Another example of lib hypocrisy. Lena Dunham vs. the Duggars

You can feel free to rant and rave and scream and squawk like a typical RWNJ knuckedragging idiot all you want, but it won't erase facts.

FACT: Josh Duggar. as a 14 year old, sexually molested at least 5 girls, and 4 of them were his own sisters.

FACT: the parents didn't do a goddamned thing about this for at least ONE FUCKING YEAR.

FACT: when they did send him away, it was to a cop-friend of the family, one who is now serving a FIFTY SIX year jail sentence for child porn.

FACT: when first asked whether Josh really did receive counseling for his sexual misdeed, his parents blatantly lied and said he did. Later, the Mama backpedaled and softy admitted that it was not so.

FACT: in one of the most unusual moves in Arkansas history, a judge ordered that the Duggar file be destroyed. This has happened so rarely that no one in the state can remember the last time it happened.

And Christians want to talk about morals and honesty? Please.

This thing stinks to high Heaven.

But keep on protecting a sexual offender. Be my guest.

I expect nothing less than the absolute batshit crazy from the 100% ODS infected Right these days.

Carry on. Now, all you need is an upside-down flag and you will fit right in with all the other nutters here in USMB.

Blah, blah, blah goes the libtard spouting lies, distortions and bulls hit like every other libtard ideologue.

FACT: Josh was a child. Like it or not and children do stupid things from time to time. Thus the courts and society give them more leniency if they respond well to it. Josh did, so buzz off.

FACT: The parents handled it with love and sensitivity toward all their children. It is none of your god damned business how families handle internal issues involving minors as long as the police and courts are copacetic with it too.

FACT: The Duggar girls were past all this, having forgiven their brother and moved on until libtards like you dragged it all in the open for payback to Josh for opposing queer marriage. Ideological nut jobs like YOU are reviving old hurt, and reminding victims of very unpleasant experiences for political reasons that have nothing to do with the victims welfare and everyone can see that.

FACT: This got full court press when Huckabee publicly stated we should forgive Josh for something that happened twelve years ago and has not been repeated. That is called Christian forgiveness toward repentent sinners. It is none of your business but it does clearly demonstrate your bigotry against Christians and your hatred and bile.

So please, keep on going. You libtards are doing more to forge a tight Christian coalition in this country than all our own clergy could do if they tried! lol
Thank you for proving my point.

Lol, as if that lame school yard retort proves a damned thing! roflmao

Why are you libtards so damned stupid?
Because the things you list as "fact" are mostly subjective things. The things I listed are purely objective.

Now, go grab a dictionary and figure out what "objective" means.

I said, "FACT: Josh was a child....FACT: The parents handled it with love and sensitivity toward all their children....FACT: The Duggar girls were past all this, having forgiven their brother and moved on....FACT: This got full court press when Huckabee publicly stated we should forgive Josh for something that happened twelve years ago...."

Those are facts.

You said "FACT: the parents didn't do a goddamned thing about this....FACT: when they did send him away, it was to a cop-friend of the family....FACT: when first asked whether Josh really did receive counseling for his sexual misdeed, his parents blatantly lied and said he did....a judge ordered that the Duggar file be destroyed. This has happened so rarely that no one in the state can remember the last time it happened."

Those are all lies, distortions and supposition.

You don't know the difference between fact, fantasy or you own ass hole, a common libtard dysfunction.

The parents didn't handle it, and should have had all children removed from their home.
Blah, blah, blah goes the libtard spouting lies, distortions and bulls hit like every other libtard ideologue.

FACT: Josh was a child. Like it or not and children do stupid things from time to time. Thus the courts and society give them more leniency if they respond well to it. Josh did, so buzz off.

FACT: The parents handled it with love and sensitivity toward all their children. It is none of your god damned business how families handle internal issues involving minors as long as the police and courts are copacetic with it too.

FACT: The Duggar girls were past all this, having forgiven their brother and moved on until libtards like you dragged it all in the open for payback to Josh for opposing queer marriage. Ideological nut jobs like YOU are reviving old hurt, and reminding victims of very unpleasant experiences for political reasons that have nothing to do with the victims welfare and everyone can see that.

