Another employee quit on me lol

Harris couldnā€™t even win her own home State and road the coattails of Biden and Biden won because Trump wouldnā€™t shut the hell up, so get over yourself with the thinking Harris won because she didnā€™t win a damn thing but Biden did.

Who's sitting in the White House and the VP office, dumbass? Can't' blame it all on election fraud, and the RNC certainly isn't racing around doing much about it.
This thread is about me and my hell !!

I am going to write a book called , ā€œ my struggle ā€œ
This thread is about me and my hell !!

I am going to write a book called , ā€œ my struggle ā€œ
You have no struggle and just need to grow a pair of balls ( Which that Darth Maul has more of than you! ) and realize the World blows and you just have to enjoy the misery!
That has some truths and he ainā€™t got no gentiles
And neither do you when you whine how the World sucks!

Dude, my mother tried to kill me when I was two, I was raised by half-Aunt who was Belarusian-Jewish, been shot, stabbed, ran over twice and wake daily with a disease that has been killing me since I was four years old and I donā€™t bitch as much as you!

So grow a pair and grab the world by it twat and tell the next person you hire that the customers will make your life hell and you canā€™t pay them what they think they are worth but you will pay them a wage that will help pay their billsā€¦

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