country. When you can convince the entire country you and a dozen others should decide everything get back to us; currently Americans love everything the way it is, especially the corruption and toadying to Wall Street, both of them. Right wingers just keep screwing the same tired old pooch over and over and over and over, expecting different results every time.

Learn to love your Chairman Xi; Black Rock and Apple have.
I accept that I am a minority, I don't really object to it, change needs to happen sometime. I will get back to you any damn time I please, you can do with it what you will. Democrats and Republicans are to blame for increased debt, hand money over to the rich and screwing over the average American worker. I think you are an idiot to believe this is a good thing for our country.
screwing over the average American worker
Well, that sounds like a bartender with a bloody job to do. I'm not trying to be a teetotaler here, but isn't it about time for Average Joe Sixpack to lay off the beer, wine, and hard liquor, and skip the whorehouse if he doesn't want to be screwed over?
According to your right wing buddies, you're paying your employees way too much. You're supposed to explain to them their duties to work for free, so the economy will boom. No wonder you're getting attitude from those uppity proles, you've let them believe they deserve to be paid n stuff. We know this cuz some people here had Daddies that drove Lexuses n stuff and know all about how capitalism works. And, you're supposed to order them to work 16 hours a day 7 days a week, too.
Uh you are an idiot
I accept that I am a minority, I don't really object to it, change needs to happen sometime. I will get back to you any damn time I please, you can do with it what you will. Democrats and Republicans are to blame for increased debt, hand money over to the rich and screwing over the average American worker. I think you are an idiot to believe this is a good thing for our country.

I know you're an idiot when you keep trying to sell bullshit and think you;re going to get a different result every time, as most right wing nutjobs keep proving doesn't work.
Uh you are an idiot

Um that's the standard position you nutjobs keep trying to sell and think it's going to win elections. So, the opinions of idiots like yourself aren't going to bother anybody except in your brain dead world.
Raise your prices Put out a tip jar and try the 15.00 much can you charge for an orange Julius?

I think people are off the federal unemployment crack...
According to your right wing buddies, you're paying your employees way too much. You're supposed to explain to them their duties to work for free, so the economy will boom. No wonder you're getting attitude from those uppity proles, you've let them believe they deserve to be paid n stuff. We know this cuz some people here had Daddies that drove Lexuses n stuff and know all about how capitalism works. And, you're supposed to order them to work 16 hours a day 7 days a week, too.
It seems the ultra rich are the lefties....whatsbtheir excuse?
And yiu seem to think jobs are a program from the govt.....they are not, jobs are hiring someone to do something and you both have to agree on the compensation. I hire someone to mow my lawn......I will pay what I am willing to pay......its not hard
It seems the ultra rich are the lefties....whatsbtheir excuse?
And yiu seem to think jobs are a program from the govt.....they are not, jobs are hiring someone to do something and you both have to agree on the compensation. I hire someone to mow my lawn......I will pay what I am willing to pay......its not hard

lol it's you right wingers who keep sniveling for tax breaks for the rich, not me, dumbass; they take the savings and invest more in overseas slave labor rackets, or blow it on dope and hookers, or private rocket hobbies. You also loved you some millions of those criminal illegal aliens, especially your revered Saint Ronald Of Reagan; then you found out Democrats were taking them to the polls, now you pretend to hate them. Oh yeah, Saint Ronald also was fine with dealing with terrorists, handing them weapons in exchange for hostages, all the while making big noises about America First n stuff, and of course helped set the government pattern of bailing out crooked bankers and Wall Street ponzi scheme operators, now an accepted American tradition. Obama was just following in Reagan and Bush's footsteps, same as Biden is.
lol it's you right wingers who keep sniveling for tax breaks for the rich, not me, dumbass; they take the savings and invest more in overseas slave labor rackets, or blow it on dope and hookers, or private rocket hobbies. You also loved you some millions of those criminal illegal aliens, especially your revered Saint Ronald Of Reagan; then you found out Democrats were taking them to the polls, now you pretend to hate them. Oh yeah, Saint Ronald also was fine with dealing with terrorists, handing them weapons in exchange for hostages, all the while making big noises about America First n stuff, and of course helped set the government pattern of bailing out crooked bankers and Wall Street ponzi scheme operators, now an accepted American tradition. Obama was just following in Reagan and Bush's footsteps, same as Biden is.
Really tax breaks for the rich? When have the democrats asked for a removal of tax deductions, they fight that tooth and nail.......its how the people in congress get rich along with laundering their campaign money back to their families......learn how it works......this guy thinking the democrats are for the little guy......hahahahahahhaha.....where has he been?
Really tax breaks for the rich? When have the democrats asked for a removal of tax deductions, they fight that tooth and nail.......its how the people in congress get rich along with laundering their campaign money back to their families......learn how it works......this guy thinking the democrats are for the little guy......hahahahahahhaha.....where has he been?

Well, thanks again for proving you're an idiot, and can't read.
Now, a bit of real libertarian history about a real Libertarian, not one of the fake modern ones running around feeding the Koch franchise with that name today.