FACT: This got full court press when Huckabee publicly stated we should forgive Josh for something that happened twelve years ago and has not been repeated. That is called Christian forgiveness toward repentent sinners. It is none of your business but it does clearly demonstrate your bigotry against Christians and your hatred and bile.

So please, keep on going. You libtards are doing more to forge a tight Christian coalition in this country than all our own clergy could do if they tried! lol
Thank you for proving my point.

Lol, as if that lame school yard retort proves a damned thing! roflmao

Why are you libtards so damned stupid?
Because the things you list as "fact" are mostly subjective things. The things I listed are purely objective.

Now, go grab a dictionary and figure out what "objective" means.

I said, "FACT: Josh was a child....FACT: The parents handled it with love and sensitivity toward all their children....FACT: The Duggar girls were past all this, having forgiven their brother and moved on....FACT: This got full court press when Huckabee publicly stated we should forgive Josh for something that happened twelve years ago...."

Those are facts.

You said "FACT: the parents didn't do a goddamned thing about this....FACT: when they did send him away, it was to a cop-friend of the family....FACT: when first asked whether Josh really did receive counseling for his sexual misdeed, his parents blatantly lied and said he did....a judge ordered that the Duggar file be destroyed. This has happened so rarely that no one in the state can remember the last time it happened."

Those are all lies, distortions and supposition.

You don't know the difference between fact, fantasy or you own ass hole, a common libtard dysfunction.

The parents didn't handle it, and should have had all children removed from their home.
Apparently in the world of a knuckledragging RWNJ, "handling it" means "covering it up and then lying like a rug".

Impressive morals, what?

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk
Thank you for proving my point.

Lol, as if that lame school yard retort proves a damned thing! roflmao

Why are you libtards so damned stupid?
Because the things you list as "fact" are mostly subjective things. The things I listed are purely objective.

Now, go grab a dictionary and figure out what "objective" means.

I said, "FACT: Josh was a child....FACT: The parents handled it with love and sensitivity toward all their children....FACT: The Duggar girls were past all this, having forgiven their brother and moved on....FACT: This got full court press when Huckabee publicly stated we should forgive Josh for something that happened twelve years ago...."

Those are facts.

You said "FACT: the parents didn't do a goddamned thing about this....FACT: when they did send him away, it was to a cop-friend of the family....FACT: when first asked whether Josh really did receive counseling for his sexual misdeed, his parents blatantly lied and said he did....a judge ordered that the Duggar file be destroyed. This has happened so rarely that no one in the state can remember the last time it happened."

Those are all lies, distortions and supposition.

You don't know the difference between fact, fantasy or you own ass hole, a common libtard dysfunction.

The parents didn't handle it, and should have had all children removed from their home.
Apparently in the world of a knuckledragging RWNJ, "handling it" means "covering it up and then lying like a rug".

Impressive morals, what?

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk

They're going to have to come up with something different, something other than the party of "family values", along with their phony Christian persecution complex.
Lol, as if that lame school yard retort proves a damned thing! roflmao

Why are you libtards so damned stupid?
Because the things you list as "fact" are mostly subjective things. The things I listed are purely objective.

Now, go grab a dictionary and figure out what "objective" means.

I said, "FACT: Josh was a child....FACT: The parents handled it with love and sensitivity toward all their children....FACT: The Duggar girls were past all this, having forgiven their brother and moved on....FACT: This got full court press when Huckabee publicly stated we should forgive Josh for something that happened twelve years ago...."

Those are facts.

You said "FACT: the parents didn't do a goddamned thing about this....FACT: when they did send him away, it was to a cop-friend of the family....FACT: when first asked whether Josh really did receive counseling for his sexual misdeed, his parents blatantly lied and said he did....a judge ordered that the Duggar file be destroyed. This has happened so rarely that no one in the state can remember the last time it happened."

Those are all lies, distortions and supposition.

