Another example of the law of "Unintended Consequences having a perverse affect...

Androw, I certainly can add as illustration an example of your substitution of faith for empirical data.

Nothing you wrote above contradicts my points about energy, healthmyths continuing errors, and your substitution of belief in place of knowledge.

Please stop.

Why should I stop, when you are the one who doesn't have a point to make? Which one of us, on a thread about energy, brought up marriage equality?

You discredited yourself. Please stop.

As an example to show the uselessness of your thinking. You have nothing on energy and nothing on marriage equality.

When you and your far righties can talk sense, then a dialogue can begin.

Again, which one of us brought up marriage equality in a thread on energy? When you lefties actually admit your intellectual bankruptcy, and start talking about the topic at hand for one, maybe someone on the right will give a crap what you think. Until then, if all you have is rationalization, who cares what you think.
The idea that if we don't use coal, no one else will, is ridiculous. Coal is going to be used, by us, or someone else, it's still going to be used. Same with oil. If we don't use it, someone else will use it.

The eco-lefts are always going to be frustrated and upset, because their stated goal, is a logical impossibility. I don't care what laws you put in place, the use of so-called fossil fuels is always going to increase until the supply is used up.
There will be continual growth in solar, wind, and hydro power along with refined use of petroleum. Please don't pretend that you have a clue as to what is happening, anymore than you understand the marriage equality issue. You have every right to your beliefs, but . . . you need to read more.

All true. But, Obama's regs do close coal plants, even though it'd be cheaper to let them run to obsolescence, at which time they can be retired. Instead workers will pay a little more for electricity. He's an elitist.
wow, the right becomes interested in the environment ...

send coal to foreign countries, BAD !

send toxic shale oil from Canada to foreign countries, GOOD !

someone give the idiot RW's something shiny to play with.
wow, the right becomes interested in the environment ...

send coal to foreign countries, BAD !

send toxic shale oil from Canada to foreign countries, GOOD !

someone give the idiot RW's something shiny to play with.

We're not against sending coal to other countries, or Shale Oil.

We're pointing out that it is absolute stupidity on the part of the left, that you think if we don't use a resource, that no one else will. You are wrong, ignorant, and delusional. In other words, you are a typical leftard.

America is more energy independent than in the last sixty years

BHO will get the credit

Uhh. It's either or...
Independent is an absolute.
With that said, we here in the US are STILL buying oil from hostile regimes.
That is NOT independent.
But for the the democrats and their willingness to kowtow to the environmentalist ( single issue) voting bloc, we could tell OPEC to take their oil and sell it elsewhere.

America is more energy independent than in the last sixty years

BHO will get the credit

"BHO will get the credit"

And to you libs, that is ALL that matters.
Congratulations. Once again you've exposed yourself as a self involved bullshit artist.

America is more energy independent than in the last sixty years

BHO will get the credit

HOW can he be credited IF the ONE area he can control, Federal land oil/gas production HE HAS allowed to DECLINE???

In fiscal year 2010, 36 percent of our nation’s oil production took place on federal lands.

Due to Obama Administration policies, by 2013, only 23 percent of our nation’s oil production took place on federal lands.

Production on non-Federal lands, in contrast, is skyrocketing as hydraulic fracturing and horizontal drilling have increased production dramatically.

Likewise, natural gas production on Federal lands has been steadily declining,

while natural gas production on non-Federal lands has been steadily increasing

Looking at data farther back provides an even more dramatic indication that Obama Administration policies are hurting oil and gas production on Federal lands, while oil and gas production on non Federal lands is skyrocketing.

According to a report by the non-partisan Congressional Research Service, oil production on
federal lands fell 6 percent between fiscal years 2009 and 2013 while over the same time period,
oil production increased by 61 percent on state and private lands.

As a result of these large increases in production, crude oil production on state and private lands increased by 2.1 million barrels per day over the 4 year period, an amount which is more than each of the following oil producing nations — Algeria, Libya, Qatar, or Norway– produced in 2012.
Oil and Gas Production on Federal Lands Still a Disappointment - IER

AGAIN please refute above FACTS that totally debunk your comment!
The Obamabots are deftly including in their statements oil and gas production on PRIVATE lands.....Nice try. Won't wash
The idea that if we don't use coal, no one else will, is ridiculous. Coal is going to be used, by us, or someone else, it's still going to be used. Same with oil. If we don't use it, someone else will use it.

The eco-lefts are always going to be frustrated and upset, because their stated goal, is a logical impossibility. I don't care what laws you put in place, the use of so-called fossil fuels is always going to increase until the supply is used up.
There will be continual growth in solar, wind, and hydro power along with refined use of petroleum. Please don't pretend that you have a clue as to what is happening, anymore than you understand the marriage equality issue. You have every right to your beliefs, but . . . you need to read more.