Jefferson saw too that funding had unleashed a speculative craze in New York and other commercial hubs. A hot mass of feelings, Jefferson exclaimed that America was being transformed into a “gaming table”. Already, he contended, the new national government was imperiled by the financial mania. A”corrupt squadron of paper dealers”, whom he labeled as “stock jobbers” driven solely by pecuniary interests, had surfaced within Congress, and the day was coming when they and their kind would have the resources to sway a congressional majority. Furthermore, Jefferson cautioned, their gamester ethic would corrode the traditional frugality and industry that defined the American character. …

During 1790 the notion took shape in Jefferson's mind that unless Hamilton was stopped, America would someday be dominated by huge financial institutions. Commercial avarice would dominate the national mores, and ever larger chunks of the American population would the propertyless denizens of of vast, squalid cities. … Indeed, those who lived in such a checkered society would not be free, and as they lost their independence, republicanism would be relegated to the scrap heap of the past.

pages 51-52. Adams vs. Jefferson: The Tumultuous Election of 1800- by John Ferling, Oxford University Press.

This was the reason he wanted the Federal capital out of New York City, away from bankers and stock market speculators, the ones the GOP loves no end..
According to your right wing buddies, you're paying your employees way too much. You're supposed to explain to them their duties to work for free, so the economy will boom. No wonder you're getting attitude from those uppity proles, you've let them believe they deserve to be paid n stuff. We know this cuz some people here had Daddies that drove Lexuses n stuff and know all about how capitalism works. And, you're supposed to order them to work 16 hours a day 7 days a week, too.
All that you wrote is fantasy nonsense on your part.

No one on the right believe someone should work for free but many believe you get paid for what your worth and in my opinion you believe someone should be paid no matter if they put a productive day in or not.

In my opinion you believe that the owner of the business should lose their shirt so you can get paid whatever you think you are worth when in reality you are most likely not even worth the minimum wage salary the government requires owners to pay for those like you.

Also before you write I believe in free or slave labor, well no and I have paid a living wage all this time and my minimum to pay is twenty an hour and I never had to fire anyone and the twenty is starting but I ran a small business until the pandemic, so my overhead was low and I could afford to do it but some can not and some just do not want to and that is why they get the crappy employees, but as I wrote no one on the right believe the nonsense you spewed!
lol sure. Keep telling yourselves that, meanwhile you can't beat lunatics like Biden and Kamala except maybe by a couple of percentage points if at all. The right wing's idiotic Social Darwinism rubbish just doesn't sell like it did in the 1870's. Time to face up to the fact it never worked at all, except in fictional stories written by sheltered loons like Ayn Rand.
Harris couldn’t even win her own home State and road the coattails of Biden and Biden won because Trump wouldn’t shut the hell up, so get over yourself with the thinking Harris won because she didn’t win a damn thing but Biden did.
Now, a bit of real libertarian history about a real Libertarian, not one of the fake modern ones running around feeding the Koch franchise with that name today.

Jefferson saw too that funding had unleashed a speculative craze in New York and other commercial hubs. A hot mass of feelings, Jefferson exclaimed that America was being transformed into a “gaming table”. Already, he contended, the new national government was imperiled by the financial mania. A”corrupt squadron of paper dealers”, whom he labeled as “stock jobbers” driven solely by pecuniary interests, had surfaced within Congress, and the day was coming when they and their kind would have the resources to sway a congressional majority. Furthermore, Jefferson cautioned, their gamester ethic would corrode the traditional frugality and industry that defined the American character. …

During 1790 the notion took shape in Jefferson's mind that unless Hamilton was stopped, America would someday be dominated by huge financial institutions. Commercial avarice would dominate the national mores, and ever larger chunks of the American population would the propertyless denizens of of vast, squalid cities. … Indeed, those who lived in such a checkered society would not be free, and as they lost their independence, republicanism would be relegated to the scrap heap of the past.

pages 51-52. Adams vs. Jefferson: The Tumultuous Election of 1800- by John Ferling, Oxford University Press.

This was the reason he wanted the Federal capital out of New York City, away from bankers and stock market speculators, the ones the GOP loves no end..
Don’t kid yourself thinking the GOP are the only ones that love Wall Street because the Democrats love them also and that is why they keep this loopholes in everything they pass!
All that you wrote is fantasy nonsense on your part.

No one on the right believe someone should work for free but many believe you get paid for what your worth and in my opinion you believe someone should be paid no matter if they put a productive day in or not.

In my opinion you believe that the owner of the business should lose their shirt so you can get paid whatever you think you are worth when in reality you are most likely not even worth the minimum wage salary the government requires owners to pay for those like you.

Also before you write I believe in free or slave labor, well no and I have paid a living wage all this time and my minimum to pay is twenty an hour and I never had to fire anyone and the twenty is starting but I ran a small business until the pandemic, so my overhead was low and I could afford to do it but some can not and some just do not want to and that is why they get the crappy employees, but as I wrote no one on the right believe the nonsense you spewed!

Of course this is total rubbish. The right wingers think Wall Street is God, and they love tax breaks and subisidies for off-shoring our most productive jobs to Red China and 15 cent an hour labor. Want to start a knee jerk frenzy of raving lunacy among right wingers? Just point out minimum wage should be at least $20 an hour adjusted for real inflation, and you get screams of horror and fanatical simpering. lol
Don’t kid yourself thinking the GOP are the only ones that love Wall Street because the Democrats love them also and that is why they keep this loopholes in everything they pass!

You can't read either, typical of those married to a cult and sloganeering talking points, like bots; just more proof at least half of the 'right' here are troll farm shills, same as the Democrats here are, can't think for themselves. Most of you apparently have never filled out your own tax returns either, from some of the nonsense you're told to repeat on any issue.

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