You don't know the difference between fact, fantasy or you own ass hole, a common libtard dysfunction.

The parents didn't handle it, and should have had all children removed from their home.
Apparently in the world of a knuckledragging RWNJ, "handling it" means "covering it up and then lying like a rug".

Impressive morals, what?

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk

They're going to have to come up with something different, something other than the party of "family values", along with their phony Christian persecution complex.

The party of "military readiness"!!!
this thread is dead. unless you all want to watch the circus of hate

You don't even have to pay for a ticket. And if you get bored here, there's a couple more threads on this family filled with nothing but raw hate.

my advice: stay away unless you want to puke

Stephanie, I am immune to libtard obnoxiousness. Once you realize that these are the same ideological scum that embraced Stalin, Mao and Pol Pot as movements and have betrayed all our most needful allies at their most fragile moments and realize how much these leftwing fascists hate America from their own statements, then you too can become immune by simply recognizing the insanity for what it is.

And have attacked all of our soldiers while propping up terrorists. Most of what they spew is fabricated with maybe 2% truth thrown in ( if you are lucky). They cannot be believed or taken seriously. Period. And if they are throwing out the moral high ground spiel... You know they are full of shit.
Blah, blah, blah goes the libtard spouting lies, distortions and bulls hit like every other libtard ideologue.

FACT: Josh was a child. Like it or not and children do stupid things from time to time. Thus the courts and society give them more leniency if they respond well to it. Josh did, so buzz off.

FACT: The parents handled it with love and sensitivity toward all their children. It is none of your god damned business how families handle internal issues involving minors as long as the police and courts are copacetic with it too.

FACT: The Duggar girls were past all this, having forgiven their brother and moved on until libtards like you dragged it all in the open for payback to Josh for opposing queer marriage. Ideological nut jobs like YOU are reviving old hurt, and reminding victims of very unpleasant experiences for political reasons that have nothing to do with the victims welfare and everyone can see that.

FACT: This got full court press when Huckabee publicly stated we should forgive Josh for something that happened twelve years ago and has not been repeated. That is called Christian forgiveness toward repentent sinners. It is none of your business but it does clearly demonstrate your bigotry against Christians and your hatred and bile.

So please, keep on going. You libtards are doing more to forge a tight Christian coalition in this country than all our own clergy could do if they tried! lol
Thank you for proving my point.

Lol, as if that lame school yard retort proves a damned thing! roflmao

Why are you libtards so damned stupid?
Because the things you list as "fact" are mostly subjective things. The things I listed are purely objective.

Now, go grab a dictionary and figure out what "objective" means.

I said, "FACT: Josh was a child....FACT: The parents handled it with love and sensitivity toward all their children....FACT: The Duggar girls were past all this, having forgiven their brother and moved on....FACT: This got full court press when Huckabee publicly stated we should forgive Josh for something that happened twelve years ago...."

Those are facts.

You said "FACT: the parents didn't do a goddamned thing about this....FACT: when they did send him away, it was to a cop-friend of the family....FACT: when first asked whether Josh really did receive counseling for his sexual misdeed, his parents blatantly lied and said he did....a judge ordered that the Duggar file be destroyed. This has happened so rarely that no one in the state can remember the last time it happened."

Those are all lies, distortions and supposition.

You don't know the difference between fact, fantasy or you own ass hole, a common libtard dysfunction.
You have no proof at all that his sisters have forgiven him. You seem to lie a lot. Actually, he was still sexually abusing his sisters, one of whom was FIVE at the time, when he was 15.

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk

The girls were interviewed. FACT: they state what the media is reporting is a lie. FACT: they state they ALL had therapy. FACT: they said they had all moved on forgiven their brother and were healing FACT: they state the media circus you dipshits have created is 1000 times worse than what they originally went through. FACT: you libs don't give a shit about these girls do stop pretending you do.
Blah, blah, blah goes the libtard spouting lies, distortions and bulls hit like every other libtard ideologue.