Wind, solar and hydro power?....First, wind generation has picked up a wide range of detractors. From radical environmentalists to wealthy property owners and yachtsmen who had the wind turbines banned from their back yards.
In any event none of those things you listed will run our transportation system.
And THAT is the bottom line.
Androw, I certainly can add as illustration an example of your substitution of faith for empirical data.

Nothing you wrote above contradicts my points about energy, healthmyths continuing errors, and your substitution of belief in place of knowledge.

Please stop.

Why should I stop, when you are the one who doesn't have a point to make? Which one of us, on a thread about energy, brought up marriage equality?

You discredited yourself. Please stop.

As an example to show the uselessness of your thinking. You have nothing on energy and nothing on marriage equality.

When you and your far righties can talk sense, then a dialogue can begin.

What the fuck does marriage equality have to do with anything?
You just destroyed your argument. Way to go.
Androw, I certainly can add as illustration an example of your substitution of faith for empirical data.

Nothing you wrote above contradicts my points about energy, healthmyths continuing errors, and your substitution of belief in place of knowledge.

Please stop.

Why should I stop, when you are the one who doesn't have a point to make? Which one of us, on a thread about energy, brought up marriage equality?

You discredited yourself. Please stop.

As an example to show the uselessness of your thinking. You have nothing on energy and nothing on marriage equality.

When you and your far righties can talk sense, then a dialogue can begin.

Umm, you are not going to control the argument. You don't get to do that.
Dialog? You libs are not interested in dialog....
Your approach is "you non libs will shut up while WE do what we wish".
Androw, I certainly can add as illustration an example of your substitution of faith for empirical data.

Nothing you wrote above contradicts my points about energy, healthmyths continuing errors, and your substitution of belief in place of knowledge.

Please stop.

Why should I stop, when you are the one who doesn't have a point to make? Which one of us, on a thread about energy, brought up marriage equality?

You discredited yourself. Please stop.

As an example to show the uselessness of your thinking. You have nothing on energy and nothing on marriage equality.

When you and your far righties can talk sense, then a dialogue can begin.

it doesn't make sense to you because you are too stupid to understand basic science.
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wow, the right becomes interested in the environment ...

send coal to foreign countries, BAD !

send toxic shale oil from Canada to foreign countries, GOOD !

someone give the idiot RW's something shiny to play with.

We're not against sending coal to other countries, or Shale Oil.

We're pointing out that it is absolute stupidity on the part of the left, that you think if we don't use a resource, that no one else will. You are wrong, ignorant, and delusional. In other words, you are a typical leftard.

speaking of ignorant, and delusional, I'm not from the left... ergo; you ARE an idiot.
Why should I stop, when you are the one who doesn't have a point to make? Which one of us, on a thread about energy, brought up marriage equality?

You discredited yourself. Please stop.

As an example to show the uselessness of your thinking. You have nothing on energy and nothing on marriage equality.

When you and your far righties can talk sense, then a dialogue can begin.

it doesn't make sense to you because you are too stupid to understand basic science.

You are on of the dumber noobs on the board, and that takes a lot to reach that position.

Why should I stop, when you are the one who doesn't have a point to make? Which one of us, on a thread about energy, brought up marriage equality?

You discredited yourself. Please stop.

As an example to show the uselessness of your thinking. You have nothing on energy and nothing on marriage equality.

When you and your far righties can talk sense, then a dialogue can begin.

Umm, you are not going to control the argument. You don't get to do that.
Dialog? You libs are not interested in dialog....
Your approach is "you non libs will shut up while WE do what we wish".

:lol: backwards, son. We are not letting the far right control the dialog with uninformed and unsupported opinion.

Simply not going to happen.
The idea that if we don't use coal, no one else will, is ridiculous. Coal is going to be used, by us, or someone else, it's still going to be used. Same with oil. If we don't use it, someone else will use it.

The eco-lefts are always going to be frustrated and upset, because their stated goal, is a logical impossibility. I don't care what laws you put in place, the use of so-called fossil fuels is always going to increase until the supply is used up.
There will be continual growth in solar, wind, and hydro power along with refined use of petroleum. Please don't pretend that you have a clue as to what is happening, anymore than you understand the marriage equality issue. You have every right to your beliefs, but . . . you need to read more.

Wind, solar and hydro power?....First, wind generation has picked up a wide range of detractors. From radical environmentalists to wealthy property owners and yachtsmen who had the wind turbines banned from their back yards.
In any event none of those things you listed will run our transportation system.
And THAT is the bottom line.

The bottom line is that you are not going to control this dialog with stupidity.

I said petroleum along with the other processes.

If we left the world tothe uninformed far right, we would be living in caves within fifty years.
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As an example to show the uselessness of your thinking. You have nothing on energy and nothing on marriage equality.

When you and your far righties can talk sense, then a dialogue can begin.

it doesn't make sense to you because you are too stupid to understand basic science.

You are on of the dumber noobs on the board, and that takes a lot to reach that position.


In the land of the blind the one-eye-man is king.

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