FACT: Josh was a child. Like it or not and children do stupid things from time to time. Thus the courts and society give them more leniency if they respond well to it. Josh did, so buzz off.

FACT: The parents handled it with love and sensitivity toward all their children. It is none of your god damned business how families handle internal issues involving minors as long as the police and courts are copacetic with it too.

FACT: The Duggar girls were past all this, having forgiven their brother and moved on until libtards like you dragged it all in the open for payback to Josh for opposing queer marriage. Ideological nut jobs like YOU are reviving old hurt, and reminding victims of very unpleasant experiences for political reasons that have nothing to do with the victims welfare and everyone can see that.

FACT: This got full court press when Huckabee publicly stated we should forgive Josh for something that happened twelve years ago and has not been repeated. That is called Christian forgiveness toward repentent sinners. It is none of your business but it does clearly demonstrate your bigotry against Christians and your hatred and bile.

So please, keep on going. You libtards are doing more to forge a tight Christian coalition in this country than all our own clergy could do if they tried! lol
Thank you for proving my point.

Lol, as if that lame school yard retort proves a damned thing! roflmao

Why are you libtards so damned stupid?
Because the things you list as "fact" are mostly subjective things. The things I listed are purely objective.

Now, go grab a dictionary and figure out what "objective" means.

I said, "FACT: Josh was a child....FACT: The parents handled it with love and sensitivity toward all their children....FACT: The Duggar girls were past all this, having forgiven their brother and moved on....FACT: This got full court press when Huckabee publicly stated we should forgive Josh for something that happened twelve years ago...."

Those are facts.

You said "FACT: the parents didn't do a goddamned thing about this....FACT: when they did send him away, it was to a cop-friend of the family....FACT: when first asked whether Josh really did receive counseling for his sexual misdeed, his parents blatantly lied and said he did....a judge ordered that the Duggar file be destroyed. This has happened so rarely that no one in the state can remember the last time it happened."

Those are all lies, distortions and supposition.

You don't know the difference between fact, fantasy or you own ass hole, a common libtard dysfunction.

The parents didn't handle it, and should have had all children removed from their home.
I don't know about that....but they definitely let something get out of hand...and now it's CYA time.
I don't watch cable. Have never heard of the Duggars before this controversy.

But I do know hypocrisy, when I see it.

Remember Lena Dunham's revelation she molested her sister????????

Lena Dunham Describes Sexually Abusing Her Little Sister Truth Revolt

But anyone that called foul on this was a "right wing nut." They were intolerant, and bigoted and blah blah blah.

Lena Dunham defends herself against accusations of sexual abuse - LA Times

Jimmy Kimmel Defends Lena Dunham Mediaite

But, the left sure have jumped on this Duggar thing. Why, I have no idea and really don't care. If the guy is guilty. Lock him up and throw away the key.

But the double standard is obvious, and I know the left will go crazy, because I dare point it out.
I wonder if we will punish Dennis Hastert the same way we did Jerry Sandusky
this thread is dead. unless you all want to watch the circus of hate

You don't even have to pay for a ticket. And if you get bored here, there's a couple more threads on this family filled with nothing but raw hate.

my advice: stay away unless you want to puke

Stephanie, I am immune to libtard obnoxiousness. Once you realize that these are the same ideological scum that embraced Stalin, Mao and Pol Pot as movements and have betrayed all our most needful allies at their most fragile moments and realize how much these leftwing fascists hate America from their own statements, then you too can become immune by simply recognizing the insanity for what it is.

And have attacked all of our soldiers while propping up terrorists. Most of what they spew is fabricated with maybe 2% truth thrown in ( if you are lucky). They cannot be believed or taken seriously. Period. And if they are throwing out the moral high ground spiel... You know they are full of shit.
How nice. Broad brush and bashing liberal veterans all in one. Must be fun to think of the world in such simpleton terms.
this thread is dead. unless you all want to watch the circus of hate

You don't even have to pay for a ticket. And if you get bored here, there's a couple more threads on this family filled with nothing but raw hate.

my advice: stay away unless you want to puke

Stephanie, I am immune to libtard obnoxiousness. Once you realize that these are the same ideological scum that embraced Stalin, Mao and Pol Pot as movements and have betrayed all our most needful allies at their most fragile moments and realize how much these leftwing fascists hate America from their own statements, then you too can become immune by simply recognizing the insanity for what it is.

And have attacked all of our soldiers while propping up terrorists. Most of what they spew is fabricated with maybe 2% truth thrown in ( if you are lucky). They cannot be believed or taken seriously. Period. And if they are throwing out the moral high ground spiel... You know they are full of shit.
How nice. Broad brush and bashing liberal veterans all in one. Must be fun to think of the world in such simpleton terms.
this thread is dead. unless you all want to watch the circus of hate

You don't even have to pay for a ticket. And if you get bored here, there's a couple more threads on this family filled with nothing but raw hate.

my advice: stay away unless you want to puke

Stephanie, I am immune to libtard obnoxiousness. Once you realize that these are the same ideological scum that embraced Stalin, Mao and Pol Pot as movements and have betrayed all our most needful allies at their most fragile moments and realize how much these leftwing fascists hate America from their own statements, then you too can become immune by simply recognizing the insanity for what it is.

And have attacked all of our soldiers while propping up terrorists. Most of what they spew is fabricated with maybe 2% truth thrown in ( if you are lucky). They cannot be believed or taken seriously. Period. And if they are throwing out the moral high ground spiel... You know they are full of shit.
How nice. Broad brush and bashing liberal veterans all in one. Must be fun to think of the world in such simpleton terms.

How is telling the truth about liberals history of trashing the troops... Bashing liberal veterans?
I don't watch cable. Have never heard of the Duggars before this controversy.

But I do know hypocrisy, when I see it.

Remember Lena Dunham's revelation she molested her sister????????

Lena Dunham Describes Sexually Abusing Her Little Sister Truth Revolt

But anyone that called foul on this was a "right wing nut." They were intolerant, and bigoted and blah blah blah.

Lena Dunham defends herself against accusations of sexual abuse - LA Times

Jimmy Kimmel Defends Lena Dunham Mediaite

But, the left sure have jumped on this Duggar thing. Why, I have no idea and really don't care. If the guy is guilty. Lock him up and throw away the key.

But the double standard is obvious, and I know the left will go crazy, because I dare point it out.
I wonder if we will punish Dennis Hastert the same way we did Jerry Sandusky

If he's guilty, I certainly hope so.

I'm a mother. I have no sympathy for pedophiles no matter what side of the aisle they are on.
this thread is dead. unless you all want to watch the circus of hate

You don't even have to pay for a ticket. And if you get bored here, there's a couple more threads on this family filled with nothing but raw hate.

my advice: stay away unless you want to puke

Stephanie, I am immune to libtard obnoxiousness. Once you realize that these are the same ideological scum that embraced Stalin, Mao and Pol Pot as movements and have betrayed all our most needful allies at their most fragile moments and realize how much these leftwing fascists hate America from their own statements, then you too can become immune by simply recognizing the insanity for what it is.

And have attacked all of our soldiers while propping up terrorists. Most of what they spew is fabricated with maybe 2% truth thrown in ( if you are lucky). They cannot be believed or taken seriously. Period. And if they are throwing out the moral high ground spiel... You know they are full of shit.
How nice. Broad brush and bashing liberal veterans all in one. Must be fun to think of the world in such simpleton terms.
this thread is dead. unless you all want to watch the circus of hate

You don't even have to pay for a ticket. And if you get bored here, there's a couple more threads on this family filled with nothing but raw hate.

my advice: stay away unless you want to puke

Stephanie, I am immune to libtard obnoxiousness. Once you realize that these are the same ideological scum that embraced Stalin, Mao and Pol Pot as movements and have betrayed all our most needful allies at their most fragile moments and realize how much these leftwing fascists hate America from their own statements, then you too can become immune by simply recognizing the insanity for what it is.

And have attacked all of our soldiers while propping up terrorists. Most of what they spew is fabricated with maybe 2% truth thrown in ( if you are lucky). They cannot be believed or taken seriously. Period. And if they are throwing out the moral high ground spiel... You know they are full of shit.
How nice. Broad brush and bashing liberal veterans all in one. Must be fun to think of the world in such simpleton terms.

How is telling the truth about liberals history of trashing the troops... Bashing liberal veterans?

Because it's okay to use a broad brush when you are attacking conservatives. ;)
this thread is dead. unless you all want to watch the circus of hate

You don't even have to pay for a ticket. And if you get bored here, there's a couple more threads on this family filled with nothing but raw hate.

my advice: stay away unless you want to puke

Stephanie, I am immune to libtard obnoxiousness. Once you realize that these are the same ideological scum that embraced Stalin, Mao and Pol Pot as movements and have betrayed all our most needful allies at their most fragile moments and realize how much these leftwing fascists hate America from their own statements, then you too can become immune by simply recognizing the insanity for what it is.

And have attacked all of our soldiers while propping up terrorists. Most of what they spew is fabricated with maybe 2% truth thrown in ( if you are lucky). They cannot be believed or taken seriously. Period. And if they are throwing out the moral high ground spiel... You know they are full of shit.
How nice. Broad brush and bashing liberal veterans all in one. Must be fun to think of the world in such simpleton terms.
this thread is dead. unless you all want to watch the circus of hate

You don't even have to pay for a ticket. And if you get bored here, there's a couple more threads on this family filled with nothing but raw hate.

my advice: stay away unless you want to puke

Stephanie, I am immune to libtard obnoxiousness. Once you realize that these are the same ideological scum that embraced Stalin, Mao and Pol Pot as movements and have betrayed all our most needful allies at their most fragile moments and realize how much these leftwing fascists hate America from their own statements, then you too can become immune by simply recognizing the insanity for what it is.

And have attacked all of our soldiers while propping up terrorists. Most of what they spew is fabricated with maybe 2% truth thrown in ( if you are lucky). They cannot be believed or taken seriously. Period. And if they are throwing out the moral high ground spiel... You know they are full of shit.
How nice. Broad brush and bashing liberal veterans all in one. Must be fun to think of the world in such simpleton terms.

How is telling the truth about liberals history of trashing the troops... Bashing liberal veterans?

Because it's okay to use a broad brush when you are attacking conservatives. ;)

And pulling made up bullshit out of your ass too apparently. But then we already knew that.
this thread is dead. unless you all want to watch the circus of hate

You don't even have to pay for a ticket. And if you get bored here, there's a couple more threads on this family filled with nothing but raw hate.

my advice: stay away unless you want to puke

Stephanie, I am immune to libtard obnoxiousness. Once you realize that these are the same ideological scum that embraced Stalin, Mao and Pol Pot as movements and have betrayed all our most needful allies at their most fragile moments and realize how much these leftwing fascists hate America from their own statements, then you too can become immune by simply recognizing the insanity for what it is.

And have attacked all of our soldiers while propping up terrorists. Most of what they spew is fabricated with maybe 2% truth thrown in ( if you are lucky). They cannot be believed or taken seriously. Period. And if they are throwing out the moral high ground spiel... You know they are full of shit.
How nice. Broad brush and bashing liberal veterans all in one. Must be fun to think of the world in such simpleton terms.
this thread is dead. unless you all want to watch the circus of hate

You don't even have to pay for a ticket. And if you get bored here, there's a couple more threads on this family filled with nothing but raw hate.

my advice: stay away unless you want to puke

Stephanie, I am immune to libtard obnoxiousness. Once you realize that these are the same ideological scum that embraced Stalin, Mao and Pol Pot as movements and have betrayed all our most needful allies at their most fragile moments and realize how much these leftwing fascists hate America from their own statements, then you too can become immune by simply recognizing the insanity for what it is.

And have attacked all of our soldiers while propping up terrorists. Most of what they spew is fabricated with maybe 2% truth thrown in ( if you are lucky). They cannot be believed or taken seriously. Period. And if they are throwing out the moral high ground spiel... You know they are full of shit.
How nice. Broad brush and bashing liberal veterans all in one. Must be fun to think of the world in such simpleton terms.

How is telling the truth about liberals history of trashing the troops... Bashing liberal veterans?

Because it's okay to use a broad brush when you are attacking conservatives. ;)
Nope. But let me let you in on a little secret....attacking ONE pedophile isn't using a broad brush. Glad to have been of help in that regard.
I don't watch cable. Have never heard of the Duggars before this controversy.

But I do know hypocrisy, when I see it.

Remember Lena Dunham's revelation she molested her sister????????

Lena Dunham Describes Sexually Abusing Her Little Sister Truth Revolt

But anyone that called foul on this was a "right wing nut." They were intolerant, and bigoted and blah blah blah.

Lena Dunham defends herself against accusations of sexual abuse - LA Times

Jimmy Kimmel Defends Lena Dunham Mediaite

But, the left sure have jumped on this Duggar thing. Why, I have no idea and really don't care. If the guy is guilty. Lock him up and throw away the key.

But the double standard is obvious, and I know the left will go crazy, because I dare point it out.
I wonder if we will punish Dennis Hastert the same way we did Jerry Sandusky

If he's guilty, I certainly hope so.

I'm a mother. I have no sympathy for pedophiles no matter what side of the aisle they are on.
Well then, maybe there is hope for you...

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk
Stephanie, I am immune to libtard obnoxiousness. Once you realize that these are the same ideological scum that embraced Stalin, Mao and Pol Pot as movements and have betrayed all our most needful allies at their most fragile moments and realize how much these leftwing fascists hate America from their own statements, then you too can become immune by simply recognizing the insanity for what it is.

And have attacked all of our soldiers while propping up terrorists. Most of what they spew is fabricated with maybe 2% truth thrown in ( if you are lucky). They cannot be believed or taken seriously. Period. And if they are throwing out the moral high ground spiel... You know they are full of shit.
How nice. Broad brush and bashing liberal veterans all in one. Must be fun to think of the world in such simpleton terms.
Stephanie, I am immune to libtard obnoxiousness. Once you realize that these are the same ideological scum that embraced Stalin, Mao and Pol Pot as movements and have betrayed all our most needful allies at their most fragile moments and realize how much these leftwing fascists hate America from their own statements, then you too can become immune by simply recognizing the insanity for what it is.

And have attacked all of our soldiers while propping up terrorists. Most of what they spew is fabricated with maybe 2% truth thrown in ( if you are lucky). They cannot be believed or taken seriously. Period. And if they are throwing out the moral high ground spiel... You know they are full of shit.
How nice. Broad brush and bashing liberal veterans all in one. Must be fun to think of the world in such simpleton terms.

How is telling the truth about liberals history of trashing the troops... Bashing liberal veterans?

Because it's okay to use a broad brush when you are attacking conservatives. ;)
Nope. But let me let you in on a little secret....attacking ONE pedophile isn't using a broad brush. Glad to have been of help in that regard.

Your lib buzz word of the day "pedophile" doesn't work here. Although we know you all love labels.

Josh was a child not an adult.

"Pedophile" is what Harvey Milk was. An adult sexually attracted to children.
this thread is dead. unless you all want to watch the circus of hate

You don't even have to pay for a ticket. And if you get bored here, there's a couple more threads on this family filled with nothing but raw hate.

my advice: stay away unless you want to puke

Stephanie, I am immune to libtard obnoxiousness. Once you realize that these are the same ideological scum that embraced Stalin, Mao and Pol Pot as movements and have betrayed all our most needful allies at their most fragile moments and realize how much these leftwing fascists hate America from their own statements, then you too can become immune by simply recognizing the insanity for what it is.

And have attacked all of our soldiers while propping up terrorists. Most of what they spew is fabricated with maybe 2% truth thrown in ( if you are lucky). They cannot be believed or taken seriously. Period. And if they are throwing out the moral high ground spiel... You know they are full of shit.
How nice. Broad brush and bashing liberal veterans all in one. Must be fun to think of the world in such simpleton terms.
this thread is dead. unless you all want to watch the circus of hate

You don't even have to pay for a ticket. And if you get bored here, there's a couple more threads on this family filled with nothing but raw hate.

my advice: stay away unless you want to puke

Stephanie, I am immune to libtard obnoxiousness. Once you realize that these are the same ideological scum that embraced Stalin, Mao and Pol Pot as movements and have betrayed all our most needful allies at their most fragile moments and realize how much these leftwing fascists hate America from their own statements, then you too can become immune by simply recognizing the insanity for what it is.

And have attacked all of our soldiers while propping up terrorists. Most of what they spew is fabricated with maybe 2% truth thrown in ( if you are lucky). They cannot be believed or taken seriously. Period. And if they are throwing out the moral high ground spiel... You know they are full of shit.
How nice. Broad brush and bashing liberal veterans all in one. Must be fun to think of the world in such simpleton terms.

How is telling the truth about liberals history of trashing the troops... Bashing liberal veterans?
if you didn't have children would it bother you less? the molesters I find amazing are the ones who have children themselves yet can somehow molest other children. Adeal Castro had kids yet kidnapped three young women and held them captive for 10 years
And have attacked all of our soldiers while propping up terrorists. Most of what they spew is fabricated with maybe 2% truth thrown in ( if you are lucky). They cannot be believed or taken seriously. Period. And if they are throwing out the moral high ground spiel... You know they are full of shit.
How nice. Broad brush and bashing liberal veterans all in one. Must be fun to think of the world in such simpleton terms.
And have attacked all of our soldiers while propping up terrorists. Most of what they spew is fabricated with maybe 2% truth thrown in ( if you are lucky). They cannot be believed or taken seriously. Period. And if they are throwing out the moral high ground spiel... You know they are full of shit.
How nice. Broad brush and bashing liberal veterans all in one. Must be fun to think of the world in such simpleton terms.

How is telling the truth about liberals history of trashing the troops... Bashing liberal veterans?

Because it's okay to use a broad brush when you are attacking conservatives. ;)
Nope. But let me let you in on a little secret....attacking ONE pedophile isn't using a broad brush. Glad to have been of help in that regard.

Your lib buzz word of the day "pedophile" doesn't work here. Although we know you all love labels.

Josh was a child not an adult.

"Pedophile" is what Harvey Milk was. An adult sexually attracted to children.
or Dennis Hastert Mark Foley? why did you go so far back and reference Harvey Milk when you have 2 more current pedophiles you could have referred to
And have attacked all of our soldiers while propping up terrorists. Most of what they spew is fabricated with maybe 2% truth thrown in ( if you are lucky). They cannot be believed or taken seriously. Period. And if they are throwing out the moral high ground spiel... You know they are full of shit.
How nice. Broad brush and bashing liberal veterans all in one. Must be fun to think of the world in such simpleton terms.
And have attacked all of our soldiers while propping up terrorists. Most of what they spew is fabricated with maybe 2% truth thrown in ( if you are lucky). They cannot be believed or taken seriously. Period. And if they are throwing out the moral high ground spiel... You know they are full of shit.
How nice. Broad brush and bashing liberal veterans all in one. Must be fun to think of the world in such simpleton terms.

How is telling the truth about liberals history of trashing the troops... Bashing liberal veterans?

Because it's okay to use a broad brush when you are attacking conservatives. ;)
Nope. But let me let you in on a little secret....attacking ONE pedophile isn't using a broad brush. Glad to have been of help in that regard.

Your lib buzz word of the day "pedophile" doesn't work here. Although we know you all love labels.

Josh was a child not an adult.

"Pedophile" is what Harvey Milk was. An adult sexually attracted to children.
Oh, that makes it so much better...and you might want to check for fact accuracy.....Harvey Milk wasn't a pedophile. But it apparently fits your narrative to say so.

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